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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Going Home - Fatal 4 Way - RP 2
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-26-2013, 11:52 PM

Saturday, February 23, 2013 - 11:49 PM EST - 12:49 PM Local Time (Sunday)

Sebastian Duke crawls out of the waters of Marina Bay. The way his arm feels after the mystery drug that Donathan injected him with is wearing off but still painful. It feels like his arm is literally on fire.

He flops onto the beach on his back and begins to wonder what it must have felt like for Stephen when he was wrongfully accused then burned at the stake. The guilt he feels for that young man is almost too much. He puts forth a front of a man with no feelings, but that just isn't the case.

As he lays there thinking of Stephen, he notices an XWF camera man coming closer.

Sebastian Duke: "What the hell are you doing here?"

Cameraman: "Following orders. All of you that went in the water has an XWF cameraman. In the invent that any of you make it back to the States and back to the XWF, Shane would like to have the footage."

Sebastian Duke: "Where's your wallet? We can use your money to get home."

Cameraman: "Nope. Sorry. Shane had everyones wallets confiscated."

Sebastian Duke: "You agreed to do this?"

Cameraman: "Not exactly. I told him I wouldn't do it. He said he respected my decision then I get here and he told me I was doing it anyway."

Sebastian Duke: "Why do you continue to work for him?"

Cameraman: "The pay is good. Anyhow, you need to get us home. I have a baby due next week."

Sebastian Duke: "Oh Goddd. This crap hurts! I'll get you home, but I'm not even sure where to start. Do you have anything? Anything at all to help us?"

Cameraman: "Just my camera and an iPad."

Sebastian Duke: "An iPad!? Why didn't you say something? I can get into my bank accounts from an iPad!"

Cameraman: "Noooo, that's not going to work! The iPad is virtually locked up!"

Sebastian Duke: "What do you mean?"

Cameraman: "The maps app is unlocked and the app is unlocked. Everything else was locked."

Sebastian Duke: "Damn. I guess he thought of that. Where are we right now?"

Sebastian sits upright for the first time since coming out of the water. He constantly rubs the injection area.

The cameraman sets the camera down and pulls his iPad out. A few moments later he has the Singapore map pulled up.

Cameraman: "We are.... beside the stadium...that part I knew... near Raffles Avenue."

Sebastian Duke: "Will that thing bring up Embassy locations?"

Cameraman: "I don't know. I would imagine so."

Sebastian Duke: "See if there is one in Singapore."

Cameraman: "Wow. I didn't expect that."

Sebastian Duke: "What? Expect what?"

Cameraman: "There is one literally an hour from here, walking distance."

Sebastian Duke: "That's our ticket then. They can get us home."

Sebastian Duke and his cameraman walk toward Raffles Avenue as the scene fades out.

Sunday, February 24, 2013 - 1:26 AM EST - 2:26 PM Local

Sebastian Duke and his XWF cameraman continue towards the Embassy at a match slower pace then when they started out. Sebastian has been exhausted by not only the swim to shore and the 3.3 mile walk, but also his grueling Shove It main event match which saw him get screwed out of the match by someone pretending to be Mr. XWF. A two on two tag team match turned out to be a 3 on 1 assault at one time or another. His real partner never did make it into the match.

That was all something he'd have to deal with at a later time though. His focus right now was getting back home. Once he gets home he has a clandestine meeting taking place with a particular someone we don't know. Someone, in Duke's own thoughts, figured he'd never ask for help from. Asmodeus' life depends on it. The things you are willing to do when a loved one is in trouble truly shows how much you give a crap.

As for Jonathan? Sebastians plan for him doesn't stop until there is an abrupt end. A definitive end. A permanent end. A final solution, to the Jonathan question.

They continue to walk in silence as they turn left from Napier Road to Middlesex Road. The Embassy is just ahead on their left. Their hope turns to angst once the get closer and realize that its Sunday afternoon in Singapore. No one is in the offices.

Sebastian Duke: "Damn it!"

Cameraman: "What the hell do we do now?"

Sebastian Duke: "I guess we wait. Set up camp I guess. No other choice really."

Cameraman: "What if people start asking questions?"

Sebastian Duke: "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

Cameraman: "What make you think they'll help us?"

Sebastian Duke: "We are American citizens. They're required to protect us."

Cameraman: "There is a problem though."

Sebastian Duke: "No. No problems. We can't afford problems."

Cameraman: "We are Americans, yes. But..."

Sebastian Duke: "But what?"

Cameraman: "We can't prove it!"

Sebastian Duke: "Why would we have to prove it? We even sound American."

Cameraman: "They don't just pay to have anyone flown into the United States, Sebastian. It's not that hard to cover up a foreign accent and sound like an American, if you know what you're doing."

Sebastian Duke: "Son of a b***h! We'll just have to tell the absolute truth. If they do their own research, and I suspect they will, then the truth won't be hard to find."

Cameraman: "I hope you're right Sebastian. I hope you're right. This is my first-born child. I can't miss this!"

Sebastian Duke: "You should have got into a different profession. You have any idea how unpredictable this company is?"

Cameraman: "I'm a cameraman. I don't even like wrestling. I think its stupid! I accepted the job because of the pay and the travel."

Sebastian Duke: "You'll get home! Quit whining! How much battery do you have left on that camera?"

Cameraman: "About 60% left. Maybe 4 to 5 hours."

Sebastian Duke: "Kill it. You'll need to save it. We're going to that park we saw on the way here tonight. I want to send a promo into Madness."

The cameraman doesn't even argue. He just shuts off the camera and lays it down.

Sunday, February 24, 2013 - 7:32 PM EST - 8:32 AM Local (Monday)

Sebastian Duke and the cameraman are kicked lightly by guards outside the gate. Not enough to hurt, just to wake them up. Both Sebastian and the cameraman stand to their feet and dust themselves off.

Guard: "You are Americans, no?"

Sebastian Duke: "Yes. We are Americans. We need to meet with Ambassador Adelman. We're trying to get home to the United States."

The guard says something in his native tongue into his walkie. Moments later the iron gates surrounding the Embassy open up and both Sebastian and the cameraman are ushered inside.

Once inside they are separated into different rooms. A lady, obviously not the Ambassador sits down to speak with Duke.

Lady: "Your name is?"

Sebastian Duke: "Sebastian Duke."

Lady: "Your address?"

Sebastian Duke: "503 Galileo Drive, Old Saybrook, Connecticut, United States of America."

Lady: "Your purpose in Singapore?"

Sebastian Duke: "I'm a professional wrestler. I worked for the X-Treme Wrestling Federation. We had an event here at Marina Bay."

Lady: "Worked? You're no longer employed there?"

Sebastian Duke: "That's the thing. The event was themed. If anyone either fell in, or got pushed into the water, they were fired."

Lady: "You went in the water I take it?"

Sebastian Duke: "Yes ma'am."

Lady: "So, why can't you get home?"

Sebastian Duke: "My boss is a nutjob. He confiscated everyones money, identification... so on."

Lady: "Leaving anyone that went into the water broke and with no way to get home? Doesn't seem like a very nice guy."

Sebastian Duke: "The worst of the worst. He makes Ted Bundy look like an altar boy."

Lady: "Since you have no means in which to prove your identity, how can I help you? What is it you'd like from the Ambassador?"

Sebastian Duke: "I want help in getting home. Me and my cameraman."

Lady: "His name?"

Sebastian Duke: "Not sure. Never asked."

Lady: "How would I verify your identity? How could I prove or disprove you are who you say you are?"

Sebastian Duke: "Don't you watch our product?"

Lady: "No. Mr. Duke, while I will admit your line of work is entertaining and enjoyable to some, my belief is that it's for the uneducated and it is completely barbaric. Your line of work should be left to carnivals where it belongs. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to question your friend in the other room and see if I can make sense of any of this. Sit tight awhile."

The lady exits the room and Duke leans back in the chair. He gets a sinking suspicion they won't help him. The uptight b***h he just spoke to didn't seem to take him seriously

Monday, February 25, 2013 - 8:46 PM EST - 9:46 AM Local (Tuesday)

The lady walks back into the room just as Sebastian was dozing off. The sound of the door slamming behind him nearly rocked him off the chair. She sits back in the chair across from him.

Lady: "Mr. Duke, it seems as though your stories match. I've spoken to the human resources department of your former employer. I've visited the XWF website and the stories check out. You are who you say you are. I've spoken to Ambassador Adelman and he'll be here in a few minutes to iron out some details. Anything further?"

Sebastian Duke: "No ma'am. Thank you for your help."

The lady rolls her eyes as she exits the room. Moments later, the cameraman rejoins Sebastian in the room.

Sebastian Duke: "So... I guess we're headed home!"

Cameraman: "I'm so relieved! I'd never be able to live with myself if I missed my sons birth!"

Sebastian Duke: "I told you I'd get you home!"

A man in a dark blue suit enters the room and shakes both mens hands before taking a seat where the b***hy lady sat earlier.

Man: "My name is David Adelman. United States Ambassador to Singapore. I understand you need mt help?"

Sebastian Duke: "Yes sir. I've already explained everything to your subordinate."

Ambassador Adelman: "Indeed. You know this doesn't come cheap. You're expected to pay back every cent."

Sebastian Duke: "Money is no object. It will be paid by week end, sir."

Cameraman: "Money IS an object to me. How much does this cost?"

Ambassador Adelman: "Well, the cost of the new credentials, the travel to get you to the airport, cash vouchers for food and clothing, the flight itself, a ride to your final destination, about 10 grand a piece."

Cameraman: "Oh man! There is no way I can afford that! I have a baby coming next week!"

Sebastian Duke: "Relax, I'll cover it."

Ambassador Adelman: "My translator will escort you to the airport and through the gates. He's already waiting in the car outside."

Cameraman: "Before we go, can I use the bathroom? It's been awhile."

Ambassador Adelman: "See Sarah. She'll show you."

The cameraman grabs his passport credential, takes his leave and heads out in search of a restroom. Sebastian grabs his credential and heads for the car outside. He climbs in and slams the door. The car begins rolling down the road.

Roughly thirty minutes later they arrive at Changi International Airport. The translator ushers him through security quickly and helps him board the plane in record time. Within just a few minutes Sebastian is relaxing in a first class seat aboard the plane as the the plane begins to taxi toward the runway.

Before long, the plane accelerates faster and faster for take off. Turning to a white man sitting next to him.

Sebastian Duke: "You ever get that feeling when you know you're forgetting something, but you have no idea what it is?"

The man nods in agreement but says nothing.

Sebastian Duke is headed home...

The cameraman is not.

"I warned you all on Madness I'd get home. I'd get back in time for Warfare. that's exactly what I did. Nothing is meaner, bigger or badder, then an angry Sebastian Duke!

"Angry I am! You see, not very long ago I warned everybody that I was done lying down and taking the damn screwjobs on the chin! I was fed up with it then, and even more so now! Somebody in this piece of s**t company doesn't want gold around the waste of Sebastian Duke! Match after match, attempt after attempt, somebody sticks there damn nose where it doesn't belong!

"The laundry list of those I'm going to destroy is getting longer by the day! Let me start at the beginning just as a reminder to those who might have forgot!

"First and the list and still the top dog is Griffin MacAlister! That assh**e tried to kill me and failed! Griffin, you might have taken the easy way out! It won't stop me! You little piece of s**t! You think diving into the bay and disappearing will stop me? You got another thing comin'!

"To borrow a line from Liam Neeson, I will hunt you down, I will find you, and I will kill you!

"Next is Shane f*****g ! The evil mastermind himself! That son of a b***h had the audacity and the balls to hit me with a f*****g car! Not only was I still able to fight, I damn near won! Angelus got the best of me and Sane, it is your fault. Sooner or later, I'll be coming for your blood!

"Next is Nathaniel Adolph Zachary Idenhaus! Oh yeah! You are still on the hit list my friend! Over a month ago, you cost me a match I should have won against Ursula Areano! I take my time, N.A.Z.I., but I do not forget! Start checking in the rearview because I told you once and I'll tell you again, I won't be far behind you!

"Tyrone! Wallace Witasick's mindless drone of a lap dog! The man that not only robbed me of my X-Treme Championship, but also cost me my spot in the United States title tournament! You are getting dangerously close to opening Pandora's Box! I warned you before, Tyrone, once it's opened, it can't be stopped! You step out of line again, and rest assured, I will put you down!

"Peter Gilmour! You dumb bastard! Do you think for one second that I believe you had no idea what was going on? That you had no idea Donathan was disguised as Mr. XWF? Do you think for one second the people didn't notice it took three of you to take out one of me? I'll be coming for you again, Peter. It's not a question of if... But a matter of when!

"Mr. XWF! The most worthless partner I could have chosen! They say hindsight is always 20/20 well I can tell you, I see it clearly now! You were working along side Gilmour to screw me over! I took you out! I ended your XWF career! I promise you, if you come back, I'll take you out again!

"That brings me to my opponents for this week. Not officially on the hit list, but let's start with the two Crimsons. Cobra and Deadly. Whats the matter Cobra? Your boyfriend not want to play with you anymore?

"Ahhh yes! Trouble in paradise in the Crimson Crest camp! Not surprising! You two jackasses couldn't tell your ass from a hole in the ground! Deadly doesn't want to give away his secrets because they're in the same match! Whats the big f*****g secret? Fly around... miss... fly around... hit a move... fly around... get squashed under Sebastian Duke's boot! You two spot monkeys couldn't lace my damn boots!

"Last but certainly not least, my old rival, Benjamin Crane! The guy sweating his ass off in the middle of the street.... in February.... claiming to be in Canada.... while a Texas state highway sign is 30 feet from him. Benjamin, you're either completely stupid and utterly insane! Unfortunately for you, none of it matters because on Wednesday night, you will fail.

"You will fail because I will not! You all will fail because I am sick and f*****g tired of being made a fool of! I'm coming to Warfare, little men... I'm coming to Warfare to claim victory! I'm coming to Warfare to defeat the three of you and go on to claim what is rightfully mine!

"MY United States Championship!

"The Angel of Darkness is coming and he will not be stopped!

"Trust me."

Tuesday, February 26, 2013 - 11:51 PM EST

Sebastian Duke has only been home from Singapore a few hours. A long trip halfway around the world. Now he's home and can get back to business as usual.

Before his trip to Singapore for Shove It, he lost one of his most highly trusted Brothers, Lucas to a car accident. An accident caused by an assassin sent by the Vatican. An accident caused in order to kidnap the High Priest of the Brotherhood, Asmodeus. An event that has forced his hand. Forced him to do something he thought unthinkable. He'd have to procure a hired gun. An assassin of his own. A scheduled meeting tonight out at his lake on his estate in Old Saybrook, Connecticut.

He stands on the lake shore awaiting the arrival of him. A name he wouldn't mention. Not to Asmodeus. Not to Linn, if she ever came back. Not to the Brothers. No one will know his true identity. Not now. Maybe not ever.

A silhouette looms in the distance. It must be the man he's waited for. Sebastian motions to the cameraman to stay put. He walks toward the figure handing him something. Sebastian, along with the mystery man dressed in a monks robe walk back toward the camera.

Sebastian Duke: "You sure you want to do this?"

Man: "Would I be here if I didn't want to hear what you have to say?"

Sebastian Duke: "You can't go by your current name. I don't want anyone knowing your true identity. Not even the other Brothers."

Man: "I don't want to be known, anyhow."

Sebastian Duke: "What do we call you? We can't just refer to you as Mystery Man X. I don't want anyone in my Brotherhood even knowing WHY you are joining us."

Man: "Silas. Call me Silas."

Sebastian Duke: "Silas. Okay. You understand what I want done?"

Silas: "Not exactly. I know you wanted help, so you called the best."

Sebastian Duke: "Or something like that."

Silas:"Look! You either want my help Duke, or you don't!"

Sebastian Duke: "Jonathan. He was sent by the Vatican to kill me."

Silas: "Why should I not help him?"

Sebastian Duke: "I'm giving you a place to stay. A bed to sleep in. Hot meals. Showers. Whatever you want!"

Silas: "What about this Jonathan?"

Sebastian Duke: "He tried to kill me and end my Brotherhood for good. He killed one of my must trusted advisors and he's holding my father captive in order to lure me out."

Silas: "Very interesting. What do you want from me?"

Sebastian Duke: "Your only requirement, is to accomplish two simple tasks."

Silas: "They are?"

Sebastian Duke: "Retrieve my father, Asmodeus, safely. Unharmed."

Silas: "And the other?"

Sebastian Duke: "End Jonathan."

Silas: "End him?"

Sebastian Duke: "Silas. Look. I went him dealt with to a complete and final end. No more threats. No more assassination attempts on me or my Brotherhood. Just end him."

Silas: "So, I get the basic necessities in exchange for these two favors?"

Sebastian Duke: "You also get to stay here out of the spotlight for as long as you need. The thing is though, whenever you're in the presence of the Brothers or anyone inside the Compound, the hood stays up. I'm afraid that if you allow your face to be seen, they'll know your name isn't really Silas. Questions will be asked. Distrust. Things that could potentially destroy the Brotherhood."

Silas: "I understand."

Sebastian Duke: "Will you do it?"

Silas: "I'm game."

The man known as Silas extends his hand. Sebastian looks at it momentarily then hesitantly gives it a shake. He now feels he just made a deal with the devil.
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Going Home - Fatal 4 Way - RP 2 - by Sebastian Duke - 02-26-2013, 11:52 PM

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