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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
My Destiny (RP1)
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Crimson Deadly Away
The Pinions Master

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

02-23-2013, 09:52 AM

The scene opens up to an unknown location, various animals can be seen in the distance which gives off the impression of a zoo. The camera man walks through different areas, peering at the animals through the camera lens. He enters the building which is labelled as “Toronto Zoo” above the doors, which reveals a whole new category of animals, being reptiles, birds and insects. The camera is still searching, until it comes across the known back of “The Minions Master”, Crimson Deadly. He seems to be peering into a glass frame which seperates him from a King Cobra. He stares into the cage as it reels up to being at a vertical base and lets out it’s cobra hood, showing it’s fangs back towards him.

[Image: King+Cobra+Snake-04.jpg]
Crimson Deadly: “Magnificent creatures. One of the most dangerous snakes out there. This Wednesday I’ve got to get into the ring with the human form of one of these things, and my own partner Crimson Cobra. Sure, many will believe we will probably aim at fighting others and working together, but regardless of that fact; only one man can leave victories.

These things are known for their use with snake charmers, a team between snake and the brave… But even the charmer can and have been bitten, which leaves me to believe that I should not turn my back towards him, even once. We’re tag team partners and I respect him… But I simply do not trust him considering the benefits of winning this match.”

Crimson Deadly walks further up in the zoo, looking in each glass, as though he’s trying to find something else… He enters the insect category and begins looking at the insects, until he comes across a fire ants cage… He stares inside of it, looking at them as they pick up pieces of food and take it to a pile in the corner of their cage.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSqq-70EwHZCTi9d1-b3gF...ko3drLB-QL]

Crimson Deadly: “A fire ant. Capable of biting you from out of nowhere and brings with it an unexpected dose of pain. The difference here is they are very easily defeated, with a single push with my index finger one of these ants could be history. They are small in comparison to me…

“Who would this be? Benjamin Crane… Washed up has-been that’s capable of pulling something out of nowhere, but… When compared to somebody like The Minions Master… Just a small boy who’s way in over his head… Personally I believe Benjamin Crane to be the weak link in this match… A man that Seb, Cobra and I will have to carry for much of the match. If his decrepit legs can even support his body for too long.”

Crimson Deadly begins walking towards the exit again and talks while walking.

Crimson Deadly: “That ends the tour where I speak of my opponents in comparison to their animal counterparts… You might stand there and ask; ‘what about Sebastian Duke?’

“But the answer is simple, you see, Seb cannot be compared to any of these animals… Truly, the only thing I can compare Sebastian to is being an Undertaker Wanna-be. A man who, okay, he’s made waves, he almost won superstar of the month, but if he’s going to create his image based on an old man who’s years from retiring then we may as well treat him like a man who’s near his retirement.

“I don’t doubt he can stand toe to toe with the likes of the Minions Master, or whether he can take the Red Fang or whatever crappy finisher Benny Boy can come up with. But the truth is harsh… And the truth my friend, is… There’s a new guy in town, and he’s hungrier than you are. You can loathe everybody all you want, but it ain’t going to change a damn thing. The one thing I see you as, is a nuisance… Claiming the United States Championship is yours, meanwhile you’re in a #1 Contenders Match, which defeats the logic.”

Crimson Deadly stops and peers into a jungle environment and fails to see what’s actually in there. He becomes interested and stands at the glass for nearly a minute before speaking.

[Image: 220px-Bradypodion_pumilum_Cape_chameleon...opped).jpg]

Crimson Deadly: “The Chameleon… See, this creature is much like myself. It’s aware of the thought of defeat, and expects the day to come, much like myself… But, it’s a slightly underestimated creature, seen for nothing but changing it’s colours… But… That’s exactly why it’s like me, I have the ability to adapt to any surrounding in any situation, and I can do it quickly. Many wrestlers in this company might think they can do the same but it’s not all about adapting to an opponent… It’s also about adapting to your mistakes and everything else. I know, at some point I’m going to make a mistake and I’m going to defeat MYSELF because of it, much like Crimson Cobra’s decision to jump off the cage…

“But what’s important, is learning from those mistakes, adapting and becoming something better in the long-term effect. It’s a simple matter of realisation… A word not many people here understand, people win and they get an ego, it’s natural human instincts. Then they lose and they get pissed off… Me? I don’t get pissed off. I take what happened and I watch it repeatedly, unveiling the mistakes I made throughout the match. I have made no mistakes so far and that’s shown through the fact that I’m now 3-0 in the space of two shows. And you can bet your a** I’m not going to be making any mistakes in such important circumstances…”

Crimson Deadly looks up, thinking about his next sentence.

Crimson Deadly: “Some people come here to live out a dream, some come to win, and some come looking for violence and brutality… I’m yet to be asked why I’m here… And it’s simple, it’s to complete my destiny. Sounds generic but let me elaborate. You see, I aimed to be known throughout the globe before I even started training, through my father’s wishes for me to be known and bring legitimacy to the family name. To bring success to the family name…

“I failed him, and he eventually died… But every time I step in those ropes, the same sentence echoes around my head and tortures me into not giving up, the same thing he told me while lying on his death bed! ‘Son, you still have the ability to bring fame and success to the family name.’

“I didn’t understand what he meant at first, but eventually it all became clear, I was good at wrestling, so why sit around and watch my years ascend into a senior and regret the decision to not be here? I took my opportunity and I got here, and the only thing that needs doing is winning gold fit for making a king jealous. Gold that means my hard work and determination paid off. Gold that catapults my name as one of the top in this business and brings glory to my family name just like fate has written it out for me.”

Crimson Deadly now exits the building and is now working his way towards the exit, when he comes across a lion pride within a fence. He stops and takes a look at them, the cubs running around and teething on random things as well as playing with each other, as the father lays menacingly on top of the rock, watching out towards the crowds of humans, ready to protect his young.

[Image: lion.jpg]

Crimson Deadly: “Soon, XWF, you will realize… The Minions Master is a lion, ready to jump when the time is right, ready to spring to action and take out the most bizarre of foes if it means the safety of both him and his family… Meanwhile the small and almost insignificant cubs are each and every one of you.

"Sebastian Duke, Benjamin Crane, and even my partner, Crimson Cobra…

“Remember the three key ingredients of dominance, and make sure you pay attention to this too, Mark Flynn. My Fist. Your Face. The Squared Circle.

“Don’t like it? Tough s*bleep*! ‘Cause I’m the Minions Master!


Crimson Deadly turns on heels and begins walking away from the camera as it stands, watching him grow ever further, the camera fades out after the camera pans around and once again views the lions in their cage… Paying close attention to the father on top of the rock.

Italic, change a to i and n to i
[Image: siggy1.png]
Trophy Cabinet:
1. 24/7 WTF UFO E1999 Champion: 18/02/13 - 19/02/13
2. 24/7 WTF UFO E1999 Champion: 20/02/13 - 21/02/13
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My Destiny (RP1) - by Crimson Deadly - 02-23-2013, 09:52 AM

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