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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Backstage 24/7
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Mr. XWF!
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Admiral Appindage
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02-14-2013, 02:40 AM

I doubt you can handle the overdose if you grind my cock to dust and snort that shit up your misshapen nostrils you ugly whore bag!

I'M ALREADY GONNA BEAT ONE BITCH DOWN THIS SATURDAY SO LIIIIIINE RIGHT UP FOR THIS BIG OL' DICK AND I'LL BE HAPPY TO SMACK YOUR FACE WITH MY COCK AND FIX YOUR FUCKED UP MAKEUP! MAYBE EVEN ADD SOME GLISTENING TEXTURE TO THAT SHREDDED ASS HAIR YOU GOT GOING ON, YOU FREAK! Step up the following Saturday or get that Shane to throw you in my current match. Admiral Appendage will leave you stuck to the canvas and covered in success like you never had before, bizzitch! You'll drown in my product if you try biting this cock!

If yah, if yah, if yah.................nahhhhhh fuck that shit I doubt you smell anything BUT cocks so ain't no need for me to ask!

Mr. XWF's status has been changed to: Hitting that running clothesline into a Rock Bottom! You'll be looking up seeing nothing but my cock's bottom!

@MrXwF I'm cruisin for chicks baby! I'm horny as fuck! Who wants to hook up in the club this week? Drinks and Cock Bottoms on me ALLLL NIGHT LONG BABY!
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Messages In This Thread
Mr. XWF! - by Blair Sully - 02-13-2013, 05:37 PM
Mr. XWF! - by Mr. XWF - 02-14-2013, 02:40 AM

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