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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Self confidence, something you seem to lack
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Caliban Offline
The born and raised irish airbourne

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

01-10-2014, 07:53 PM

So Frodo wants to know why I am not beaten and broken after my first week back, he wants to know why I still consider myself better than anyone else in this locker room. Why I can stand up and scream my name louder than any of you. The answer is simple, I still believe in me, I STILL BELIEVE IN JORDAN CALIBAN

As he screams those last few words he pulls his hood down keeping his his hands on the side of his neck and looks at the camera like the barrel of a gun

Most people don't get why I am the person I am, they don't get why I live by the seat of my lips and let my mouth drag me into every fucking nightmare I can find and I'll tell you why, because my name is Jordan Caliban and this is what I am good at. I will push you little man, I will take you to a limit like you have never seen and compared to people like Morbid and Smoke, you don't have what it takes to take me down with you. LOOK AT WHAT IT TOOK FOR 2 GUYS TWICE MY SIZE TO PUT ME DOWN! How much I endured against a guy my size after that collision less than 48 hours previous and then imagine how much it is going to take to remove the fight from this dog. I warned you once and I will warn you again, Frodo this isn't a fight you can win

[Image: saz0o3.gif]

[Image: 32zp5xt.jpg]
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Self confidence, something you seem to lack - by Caliban - 01-10-2014, 07:53 PM

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