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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Insanity In An Alleyway
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Scott Charlotte Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

01-30-2014, 12:43 AM


"We all wear masks. Every last one of us. Politicians wear masks. Celebrities wear masks. You're Grandmother even wears a mask. So why is it so hard for you to accept that you do as well?"


"You're stuck."

"No I am not! I am not stuck!"

"Yes. You are."

I am running through visions of terror and fire. The visions overtake my senses, my nostrils fill with the smell of rotting corpses. My sight is distorted with whirling colors and images of death. People dying, burning, some with their heads off their bodies, the decaying body of a child. Slowly it's body gives way to nature's forces. Insects devour what is left. All around me sights and sounds attack me. I am running and running and running. I want to run faster, but my feet are in quicksand. I am slowly sinking in, but I am still running. The Wraith stands before me looking at me as I run through the quicksand.

"It's obvious you are stuck in that sand."

I deny it yet again. For some reason I cannot allow myself to admit what I already know. The Wraith is trying to trick me. I know it.

"Where is the trust, my boy?" He says with much sorrow. He can't be serious? I won't fall for that.

"Go away!!! I'm getting away from you!" I yell back to him, still running through the sinking sand.

"Sure you are. Then again, you aren't even moving."

He won't get to me. I shake my head and yell, "NO!!" My body is sinking faster, but I'm still running. Death surrounds me at all corners. The sound of childish laughter and crying shoots through my eardrums. A mother screaming for her child as the image of a small one falling from a window displays in front of me. The Wraith is standing in front of the image right before the child hits the ground. My neck is in the sand and now my mouth. I cannot speak and as my ears are taken I hear the final words of The Wraith.

"Wake up."


I jolted awake in a darkened, empty dumpster. My head is throbbing and the moon is bright above me. I look up in the night sky and the reality of it all hits me.

I haven't moved. Barely at all if any. I overreacted to what The Wraith has told me, decided to run and without looking fell into the empty dumpster. I must have banged my head on the side and went unconscious.

"It was only a dream. Thank God."

That's when The Wraith popped his head up from outside the dumpster. He stared down at me with his yellow eyes. He shook his head in disappointment.

"Have you had fun on your little vacation from reality? Then again you are always on one with reality. The real question is...which one is real? Are you standing here in the mask messing with an imaginary version of yourself unmasked or is it as you believe it is now? Your eyes will deceive you."

I burst out of the dumpster and fall on the ground. I ignore the pain and jump up to pounce on The Wraith. He goes down and we struggle. He laughs in enjoyment as we begin to fight.

"You still think you can beat me? You really want to do this? Scott, you've livened up so much since we last met!!! BURNED DOWN YOUR HOME AND KILLED YOURSELF!!!!" He laughs and it echoes as I punch him with a right, then a left. He won't get the best of me. I won't let him. Another right, then a left. Blood splashes on my face and the laughter continues. I beat the ever living shit out of him. He coughs up more blood on me and laughter echoes once more. Then I hear the crying.

Nothing but tears and regrets. Pain and torture. Someone nearby is hurt and they've caught my attention. The laughter has stopped. The crying is beginning to die off and is replaced with heavy breathing. A moment goes by and a sigh. Then the end of life. Someone has died tonight. It wasn't who I wanted. Someone nearby must have.....

But wait...

How did The Wraith cough up blood? His mask covers his mouth?

I look down to survey the damage and the distortion is gone. Below me lays the bleeding carcass of man. He is dressed in a nice, three piece, grey suit. His black bow tie complements his dress, but not he is is covered in blood. His face is bruised up from my assault. I checked his pulse.


He was dead and his blood was now on my hands. What went wrong? Is this still a dream? Am I wearing the mask now?


The following is a recording of a phone conversion between two doctors at the OA Mental Institution weeks after Scott lost his job.

"Scott Charlotte?"

"Yes. He used to be with us years ago. He came here under the name...umm....Wraith." *static*

"Ah. Yes. We are keeping track of *static*"

"Yes, she has not made contact with Scott since 2007. She is long gone."

"Good. I feel if *static* comes back in his life it will trigger a multitude of psychosis issues. Scott is still not well, but he is well enough to make it through normally without much stress."


"That is correct isn't it doctor?"


"Doctor *static*!!!You were in charge of evaluating him on a day to day basis."

"It has been quite some time since I've seen Scott. For a while he seemed fine. His job as a professional wrestler with the XWF was going well. It became an outlet to source his persona into, The Wraith I mean. It seemed like the best place to have him be himself."

"Are you insane? Scott could end up hurting himself or someone else. He is a danger to everyone if you promote that sort of behavior! Have him take off the mask immediately!"

"Don't worry, the mask is gone."

"Oh.....good then. It seems you came to your senses sooner than I thought."

"Actually, Scott chose to take it off. He didn't want to be The Wraith any longer, but he blamed it all on his boss. He said he forced him to play the part, called it a gimmick. Scott didn't realize it was his own creation and that he had been seeing us for some time. I always wonder what goes on in that mind of his."

"Are getting attached? I'd rather you not do that. You know as well as I that this is a professional relationship with our patient. You are not to get buddy buddy with this mental case."

"Yes...sir. Understood."

"Well, how is Scott doing then?"

"The only issue, sir, is that Scott's blaming of his boss...caused him to...."


"Yes? What did he do?"

"He was fired."

"FIRED!! Are you kidding me?"

"No sir. It drove him mad, he became irate at the idea that screwed him over. I have to admit that he has some merit. To be canned over a few hurtful words, that's the business he lives in. His boss must be a pussy or something."


"Well, jokes aside, his madness is no good. You must bring him in. We can't let him put that mask on."

"Sir, I believe-"

"I will hear none of it. You're experimenting is over. Find Scott, bring him in. I don't want him setting fire to his home or hurting anyone. He is unstable. Call me as soon as you find him."

"Understood, sir. Have a nice day."


To Be Continued

[Image: scarecrow_4206ru.jpg]

The Congregation

Look who decided to blow the fucking mountain up so he could stand on the stand on the rubble. Eli James. Great job. Amazing work. is finally down and out. I can finally celebrate.

Hint the sarcasm. It's like you watch a movie unfold and the the villain is killed, but then immediately after it's revealed that a more evil force has revealed itself. Then the credits role and you have to wait for the sequel. That's how everyone else must feel about this, because the only people who are helped by this are your servants. Yes, servants. You can pretend you care about them and give them gifts all you want, but it doesn't convince me. The Congregation is a fucking cult. There is no denying that.

The only good you did was stop that ridiculous group, Etched, before it became anything. What a stupid notion. Washed up XWF guys wanting to get back in touch with Dad only for him to have his head severed from his body. Everything with was wonderful, actually. His death and demise. His betrayal at the last moments. The respect of The Black Circle was lost the same way he lost his head. Then we have the Admin. He was a prop. I only wanted him to end then throw me in that tournament for the World Championship. That was all I wanted, but now you fucked it up. Then again, maybe I will get booked correctly to win that little Gauntlet. Maybe I will be a new champion. Hell, it might be Supernova that loses his title to me, which would be the best thing I've ever done. The look on his face...priceless.

I have my doubts about the regime change. Nothing's going to change except for the hicks are now on top instead of the douche bags. At least 's dead.


Now I need a new catchphrase.

(1x) Hart Champion
(1x)X-treme Champion
(1x) Tag Team Champion w/ Q.C. Thug

Current Record

[Image: p_197-329-tragedy-comedy-270x270.jpg]

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Insanity In An Alleyway - by Scott Charlotte - 01-30-2014, 12:43 AM

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