Theo Pryce
King of Kings

XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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01-03-2014, 04:31 PM
New Horizons Rehab Center
Glendale, Arizona
It’s been a day since Theo Pryce was checked into rehab against his will. Though, against his will might not be an accurate description as Theo was incapacitated and thus, unable to actually put up a fight, verbally or otherwise. It has been 24 hours since he was checked in and they say, in cases of Detox, the first 24 hours are the hardest, from there it gets progressively better. While the chemical craving for the drug will subside within a month or so, the mental aspect will continue for months, additionally a battle with depression will ensue. The chances of a relapse are roughly 75%, so it will be important that Theo surround himself with the right people, people who can look out for his well being. That is assuming Theo has any desire to do that for himself, which, as it seems, he does not.
“Do you have a phone?”
“Do you have a phone?”
Theo dressed in a white shirt and white pants and no shoes continues slowly progressing down the hallway of the rehab facility, careful to not draw the attention of any of the rehab specialists. One by one he approaches other in mates of New Horizon’s in hopes of obtaining a cell phone, or other means of communicating with the outside world.
“You got phone?”
“Pshhh pshhh over here.”
Looking around Theo spots a middle aged man, probably around 50 leaning up against the wall, the man, equally as shifty as Theo is looking around the room himself trying to spot anyone that might be listening in on the conversation that is about to take place. Theo takes on last glance to access the situation and upon being convinced that he is in the clear approaches the man that called him over.
“I hear you’re looking for a phone.”
“That’s right, you got one?”
“I do.”
“What do you want for it?”
“What do you got?”
“Money, I got lots and lots of money.”
“How much?”
“Enough. But not here, I just got here yesterday, but if you get me the phone I can have the money brought here. How’s $1000.00 sound?”
“For a fucking phone? Fucking extortion but whatever. $5000.00 it is. Where’s the phone?”
“I got it right here. Cover me.”
Theo repositions himself to block onlookers from being able to see what is going on. With Theo’s back turned to the man reaches back into his pants and within a few seconds pulls out a small black Motorola flip phone.
“Here you go.”
“Not here. Follow me to my room.”
The man grips the phone in between both hands and follows Theo down the hall, as they get to the end they make a quick right and enter the 3rd room on the left.
“Ok, give it to me.
The man hands the phone over to Theo who then proceeds to turn his back to the man.
“Keep a look out.”
Theo opens the flip phone dials a 10 digit number and phone starts ringing.
“Pick up….pick up….”
“Jimmy, it’s Theo.”
“Oh Hi Mr. Pryce, how’s it going?”
“Swell Jimmy, it’s going swell. It’s like a vacation, except for the extreme lack of anything that resembles fun.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, but at least you are alive. That’s good news.”
“Jimmy I need you to do me a favor.”
“Anything Mr. Pryce.”
“I need you go to into my office, grab my I-Pad, then go into my closet in my office, go to the 3rd drawer on the right, open it up and in the very back there should be a stack of $100.00 bills. Grab the stack, bring it and the I-Pad to me here at New Horizons.”
“Ms. Erica said I wasn’t supposed to visit you or bring you anything.”
“She did, did she? Fucking ungrateful twat. I’ll deal with her later. Look Jimmy, if you think I was an asshole to you before you have no idea what I will be like if you don’t do this for me. You got it? Who signs your checks?”
“Fucking smart ass. Just do it Jimmy, and maybe some of that cash will be yours. And don’t think of taking any ahead of time, I know exactly how much is there. Bring it to me asap. You got it?”
“I don’t know Mr. Pryce.”
“I swear to God Jimmy, do this or you are going to wish the cocaine killed me.”
“Ok Mr.Pryce, I’ll be there within the hour.”
“Good boy." Theo closes the phone and taps his new friend on the shoulder. [color=#FFFFFF]"Alright, here’s your phone back. When my guy gets here I’ll come look for you, I’ll have your money.”
“Pleasure doing business with you.”
“You too.”
“You’re late.”
“You said you would be here within the hour, it’s been exactly 62 minutes. You’re late.”
“Sorry. Ms. Rayner caught me on the way out, I had to make up an excuse as to why I was leaving.”
“Wait, you lied to your superior?”
“It’s cool Jimmy. I appreciate it. Now give me my shit.”
Jimmy lifts up his shirt to reveal an I-Pad and a stack of money placed in the space in between his undershirt and his belt loop.
“What did you want this stuff Mr. Pryce?”
“I have a match next week, I need the I-Pad to keep up with the XWF and see what my opponents are saying about me. And the money, well I had to agree to pay some guy $5000.00 just to call you.”
“Five grand, that seems a bit expensive for a phone call.”
“It’s outrageous but what do I care? Five grand is like pocket change.”
“I guess. Do you need anything else or can I head back to the office?”
“What’s wrong Jimmy, now that I’m in here I’m not good enough to spend time with? Is that it?”
“No not at all it’s just…well, I told Ms. Rayner I would be right back. And I would at least like to be partially honest with her.”
“Wait, before you go.”
Theo leafs through the stack of cash that Jimmy gave him, pulling out roughly $1000.00.
“Here, for services rendered. Find yourself a girl, or a guy if that’s your thing and have a nice date, on me.”
“You don’t have to do that Mr. Pryce.”
“I know that Jimmy. Take the fucking money before rip it in half right in front of you.”
“Yes sir.”
“Shut the door on your way out.”
Theo holds in the power button on the I-Pad for the standard 3 seconds powering the machine up. Alright, let’s see what the fuck’s been up the last 24 hours.
A couple of promos by Frodo Smackins. Cute name. Guy seems like a douche.
Morbid Angel with more of the same, and I thought I was full of myself.
Oh shit, Hulk Hogan joined the federation. How has he not had an episode yet from all the roids he did? Guys like Chris Benoit kill themselves but Hulk Hogan lives to yell another day.
Eli James…more preaching, more bullshit. This guy will never learn.
Ezekial Carter-Williams V, I don’t know this cat but I like the cut of his jib. I hear he likes meth, might have to give that a try when I get out of this hell hole.
On now here we go, now we’re talking, Sebastian Duke decided to take another stab at trash talk. Oh and he even tried his hand at being cute with the name of his promo. Pryce of Stupidity. That's special. Let me see here…
Quote: You thought you had it all figured out. You have taken the XWF by storm and that much is an undeniable fact. You did something I was unable to do and that is defeat John Madison. Like mostly everybody in the XWF, I also take that fluke victory you have over him with a grain of salt. I watched the match, Theo. There is no doubt that something was off. It's kind of easy to say about John Madison because that man woman is always a little off. The John Madison you defeated was not the same John Madison that tore through the XWF roster at Gauntlet City. That John Madison that you defeated was not the same John Madison that I pushed to the brink of defeat a couple of months ago on Madness.
I hate to break this new to you, Theo Pryce. You might be the King of the XWF, but you sir, are no John Madison. And you never will be. You're nothing more than a body with money. Money to supply Shane and his Black Circle. Money to fight a losing battle against the impending Revolution.
Well you started your little rant off with some truths so at least you had that going for you. I have taken this place by storm, I’m the King up in this bitch. You had me going for a second. And then you went off the rails and talking about a guy you clearly still have a hard on for.
Quote: You're not a King.
Just a placeholder.
Cute. Lame as fuck. But cute. Did you think that up all by yourself or did Asmodeus help you out with that one?
Wait…there’s more.
Quote: When it's all said and done, Theo. At the end of the day, I want what you have. You wanted to make it about the Tag Team titles and that's fine. I'll happily defend them and I'll happily put you down. Just know that you need to do something.
You better get yourself ready, Pryce. You're about to step into the ring for the very first time with the King of Darkness.
You need to go back to that pawn shop and get back my crown. Because after I defeat you Wednesday night, you better believe I'm coming for the crown.
Wow. That’s some pretty touching stuff there Duke. “I need to get myself ready? About to step into the ring for the very first time with the King of Darkness? Is that supposed to scare me? You want to take my chain? Oh shit. Things are getting real now.
Let me lay this all out for you Duke, real nice and easy.
I am the King of the XWF.
You are the King of Darkness.
You know who else is the King of Darkness? The Boogey Man, congratulations, you are on par with a guy who scares 6 year olds.
I run a multi billion dollar company.
You ran the Brotherhood into the floor.
But hey, at least you own up to that one, so I guess that makes it ok right?
I am in the Black Circle.
Where as you were kicked out.
You spend countless hours creaming at the possibility that you might one day beat John Madison.
I already have.
So by all means, keep running your trap and reliving the ole days when you were good and John Madison still kicked your ass, I’ll live in the present where his protégé will do the same. You needn't worry yourself about the “crown”, focus on those tag team titles, enjoy them now while you still can. Tick tock Sebastian. Tick motherfucking tock.