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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Dear Griffin MaCallisterstein-berg-hoffer
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Morbid Angel Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-22-2014, 11:53 PM

It sure is dark out here…Location…..very much questionable. Somewhere lacking lights of any kind….just the blackness with no sounds. The camera is here to speak with Morbid Angel and at this current moment in time he is angry…but for what? For who? As we all know Morbid Angel so well it is only a matter of seconds before we find out…but where is he? There is no sound or lights to see where he is. Mumbling from the camera man is heard to the sound guy as they try and figure out where he is.

Suddenly they see a light! Morbid Angel steps out of his 2014 Lincoln Navigator and shuts the door and the light is gone! Back to darkness!

The camera sees nothing and can hear Morbid Angel’s deep breathing…it sounds…………uneasy.

Morbid-”Griffin…what happened to you? You were so tough just a couple of days ago and now you’ve seemed to go into hiding? Was it the cars? I get everyone with the cars!….then again it could have been the banana…you’ll have to tell me what happened because I am lost here! Help me figure out why you won’t speak…and don’t tell me you were off shinning your goddamn boots! I don’t want to hear that lame shit! You are scared! Like a little puppy getting yelled at! I know how it is….I shock everyone with how I destroy all arguments. Makes it kind of hard to come back I know…I bet you can try…I need you try…what if I said please?….not that I am going to say it….I said if! GODDAMN IF!

Besides that…I don’t beg people! They beg ME! As you too will soon see! BEG! ON YOUR MOTHERFUCKING KNEES! Yes…here is where I get sexual I guess with some grotesque scene visualization…maybe draw you a diagram of what it would look like if I were to be actually putting my cock in your mouth….I should probably make like a short cartoon? So thrusting is correct? Should I do this Griffin? I think it is a tad tasteless…but for the sake of humanity I won’t…that and I don’t want to get you all hot and bothered for me…OK…I noticed one thing…we are all over sexed here…were talking really fucking bad…maybe you are all really virgins? I mean…except Frodo who fucked a sheep…so I know he is REALLY getting some action! But for the rest…I don’t believe it…lets talk about Haden for a quick second…just for a second…he has all this flashing shit all the time…women and cloths and money and insinuates having sex…do you believe it? Fuck no! he is a douche that seems like he has never even seen a vagina outside of a computer…the only tittie he ever squished was his mothers when he was a baby…so now we all know and understand Haden….who is next? Should I sayyyy……Theo Price!…a man with that much style is asking for jokes….lets look at your little dance Theo…gay…no vagina for you!

Anyway….Griffin MaCallistermeisterburg…stein!………..why do I try? What is the purpose of all of this shit anyway…win or lose and most likely the outcome will not be favored…know what I mean? I know sometimes I feel like I lost whatever I had years ago…there was a light at the end of the tunnel and everything was good! I was crushing everyone in my matches and held many titles and after retirement I think I lost it…I don’t think I have the ability to keep up and instead of making myself look bad I might as well re-retire…I am old and I don’t have what I use to…figuring best case scenario is I can lose all my matches from here on out to please everyone else…maybe I rub people the wrong way…I am not exactly a person people in the locker room speak to…more of like odd and uncomfortable short conversations I get…mostly if I say something bad enough and considering as big as I am no wonder I was paid an extra 25K to allow a 120lb girl to put an arm bar on me and smack me around the entire match and act like it fucking hurt. I am not keeping that secret! What I will say is this! If you have to pay ME! Morbid fucking Angel! And you don’t have to bribe anyone to fucking take a loss for me to win. Diaz you only won because they wanted you to! No real skill…they just didn’t want you to fucking cry yourself to sleep so they came to me and paid me to fucking not win! How was I suppose to know that McBride was going to lay there like a fucking lump? Do you actually believe you could roundhouse kick me in the face WITHOUT MY HELP?! HOW ABOUT THAT ARM BAR? Jesus fucking christ woman! If you couldn’t figure out that match was a set up from the start then you are a fool! You were destined to win from day one because of you being so connected and it’s fucking bullshit…pure bullshit! Yes I took the goddamn money to not win but I WILL NOT allow you to dance around and slander me by saying you won against me! Perhaps I let you beat on me too much….actually looking back on it…HALF THE FUCKING MATCH I allowed you to fuck me up and make me look bad! It should have been McBride looking bad! But then again he is a pussy and was easy to knock out! Just saying…you must have beer flavored nipples to gain SUCH FAVOR over Morbid Fucking Angel! So what? Why? Give me a reason to proceed here…obviously I am no good at what I do here if I need to just take the money and lay down. Maybe that is how I will start my match with you Griffin? Even so much I couldn’t catch a break after the match…always have to look bad and weak and even fucking dumb for pay! I EARNED MORE! I was asked to be here and I am now just some fucking dumb, steroid addled loser that gets walked over and trashed at every turn! Every show, every promo EVERYTHING is a big show to how ignorant Morbid Angel is! How much I fucking suck! I guess I do fucking suck! Is this what it’s all about? Did you want me to be an example that people can be bought? I don’t need your fucking money! I don’t need this fucking company! I don’t fucking need any of you goddamn mother fucking bastards! Dealing from the bottom of the deck and allowing people’s AIDS to threaten attacks. Understand! Do you really want to shower next to AIDS in the locker room?…I guess reactions like this I wasn’t suppose to say…fuck you! I’ll say what ever the fuck I want! I AM MORBID ANGEL! Don’t expect me to take a bribe like that ever again! Because if you even ask I’ll fucking walk from this mother fucker and never return and you can shove that contract so far up your jew asses that you get paper cuts in your throat! Take the fucking money back! YOU MADE ME LOOK LIKE A FUCKING PUSSY! No amount of money can fix that kind of damage! NONE! So with all this being said and hopefully an understanding in place…

I won’t retire! I WILL NOT GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT! I will kill everything here! Starting with you Griffin! Can you handle that? I don’t even want to get paid! I don’t need or want any money for this match…all I want is to beat you to a pulp…then kill you slowly! I want to hear you gargle blood then choke on it as I squeeze your neck! I want to watch your face turn red…then a purple/blue…I want to watch the life fade from your eyes! There is nothing quite like it! Watching life drain from someone…their eyes! Mostly you can see the fear and in those last seconds you feel like a god! Master of their life! You alone control the life of this person and you can choose…for you Griffin! I choose death! And no amount of money will stop me from killing you! Come Friday make sure your prayers are said before you enter because I aim to kill you! At this point its all I can do to save what little dignity I have left after the embarrassment that happened this evening! No more shame! I will no longer be the whipping post to make others look better!

Sleep Well Griffin!”

The screen turns to Red!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

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Dear Griffin MaCallisterstein-berg-hoffer - by Morbid Angel - 01-22-2014, 11:53 PM

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