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Missing Little Vampire (Ally, Radio)
Author Message
ZakMisery Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

11-25-2013, 06:42 AM

"Madyson, baby, come here."

Madyson looked a little worried but she got out of her fathers arms and stood in front of me.

"Go help your Aunt Ally."

"Don't hurt daddy."

I smiled, "No, daddy and I are just gonna talk."

She sprinted off after Alexandra and I looked back at Michael, growling.

"You lowlife bastard."

My fist met his jaw and he stumbled back.

"Your telling me...that your dying the same day you were to marry my sister?! Are you trying to have her kill?! What about Madyson and Mackenzie?! They still need you! They already have one parent who's sick and dying. They don't need you to go out as well!"

I lifted his by his throat and snarled, "I could just snap your neck now, make it easy. What makes you think your friends back home or the ones who parished would welcome you back? You abandoned your family, you are making yourself sick and you don't see the reason to live. I didn't see the reason to live until I met Nova but I wasn't about to throw my life away."

I dropped him, letting him get to his knees before tangling my hand in his hair and forcing his head back, "That little girl wants nothing more than her father to show her he loves her. That little boy wants his mother to get better so they can go home. Isaiah...I don't know much about him but you brought a werewolf into a house full of Vampires. No shit it wasn't going to work. You have more to life than a fucking win in the ring, a briefcase, a belt! You have two children who look at you like your a hero. Even if they went with you to your time, nothing there would change how they see and love you. Find your reason to live and you can and will overcome this."

I pulled away from his face before kicking his chest. He was a world class idiot who couldn't see what was right in front of him!

"You were never homeless. The house was paid off the day she bought it."

[Image: 218207.jpg]
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Missing Little Vampire (Ally, Radio) - by ZakMisery - 11-25-2013, 06:42 AM

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