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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Chance (RP 1)
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John Austin Away
Grizzled Young Vet


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

01-27-2014, 05:00 PM

Our scene opens up in a dark, cold, damp room. A few candles are lit off to the side but you can barely make out anything, let alone your own shadow. We begin to hear heavy breathing from the darkness, it sounds like someone who has just smoked a HUGE blunt or maybe the sound of a creepy, stalker.

The breathing gets closer and closer until a flash of light appears. A larger candle is lit and we see John Austin. John has a new tattoo of a small star under his left eye and his pupils are red. Either he is high or he hasn't slept in weeks. Probably a little of both knowing him.

I was on the phone the other day with a real good friend of mine. One of those you break your back for, ya know? Anyways she goes "John, you always seem angry, what's wrong?" and I'm like "If she only knew". You see, for one, she has no idea that she is the one I really want. Rip her clothes off with my fucking teeth and when I get down to her panties and I slowly pull them off...mmmm..err, yeah anyways, it pisses me off she has to be there and I am stuck here dealing with the likes of you Ezekiel and all the cheap shot artists I have dealt with in the past weeks, BULLSHIT!

Listen playboy, you wanted me so fucking bad and now you get what you wished for. You face me and two other guys and your stock will elevate no doubt but you also gamble your life away when you step in the ring. Hell just ask Steve Davids, I took years off his life all because he messed around with the wrong man.

We come from different walks of like Zeke. You like the nice things money can buy. You partake in lets just say a little "pick me up" every now and then. You see, I am different in a sense cause I am like the XWF nation. I smoke some green, drink some cold brewskis and fuck like a beast. I get up the next day and do it all over again, why because I am John Austin.

We meet off here soon but until then, every-time you turn the light off and you sit in the dark, I want you to think of me. Every time you feel that pain in your neck, think of me because I thrive in the darkness. That pain you feel in your joints, is the pain I deal with every damn day in my soul. I walk with those deemed unfit for the normal world. My band of brothers and sisters help me scower and search for the souls of the living. After your little welcoming present, you became number one on the list.

After I take care of Tri-bute's sorry ass, this Monday, we are coming for you Zeke. You could have stayed away but instead all that so called pick me up has clouded your judgement. You may be one of the bright and upcoming stars this company has ever seen but when you step in the ring with John Austin, you are as good as dead.

If you don't believe me just ask the list of victims like Scott Charlotte. I beat this man twice and he is still crying because I jammed a rail road spike in his eye many moons ago. It almost killed him but who the fuck cares? I don't...Ask Smoke-Man, he wanted to jump in bed with the big dogs and he realized when that ladder was being thrown across his body that maybe he bit off a little more he can chew. Ask them all Zeke because they will tell you, I am one SOB you don't want to fuck with.

It doesn't matter what type of match we have Zeke because at the end of the day, when those lights go out and you feel that cold steel blade ripping through your skin, you know that John Austin got the better of you and not only did he get the better of you but he got your soul as well.

John blows out the larger candle, making everything in the room go back to darkness again. Just the way he likes, in the complete and utter black.

To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE
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The Chance (RP 1) - by John Austin - 01-27-2014, 05:00 PM

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