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Monday Night Madness - 10/7/2013
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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10-09-2013, 04:01 PM

(10-09-2013, 03:00 PM)John Madison Said: Needs more asphyxiation!

Alas, we get to the end of your rambling to find its cause. Please promptly remove your hands from your own throat next time you address me... then maybe you'll be able to speak right.

Quote:Kinda funny that you want to accuse him of "not selling" vicious attacks when he did in fact "sell" the one I gave him at High Stakes.

I guess what you're outlining here must not matter today. If you can promise me this somehow matters today, I will make it a point to go back and find that footage.

By the way, witless king, there's a big difference between a person "no selling" even though they're really hurt, and "selling" when in reality they're left unscathed. Sounds to me like Duke, for whatever reason or other, decided to "sell" your supposed attack on him. In fact you just confirmed it! Let me just ask you though... why would he need to go out of his way to sell instead of being so hurt that he tried to save face? Way to discredit your own attack, foolish boy... are you sure you're a king? Doesn't that imply grown man? Where I come from, any grown man who beats another man down KNOWS no "selling" is involved with a real injury. Is this your version of Mystica's "I'm rubber your glue" strategy against Peter Gilmour? You hear somebody talk about no selling, so you think bringing up selling is the correct retort? For the love of Ra, please tell me you're just putting on an act right now.

Did you really think I was asking Duke to "sell" something for me?

I can guarantee you he'll never need to SELL a single thing for me; he'll be left with no choices in the matter. Him no-selling was in fact more proof of his injury than any fraudulent selling he did in the past just to play with your feeble mind. I really hope I haven't lost you by this point but I fear you're sitting there with your hands around your throat, yelling aloud that you got Duke to sell your ineffective attack. Again, we're not in fake wrestling, children. How is it that not even the king of this land is aware of this? The day Duke needs to "sell" one of my attacks instead of really being injured and trying to cover it up, is the day I should just kill myself. I guess my standards are higher than yours, king. Keep on getting others to sell for you and I'll keep drawing real blood.

Quote:And all that I did was hit him with a shovel and dump dirty on him.

Bahahaha! Yeah, asphyxiation definitely at its finest here! I'm surprised your face isn't excreting blood with how red you look right now. You keep on dumping "dirty" on your foes, child. Keep on playing in that "dirty" with your shovel. Seriously, slob royalty, take a breath between sentences or something... or at least swallow your drool before you speak. You're about as useless as Peter Gilmour in my opinion, and this is coming from someone who by default respects royalty.

I accept you as my king and, unfortunately for you, that means I hold you responsible for your blunders. I'd suggest at least not throwing those blunders directly into my face... they're already hard to miss, as is.

Tell me more about Duke selling for you, though. I like hearing others add more fuel to words I've already sent out into the world.

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Messages In This Thread
Monday Night Madness - 10/7/2013 - by Paul Heyman - 10-08-2013, 11:57 PM
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Monday Night Madness - 10/7/2013 - by LJ Havok - 10-09-2013, 09:10 AM
RE: Monday Night Madness - 10/7/2013 - by Egyptian Snow Pharaoh - 10-09-2013, 04:01 PM
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Monday Night Madness - 10/7/2013 - by Rebel - 10-09-2013, 07:39 PM
Monday Night Madness - 10/7/2013 - by Rebel - 10-09-2013, 07:44 PM

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