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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Strange Bedfellows Part 3
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Kristy Jackson Offline
The Joan Of Charisma

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

02-14-2014, 02:23 AM

For almost a week Kristy took care of Alex, despite starting out scared half to death of him. Alex was still lying on the couch, in the same position he had been for the last few days. He was looking around, now that he was actually able to think without his thoughts coming out as a jumbled mess. He thought to himself that the apartment itself seemed simple enough. She was apparently an artsy one, with drawings scattered about on the coffee table with different means of coloring them, he assumed depending on what she drew the picture on. For the paper color pencils seemed to be the choice. She was apparently also a vivid reader as books stacked the various book shelves across the room. None of this really mattered to him at the time. She brought him water and he swallowed the entire glassful in one sloppy desperate swoop of the wrist. He debated over a single drop ever touched the roof of his mouth he drank it so fast. Laying back he felt consciousness slipping. He looked up to see her standing on the other side of the room with a baseball bat in hand. Most mornings started out this way, soon she would sit the bat aside as if satisfied for another day, and he wasn't a monster. Well at least to her, if she even had an inkling of who he was she probably would of tossed him out on the spot. A lot of people would have that reaction. As Kristy watches from the across the room, just like recent days, Alex slowly slips back into his unconscious world. Kristy sighs a bit as she walks over and takes the glass from his hand. Part of her still wondered if she was crazy. Yeah, she respected human life, but just like every morning she watched Alex for a moment. She studied his features; he had what seemed like a permanent scowl when he was awake. At the moment all she knew was his sleep was, at times, almost violent as she would listen to him yell out at night. When he was a awake he didn't talk much, but she chalked that up to his injuries. Soon Kristy makes her way towards the kitchen as her mind continued race with thoughts.

It was late afternoon when Alex finally woke back up. He was awaken by a wet touch to the head and the sting that accompanied it. His eyes fluttered open and immediately he feared he had just dreamed of his escape and half expected to find himself tied to a chair. Instead he was still lying on the couch with Kristy running a rag over him. He tried setting, up but decided against it from the muscle pain.

Kristy: You’re awake.

Alex: What is your name?

Kristy: *Laughing just a bit as she had grown accustomed to Alex's straight forwardness* It’s rude to ask without giving yours.

Alex raises a brow and gives Kristy the glare she was used to, which gets her to just shake her head. Alex admitted to himself that he was almost afraid to give Kristy his name. She’d Google him and decide to tie him up to a chair, wouldn't be the first time he felt the sting of a knife embedding itself in his back, wouldn't be the last either. Deciding to go against his judgment he went with the conversation.

Alex: My name is Alex.

Kristy: My name is Kristy. *Gently wiping the beats of sweat from Alex's forehead as she speaks softly* Nice to finally have a name to put with the glare.

Alex nods as he finally got a better view of his savior and couldn’t help as his eyes wondered. She wears a white tank top, which gave him more view of her somewhat smooth skin. Though Alex had to; laugh a bit as her free hand was within reach of the baseball bat. Of course he couldn't blame her, granted if he were in her shoes he probably would have kicked him while he was down and left him to die in the gutter, good thing she wasn't him. Alex closed his eyes for a moment, trying to think of what needed to be done. They had his credit cards, the money that he had on him as well as his identification. He knew he would have to have things cancelled, things renewed. Just one more headache he was going to have to go through, thanks to those jackasses. Though Alex smirks a bit as thought for a moment how he hoped they were caught trying to use the damn things. Kristy's voice breaks Alex thoughts causing him to look towards her. You could see the wonder in her eyes, the questions she still had that she would eventually want answers for. Kristy gently wipes Alex's forehead once more. He had a fever which was causing his entire body to break out in a sweat, but from what she had read this was a good thing in a way. Any infection he had was being sweated out. Kristy looks up and lets her eyes met Alex's as she speaks.

Kristy: Do you mind telling me why you want the secrecy?

There it was, the question he had been waiting on. He continues to stare at Kristy as he thought to himself "I should have given you a fake name. I want no one knowing about this. This is my little secret. Fuck everyone else; this is for no one to know but me damn it". Kristy could see the look in his eyes change a bit. She knew she struck a nerve somewhere inside him. But she couldn't help it, she was curious. She wanted to know about the man lying on her couch who had been under her care, who at the moment put his life in her hands.

To Be Continued....

\It's party time./

Kristy: So here we go again; another day of hearing Charlotte talk about some tasteless comments. But you see Charlotte didn't realize I lead her on. While she was trying her best to get under my skin and plant those so called seeds of hers. I was sitting back having a good laugh at her expense. Trapdoors are fun aren't they? It was good fucking easy to do. At first I thought she wasn't going to fall for the bait. But at the end of the day you did. Thanks, for being a dumb ass. You see in my eyes there is no doubt at all. Instead of doubt it's a "Will of Fire" and it's burning bitch so if I was you I will stand back. I plan on building a legacy here. I don't have time to be a scared little girl. I have a job to do and that is to be one of the top people in XWF. Sure I might have signed an enhancement talent contract; But don't mean I have to lose to some piece of worthless shitty talent like you. Your first promo was cute. It was truly; but it was some pointless shit that relevant your cause. I may not be a world champion wrestler, I may not be in the ranks of EPS or Diaz but one day I will be. One day I will rise above, my name will be on the lips of many and there won't be a damn thing anyone can do to stop it. My wrath will be like a hurricane, a natural disaster that destroys everything in its path. I will leave bodies lying in my wake. You, my dear Charlotte, one day you will look back and see you got the honor of being the second notch on my belt. You get the honor of being the second person I use to make my name, to show XWF just what I have in store. You should be grateful, this is a big deal. I mean of all the talentless twits in XWF, you get me. You get a woman whose star will burn bright and overshadow all.

But Goddamn you wasted your first promo for what? Was it to pick my brain to see how I will react to it? If you really thought that you must be more stupid than I thought. Why in the blue fuck did I accept to match in the first place I wonder? Was it because I pitied you and wanted to get you some air time. Or was I smoking to much with Unknown Solder to realize I was fucking mistaken. You see the more I hear you’re fucking voice the more I wish I wasn't fucking sober. You make me want to drink myself under the fucking table. I am better off facing Table in a match than having to carry this fucking match. Thinking about this shit to this match is the fucking main event! How and in the fuck did that happen? Angel must be out his creepy ass mind to think that this match is going to be anything close to do. Charlotte you’re so fucked it’s not even funny. You’re more fucked than a whore, getting gang bang by three guys, just the way they do that shit in the south right?

Please let’s pray for this bitch to die slow. This bitch actually thinks I care that the redneck jokes are tired. Should I give three fucks? My IQ was dropping the more she was going on and on about the; Hold on air quotes for a minute.“Redneck lifestyle” Bitch please!*Laughs*

Your plan was verbally assaulting me? *Laughs a bit more* Well go right ahead sugarplum cause see I have plans for you. I'm going to beat you like a child you’re the prom queen and I'm the jock who is going to tear your ass up. Get the picture? I'm going to make your ass scream like a virgin on prom night. It's just the way it has to be love. See I agree at times respect can be earned, but I find it much more fun in beating it out of someone. You'll move on from this, beat people on John Black, which will be no big feet because well, who hasn't beaten, but you will never be in the spotlight my darling. Not while you boyfriend is around. You will forever be in his shadow. You will forever be known as Wyatt's Bitch, cute, but nothing major going on. Sorry love, but I speak the truth. If you’re looking for sugary sweet, well then you’re barking up the wrong tree Fido.

Kristy exhales softly as she laughs. Charlotte was proving she really wasn't worth Kristy's time.

You can try and break me, beat me, make me bleed but I will get up every time my love. Nothing you can do will topple me. The pain will only fuel the desire I have to win. Every shot you take will only feed the anger inside of me. You're here to establish dominance? By what? Floating under the radar? Or fight people that are piss poor? You want true dominance, then pay close attention sweetheart. But I am going to beat that ass until it turns blue and force you to your knees. Force you to gaze upon a true force to be reckoned with. Though I will humor you, you have a fetish for pain, and then allow me to fulfill that fetish. Allow me give you what you truly want. I am really a giving person once you get to know me.

In the end Charlotte I will reveal your flaws. I will show you the error of your ways. Show you that I have stood against people bigger and badder than you and have come out on top. I realize no one comes to a match looking to lose. I know you have high hopes, I know you will be expecting to make quick work of me based on this being my second match But I got news for you baby girl, don't judge me simply based on that. Don't make the same mistake many have suffered for making. Look beyond the surface, fear what is beneath it. Because if you are looking for an easy win, I will take more pleasure in ripping your heart from your; chest and shattering it in front of the world. I will take even more pleasure and kicking your face in. I want to see the sparkle of hope in your eyes so I can laugh as I dash those hopes and break that fighting spirit of yours.

This is you end Charlotte, the darkness is calling and you have no choice but to answer.

[Image: ifPzIwv.gif]

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Strange Bedfellows Part 3 - by Kristy Jackson - 02-14-2014, 02:23 AM

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