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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
New Business
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-06-2014, 07:16 PM

Pryce Towers
Theo Pryce's Office

“Mr. Pryce.”

“Yes Christy.

“It’s Mary sir.”

“God Fucking Damn It. I really thought I had it this time.”

“It’s ok sir.”

“I know it’s ok. It’s ok because I pay you, not the other way around. Now what do you want?”

“Michael McBride is here to see you.”

“Well don’t keep the man waiting, he’s Irish you know, they have short tempers. Oh God, he’s not drinking is he?”

“No sir, I don’t think so.”

“Ok good. Send him in.”

The door’s to Theo’s office and in steps Theo’s associate and personal “hell hound” Michael McBride. Michael is sporting his typical look, jeans, a green t-shirt and a driver’s cap.

“Michael que pasa?”

“Not much boss. Just got back from New York with word from Tony.”

“And the word is?”

“The word is good. We have a deal.”

“Fucking excellent, and what did that Ex-wife of yours, who is a dime piece by the way, what did she have to say about taking this to Chicago and L.A?”

“Oi thank you mate. She is one hell of a looker. As for the Chicago and L.A operations, she suggested that we see how things shake out in New York first, if it works we can take that as proof to Chicago and L.A when getting a sit down with them. And if it doesn’t work than Chicago and L.A probably won’t listen to us anyway.”

“Ok, and that was her opinion on what to do, what do you think we should do?”

“I think we listen to her. She knows those people better than we do. She knows that world better than either of us could.”

“I don’t know Michael, I’ve seen every Mob movie ever made, I’ve read a few books on the subject. I feel like I know all I need to know to make an educated decision.”

“Yeah but you won’t be the one that has to deal with my Ex.”

“Do I sense a hint of fear in you Michael?”

“No, not at all. It’s just, well she can be a real pain in my ass when she wants to be. It’s really not worth the headache.”

“Yeah I agree with you, and her for that matter, I just wanted to break your balls a little bit, see you sweat so to speak. I’m perfectly happy with waiting it out and seeing how things go.”

“You are something else. Oh and by the way, we have our first order.”

“Brilliant, what’s our take?”

“About $700,00.”

“Ahh the fucking mob and their guns. Maybe we need to reach out to some motorcycle gangs, if Sons of Anarchy has taught me anything it’s that M.C’s love guns more than the mob.”

“I highly doubt Sons of Anarchy is completely legit.”

“Do not doubt the legitimacy of Sons of Anarchy Michael, I swear to God I will cut you.”

“Whoa take it easy there lad, I was just joke around.”

“Oh sure, you Ginger Crotch’s can get all fired up and make a scene but if one guy threatens you, you get all antsy in your pantsy. Chill Mikey, I’m just fucking with you. Here, let’s have a drink.”

“Alright, what have you got?”

“Plenty but in honor of you I am going to break out my finest.”

Theo walks over to the bar that he had reinstalled in his office now that Erica has his cocaine buffet removed. Theo opens the cabinet below the bar and sorts through a few bottles before pulling out a bottle from the back. He twists off the top, grabs two glasses and pours roughly two fingers worth in each glass. He walks back over to Michael and hands him one of the glasses.

“To new business.”

The two men tap their glasses and then each down the contents of their glasses, neither man’s face betrays the burn that both of them are feeling on the inside.



“I thought you said you were breaking out the good stuff.”

“That’s exactly what I did. Besides, since when does an Irishmen complain about Jamesons? I thought that shit was like the National Drink of Ireland? Don’t you guys literally piss Jamesons?”

“Are you fucking with me lad?”

“Little bit yeah. Besides, I don’t break out the real good shit unless I am trying to close a deal. We’ve already done that, so you get the Jameson’s and you like it. Would you care for some more?”

“Sure what the hell.”

Theo walks back over to the bar but rather than pouring a new glass or pouring some more into Michael’s glass he just hands Michael the bottle.

“Here, drink what you want.”

“So tell me Theo, you and NAZI have a tag team title match coming up this week, how you feeling about it?”

“The same way you feel when you see an Irish Carbomb, I get all excited in my loins and start getting violent.”

“You can be a real dick sometimes Theo.”

“Don’t I know it.”

“What about NAZI, the guy’s been MIA lately, if he even going to show?”

“Of course he will. He’s been busy with field testing his new army as well as trying to keep that pain in the ass sister of mine happy. That in itself is a full time job. Besides, I haven’t heard word one from Duke’s partner outside of him humble accepting Duke’s invitation to take half the tag team titles even though he did absolutely nothing to earn them. And as much as I want to make a crack about Mystica being an undeserving champ he did just win the US Title so the guy has some skill. Not too much in the brains department as evidence by his silent statue impression on Madness last week but he’s not a bad wrestler.Not a good one either but Duke certainly could have done worse."

“Yeah he’s not too bad. I’d be more worried about Duke though. He seems to have this new found fire. Did you hear his promo’s earlier in the week?”

“Yeah, they were…whatever. Nothing he said there was new to me. But what do you expect from a guy like Duke. If he isn’t waxing poetic about how he is going to help take down The Black Circle than he really has nothing else to say. Taking down the Circle has been his goal since the day he was booted out and what has it gotten him besides an unhealthy obsession?”

“Great question.”

“I know it is Michael. I know it is. Look, here’s the deal. While Duke is busy focusing on his Grand Plan and the birth of his new kid the rest of the world will carry on without him. In fact, after NAZI and I take the tag team titles from him on Wednesday he will be free to spend as much time as he wants with Thad. That’s his son’s name by the way. Thad, or Thaddeus. Personally I like Thad, it sounds better. Plus it’s easier for a senile guy like Duke to remember. “

“That it is mate.”

“Mate, rhymes with date. And late. Speaking of, my last date called to tell me she was late. That could be very bad for business.”

“Theo, are you high again?”

“No sir. Three Days sober thank you very much.”

“That reminds me, the Ex wanted to know if you needed any more of her supply? She said this one would be on her, as a thank you for the new business we put together for them.”

“You know Michael, as good as that stuff was, and it was damn good, I think I’ll pass. I have a lot of stuff going on right now that I need to be in the right mind set for.”

“Absolutely. Just thought I would pass the message along.”

“Much appreciated. So Michael you have any plans for the football game tonight?”

“American football or European Futbol?”

“Seriously? American Football. Tonight is the college football National Championship. Florida State vs Auburn.”

“Ahhh, I don’t really watch American Football.”

“Your loss. I got half a mil on Auburn to win outright.”

“Is it fun to put that kind of money on the line like that?”

“Yes and no. It’s fun because I can do it but when you are worth billions, half a mil is walking around money.”

“What’s wrong Mikey? Do I not pay you enough?”

“Tell you what, our first order, that $700,000 you were talking about, take the whole lot, consider it my gift to you for a job well done.”

“No no, that’s not how I do business. We worked out an agreement and that’s what we are sticking too.”

“Hey if Peter Gilmour doesn’t have to honor his agreements why should I?”

“I see what you did there, and I appreciate it lad. But that’s a lot of money. I couldn’t possible accept it.”

“You don’t really have a choice. Money goes through you and I refuse to take any of it from you. Consider it my gift to you, it will be the only one you get so don’t spend it all at once. And on that note, I have some actual work to do or Erica will have my balls in a vice grip. Come back later if you are bored, I’ll be upstairs watching the game.”

“Sounds good mate. Thanks again for the pay day.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Fade to black.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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New Business - by Theo Pryce - 01-06-2014, 07:16 PM

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