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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Doesn't it feel like our time is running out {Part 2}
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-18-2014, 08:42 PM

Alexandra stood there, looking at him, confused for a moment. When he spoke again, she noticed that he was trying to be secretive.

"Hush, pet. You will draw attention"

He placed a finger on her lips.

"Pet? Pet? Is that what you think I am? Who are you hiding from?"

She pulled away from him as she spoke.

"Come now. You've always been 'Pet' to me...and it's Micah's...sire. He's decided to come along and...see what ends he needs to tie up. Would hate for him to find you."

"Well that wouldn't be smart now would it." She looked at him. "So why the sudden concern for my well being. After all, when Zak found out what I was, he turned his nose up like he was better than me."

Alexandra moves away from him, his closeness, trying her reserve.

"Zak just knows what his father has told him. Fallen angels are always looked down upon in the eyes of the Gods. Even vampires are held higher by some and some are looked down on. After all...we are both creatures who play the roles of Gods. It's causes them to see us as a threat."

She looked at him as he moved closer again.

"If I was a threat to the Gods, or to anyone attached to Zak and Micah, they'd all be dead by now Marcus. I think you know that."

She crossed her arms over her chest, looking into his eyes.

"Because of your attachment to Micah...your safe. Artemis would kill the first person to cause harm to her daughters mental state. You know that. Every time you choose to kill or choose to save a play God. Unlike humans, you are closer to a God."

He smirks and places a hand on her hip, pulling her close to his chest. She squeaked a moment, but then spoke, biting her lip.

"When did you feel the need to be so.. well.. affectionate? Playing God or not, I do the job I am sent to do. Protect those who can be saved, usher those who cannot be saved to the next life. Where is the humanity in that? Because I do not see it."

Gently, he kisses her forehead with a soft smile.

[Image: tumblr_mptm5ofM7c1rdluwro3_500.gif]

"Doctors. They are humans who play God but...they will die like all the others. You...and I...will never die."

She looks down.

"Marcus, one day I will die. Just because I'm like this.. doesn't make me immortal."

"You die when they feel your job is done. Know one knows when that will be. Even us vampires have a time when it's our time to move on. My time draws near. I knew when my heart started beating again."

He smiles and lifts her head, his red eyes meeting hers. She looked at him, confused at first but only momentarily, before she spoke again.

"What do you mean your time?"

"To move into the afterlife. I did have a wife and children before I was changed. Every creature has a set time. Some are destined to become more than human while others live on as mortals. I think that's why Circenn has a sudden desire to see Micah."

"Well I believe that we all have someone we are destined to be with, and should we choose someone else, something will happen to that person. And we will be destined to walk the rest of our lives alone, while the one we were meant to be with, moves on to find a new happiness, and the Gods will grant them a new life, a new love, and a long life at that."

"One would think that...and I used to believe it but I know that Zak's insanity...was caused by his anchors tying him to reality finally let go."

She looked at him shaking her head.

"Well it's not exactly like I walked away. He chose his path Marcus." Marcus scoffed and she continued. "Besides I have a match to prepare for."

He chuckled.

"A tiny battle in a bigger war. The sister of the very man who walked out on you."

"I don't plan on bringing the personal issues into it."

"Oh don't be a sod Ally. He walked out. He left you."

She shook her head, with a shrug of her shoulder.

"Most of them do Marcus."

He moved to stand in front of her, leaning his forehead against hers. His red eyes looked into her deep blue ones. He doesn't talk for a few moments, the rain starting again. It beat down upon them, yet they both still stood there, their gaze locked on each other. Marcus took a deep breath, and spoke one last time.

"I won't."

Neither spoke again and it was as if time stood still in that moment.


OOC: Marcus used with Minx's permission

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Doesn't it feel like our time is running out {Part 2} - by AlexandraCallaway - 03-18-2014, 08:42 PM

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