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And on the 6th day the King Decreed...
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-14-2013, 01:08 PM

Following the events of a Warfare that saw Eli James get a beating that would make Rodney King blush, Theo Pryce is sitting in a private conference room having just finished a post Warfare discussion with the rest of the Black Circle. Among the many topics the group discussed was the number one contendership to the Trio's Titles.

"So let's get right down to the point here. When I first came to the XWF my very first match was a Trio Tag Team match in which the winner's would receive the number one contendership to the Trios titles, currently held by ESP and two people she carries on her back. And as is the case in nearly all of my matches my team emerged victorious. A team made up of the always crazy Sin Wild and the effectively useless Olive Pendershore."

Theo reaches into his coat pocket pulls out his flask, takes a swig and replaces the flask in his coat pocket.

"But you see, a funny thing has happened since that match. Sin Wild has left the XWF for a while instead deciding to pursue other ventures. One of those ventures includes her working for Pryce Industries, as part of her contract with my company Sin has signed over her 1/3 of the Trios contendership to me. Now for the mathematically challenged that means that yours truly holds 2/3 of the Trios Contendership, the other 1/3 belonging to aforementioned Olive Pendershore. And sure, I could just hand that 1/3 over to a fellow member of the Black Circle but that's not how I work. I don't just hand anyone anything. If you want to earn anything in this life you damn well better earn it. And that is where Olive Pendershore comes into play. You see Olive, you don't impress me. Not in the least. In fact, since I've been here I can't think of one thing you have accomplished that I didn't have a hand in. Which leads me to believe that you aren't ready for the big stage of the Trios Title Match."

Theo leans back in his chair, a massive grin forming across his face.

"But you see Olive I am a fair King, a just King and so I am not just going to rip your 1/3 of the Trios Contendership from you, despite having the backing of the boss, no, what I am going to do is, I'm going to make you earn that 1/3. And I am sure you are thinking to yourself, "What the hell is he rambling on about? I already have 1/3, he can't just take it from me, and to an extent that is true. But I have ways of getting what I want. So in the spirit of Christmas I am going to give you a chance to earn, or keep, if that makes you feel better, your 1/3 of the Trios titles. And here is how you are going to do it. A triple threat elimination match. You win that match and you keep your 1/3 and then you and I discuss who we will give the other 1/3 to. We make a joint decision as a team. You lose that match, and well, you are shit out of luck."

"So now that I've got your attention let me further explain the match to you. As I said, it's a Triple Threat match, you have to finish as the last man, or woman standing. Now I am sure at this point you are thinking "Well this is just fucking great, how can this possibly get any better?" Well Olive let me tell you how. Your opponents will be none other than the XWF's very own Space Man and my Black Circle brethern Mr. Supernova as well as....let me, no I don't like that, no, she's more useless than you....ahhhhhh, yes....that's a name I like. Your other opponent will be Stevie Tyler."

"So to rehash the match will be Olive Pendershore vs Mr. Supernova vs Dr. Zero, last person standing get's 1/3 of the Trios #1 Contendership. And now for the best part of all, when will this match take place? Well, that's the fun part, although I am a member the Madness Roster, I just cashed in my last favor with Paul Heyman so that Michael McBride could get his long awaited match with Heyman's personal bitch boy LJ Havok, which means I need to find another venue for your match. And what better place than Warfare? You know, the show run by none other than that rat faced fuck Giovanni Ferrari. And do you know why Gio will accept the terms of this match as well as my attendance of said match? Because Gio despite all his wanna be tough guy talk, Gio cares more about ratings than anything else. Gio may be a gutless coward but he's not a stupid businessman. He knows that Nova and Tyler equal ratings. So Gio, allow me to present you this gift, this match for your, to take place a week from this coming Warfare. The King has decreed it, so let it be done."

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Messages In This Thread
And on the 6th day the King Decreed... - by Theo Pryce - 12-14-2013, 01:08 PM
And on the 6th day the King Decreed - by LJ Havok - 12-14-2013, 01:10 PM

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