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Relaps (Nova)
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ZakMisery Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

10-08-2013, 05:26 PM

It wasn’t hard to break into Luca’s apartment. The kid barely had a security system and all the drugs he had, one would think he would invest a good system. It didn’t take long to find the stash but the door had opened and I needed to get out of there. Luca’s voice came closer to the bedroom and I slipped out the window, my back pressed up against the wall.

You’re fucked then…what do you want me to do?...No…look Nazi, if you want it done you need to be the idiot who does it…So what if I’m his friend. That has nothing to do with him hooking up with…Hold on…Someone was here…Some of my stash is missing…It’s a big deal to me so I’ll call you later.

I heard the phone click shut and I froze, dropping down slightly to keep from Luca’s sight. His head stuck out the window and he looked around for the person who broke in.

Fucking bastards…I’ll find you.

Luca pulled back and I sighed softly, waiting for the bedroom door to shut before I dropped, landing softly on the sidewalk and walking home. I didn’t trust his drug choice but I didn’t care right now. I needed to forget, needed to not feel anything. The doors of the resort were still busted so I scaled the wall, slipping into the bedroom and landing on the bed. I stared at the baggy, wondering what I grabbed but I didn’t want to think, didn’t want to feel.

I thought I was clear of the memories, clear of the flashbacks but I…I knew it wasn’t the case. Not after the nightmare I had last night about Kain and the look he gave me just before he died on my OR table. I pulled out a pill bottle and dumped it out on the end table, realizing it was coke. Damn….I was lucky and grabbed something I used to take. Within minutes, it was gone and I was on my back, staring up at the ceiling. That familiar rush made me smile but it didn’t erase the memories.

I took another pill bottle and cracked it open, sitting up and dropping the bottle on the table. Some of the pills fell on the floor unnoticed but I grabbed a handful, shoving them in and chewing. That’s when the pain started and there wasn’t much I could do but wait. The last thing I heard was the very soft crack of Nova showing up just as I succumbed to the blackness.

[Image: 218207.jpg]
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Messages In This Thread
Relaps (Nova) - by ZakMisery - 10-08-2013, 05:26 PM
Relaps (Nova) - by ZakMisery - 10-09-2013, 01:04 PM
Relaps (Nova) - by ZakMisery - 10-11-2013, 10:09 AM
Relaps (Nova) - by ZakMisery - 10-11-2013, 12:58 PM
Relaps (Nova) - by ZakMisery - 10-11-2013, 07:20 PM
Relaps (Nova) - by ZakMisery - 10-11-2013, 10:07 PM
Relaps (Nova) - by ZakMisery - 10-11-2013, 11:26 PM

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