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Title Match at the big pay per view extravaganza? Me thinks so
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Dean Moxley McGovern Offline
Ahm Back, Jack!

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11-17-2013, 08:45 PM

  • I think it's pretty obvi since my return a little while back that I'm straight up da bomb. I rolled over the competition in the lottery like I roll over onto my friend Kyle in my sleep, and I showed the world why I am the true king of the ring! I'd say I'm due for either a US title shot with that fat fuckin asshole Eli James who ate my friend Billy (he has gone missing and Eli's consumption of him is the only realistic explanation) or a European title shot with that cute boy who has the little girl's name. Or maybe I should sashay my way straight up to the throne by thwarting the king himself?

    So who's with me? Moxley needs his shot! Tell em for me! Sing it loud!

XWF record: 11W - 3L

Current Allies
> The Dangerous Alliance
> The millions and millions of kids around the world

Top 3 XWF Infections
> The Raycer, via DDT into flaming bag of shit
> Zayne Vyper, via suplex thru flaming table w/ flaming shit on it
> Axle VanHalen, via DDT into flaming bag of shit followed by suplex thru flaming table followed by decapitation
(none of them have been seen since!)

Sights Set On
> Making fun of Darren Dangerous after taking his own stable from him in less than a week! w00t w00t!

Wrestler Info
Championships acquired in XWF

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Title Match at the big pay per view extravaganza? Me thinks so - by Dean Moxley McGovern - 11-17-2013, 08:45 PM

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