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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 2 Entire Tourney + PPV RP Archive
In Which Dr. Zero Creates A Puppet
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Dr. Zero Offline
Fearsome Feathered Foe Most Foul

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10-15-2013, 11:19 PM

Egyptian Snow Pharaoh raised her head slightly and watched as the ogre walked her way. Under one arm, he carried a large, black kettle filled with an unidentified liquid. It was splashing out with each step the giant took. In the other hand, a ladle. Pharaoh's vision was hazy and she was still chained to a wall in some sort of hellish dungeon. Not that it would have made much difference if she had been free to move. Dr. Zero had sedated her extremely well, and had wiped her mind.

The monster neared her and dipped the ladle into the pot, presenting a pink slime to Pharaoh (not McNuggets). "Open," he grunted. She did without hesitation. The slime trickled down her chin as the monster placed his hand over her mouth, forcing her to swallow.

"Laugh," it said. She did. "Smile." Again, compliance.

Suddenly, the imp returned.

"Get out of here!" the ogre shouted.

"You really shouldn't be helping him! I'm telling you! It's gonna' be bad for all of us when he finds out you know where he is AND you're helping him!"

"I SAID GO!" the ogre yelled as he hurled the ladle at the imp. He skimmered back from where he came.

"Pathetic creature," grunted the monstrosity.

"I...agree...," mustered Pharaoh.

The ogre smiled. He walked back to Pharaoh and lowered himself to look her directly in her eyes. "Kiss me," he said.

She spat in his face. The ogre clinched his fist, roared and drew back to strike her.


A portal had immediately opened up behind the beast and out stepped Dr.Zero with the triangular artifact. He stretched out his hand, and a doppleganger Pharaoh grasped it, joining him in the dungeon.

"Dear, won't you show this gentleman what fine work I've accomplished with your genetics and kiss him?" Dr. Zero questioned.

The Fauxraoh leaned in and kiss the behemoth on the cheek. He quivered.

"I am sorry, sir. I have tried but have not made much progress. She is very strong-willed."

"Oh, I'm quite aware of that. I wouldn't have been contacted by her 'Masters' had she not been. Your work has not been entirely fruitless, however. I took her mind...You made her tougher. Both will be needed to succeed when we engage the enemy in combat on Wednesday and beyond."

"What are your plans with the abomination?" asked the ogre, pointing toward the clone. Dr. Zero slapped him across the face, bringing him to his knees.

"This is NO abomination, good sir! This is a WORK OF ART! Do you see? THIS is an EXACT duplicate of an already near-perfect being! And, what's more, she is COMPLETELY subservient to me or to WHOEVER I command her to be."

The ogre rubbed his cheek and began to stand back up.

"No, you go back down there." The ogre obeyed.

"But...won't the 'Masters' know the difference?" he asked.

"Oh, therein lies the gorgeous beauty of my plan. As I said, I took her her mind...COMPLETELY rewrote the schematics of the clone, whereas you made the real thing indestructible. Now, it's only a matter of making two become one."

"I don't understand."


He tinkered with the artifact for a moment, and bright lights emitted from each point of the triangular object. The clone slowly walked toward her genetic parent. When she got close enough to touch Pharaoh, both of their bodies seemed to reach out. Both of them, their skin stretched out and met until the clone was completely absorbed by the original Pharaoh. She gasped and began to laugh, before fainting.

Dr. Zero's maniacal laughter continued as the ogre watched in horror. Zero regained his composure and mashed a few buttons on his watch. A crackle and hum could be heard, then the voice of Nurse X grunting and moaning as if trying to communicate.

"I'm doing POSITIVELY SPLENDID! And you, my dear?"

"Uggg. Uhnnn uhnnn muuuurrrrr uhn," she maybe said.

"Well that is just distasteful. You tell #12 he is grounded as soon as he return. I am terribly sorry for that, love. You are my perfect creation and do not deserve such treatment."

"Muhh guh."

"You are welcome. Would you be a doll and do Dr. Zero a favor, love?"

"Yuhhggg...Mugh mug?"

"Contact the 'Masters' and send them recording 692. It should be located in the files right after 691."

"Tub yugree ughhh."

"Of course you're not an idiot. I apologize. I did not mean to condescend."

The ogre chuckled.

With that, the conversation was over and Nurse X retrieved the file. She sent it just as requested. When it was received, a large hologram representation of Dr. Zero appeared before them.

"Gentlemen, it is with great generosity that I thank you for giving me the work which you have and it is with great pride that I inform you that I have succeeded. The Egyptian Snow Pharaoh is now, thanks to my painstaking research and labor, completely wiped and ready to do your bidding. She is now the Egyptian Snow Puppet. Heh...heheh HA MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I digress. Now, we did not exactly discuss payment for this endeavor, but I'm sure, with your collective intelligence, you are quite aware that the artifact stays with me. There is much more that I can accomplish with it that will be of great benefit to me and to you as well, should you wisely choose to do business with me again. My minions will deliver the Pharaoh to you shortly. Have a splendid evening. Ta-ta."

The feed cut off.

Back in the dungeon, the portal re-opened as 4 of Dr. Zero's grotesque minions rushed through and unhooked Pharaoh from her chains.

The body was delivered as promised. The rest of Dr. Zero's day was spent meticulously studying Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison, Tony Santos, and Salman Van Dam alongside Nurse X.

"Muh mugguh rug," she said.

"I'm not impressed either. Not in the slightest. The new Pharaoh could win this alone. With myself, the wise Mr. Lang, and Theo included, victory for Team Zero is absolutely assured on Wednesday Warfare."

[Image: 7uXcTyU.jpg]
Co-Winner of the Lethal Lottery Tournament with Egyptian Snow Pharaoh
1x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
December 2013 Star of the Month
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Cam Lang (10-17-2013), Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (10-16-2013)

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In Which Dr. Zero Creates A Puppet - by Dr. Zero - 10-15-2013, 11:19 PM

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