Martin O'Connor
The Original Captain America
XWF FanBase: Raging Face (heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)
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02-22-2013, 10:03 AM
(02-22-2013, 02:40 AM)Chris Macbeth Said: Sitting bored backstage at a XWF house show Chris Macbeth racks his brain or something to do.
O'Conner walks past with his shiny new pinty title.
Macbeth still bored decides to nip his boredom in the bid And gets up picks up a chair a smacks him round the head with it.
Macbeth may as well go for a pin while I'm at it wouldn't mind that belt it looks expinsive could put it on eBay
shaking the cobwebs loose from the chair shot O'connor kicks out and throws the chump who tried pin him off of him then gets up as he lands
walking over to him he decides to teach him a lesson so he grabs the would be challenger by the legs lifting him to about the height of his waist and begins to swing him around and around several times as if he were doing an Olympic Hammerthrow then when he lets him go he sends the challenger flying off on a one way trip to parts elsewhere and according to the sound made he arrived with a crash landing! damn! that's gotta hurt! he thinks to himself as he dusts off his hands and continues about his way without a care in the world
I am The Made in America accept no substitutions Olympic Warrior