The party is now really kicking, and it seems like the whole mansion could burn down. And knowing
(and everyone else), it probably will.
And it appears that it may have already started, as a fire alarm can be heard blaring off to one corner of the room. People are stirred by the commotion, and they see smoke seeping out of one of the bathrooms, which Luca runs out of, followed by two waitresses, who were almost entirely naked.
GREGGO runs over with his fire extinguisher in an effort to tame the fire.
With so many people distracted, now is the time to strike.
Smoke, entirely dressed in garb similar to that of
, is able to hit Shane on the neck, at just the right spot to knock him out cold. Smoke grabs Shane and runs off with him in his arms. A few people notice him running away, and a few more give chase.
But they are too slow, as Smoke is able to slip away from them, and now he is somewhere in the hallways of the large mansion.
With the leader of the Black Circle in his arms.