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Our Glorious Nothin', You Slanty Eyed Fuck!
Author Message
Gunner B.Layfield Offline
Semper Fidelis

XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

11-10-2013, 01:33 PM

ooc- If there was one thing that killed RP for me. It was when people mix real life and roleplay. That just pisses me right the fuck off. Peter. I don't give two shits if you're fat in rl or not. But the fat jokes were to your character. Get over it man. Sit down and smoke a fat fucking blunt and chill. Everything that my characters have done were all in IC. I would ever attack or something to a character's handler. Why? Well that's simple. I'm attacking your character not you. The only time I have ever attacked or talk shit on someone ooc was when they attacked me first. I don't let anyone disrespect me ooc. That will make rp not fun anymore and I'll just walk away. Fuck that. I enjoy rping. So let us all calm down and remember that this is all in character. Not out of character. Just because your character is called a slut or fat or a smelly hippy xD lol. Doesn't mean they are calling YOU the handler such things. Anyways that's my two cents. I'm going to go roll a fat fucking blunt and smoke it to my dome xD Anyone care to join me? :D

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Our Glorious Nothin', You Slanty Eyed Fuck! - by Gunner B.Layfield - 11-10-2013, 01:33 PM

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