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Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2)
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-29-2013, 01:11 AM

Smoke Man w/Shane
- vs -
Liz Hathaway w/Dean Moxley McGovern
Rub A Dub Dub Match w/ managers
There will be two kiddie pools at ringside on either side of the ring.
Pinfall must occur INSIDE one of the kiddie pools!

The X-TRON lights up and we see Shane in the back. He is standing over a man who is tied to a chair and has a bucket on his head.

: There's been a slight change of schedule.

Shane slaps the bucks and it falls off of Dean McGovern's head! There appears to be shit smeared all over Dean's head. What the hell was in that bucket?!?

: Anybody been wondering where Dean has been lately? Well... let's just say he finally figured out he was fucking the wrong guy in the ass, and now he's covered in that man's shit!

Shane gets right up in the camera and yells like a psycho.


Shane unbuttons his pants and begins urinating into Dean's lap while the scene fades back to ringside...

Smoke Man and Liz Hathaway are both already in the ring and have seen everything that just happened. Liz looks to be confused but also upset, yelling and pointing at Shane on the X-TRON as if he can hear her. Smoke Man has a smirk on his face and just shrugs.

DING DING DING! And we're off!

Liz turns around, and now gets a look of determination on her face as her and Smoke Man lock up! Smoke gets the upper advantage, and turns the lock up into a headlock! Liz pushes Smoke into the ropes and pushes him off, and then runs and hits a hurricanrana on the rebounding Smoke! She hooks his legs, but the ref tells her he can't count it and points outside to the pools! Liz gets up and looks angry at the ref, and from behind Smoke hits a roll up!!!! He's waiting for a count, but again, there is none!

Smoke releases it, and he looks angry at the ref, but he just turns around and locks up again with Liz, this time Liz gets the advantage, locking in a wristlock, and then she rolls forward, bringing Smoke with her in a rolling arm drag! Liz locks in an arm bar, and then stands up and stomps on the arm! Smoke stands up, holding his arm, and Liz grabs the wrist and starts to wrench in another wristlock, but Smoke kicks her in the gut and hits a suplex! Smoke lifts her up and tosses her out of the ring, but she lands on the apron.

Smoke runs to knock her off, but Liz counters with a hotshot, sending Smoke stumbling backwards, and Liz jumps up, getting her feet on the ropes and she bounces, flying through the air hitting a nice springboard crossbody on Smoke!!!! She gets up and rolls Smoke out of the ring, landing him in one of the pools, and she points to the ropes and begins to climb! She goes for a diving axe handle, but Smoke is up by now, and when Liz jumps, he manages to hit her in the stomach with a right fist, and he lifts up the hunched over Liz in a gutwrench suplex!!! She lands right in the water, splashing it about, and Smoke Man covers!


Kickout by Liz!

Suddenly, the lights in the arena black-out. Music begins to play.

Letters flash on the screen;


They are quickly replaced by a sentence;

Doomsday is Coming

That flashes away also, and the lights fade in once again, as if nothing happened. Everyone is confused... what was that!?

Liz seems confused by whatever that was, slowly getting up and turning her attention back to Smoke Man. He starts swinging, looking ready for a big haymaker, but Liz being quick puts her hand in the water and splashes Smoke in the eyes! Smoke holds his eyes and Liz jumps up, getting on his back and locking in a sleeper hold! Smoke Man manages to counter with a snapmare, landing Liz outside the pool hard onto the ground! Smoke Man gets out of the pool and locks in a headlock on the grounded Liz.

Hathaway manages to get to her feet, headlock still being held, and she stomps on Smoke's foot, causing him to loosen up the hold, and she slips right out of it, getting behind Smoke, and she pushes Smoke into the turnbuckle post! She then runs and dropkicks the back of Smoke, sending him into the turnbuckle post!

Smoke is down, and Liz starts to kick on him a bit, but then she lifts him up and tosses him into the kiddy pool, and then runs and flips over the side of the kiddy pool, hitting a nice plancha splash on Smoke! She covers!




Smoke Man stands up and kicks Liz in the gut, and looks ready for a DDT, but Liz sweeps his legs out from under him and then stomps on his gut! Smoke is trying to keep his head above water, but Liz uses her foot to push it down, and Smoke Man is struggling to breathe! Smoke finally manages to roll away from the boot and stand up, and he quickly trips Liz, putting her in the same position he was in moments before!

Liz gets out of it, and the two lock up in the kiddy pool! Smoke Man gets the advantage, and he gets behind Liz in a waistlock, and he lifts Liz up... Back Suplex on the apron!!!! Liz holds her back as Smoke confidently pulls her into the pool and puts a foot over her, pinning her.




Liz is slow to get up, and Smoke Man tosses her into the ring, and he quickly follows. He picks her up and tosses her into the corner, where he starts delivering shots left and right to her head, and then he bounces off the ropes and goes for a corner splash, but Liz moves out of the way, and then she waits until Smoke turns around, and she hits an arm drag!!!! Smoke is quick to get up though, but Wait! Liz hits a superkick!!!!


It's caught! Smoke uses his free hand to shake his finger, taunting Liz, and then he spins her around and picks her up, hitting a vicious Spinebuster!!!! He hits a few knee drops to Liz, and then points to the ropes, and he begins to climb them!!! he reaches the top, and he goes for the Big Elbow Drop!!!!


Liz moves out of the way, and she climbs the ropes herself! She points to the sky, and she looks ready for a Lizsanity, but before she can jump, Smoke rolls himself up, and he runs and delivers a strike to Liz, and he climbs the ropes with her! He points to the outside of the ring, and begins to position himself, and he moves over a bit, and he puts his arm around her in a suplex position! This could be bad!!!!

Smoke tries lifting her up to superplex her outside of the ring, but Liz kicks her feet, forcing him to put her down, and Liz goes for a superplex of her own, but then Smoke manages to lift her up, and Liz tries getting out of it, moving them over as they both fall back, hitting the apron!!!! Superplex onto the apron!!!! Both Liz and Smoke are in pain, and they both roll off the apron, dropping into a kiddy pool!

Both are down, and no one's moving...

No one's moving.....


Still Nothing....

Is that a movement! Wait, no...

And Smoke Man starts to getting up!!! He uses the kiddy pool to help himself up, and he stands up, holding his arms up in the air before covering Liz!




Smoke Man angrily grabs Liz by her hair and slaps her!!!! He tells her to lay the fuck down and stay there!!! The crowd boos as Smoke starts to drag her around the pool by her hair!!! Smoke then tosses her into the ring apron, and he runs and hits a dropkick, forcing her back into the apron! Smoke stands up and looks for a suplex, but Liz pushes Smoke away, and then hits a hurricanrana, splashing the water as she covers!




Liz stands up and stalks Smoke, and when Smoke stands up, Liz runs and goes for a clothesline, but Smoke ducks it, and then trips her, causing Liz to trip in the pool! Liz quickly stands up, and Smoke runs at her, but Liz hits an arm drag, tossing Smoke out of the ring! Liz follows by leaping over the side of the pool with a suicide dive onto Smoke!!!! Sort've...

Liz is up and she waits for Smoke, and when he gets up, Liz goes for a dropkick, but Smoke catches her legs, and he pushes her down and locks in a Boston Crab!!! Smoke leans back farther and farther, and this won't win the match, but it'll surely wear down the opponent!!!!

Smoke, after a while, lets go. He picks Liz up and tosses her into the barricade, and then goes over and starts to choke her with his foot! Liz starts strangling for air as the crowd boos and Smoke laughs! Smoke stops after a while, and he lifts Liz up by her hair, and he pulls her back and goes to toss her into the barricade, but wait!

Liz jumps up onto the barricade, and gives a quick peace sign, and then hits a corkscrew moonsault attack onto Smoke!!! The crowd goes wild as both are down!!!

Liz stands up slowly, and Smoke follows, and they lock up outside of the ring, and Liz gets the arm into a wristlock, but she quickly gets behind Smoke in a hammerlock, and then she gets her leg to kick Smoke in the back, and she locks in a cobra clutch! Smoke snapmares her and kicks her in the gut when she gets up, and he goes for a DDT, but Liz counters with a back body drop, but Smoke drops into a sitting position! He hits a sunset flip! But the pin doesn't count!

Liz quickly rolls backward and dropkicks the sitting Smoke! She tosses him into the kiddy pool, and she climbs into the ring. Smoke is lying down, and Liz climbs the ropes... LIZSANITY!!! SHE HITS IT!!!! She covers!!!!




Liz and the crowd and all XWF is in shock!!! She stands up and picks Smoke up too... She goes for a reverse Twist of Fate.. She's going to hit it!!!! She's going to hit the Thank Me Later!! Wait!!!

Smoke turns it around, and puts his hand around Liz's throat!!! He's going to chokeslam her!!!! He picks her up, but Liz drops down and kicks Smoke in the gut, and gets behind him... REVERSE TWIST OF FATE!!! THANK ME LATER!!!!


Smoke pushes her down, picks her up by her throat, and goes for a Chokeslam!!! CHOKESLAM!!!! RIGHT DOWN INTO THE POOL!!!! He puts his foot over her throat!!!!



LIZ KICKS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smoke picks her up and goes for another Chokeslam, and he hits it!!!! He doesn't cover, but instead picks her up and hits another!!! He goes for a fourth in a row, but wait! Liz drops to her feet... THANK ME LATER!!! She drops down to the water in the pool, exhausted....

Both are down, and Liz starts crawling to her feet, but wait! Shane comes out from the back, with a bucket in his hand.... Is that.... Shane 's Feces? I think it is!!! It's Shane's Shit!!!!

Shane laughs as he walks down, and Liz is standing now!!!! She looks at Shane, and Shane walks down to the ring, and it turns into a run! Smoke Man is standing behind Liz, but her attention is to Shane now, and Shane lifts the bucket up and goes to throw his shit all over Liz, but wait!!! SHE DUCKS!!! It lands all over Smoke Man!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shane cusses, and everyone cheers as Smoke is having a fit!!! He got covered in shit!!!! Liz looks at Shane and laughs at his failed plan...


Liz shrieks, and Shane pushes her to Smoke, who hits a Chokeslam! He covers!



THREE!!! He's done it!

Winner: Smoke Man

Smoke is disgusted though, and luckily, he's in a kiddy pool! He tosses Liz out and he starts to put his face in the water, trying to wash shit off. He lifts his head up and starts cupping the water and tries washing it off by dropping it on him!!! Shane quickly washes out the bucket which held shit, and now Shane helps Smoke Man get the shit off of him by dumping him in buckets of water!

XWF Television Championship
Mr. Supernova
- vs -
John Austin
- vs -
LJ Havok
Triple Threat, 1 Fall
15 Minute Time Limit
TV Title RP Rules: The challengers can only post a maximum of 1 rp per day while the champ can post normally

The bell rings and the match gets underway.


Since the time limit is ticking in the background, the two challengers do not hesitate to leap at the champion, throwing punches, and giving Nova a hard time to counter. He is overcome, and falls to the mat. While LJ keeps stomping away, John Austin kneels down and delivers a series of punches to Nova's head.

This teamwork does not appear to last long, though, since LJ takes advantage and kicks Austin across the back, who had let his guard down when attacking Nova. John rolls away, under the bottom rope and out to ringside to try and get away from LJ. However, LJ is not far behind, since he follows. John sees this and goes back into the ring, turning around to taunt LJ from the safety of the ring.

But Nova is there, and rolls up John!



--the pin is only just broken by LJ.


John is sent rolling, and all three of the competitors stand, ready to fight once again.

Nova is the first to attack. He kicks LJ in the gut and quickly performs a Snap-DDT. He quickly rises to see Austin running toward him for a Clothesline. Timing it right, Nova jumps and hits Austin with a dropkick. With both of his opponents on the mat, Nova runs to the ropes and bounces off, delivering a Big Splash to Austin, followed by a Leg Drop.

He turns to see LJ rising. Attempting to keep him dazed, Nova uppercuts LJ, and Irish Whips him across the ring. Rebounding, Nova tries to perform a flying clothesline, but Havok sees this, ducking it and rebounding off of the other ropes. Nova is up, and he receives a Shining Wizard! Right to the face!

LJ goes for the cover;



NO! Nova kicks out.

The timer continues ticking away.


LJ stands, annoyed he couldn't quite get the count. He turns around, but Austin is there. He receives yet another kick to the stomach, and John lifts him up, setting up his brain-buster suplex. John is holding him in the air, sending all the blood to Havok's head. He struggles to fight back, and almost accepts his fate.

But it seems John had held him in the air to long, since Nova is up, and he dropkicks Austin! Down he goes, and LJ is not far after. LJ actually lands on top of Austin, but Nova kicks him off before going for his own pin attempt...



A kickout from Austin.

Nova punches the mat in frustration. LJ is already up on his feet. He grabs Nova's head and slams it down on the mat, sending a flurry of punches down to Nova's jaw. He stands, running over to, and climbing, the corner, setting up an Elbow Drop, which he hits onto Austin.

He runs off the ropes once more and performs a Baseball Slide, making Austin roll out of the ring. LJ turns his direction to Nova, but his little diversion when going for Austin seems like a bad idea, since he is met by Nova, who hits his finisher; Darkest Light!

Nova goes for the cover;




NO! LJ had his foot on the rope just before the three!

Nova shouts in frustration! He drags LJ away from the ropes, and sets him up in a Boston Crab!

LJ is screaming in agony, trying his best not to tap out! He crawls, slowly but surely, over to the ropes. His hand is extended... he almost has it, he--


Nova drags him away! This seems like it's it for LJ! All Nova has to do is keep the hold locked for another minute and he's retained the title!

LJ shakes his head, almost in denial! He pushes himself up from the ground, trying to power out of the hold but it's too much!


Nova is distracted by someone calling his name at ringside.

Woman: Hey Mr. Supernova!

It's John Madison!

Meanwhile LJ has managed to power out of the hold Nova had him in! Nova tries to grab LJ but LJ shoves him away, stumbling and falling into the ropes right near John Madison who reaches in from ringside and starts hugging Nova's legs!

What the fuck is wrong with this crazy bitch!

Madison: Gimme a kiss Nova. Come on... I'm everything a spaceman could need.

Oh my god! Madison buries his/her face into Nova's crotch!

Madison: Muah muah muah. Mmmm muah!

Madison is kissing Nova's dick!

Nova is trying to push Madison away and finally Madison releases him and smacks his lips at the crowd before turning and skipping up the ramp toward the back.

Nova quickly turns around back toward LJ in the ring... Revelations! LJ hits his own spinning forearm! He sees Nova wobble up back to his feet, all he needs is one final strike...


LJ hits it! The timer's getting dangerously close to zero, he goes for the cover, hoping it will be enough;



The fans count along and shout THREE!!!

but the sound of the buzzer overpowers their voices!

LJ gets up off of Mr. Supernova and raises his hands into the air in victory!

Wait a minute, the ref is bringing the championship over to Mr. Supernova...

LJ looks around, confused. He looks up at the timer:


He grabs his head in despair! He was that close!

Nova is still the champ! The buzzer sounded a split second before the three count!

LJ Havok argues with the ref for a few seconds before walking around ringside and grabbing a mic.

Havok: I think we all know what we just saw here. Me defeating the champion one, two, three, right in the middle of the ring. Everyone's going to remember that it was me standing tall at the end of this match. Not Supernova and not John Austin.

He throws the mic down in disgust as he marches to the back.

X-treme Championship
Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Wyatt Reynolds
- vs -
- vs -
Hunter Payne
- vs -
Andrew Morrison
- vs -
X-treme Elimination Chamber
w/ Energy Bars!
2 random ppl start out and every 5 mins one of the chambers opens to allow another person in. Elimination is by pin or submission. Order of entry WILL have an affect on this match as the earlier entrants have their health bars drained and fresh opponents enter with 100% bars.

There is a slow labeled EMPTY for this match which we are now learning means this: A CHAMBER FULL OF WEAPONS!

One of the chambers will be packed to the top with a variety of weapons and that chamber will be randomly opened just like the rest of the chambers, releasing a flood of weapons into the fray!

During the break, the Elimination Chamber was descended from the rafters and set in place on the ring. After a quality check or two, the ref and some XWF staff move toward the ring bell, where a trash can is found. They proceed to lift the can, which, given the strained looks on their faces, is quite heavy, and they make their way over to the entrance of the cage. Moving inside the diabolical structure, they drop the can in front of one of the chamber doors. The ref unlatches the door, then motions for the staff members to place the can inside the chamber. They lift the lid off of the can, bring the can above their heads, and pour the contents in to what was formerly going to be Steve Davids's chamber. It was going to be their own version of a Thanksgiving feast, XWF style.

A picture of a swastika appears on the screen without music accompanying it.

Wyatt Reynolds makes his way down the ramp, smirking at the crowd as he points out, one by one, the "inferior" members of the audience. It's easy to imply what he thinks should be done with these folks.

Wyatt reaches the stairwell to the entrance door, and slowly walks up, step by step. He makes his way through the entrance and focuses directly on his chamber door. However, before entering, Wyatt stops in the middle of the ring, looks around the contraption, and smiles. He proceeds inside his chamber and the door locks behind him.

Use Somebody by Kings of Leon blares from the loudspeakers.

Strutting down the aisle is Hunter Payne. The crowd roars with approval for this entrant, resulting in Hunter flashing a smile and waving his hands maniacally in excitement. Hunter charges down the ramp, bolting up the stairs and hopping over the ring ropes. He hops up and down in the middle of the ring, raising his arms in a motion to push the crowd to get louder, which they oblige. Hunter yells at the crowd to "get the fuck up!" The ref shuttles Hunter toward his chamber, locking it behind him. Hunter pounds on his chamber incessantly, getting the pay per view crowd good and rowdy for this confrontation.

Just then, the lights go out...

Panting can be heard from the speakers, followed by cackling...

Coming Undone by KoЯn blares from the speakers.

Andrew Morrison! Morrison makes his way down the aisle as the lights shine very, very dimly. His long hair covering his face, Morrison walks down the ramp with his head down and fists clenched. This man was back from his hiatus, and he was, well, maybe not exactly ready yet mentally...

A spotlight focuses on the stairs leading to the entrance. Morrison, upon reaching said spotlight, bends over and begins POUNDING on the stairs. Fist after fist after fist lands on the solid steel structure. Morrison then hops up the stairs on all fours, grabs the chain links, and begins to CLIMB up the structure. Right, left, right, left, right, left, as the crowd and the ref stare in awe at this odd, angry man. He stops 10 feet up, turns his head toward the crowd, and begins shaking the structure with his hands and the weight of his body. The crowd begins to chant...

"Nut job! Nut job! Nut job!"

Morrison simply smiles at these taunts. He lets go of the chain links, dropping to the ground ON HIS FEET. He rushes back up the stairs, rolls in to the ring, and makes his way to the chamber with weapons. He observes the steel chair, the barbed wire bat, the stop sign, and other items, and, once again, grins. He looks at Wyatt, then at Hunter, points to the weapons, then at Wyatt's head, followed by Hunter's head, before making a decapitation motion with his hand to his own neck. Off Morrison goes to his chamber.

Just then...

That's right...

It's time for someone to suck someone's genitalia!!!

Daddy's Fallen Angel by In This Moment hits and the crowd ERUPTS

The chants begin immediately!

"Suck my dick! Suck my dick! SUCK MY DICK!"

Peter Gilmour makes his way from behind the curtain, the Xtreme Title over his shoulder. Taking his time, he strolls down the ring, making a "give it to me" motion with his hand as the crowd's chants continue. He points to the belt, then to his penis. Peter wisps his hair back as he reaches the base of the stairwell to the ring. He flirts with walking up, only to shake his head. Taking a few steps backward, Peter lays his title on the ground, extends his arms outward, and points to the crowd...

Gilmour: Suck my dick! Suck my dick! Suck my dick!

The crowd loses it as Peter moves his hips from side to side, flaunting his newly chiseled behind, letting his seemingly well-traveled junk flail from side to side as he soaks in the crowd's penis chant. Until...


Without music or warning, PAYBACK comes bulldozing down the ramp, his mouth covered in white, foamy saliva, as if he contracted rabies from a raccoon on the alley buffet line. PAYBACK wastes little time, charging in to Peter's rear, forcing Peter in to the stairs. PAYBACK immediately begins chanting to the crowd to... suck HIS dick!!!

An incensed Gilmour makes his way to his feet and is ready to retaliate, only to be tugged at by the hair by the ref and some staffers forcing him in to the chamber. Gilmour is safely concealed in the chamber, followed by PAYBACK. Since all of the chambers are taken up by participants, PAYBACK and Gilmour are forced in to different spots inside, waiting whether they will be wrestling first or sitting in one of the chambers.

The ref locks the chamber door from the outside and looks on. Walking over to the timekeeper, he motions for him to draw two names out of a hat, giving us our first two participants...

Wyatt Reynolds and Hunter Payne are the lucky two!

PAYBACK and Gilmour take the two newly freed chambers as Wyatt and Hunter make their way in to the ring. The bell rings and we're on!

Wyatt and Hunter grapple one another. Hunter uses his body to force Wyatt to the ropes, and Wyatt soon counters by moving Hunter back his way to the ropes. They move back and forth, with no one gaining the clear edge. After some wrangling, Hunter hits Wyatt with a kick to the knee, then another, followed by an elbow to the gut, knocking Wyatt backwards. Hunter rolls away from the ropes, then proceeds to bounce off of the nearby turnbuckle, charging toward Wyatt. Wyatt drops to the mat and Hunter propels over him. Hunter bounces off of the ropes, and Wyatt pops up, going for a kick to the gut. Hunter catches Wyatt's arm and hits him with a dragon leg whip. Wyatt hits the ground, but immediately springs back up, albeit in a bit of pain. He's rewarded with a roundhouse kick by Hunter, and he once again finds himself on his back.

Hunter slides over to the downed Wyatt and starts bombarding him with right fists to the face. One after another, Hunter attempts to beat the hate out of Wyatt. Wyatt reels from this parade of punches, and finally manages to hit Hunter with a quick elbow to the eye, causing Hunter to jolt backward as he clutches his swelling eye. Wyatt rolls to the corner and beneath the bottom rope, attempting to catch his composure. However, Hunter's having none of that. Hunter makes it to his feet, runs against the rope opposite from Wyatt, and catapults himself toward Resident NAZI #2 of the XWF. Hunter attempts to leap over the top rope and land on Wyatt in a modified Tope Amancio, but Wyatt moves away at the last moment, resulting in Hunter's back landing violently on the steel floor.


The lights in the arena go out, followed by a spotlight appearing, moving between the chambers. The next participant is...

Andrew Morrison!

Morrison pounds on his door until it's unlatched. Morrison bolts from his chamber, setting his sights on Wyatt and Hunter, who are both recovering from their respective starts. Morrison climbs the turnbuckle and splashes on top of both men. Morrison lays on top of Hunter, before pelting his face with multiple elbows. Hunter curls up in to a ball, protecting his face, as Morrison pelts him repeatedly. Morrison lifts Hunter by the head and catapults Hunter in to the chain links, then grabs his arm and whips him in to Morrison's empty chamber. Morrison follows this up with a hard DDT on to the steel floor. He goes for the pin...




After a few minutes of Morrison dominating Hunter and Wyatt, they both remain in contention. Next to enter?

Get ready to suck some dick! Peter Gilmour is in!

Gilmour's chamber door opens, but, instead of making his way toward his competitors, Gilly turns to the crowd and gets that chant going once again...

"Suck my dick! Suck my dick! Suck my dick!

The crowd goes off like Crimson Dong after seeing himself in the mirror. However, Gilmour's party is short-lived, as a raging Andrew Morrison diverts his attention from the weaker opponents in contention, and instead makes a beeline for Gilmour. Morrison crashes Gilmour's skull in to the chamber. However, Gilmour isn't fazed...

Gilmour: Suck my adult dick, you child loving piece of shit!

"What is Andrew Morrison doing...oh my god! He has a steel pipe with him!"

"Why does that piece of shit have a fucking weapon with him, this is ridiculous!"

"Well, this is for the Xtreme Championship, this is an Elimination Chamber, No DQ, I assume Andrew can do whatever he wants...and it looks like he is going after the champion!"

Gilmour nails Morrison with a hard right elbow to the jaw, knocking Morrison backward and the pipe out of his hand and onto the ground. Peter follows this up with a hard clothesline over the rope. Peter makes his way through the ropes, then proceeds to hit Morrison with some hard stomps to the gut and face. The champ lifts Morrison to his feet and hits him with a hard samoan drop. Morrison clenches his gut as Gilmour goes for the pin...




On the other end, Hunter and Wyatt exchange blows. Wyatt manages to gain the upper hand, tossing Payne in to Morrison's empty chamber, then following him inside. Wyatt closes the door, and... is he creating his own deadly NAZI death chamber???

No, he's just about to beat the life out of Hunter, that's all. No big deal.

Knee to the gut, followed by rapid, seemingly neverending punches to the entire upper body, and then... a piledriver! Wyatt nailed a strong piledriver on Hunter Payne! Payne is down inside Morrison's chamber!




The next chamber to open is the chamber of weapons. Wyatt and Gilmour immediately take advantage. Wyatt takes a shovel, while Gilmour grabs the barbed wire bat. However, as Gilmour makes his way back to a downed Morrison, Wyatt changes course and follows. He lifts the shovel up over his right shoulder and comes down HARD on Gilmour's head, almost cutting his skull in half in the process!

"Andrew is going over to his pod..what is he doing? He has a bat, a baseball bat!"

"What the hell, what else is this lunatic hiding?"

"I don't know, but he is reaching in his pocket, what is he?...OH MY GOD, the top of that bat is on fire! Andrew Morrison took a match from his pocket and has lit the bat on fire!"

"This guy has lost it!"

"When Andrew said he was going to make the world burn, he meant it! Oh, I have a bad feeling about this!"

Andrew Morrison sees the opportunity to go after a downed Gilmour with this burning baseball bat and now GILMOUR IS ON FIRE!!

Holy shit!

Holy Shit!

Reynolds takes out Morrison from behind with the shovel..

Wyatt: Thanks for the help!

Shot after shot after shot to Gilmour! Wyatt beats a downed Gilmour so hard that it eventually puts out the flames, then stops. He looks at the shovel, then turns his gaze toward the baseball bat. A sick, sadistic smile comes over his face as he drops the shovel and lifts up the bat. Wyatt takes a moment to observe the bat for what it's worth: the sharp, jagged spikes on the barbed wire, the solid, cylindrical feel of the bat. Wyatt lifts the bat up over his head with two hands and readies to finish off Gilmour's chances in this match, and potentially... the man's life.


PAYBACK! PAYBACK is your final entrant!






PAYBACK goes WILD, spearing Wyatt. A dazed Hunter goes for PAYBACK, only to receive a spear himself! PAYBACK lifts Morrison to his feet, and... SPEAR TO MORRISON! Four men are out cold in the chamber, with PAYBACK kicking ass and looking likely to pin them all himself!

PAYBACK lifts the barbed wire bat and goes for Hunter. PAYBACK lifts the bat over his head, and then holds the pose as he revels in the chants of "Pay me more!" PAYBACK gets sidetracked, and eventually loses his train of thought, instead concerning himself with the chants of the crowd. He begins going off himself...

PAYBACK: Pay me more! Pay me more! Feed me Gilmour! Feed me Gil...

A Yakuza Kick to the back of PAYBACK's skull! Gilmour nailed him with a Yakuza Kick! PAYBACK lays on the ground, clutching the back of his head as he clenches his teeth. The foam around his mouth has yet to subside! Maybe he has contracted rabies!

Gilmour slides over to PAYBACK and goes for the pin...



KICKOUT as PAYBACK launches Gilmour across the ring. PAYBACK gets up, bounces off of the ropes, and splashes on top of Peter. Meanwhile, in the corner, Morrison comes to, setting his sights for a downed Hunter Payne. Wyatt comes to and readies himself to join Morrison in this cause...

Morrison and Wyatt have the upper hand as the two of them begin unleashing a flurry of kicks at Hunter Payne while he is downed in the corner.

This leaves only Peter and none other than PAYBACK standing face to face on the opposite sides of the chamber.


HOLY FUCK he leaped across the ring and leveled Peter before the blink of an eye. Faster than a speeding bullet and the speed of light combined times a million infinity is what he just did. The only number in Payback's vocabulary and numerical comprehension is infinity.

PAYBACK'S not done yet as he now sets his sights on Wyatt Reynolds who is still continuing to pound away at Hunter Payne in the corner alongside Andrew Morrison.

Down goes Reynolds!

Faster than Morrison can even turn around to realize what had just happened he had been laid out with an even more devastating spear from PAYBACK. Hunter Payne readies himself to take yet another spear but instead is met with a different approach from PAYBACK. PAYBACK extends an arm his away asking for a shake in return and I guess Hunter took this as an opportunity to possibly gain some help after witnessing the tag team action of Morrison and Reynolds on him in the corner...


PAYBACK instead.

Right after they shake hands Hunter Payne goes down like sack of potatoes. PAYBACK had PAYED him BACK for PAYNE!

Peter Gilmour begins to stand up after the first spear but is quickly flattened again as PAYBACK levels him

Then Wyatt.

Then Morrison.

Back to Payne.


This cycle repeats itself approximately nineteen times like PAYBACK were some kind of bowling ball knocking down pins in succession on a video game.

Finally Gilmour breaks the cycle with a massive GILMOUR CUTTER!

PAYBACK goes down hard and even though he's been drinking gallons of HGH hormones all day his stamina had to eventually wear after delivering so many vicious spears.

Gilmour with the pin...




After causing immense mayhem inside the chamber PAYBACK goes down that easily with one GILMOUR cutter.

It's down to 4 men!





So, PAYBACK is the first man eliminated...

But did you think PAYBACK was just going to willingly leave after that??????

What are you crazy?

The refs attempt to lure the beast out of the cage with cattle prods and fish nets but it is met with little to no success as PAYBACK is practically immune to electricity since that's what he brushes his teeth with. Finally all of the remaining contestants in the chamber work together to force the monster inside one of the releasing cages. The refs along the outside of the ring assist by handing a padlock to Wyatt Reynolds. After minutes of fighting PAYBACK into the corner and one of the cages Wyatt is eventually able to lock the padlock over the cage and keep PAYBACK from interfering in the match further.

But for how long??

PAYBACK begins to gnaw on the outside of the steel cages and it's quite certain that eventually he's going to get out. The remaining contestants look at each other and know they've got to get this over with fast before PAYBACK chews through that cage like a stray dog would a piece of T-bone steak.

Gilmour reacts first by immediately landing a few punches to the face of Morrison who was the last remaining member of the group containing PAYBACK. Gilmour used this to his advantage to get the upper hand and powerslam Morrison onto the mat.

Meanwhile Reynolds and Hunter Payne tied it up on the opposite side of the ring. Jockeying for position eventually Hunter is able to get the upper hand by landing a menacing gut buster to Reynolds. Payne then with a leg drop on top of Reynolds and some words of dis taste as we see Hunter screaming in the ears of the unconscience Reynolds.

Gilmour makes his way into the chamber with weapons where he thinks he's found his weapon of choice..


He's still going to gain the upper hand on Morrison here as he makes his way towards a staggering opponent then CRACKS!

Him over the head with the back end of the pitch fork. Morrison goes down again...

Now Gilly hovers over him with the sharp end of the pitch fork. All four prongs pointed directly at Morrison's throat...

Gilly closes in...

closes in...


Morrison must have been playing possum because quickly he manages to snap the pitch fork out of Gilmour's hands by spinning his body around on the mat, elevating his left leg and with a ninja style fashion, kick Gilmour's pitchfork into mid air... sailing across the ring and smashing directly into....

PAYBACK'S left eye!!!

The sharp end of the pitch fork has definitively caused some major damage to PAYBACK'S sight...

But did you think that would stop him?


At that moment Hunter Payne sees his chance and irish whips Gilmour into the corner of the cage where PAYBACK was waiting for him..

PAYBACK latches onto Gilmour with both his hands and his teeth. Gilmour screams in pain and sends a flurry of punches at PAYBACK'S damaged eye. Which may have gone numb because it has no effect on PAYBACK as he digs Gilmour in closer to the cage with a bear hug.

Morrison decides to let PAYBACK have his way with Gilmour in the corner and now sets his sights on another target.

After Hunter Payne whips Gilmour into the corner he turns to await a rising Wyatt Reynolds to show the racist inbred a lesson.. But before he can attempt any sort of maneuver it is Andrew Morrison who got the best of him with a reverse DDT! Morrsion now with the upper hand on Reynolds is able to dish out some severe punishment. He takes both his enormous hands around Wyatt's thin neck and elevates him into the air. Holding him their for about thirty seconds before landing a massive TWO HANDED CHOKESLAM!!

The ring rattles just enough to set Gilmour free from Payback's grip.

PAYBACK: "Once I get out of here I'm coming for you GILMOUR! suck my DICK!"

PAYBACK goes back to chewing on the steel cage again which he is about half way through...

Morrison now see his his opportunity to target the man he was looking to destroy. Morrison levels Gilmour with a devastating clothesline while traveling at full speed across the ring.

Hunter Payne has meanwhile tossed Wyatt Reynolds into an empty cage and slammed his head between the swinging cage door.

Morrison lifts Gilmour back up....

THE DOWNBURST! (Hangman's face buster)

Morrison should claim a pin here...


Hunter Payne comes sailing from the other side of the ring.

He's caught Morrison off guard who was expecting him to let him eliminate Gilmour.

The F'in Paynful Bomb! (Flipping Rock Bottom)

Payne covers both Morrison and Gilmour!

Now I see his tactic!!!

The ref goes for a double cover!



PAYBACK finishes chewing through the steel bars and dives on top of Gilmour breaking up the pin on him....


Morrison is eliminated by PAYNE but Gilmour was spared by PAYBACK!!!

Which is exactly what the deranged monster is going to be looking for as he attempts to start chewing on Gilmour's eye...

Reynolds comes over to level PAYNE with a series of punches as the two now tie it up in the center of the ring while Gilmour and PAYBACK still struggle on the opposite side.




PAYNE punches Reynolds with a HAYMAKER and then goes flying off the chamber doors narrowly missing...

Reynolds ducks the second Haymaker attempt and slides his body directly underneath Payne's.

He elevates him onto his shoulder...

He's got him set up for....

THE BURNING CROSS! (Burning Hammer)

Immediately with the cover.




Reynolds has just eliminated Hunter Payne.



Reynolds now knows that in order to score a pin fall on Peter Gilmour he's going to have to find a way to get PAYBACK to get off of him. Reynolds picks up the pitchfork and begins prodding at the beast who is clearly getting annoyed while it tries to feast. Gilmour is still managing to hold him off with all the strength that is necessary before PAYBACK could cause any bodily harm. Although Peter may have lost a bit of his breath after being choked out by those anaconda arms of PAYBACK'S.

Peter falls attempting to catch his breath as PAYBACK has had enough of Reynolds prodding.

Payback grabs the pitch fork and proceeds to break it in half over the top of his head. Reynolds now backs away slowly as PAYBACK continues to pick up other weapons that had been strung about the chambers. Also breaking them over his head with little to no effect. Gilmour now to his feet as both him and Reynolds both avoid PAYBACK who will no be satisfied until ever single weapon is broke over his head inside the ring. This causes him no pain mind you, but only strikes fear into the eyes of his opponents in a match he had already been eliminated from.

Gilmour just hits him with another Gilmour cutter after the idiot is done ruining their fun with all the weapons and he goes down like a ton of bricks. No seriously exactly how a ton of bricks would fall down through the arena and crash. Thankfully he fell out like a bowling ball through one of the empty chamber doors and rolled down outside the audience and into the backstage arena. Wyatt shuts the door and locks it with a padlock as he could have escaped the carnage but rather he decided to lock himself and Gilmour inside the chamber to finish this out how it was supposed to.

Gilmour nods at Wyatt in approval for locking out PAYBACK and now the match would really start to begin as Gilmour and Reynolds tied it up dead center in the middle of the ring. The Xtreme Championship is on the line and hovering above the chamber as the crowd begins to amp itself up with excitement. Gilmour with a kick to the gut but then Wyatt retaliates with a reverse irish whip into the corner where he follows with an elbow to the face. Followed by a few knees across his chest. Wyatt flings Gilmour into the opposite side of the chamber and against the steel structure. Wyatt attempts another elbow to the face but Gilmour this time is quicker somehow....

Wyatt slams his own face into the steel structure. Gilmour rolls him up with a school boy pin...




Wyatt isn't going down just yet and Gilmour isn't wasting any time to finish off what he started. He elevates Wyatt back to his feet before landing a vicious power slam. Wyatt retreats quickly to the corner to recuperate and Gilmour is qucikly behind him. Wyatt thinks fast by tripping Gilmour in a very cheap manner in which Gilmour lands directly on his face.

WYATT lifts Gilmour up to hit


Again! The second one in the match...

The cover!!





by Gilmour!

Wyatt almost had him there...

With an upset look on his face for what he for sure must have been the upper hand and the finishing blow to this match was indeed not meant to be. Reynolds rises first but is then tripped by Gilmour upon immediately after rising to his feet for a taste of his own medicine.

Both men very exhausted after withstanding so much in this match that they can barely manage to trip one another to take the upper hand. Gilmour misses a punch...

Wyatt delivers a kick but has little effect...

Wyatt is distracted when out of the corner of his eyes as once again...

PAYBACK was back for PAYBACK!

He was distracted long enough to catch...... KILLSWITCH!!!!!!

Gilmour landed the Killswitch and now he's going for the cover....






The cage comes tumbling down and falls to pieces knocking the referee out cold....

He wasn't able to make the final count...


Immediately he's had enough of this overzealous amount of strength causing him to lose matches...

Gilmour: "I've had about enough of this PAYBACK and now it's time for me to put an end to it..."

Gilmour looks down at his fists which begin to swell up like Popeye after a spinich buffet.

He's Gilmour-ING UP!

Gilmour: suuuuck MY!! !!!DICK!!!!

PAYBACK seems un phased by this ordeal but can obviously see the amount of anger that has build up in him Gilmour-ING UP!

Gilmour: "What ya gonna do PAYBACK when GilmourMania runs wild on you!!!"

PAYBACK rushes to deliver massive amounts of pain to Gilmour with a fluster of punches that are met with NO PAIN! That's right, Gilmour feels no pain while he is Gilmour-ED UP!

He delivers a Killswitch that sends PAYBACK flying towards a pile of rubble inside the ring.

Wyatt Reynolds comes chasing after Gilmour and hits him with a piece of steel cage that fell during PAYBACK's shaking sequence. Gilmour knows no fear. Gilmour knows no pain! He rushes at Wyatt Reynolds and knocks him down with a massive boot to the face. Wyatt goes spinning three times before landing on his back face up right next to PAYBACK Gilmour then runs where a rope would exist if the ring were still in tact, but instead just turns around and delivers a massive leg drop on top of Wyatt and PAYBACK that sends them flying up four feet in the air and then landing with both their heads bouncing off the ring like tennis balls.

Gilmour with the cover as the referee is finally rising to his feet and pulling himself over towards the pile...




Winner: Peter F'n Gilmour

United States Championship
Eli James IV
- vs -
Michael Radio
Standard Match

Hailing from Unknown parts it is your US Champion - Eli James!!

The lights go out. A candle is seen flickering on the big screen when the video and song of Destroyer comes on. Candles become lit on each side of the entrance all the way to the ring to light the path to walk. Once in the ring, those who accompany him kneel down and he stands there with a big smile on his face laughing away.

Hailing from Gado it's - Mr. Radio!!

Mr. Radio simply walks straight to the ring and slides in where he takes his position across from Eli. Stone faced, showing no emotion and giving no sign or acknowledgement to the fans whatsoever. Mr. Radio is a rock and he appears to mean some serious business here tonight.

Eli James and Mr. Radio eye each other while standing a mere inches apart on the canvas. Both men as solemn and as serious as they come, locking eyes and remaining motionless while the fans are nearly blowing off the arena with their hoots and screams of excitement as the bell rings and this match begins!

Mr. Radio immediately flying into action and catching Eli James with a stiff left hook to the jaw, followed by a mean right jab! Eli retaliating to Radio with a few chops to Radio's chest followed by a knee to Radio's gut and then a Forearm Smash to Radio's throat!

Radio shifts back as he grabs his throat and Eli proceeds to deliver a couple more knees, but this time targeted towards Radio's ribs causing Radio to lurch a bit forward and leaving him open to a Double Elbow Smash to the back. A move that sends Radio crashing downward, but only to be caught with a quick knee to the face!

A sudden move that sends Radio momentarily jolting back up and right into an Uppercut that plants Radio right to the canvas!

Eli James covers for the pin!



Kickout by Mr. Radio!

Radio shoves his shoulder up higher and further knocks Eli off him as he rolls over and uses the ropes to aid in pulling himself up off the canvas. Turning around just in time to duck out of the way, of an oncoming Eli, charging towards him like a runaway freight train! Eli, stopping his speedy trajectory right before crashing into the ropes, pivots around and finds himself swiftly hit with a Superkick from Radio!

Eli drops back into the ropes from the impact of that kick and Radio moves in with a Elbow Smash and a Judo Throw, that sends Eli careening across the ring. Right across the ring and right into the ropes on the other side of the ring.

Eli bounces off the ropes!

Soaring back faster than the first time across the ring, Eli flies right into a Dropkick to the head from Mr. Radio! Eli drops to the canvas and Radio goes for the pin!



Oh shit!!

The ref is knocked out by the ring bell!

It's Emily James to the rescue of her husband and she's knocked out the ref!

Radio is furious and he climbs to his feet screaming!!! Radio throws his hands in the air like he's some sort of lunatic and charges towards Emily James. Getting right in the face of poor, innocent Emily, who was just out to save her husband. Still Radio proceeds to scream and shout directly into the face of Emily James as spit and froth from this raving madman, splatters across her face. A vein pulsates near Radio's temple and it looks like it might pop as his eyes bulge from his head and he literally shakes with anger. With an animalistic growl, Radio rears back his hand and clenches it into a tight fist, before sending it towards Emily's face.

However, before it makes contact, a hand reaches out and stops it!

Eli James is back to his feet and has protected his wife from harm!

He spins Radio around and Emily tosses James the ring bell which he catches and sends right down into the skull of Radio.




Oh my god!

Four times!

Eli smashes that ring bell into Radio's skull four times!!

The bell is completely dented in and Radio's head is just dripping with blood as he crashes to the canvas. After promptly tossing the ring bell from the ring, Eli motions for Emily to wake up the ref, which she quickly gets on. Slapping his face and pouring a bit of water on him, from a water bottle a fan tossed to her.

Meanwhile Eli yanks Radio to his feet and Radio easily pulls up into a standing position. However, it's clear he is completely dazed and totally out of it after having his head repeatedly bashed by that ring bell. Radio sways and staggers back and forth unsteadily in the ring as Eli shakes his head while wearing an amused grin. Yet the taunt goes unnoticed to the spaceman, who seems ready to drop at any second.

As the ref begins to recover from Emily's efforts to wake him, she slides from the ring and slips away towards the back, while Eli yanks Radio over and proceeds to give him a noogie, like you'd see done to a friend in an act of play. Although it's a sick move to place on a man in Radio's condition. A sick mockery that's quickly changed up when Eli drops to one knee while he brings Radio's neck across the other!

Radio's body convulses in pain at the snap of his neck onto Eli's knee and then Eli swiftly places Radio into a headlock, while Eli takes it upon himself to break into a rendition of Amazing Grace. A song Eli belts out at the top of his lungs while he wrenches Radio's neck tight and then falls over into a pin! Movements that all suggest we just witnessed - The Cleansing!




Winner: Eli James

Eli James stumbles up to his feet. He's exhausted, but fairing pretty well. The house lights start to dim a bit as music starts...

He looks around puzzled. Not quite sure what is going on. The crowd begins making a commotion.

Suddenly, up on the X-tron a message flashes:


Eli is on his heels now looking around, waiting for something anything to happen. A disturbance in the front row crowd distracts him. People are trying to get out of the way as two GUARDS DRESSED IN RIOT GEAR approach the barricade.

Eli coaxes them on, telling them to bring it. The guards remain motionless as Eli is screaming at them to do something.

The distraction would as he doesn't see JOHN RAIDE slipping into the ring behind him with a STEEL CHAIR.

The crowd starts to react and Eli sense someone is behind him. He turns, but it's too late and -- WHACK! Raide clocks him over the head with the chair.

John stands over the fallen Eli James. He's lost in a trance, almost admiring his handiwork. He pulls a mic out of his back jacket.

Eli James ... Normally I'd say don't take this personally, but the fact of the matter is, this is very personal.

John looks out to the crowd, some are cheering him on. He looks back down at Eli.

I don't want you to be confused about this later. You asked for this, Eli. You asked me to show myself worthy by doing something other than talk. Well... the time for talk is done, my friend.

John looks back to the crowd.

The Raid has begun! No one is safe. Not even you.

He drops the mic and leaves the United States Champion laid out in the ring. Some referees help Eli up to his feet slowly but then...


We hear a loud chatter among the crowd as they are wondering what is going on. The lights turn back on and we see...


He's standing right behind Eli as the refs scatter!

Eli turns and is nailed right in the skull with John Austin's weapon of choice...

The fans explode into cheers as Eli is hit with the briefcase across the head! John hands the case to the referee and the referee asks John if he is sure...


The ref calls for the bell! We have a second United States Championship match on our hands!

United States Championship
Eli James IV
- vs -
John Austin
Standard Match

DING DING DING! Eli James is already down and out as John Austin lays into him with several hard stomps and then yanks him up to his feet, open hand smacking Eli in the side of the head back and forth while Eli pretty much is out on his feet. Eli stumbles around a bit as Austin plays with his prey who already has been through one match AND was attacked by John Raide after it!

Eli begins swinging wildly but missing as John ducks and weaves around the blows. Eli's eyes are glazed over but there's still fight left in him!

Austin ducks under another wild shot, popping up behind the dazed Eli and tapping him on the shoulder.

Austin: Hey yo! Chico!

Eli stumbles right around and into a boot to the stomach from Austin! He lifts him up... THE RAZOR'S EDGE!

CRASH! Eli goes down hard on the back of his neck as John Austin hops on for the cover and hooks the leg!



THREE!!! He's done it! We have a new United States Champion!

Winner: John Austin

Austin goes around ringside and grabs his title, holding it above his head as he walks toward the back victorious! On the night that we'll see somebody win a 24/7 briefcase, we've already seen somebody else cash one in!

European Championship
Luca Arzegotti
- vs -
Tony Santos
Standard Match, 1 Fall

Hailing from Boston Massachusetts it's - Tony Santos!!

Tony Santos descends down the entrance ramp, black trench coat on his back, taking slow, confident strides toward the ring. The disdain from the crowd pouring in, Tony Santos takes it all in with a smirk that would put Alex Rodriguez to shame.

Hailing from London, New York, in the fine country of Canada it is your European Champion - Luca Azegotti!!

The arena goes pitch black. One spotlight hits the entrance way, which stays motionless for fifteen seconds, before Luca steps out from behind the curtain. Bags under his eyes, and a crooked smile dot his face, and he makes his way down the ramp. Stumbling at first, he regains his balance about halfway down. Shaking his head wildly, he begins to laugh, leaning over the barricade to yell at some motherfucker on the other side. The fan responds by splashing him the face with their overpriced soft drink. He laughs, licks his lips, and turns away from the incident. Refocusing on the ring, he runs and slides under the bottom rope and hops back up to his feet. Seemingly energized from the soda that now cakes his face, he rests in the corner, letting some of the liquid drip from his face onto his chest and the mat.

The bell rings, and Santos and Luca circle the ring. Arzegotti and Santos lock up, Luca quickly getting the advantage by getting behind Santos and locking in a rear headlock and he quickly drops him down to the mat, but Santos manages to elbow Luca a few times, managing to get out of it! Santos stands up and quickly leg drops the downed Luca!


Luca stands up after rolling out of the way and they lock up again, this time Santos leads Luca into the corner and Luca is hit with hooks and jabs until the ref pushes Santos away. Santos jumps up with a dropkick!!! Luca is sitting and now Santos bounces off the ropes and boots Luca right in the mouth! Luca is bleeding already! Luca rolls out of the ring, holding his mouth.

Santos points to him, bounces off the ropes and hits a suicide dive, but Luca manages to hit a European Uppercut!!!! Santos is standing, stumbling around, and luca kicks Santos in the gut and then goes for a DDT to the outside but Santos picks him up in an Alabama Slam position. He drops him down onto the ground! Santos rolls into the ring, and Luca slowly follows.

Santos picks up Luca and hits a few backhand chops, and then he bounces off the ropes and hits a shoulder block! Santos bounces off the ropes but Luca drops down in front of him, and Santos bounces off the other ropes and by now Luca is up and Luca hits a hip toss. Luca locks in a sitting arm bar, and he starts elbowing the arm of Santos. Luca then stands up and knees Santos in the back, and then bounces off the ropes and hits a dropkick to the head of Santos! He covers!




Santos gets up and quickly kicks Tony in the gut and then he hits a scoop slam! He bounces off the ropes and hits a nice running knee drop, and he stands up and hits a leg drop! Cover!




Santos stands up, but Luca quickly hits a roll up!



Santos turns it around into a pin of his own! This is ridiculous!



The European Champion manages to roll Santos back up and hook his tights!!!




Santos and Luca both stand up and are at a stand still as the fans applaud for those few lasting moments until the two men lock up and Luca is whipped against the ropes, where he jumps onto the second rope and hits a springboard dropkick! Luca goes for Lost In Translation, but Santos lifts his knees up! Luca lands rib cage first right into Santos' knees!

Santos lifts up Luca, and he points up at the sky at the booing crowd as he locks in the SANTOS STRETCH!!!! This is early in the match and this could be the end!!!!! Luca is struggling, but wait, he seems to slam his fists on the ground, and he pushes Santos off with his legs! He looks determined now and Luca stands up and charges at Santos!

Luca hits an amazing lariat, taking Santos down to the ground but he quickly kips up and he runs at Luca, but wait! Luca picks him up in a Torture Rack... But, he starts spinning!!! What is this..... A... Spinning Torture Rack? Yes it is!!!

Is Santos going to tap?!

The spinning has to make it hard to think, and it has to be applying extra pressure to Tony, but will he tap?!?!?!?!

After seeing Tony won't give up, he quickly pushes down Santos, and then he stumbles backward, using the corner to stay up. He seems exhausted after that but he quickly goes over to cover Tony.




Santos stands up, and he grabs Luca by the head and whips him into the corner, but Luca headstands on the top turnbuckle, landing on the outside of the ring on the apron! He motions for Santos to come after him, and Luca quickly lowers the ropes, and Santos goes flying over the ropes! Santos hits the ground hard, and Luca climbs to the top rope.... OH MY GOD!!!

450 Spalsh lol, "spalsh"

What the fuck was THAT!?!?!?!?

Luca begins crawling to his feet using the ring apron and finally gets back into the ring. Luca urges the referee to begin counting Santos out, which he does as Luca counts along...1...2...3...4... but Santos starts to stir! ....5...6...7...8... Santos leaps up and rolls into the ring, right into Luca's stomps! Luca stomps away on Santos and then rolls him over and covers him, putting his feet on the ropes for leverage.




Santos stands up and Luca runs for a dropkick, but Santos moves out of the way and Luca flies right between the ropes, getting stuck!!! Santos quickly starts kicking away at the back of Luca, but the ref stops him after a count up to 4. Luca tries getting out, but wait! Before he can, Santos climbs the ropes and hits a diving kick to the head of Luca, which knocks him out of the ring with the force!!! Luca is down and Santos pulls him into the ring and covers!!!!




Luca and Santos stand up, and they lock up again, and Luca goes to Irish whip Santos, but Santos handstands, landing on his feet, flipping off Luca, and then running and hitting a running leg lariat!!! Santos puts his arms up, kissing his muscles as he covers!




Luca manages to get to his knees, hurt, and Santos runs for a big boot to the kneeling Luca but Luca rolls out of the way. Luca gets behind Santos...

GET AWAY DRIVER! (kneeling omega driver)

It's over! It's got to be! Luca covers!




The crowd goes wild!!!! We all thought it was over!!!!

Luca stands up, and he points to the ropes... He looks ready for Arise and Observe!!! He starts to climb, but wait! Santos gets to his feet and he hits Luca in the head quickly. He begins to climb up the ropes, and now everyone gets to see that both men are bleeding! Santos and Luca begin exchanging punches on the top turnbuckle and Luca hits a forearm, knocking Santos down but Santos manages to keep a hold of Luca's arm. Santos arm drags Luca off the ropes! Santos climbs up and he goes for an axe handle off the top ropes to the standing Luca, but wait!!! Heart Of Stone!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right to the flying Santos!!!! Tony just received a kick to the nads!!!

Luca pushes him to the ground and covers with a foot over his chest!




Luca picks up Santos and goes for another Get Away Driver but Santos back flips, landing behind Luca and he rolls Luca up!



thr- NO!!!! Luca kicks out!!!

Luca quickly stands up, and so does Tony. Tony runs and goes for an enziguiri, and Luca drops to the ground. Tony climbs the ropes and goes for the Tony Award, but Luca rolls out of the way, and then he quickly hits Lost In Translation!!! He covers!!!



Santos with a foot on the ropes!!!!

Luca stands up and Santos rolls out of the ring, starting to stand up on the apron... And Luca runs for a clothesline, but Santos hits a shoulder block to the gut, and Santos hits a sunset flip pin!!!



Luca turns it into a pin of his own!!!




Santos kicked out at the last second, and he stands up and tosses Arzegotti into the corner, and he runs and hits a big boot, and Luca stumbles down to the ground, and Santos leaps up onto the ropes...




...LUCA WITH A SHOULDER UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone is in disbelief.... and wait!!! Santos climbs the ropes again, and he goes to hit it again!!!!! He hits it, but he can't cover; he got too much momentum and he rolls right off Luca! Both men are down as the ref begins to count to a draw!!!





Santos kips up, getting the crowd to boo, and he goes over to Luca. He goes for the Santos Stretch but halfway during the setup, Luca kicks off Santos and he's now behind Tony. Luca closes in but Tony drives an elbow back into Luca's mouth and sends Luca reeling back. Tony attempts to irish whip Luca but he referses it and ends up whipping Tony into the corner BUT THE REFEREE WAS THERE!


The ref goes down HARD after cracking skulls with Tony Santos. Tony stumbles backward into the waiting arms of Luca Arzegotti... and Luca delivers another Get Away Driver!

...but no pin attempt? Luca can clearly see that the referee isn't moving an inch so he doesn't even bother covering yet. It's still time to do more damage.

Luca holds the back of his neck and cringes in pain as he tries to fully extend his frame, standing over Tony Santos. Luca looks to the corner and begins to hobble toward it. He climbs the turnbuckle... ARISE AND OBSERVE! (phoenix splash) He nailed it!

Luca gets back to his feet and makes his way to the ref, nudging him but getting no response.

Luca shrugs and... goes right back up to the top! ANOTHER ARISE AND OBSERVE! This isn't right! He's just trying to cause serious injury to Tony at this point!

Suddenly, without warning...

"This is War" by 30 Seconds to Mars plays over the speakers!

LIZ HATHAWAY is here! She runs down the ramp and enters the ring. Luca attempts to clothesline but she ducks and... THANK ME LATER! (reverse twist of fate) Liz just laid Arzegotti out!

Liz exits the ring and while walking up the ramp she mouths the words "Payback's a bitch."

The fans start to come to life as Tony Santos and Luca Arzegotti are both laid out flat in the ring. This could easily go to either man at this point! Somebody has to wake up! Even the referee is still down!!!

But then...

The fans pop to life!

Holy shit!

Look who just stepped over the barricade and is getting into the ring!!

POPPA FEDER!!! The sick freak formerly known as Mister Mystery 17 31707 1.

The Poppa of the XWF is back!

The fans are already in a HOLY SHIT...HOLY SHIT... chant!

Poppa Feder walks around the ring looking at Luca, Tony and the ref who are all still down and out. He signals for a microphone and a ringside idiot quickly obliges.

Poppa Feder: Hi Luca! Do you remember me? More importantly do you remember my son? You know -- the man you stole that European Title from?

Luca is just finally beginning to blink his eyes. He shakes his head and finally realizes he's looking at Poppa Feder! He looks like he's seen a ghost!

Poppa Feder: Don't you worry, Luca. I'm just here to deliver a message to you.

He laughs and sticks his tongue all the way out while doing so. A really sickening, taunting laugh.

Poppa Feder: I can't hurt you anyway -- I'm still wheelchair bound!

Says Poppa Feder as he walks around in the ring with no trouble.

Poppa Feder: The message I come to deliver is from my son, Sid..

The fans start making noise.

Poppa Feder: He says "I'll see you soon, !"

*clunk* the mic is thrown down suddenly.

Secret Spear 1 177155 400! Poppa Feder caught Luca just as he stood to his feet!

Poppa Feder stands over Luca's body while Tony Santos is still down and out. The ref is still down but he's beginning to show signs of life in him.

Poppa Feder plucks Luca up and over his shoulders right into the FUCK YOU BITCH! (leaping reverse death valley driver)

Luca looks dead! Once Santos wakes up, HE HAS THIS!

Poppa Feder dusts off his hands, spits on Luca's body and exits the ring with a boss like step through the ropes. He makes his way to the back as the referee finally stands and is leaning in the corner, still very dazed and holding his head. He still has no idea what's been happening or what's going on in the ring now, which of course is Tony Santos and Luca Arzegotti down and motionless on the canvas.


The fans pick up. What's this? Is someone ELSE coming through the crowd now too?

A man wearing all black hops over the barricade and is carrying a large cardboard box with him. The man is wearing a black mask which, upon closer inspection, is very clearly THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN's mask!

The Headless Horseman is here!

He enters the ring with his cardboard box and sets it down. It's about the size of one of those large cardboard pizza boxes that the delivery men use to transport the pizzas without letting them get cold -- but it's doubtful there's a pizza in that box.

The Headless Horseman pulls Luca's limp body over to the box and tries getting him set up over the box but Luca's lifeless body keeps dropping down. Headless Horseman eventually hooks Luca's arms and has Luca's head positioned over that box.

The Guillotine Surge! (pedigree) Right into that box and it holds its shape so there must be something solid inside of it!

The Headless Horseman grabs a microphone and breathes heavily into the mic as he growls his intentions wildly, as if he's on speed and is having a roid rage at the same time.

Headless Horseman: I've got something to tell you fucks!!

He begins kneeling down to pick up that large box.

Headless Horseman: One year ago this company had its first Lethal Lottery.

He begins lifting the lid of the box while balancing it in his hand like it's a pizza.

Headless Horseman: One year ago, I won this.

He flips the lid open and presents the contents of the box-

Headless Horseman: And on this one year anniversary, I'M CASHING IT IN!

Headless Horseman instantly rips that black mask off of his face!

The crowd erupts!

The roof blows off the mother fucking building THREE TIMES!!!

3 x Better Sid Feder has been under the guise of the Headless Horseman all along!

Feder: Now ring the damn bell, ref!

The referee who is still very dazed, takes the briefcase from Sid and explains something to Sid quickly.

Ref: This was still an ongoing match, sir. If you cash in right now this would become a triple threat match involving yourself.

Sid grabs the shirt collar of the ref and backs him into the corner, screaming so loud that people outside of the arena can probably hear his voice-


He shoves the ref back into the turnbuckle, jamming that briefcase into his chest.

Feder: Ring that fucking bell!

The referee signals for the bell and brings the briefcase over to the timekeeper's table.

This match has officially been restarted!

European Championship
Luca Arzegotti
- vs -
Tony Santos
- vs -
Sid "The Headless Horseman" Feder
Triple Threat, 1 Fall


Tony Santos is finally starting to move after taking multiple finishers from Luca Arzegotti earlier. The last thing he knew, he was still in the heat of battle with Luca and now he's waking up to Sid Feder's psychotic smile staring down at an unconscious Luca. Luca and Tony are both very drained at this point while Sid Feder is almost completely fresh after taking so little damage in the first match and having so long to rest before cashing in!

Tony Santos blinks his eyes and then widens them, staring directly ahead of him where Sid Feder is dropping down to pin Luca Arzegotti.

The ref begins a count...


Tony smacks himself in the face and shakes his head back and forth, blinking a few more times.

Yup, he still sees the same thing...


...Tony springs into action!

He leaps halfway across the ring in a single bound and cracks...

LUCA right in the face with a double axehandle! Sid had moved just in time, now grabbing Tony and whipping him around and out of the ring where he crashes with a hard thud. Sid immediately goes back to Luca and stomps his face several times right where Tony just hit him, then drops right back down into the pin.




Winner: Sid Feder

Sid quickly exits the ring and retrieves his new European Championship which he promptly straps around his waist. He grabs the mic again and holds his free hand out while wearing the title belt for all to see. He stands up on the commentator's table.

Feder: Thanks for holding my belt for me while I was away, Luca. And hey look at the bright side of all this; you managed to get me to do what your friend John Madison could never get me to do. Remember how he always used to beg me to cash in on him? And now you got it instead! HAHAHAHAHA!

Sid laughs as the fans roar in approval.

Feder: Oh and don't take this personal, Tony. My Pops might think you're a little bitch but this had nothing to do with you. In fact, you and I might be able to help each other out.

Sid jumps back down off of the table and walks around ringside toward Tony Santos who is pulling himself to his feet after that ringside crash.

Feder: This belt was mine to take tonight so there really was no reason for me to even wait for your match with Luca to end. Just taking care of business in a timely manner.

Sid slaps the belt a couple of times with a smile.

Feder: I want you to know I've had my eye on you while I've been lurking in the shadows. I want you to know that if you want a shot at MY title -- you've got one anytime and any place.

Sid looks Tony right in the eyes.

Feder: I also want to do something none of these cock blowers saw coming!

For some reason the fans cheer even this!

Feder: I want to extend a mother fucking invitation.

Sid holds up four fingers.

Feder: The XWF is about to experience greatness relived. The seal of excellence.

Sid holds those four fingers higher in the air for all to see.

Feder: There will be only four and we live by two very strict rules -- NO and NO WOMEN! The future is here, Tony. Is your ass going to be a part of it?

Sid laughs like a psychotic hyena as he chucks the mic out into the fans. Only an ego like Sid Feder's would allow him to interfere in a man's title shot, take the title the man was going for, and then invite that same man into some sort of new stable. This has been one of the most unbelievable nights in XWF history and we're nowhere near finished!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 20 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Andrew Morrison (11-29-2013), Dr. Zero (11-29-2013), Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (11-30-2013), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (11-29-2013), Hunter Payne (11-29-2013), Jenna Silver (11-29-2013), Jessie-ica Diaz (11-29-2013), John Austin (11-29-2013), John Raide (11-29-2013), Liz Hathaway (11-29-2013), LJ Havok (11-29-2013), Matthew Mitchell (11-29-2013), Mr. Radio (11-29-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (11-29-2013), Sid Feder (11-29-2013), Smoke (11-29-2013), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (11-29-2013), Tony Santos (11-29-2013), Wallace Witasick (11-29-2013), Wyatt Reynolds (11-29-2013)

Messages In This Thread
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Not Shane Carver LOL - 11-29-2013, 01:11 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Wallace Witasick - 11-29-2013, 01:26 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Tony Santos - 11-29-2013, 02:09 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Liz Hathaway - 11-29-2013, 02:44 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Wyatt Reynolds - 11-29-2013, 03:46 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by John Austin - 11-29-2013, 03:58 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Matthew Mitchell - 11-29-2013, 04:52 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Theo Pryce - 11-29-2013, 05:04 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Smoke - 11-29-2013, 07:44 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by LJ Havok - 11-29-2013, 07:49 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Jessie-ica Diaz - 11-29-2013, 07:56 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Andrew Morrison - 11-29-2013, 08:29 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Sid Feder - 11-29-2013, 10:16 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Mr. Radio - 11-29-2013, 10:31 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 11-29-2013, 10:56 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by LJ Havok - 11-29-2013, 11:01 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Liz Hathaway - 11-29-2013, 11:07 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 11-29-2013, 11:10 AM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by LJ Havok - 11-29-2013, 01:38 PM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 11-29-2013, 02:31 PM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by LJ Havok - 11-29-2013, 02:44 PM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 11-29-2013, 02:49 PM
Lethal Lottery PPV (part 2) - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 11-30-2013, 08:43 AM

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