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Even more good news for Eli James and his Congregation
Author Message
John Raide Offline
We can chase the dark together

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

12-17-2013, 06:08 PM

(12-17-2013, 10:30 AM)EliJamesIV Said: "Ah. The stereotype comes out again from Mr. Raide. Uneducated hillbilly.

"So, I'm not allowed to point out that you continue to embrace the stereotype? That seems pretty hypocritical for the man who continues to state the obvious all the time."

(12-17-2013, 10:30 AM)EliJamesIV Said: Why would you wanna waste your important, educated self on a uneducated hillbilly who speaks nonsensical rubbish? If I'm of no importance, then why attack me after my match? If I'm just a self-important blowhard, then why come to the XWF and issue a challenge to me for all to see?

"The latter part of your statement answered your own question on that one, but may I direct you to the promo I cut on you and Austin last week if you need clarity on this. Don't worry, I tried not to use too many big words on you."

(12-17-2013, 10:30 AM)EliJamesIV Said: It appears you feel threatened by truth and you'd try to get rid of it any means necessary.

"This coming from the guy who believes that there is an invisible man in the sky who speaks to him."

(12-17-2013, 10:30 AM)EliJamesIV Said: Is there a reason to accept your challenge? Why? For revenge? To fight the man who attacked me after defending my United States belt, then losing the belt after the beat down? Ya see... you come here thinking you know all about me. I don't put my hope in some meaningless treasure that will rust away one day. I don't need to avenge that attack to a coward. If ya really wanted to fight me, then ya should've proven yourself worthy. All I've seen is hallow words from an ignorant mind by a coward.

"I don't care about titles, Eli and you can keep calling me a coward, a child, or whatever floats your fucking canoe if it makes you feel better. I don't have to prove myself worthy to you or to anyone. We can talk all day, but all that matters is what happens in that ring. Challenge accepted, yes or no? Who's the real coward here?"

(12-17-2013, 10:30 AM)EliJamesIV Said: Actions speak louder than words... and your actions have shown you're a coward.

"Negative, ghostrider. My actions were making a statement, but you are correct in one sense, actions do speak louder than words. Go ask your boy John Austin how his nose is feeling."

(12-17-2013, 10:30 AM)EliJamesIV Said: Did you say, "I don't need to attack you after a match, I'd rather poke holes in your ideology and then just put you down like the old dog you are" ... only to attack me after a match and challenge me to a fight rather than 'poke holes in my ideaology'? Yes.

"Actually, to be fair, I said this AFTER I had already attacked you and knocked you on your ass and you laid there in the ring looking like Payback having a stroke. I poked holes in your ideology AFTER the fact once you proved yourself to be didactic."

(12-17-2013, 12:58 PM)Mystica Said: Sorry, did John Raide -- John fucking Raide -- ask me who I was? Who in the bloody fuck is John Raide, aside from a fool who picks fights with those far greater than himself? And then he goes and questions my ability to grow facial hair? Oh, my. That hurt me somewhere deep inside, better known as my eighth grade self. Is that what construes as an insult nowadays? I hadn't realized the XWF was a glorified high school. In that case, I'm going to say Mr. Raide is a member of the A/V club who loves his overhead projector so much that he can't find a date.

I'd be a bit more focused on how badly ESP is going to damage your pride, and perhaps your arsehole. She's kinky like that. I think...

*Clears throat* "No, seriously, who is this guy? I kid. I pick fights with those far greater than myself? Okay, please let me know when I've gone and done that. Thanks for the heads up, sport. I didn't realize how sensitive (pun not intended) you'd be about that shaving joke, that was a throwaway line, Misty. Also, I can riff with you and your Manson clan of merry idiots and STILL be focused on ESP, ESPN, and any other silly acronym you want to throw in. Here's a tip, you might want to dial the rage back a bit before you turn Eli into a human lampshade."

[Image: John_Raide_zpsc05d7d5c.jpg]
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RE: Even more good news for Eli James and his Congregation - by John Raide - 12-17-2013, 06:08 PM

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