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Warfare 1/8/14 - part 2 (changes in the air?)
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01-11-2014, 01:22 PM

(01-11-2014, 01:16 PM)The Linguist Said: Are you implying that I am myself a child, Mr. Nero? And as a master of all things intellectual - be it vulgarity the bunch of you spew, or the real, proper English grammar that I convey. In other words I do, indeed, know what a Cunnilinguist is, Mr. Nero. And not wanting to make any enemies, other than the exception of Mr. Gilmour here, the best I can say is... Congratulations. But I fail to see how that is even vaguely related to the previous conversation, or in-fact my facade?

And trust me, Mr. Nero. I can handle vulgar language. But I don't believe that that kind of tone is suitable for... some of our audience members.

Who are these members you're protecting? If people can't handle a few 'f bombs' they probably shouldn't be watching a blood thirsty show where people talk about guillotines as a living memory.

So your intention was to affront Monsieur Gilmour...Why? Do you like to throw in with the stoning crowd? Is that how you gain acceptance? I suppose if I walked poncing around the way you do, with that ridiculous schnozz up in the air, I might resort to such tactics to get 'in' with the in crowd. But, oh, wait. You even referred to it as a 'facade', so you've already subconsciously accepted that I know what you are. I need not elaborate further; save to say, Gilmour probably isn't the guy you want to pick a fight with, if you actually want to come back with any teeth.

You and Hank Lane would make a fantastic tag team. He could be the butch and you could be the...

And, may I add, as you espouse being a linguist, perhaps you could refer to me as either 'Mr. Neonero' or 'Mr. Cyn'. Nero is not my surname; such a basic mistake for someone of your 'calibre'.
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RE: Warfare 1/8/14 - part 2 (changes in the air?) - by Neonero - 01-11-2014, 01:22 PM

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