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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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DarkJayRider Away
That pain in my ass moved to my neck

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-03-2014, 12:50 AM

A light swinging in some big open room in the middle of know where. Glass was broken all around it and blood was on some of the pieces of glass. This wasn't a dream for me. Hard to believe? Was for me to when it was happening to me. Strapped to a table with a little red light over my head swinging back and forth while I just laid there watching it and trying not to worry my little Jason head about what could come out of the dark spots in my vision. So you don't have to guess I was five. The room I was in was my basement as a kid and the glass was from my dad who was a drunken bastard and would sling his bottles around left and right. Trying to dodge them all what a game that was.

I remember laying on the table just watching the light. It was a punishment when I was little one of many that seemed really stupid and really fucking scary as a kid. This time though it was a lot different than the rest of the times sitting in that dark room with a little red light. This time I had play time with dad, call it a father son day. I remember laying under the light and feeling something pull on me then a few screams later and I was all alone in the dark room with no light. Scared little Jason scream and scream until he just couldn't scream anymore. I made so much noise I felt my dad hit me with something sharp and hard in the head before seeing nothing but white spots. You could say this was when I became "The Prince of Darkness" letting it rule over my life.

Anyways, that's not what this little sit down is all about. What this is about is what happen after those spots just went to a black. I woke up or at least I thought I did. I always took it as a dream but with all the bullshit mystical things going on around me I guess I had to be stupid to think it was just a dream. A girl with black hair sat on a bed in front of me looking like she was reading. It wasn't until she giggled I knew it was Manders and she turned her head looking around her room. I remember crows or sparrows or something flying everywhere, all over the room and Mandii sitting in the middle of it all. I guess now I know what it meant and it wasn't a dream.

[Image: tumblr_mls7nmkWj41s3f6hvo1_500_zps9aa471f7.gif]

Why do I bring this bit of information that is pretty much useless in every view you can see? Simple, that was everything that changes little Jason into what he was then. Now it seems that it changed me again only this time it wasn't changing me into that kid who would grow up and be the thing playing in the dark.

I saw glass hit the ground all around me with blood on the ends of some pieces. A light blinked and other than that it was completely dark. I felt my body being pulled and tugged and crushed. Not coming into clarity for a while so you can probably guess one of two things I hit my head and it's bringing back childhood or Jason got into a little crash. If you guess crash I got a new car since mine is a little busted to shit.

After getting my head back on my shoulder I pulled my body out of a car that was upside down. I don't remember wrecking it so don't even start the "Watch where you are driving" bullshit. It was just me and a forest around me. I looked over at the car before looking up at a no moon sky. Weird eh? Looking down and over my clothes all I had on were a pair of black dress pants a white shirt and tie. If you are wondering why that is important here's why, I don't wear that shit ever. Lucky for me I had a pack of smokes on me so I lit on up and started walking. With that being said, lets cut to where things are a little more interesting.

My feet felt like they walked on fire and I had smoked my last when I found myself in front of a black house with one light in the window. It was the same house as the one I saw when I was little and my guess is that light is coming from the room with Mandii in it. With that being said I walked in like the dumbass I am and for some reason walked right back out the back door and then felt a hand on my shoulder.

Ashley: It's been a while.

Me: 22 years.

Ashley: More like 9.

Me: 9?

Ashely: I remember you being here after your first federation. This place saved you from darkness and gave you a road to go down. You went down drugs sex and wrestling like I knew you would. You didn't look in front of you.

Me: What was in front of me? A close door and bullshit life.

Ashley: Pain.

Oh goodie now someone to tell me I bring pain to everyone around me. This should be not fun at all.

Ashely: You left your sister and Jeremy.

Me: I left a lot of people.

Ashley: You're traveling down the same road again. Do you really want to make another mistake like the last one?

Me: It's different this time.

Ashley: You're right it is but you aren't.

Me: You sound like my sister.

Ashley: You're changing Jason and you are going to have to let it in or let it go. You care about a lot more than you let on.

Me: I care about only one thing. Me.

Ashley: Lieing to yourself gets you nowhere. I'm not talking about who you care about or what you have first in life. I'm talking about yourself.

Me: You're better than the girl who talked in riddles. I fucking hated her.

Ashley gave me a heebee jeebee smile before walking out ahead of me. Next thing I know the suns up and I'm standing in front a tree with bottles. She's talking about Mandii and Ally Cat and where I was going in life. Now I have a mother when I'm whatever I am right now.

Ashely: You have something Jason. You just don't know it yet.

Me: Heartburn?

Ashely: No.

Me: I'm dead an’t I.

Ashley: No. If you were I sure as hell wouldn't want you coming here when you're dead.

Me: What are the bottles for?

Ashley: You'll know soon.

Me: I'd know now if you would tell me.

Ashley: You are too stupid to be told right now.

Me: Am I too stupid to know why that feather is here?

Ashley: I don't know. What do you think it's there for.

Ever had a moment when your brain just goes ding and you can hear it? DING!

Just as the ding went off in my head my eyes had to wake up. Great now I'm dreaming it. I rolled my eyes and got out of my chair before seeing someone out of the balcony of my hotel room. Great unwanted guests.

Me: Do you need to climb over and smoke in front of someones-

When a woman dressed in panties and a open top what do you do? I know what I would do but I don't know what I would do right now from having given a ring to Ally Cat.

[Image: 600full-neon-lynxie_zps526c8a89.jpg]

Me: Or just stand in front of someone's random-


Me: He's coming.

She looked at me and smiled.

Tilly: He's already here Jason but I guess you already knew that.

[Image: l4GRnBF.jpg?1]
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Old Friends - by DarkJayRider - 03-03-2014, 12:50 AM

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