Sincere Lee Wild
XWF's Ultimate Sin
XWF FanBase: Monster Heel (always booed; cheats; hurts people)
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10-07-2013, 09:51 AM
Sin remembered as a child that Eldon Missouri held its annual Turkey Festival every year during the first weekend of November. It was such an exhilarating time for the entire town, and she remembered how each festival seemed endlessly better than the last. It didn’t seem to matter that, as she grew older she no longer related to the free merry go round rides, the dunk your teachers and principal booths and the ever so popular kiddy miniature petting zoo. No she was far too cool now to enjoy the silly antics of clowns and their honking red noses as they both entertained and terrified children of all ages. Everyone of all ages still loved Eldon’s annual Turkey Festival. Purveyors sold delicious caramel covered apples, cotton candy and powder sugar covered funnel cakes throughout the festival. Along the sidewalks of down town artist drew half assed cartoon drawings of lovers and families competing for the dollar of the masses. Sin often reminisced about that spectacular weekend that was held every year in her hometown. Football players combed the streets in an attempt to collect money for their football jerseys, while cheerleaders sat cheering their repetitive nonsense to passers by. Sin would laugh watching worn out housewives roll their eyes at their perverted husbands who sat staring at the cheerleaders in their scandalous attire. In the background you could hear the off-key music being played by the very inexperience high school band, but people still applauded their failed attempts of creating music. And of course the aroma, god the smells. They lingered in the air all night long and even days after the festivities ended. The smell of gator tail being fried, nachos covered with hot yellow cheese sauce that left you feeling somewhat ill for the remainder of the night, but you didn’t care because the taste was one of a kind.
The Eldon Missouri Turkey Festival was some of the best times in Sin’s life before her family was killed. Once she was sent through the foster care and went from home to home the festivities lost their muster, the once proud and excited child now found herself walking almost like a zombie through the festival, her head always down at the ground missing the things that surrounded her..
She remembered the lost foster family that took her in. Ruby Maxwell, a recent widow with one other child, a son of her own. She was an alcoholic, a hardcore alcoholic and was up until about four years ago when she finally passed away. In fact alcohol was the very thing that ended up being her demise. Now understand that she wasn’t a bad person, Ruby did her best under the circumstances, raising her son and a child that wasn’t hers all alone. She worked long hard hours, but received a little help from the check she collected for keeping Sin in her house every month.
Neither Sean her son, or Sin ever said anything to her about her problem. Sin often thought maybe she should have during one of her rare moments of soberness, but didn’t want to start any dramatics within the home. She was the kind of person that if she was happy then the day would go on without any problems, but if she was mad, she was the nastiest woman you would ever have encountered. Sin lived there from the age of thirteen until her sixteenth birthday.
Now a lot of people would assume Sin left because she hit that age of self righteousness where they think they know everything now that they have a drivers license in their hand and are legally able to drive. Or that she spit in Ruby’s face and there was a dramatic fight where she yelled at the top of her lungs “You’re not my mother!” and stormed out of the house slamming doors behind her.
Sin wished that was the reason she left, and how she left the Maxwell home, but it wasn’t.
It was the night of the Eldon Turkey Festival when she was sixteen years old, the lovely childhood memories of the festival was now nothing, but a painful memory for her.
She had returned from the festivities, Ruby drunk in the living room watching the antiques road show as normal. Sin passed the kitchen already full from delicious mouth watering funnel cakes and cotton candy which she could still taste every time she licked her lips, and headed straight for her room.
“Hey Amber come here for a second.”
A familiar voice called out from down the hallway. It was Terry Edder, one of Sean Maxwell, her foster brothers friends. Sin walked down the hallway and opened pushed open the door watching Sean battle his way through the water world in Nintendo’s original Mario Brothers, while Terry took a drag off of a join the had just fired up.
TERRY EDDER: “So, where have you been all night, I thought you were going to be here?”
It was no secret that Terry had developed a crush on Sin back then, he always in appropriately approached her in the hallways of school telling her how beautiful she was. Sean kept pushing rapidly on the buttons of the Nintendo controller as he occasionally paused to take a gulp of beer he had stolen from his mother from the refrigerator down stairs. It was clear that the apple wouldn’t fall to far from the tree and that in the future he would face the same battle as his mother with alcohol.
YOUNG SINCERE LEE WILD: “I was at the Turkey Festival downtown hanging out.”
TERRY EDDER: “Hanging out? With who? YOUR BOYFRIEND!?”
He asked raising his voice as his demeanor quickly changed.
YOUNG SINCERE LEE WILD: “I don‘t have a boyfriend Terry you know that.”
He got up from the bed taking another drag from the joint before passing it off to Sean and made his way over to Sin invading her personal space as he always did, wrapping his arms around her waist.
TERRY EDDER: “Well if you don‘t have a boyfriend then why don‘t you give me a chance?”
He said smiling as his face drew closer to Sin’s.
Sin said laughing as she rolled her eyes and attempted to escape Terry’s anaconda like grip.
TERRY EDDER: “Your damn right I do Amber, and frankly I‘m tired of you playing fucking hard to get.”
It was those words that had been etched in Sin’s memories for years and years to come. It was that moment that would haunt her forever as he threw her on the bed and violently punched her across the face. Sin wasn’t a fighter back then, she was weaker than she is now and couldn’t fight back and defend herself to keep the events that transpired that night from happening. He viciously had ripped off her shirt and bra, and pulled down her torn blue jeans. She tried to fight back, but only received another brutal hit to the face for her efforts. That was the night that changed Sin forever, that was the night that a demon inside of her was born.
She remembered the next few days she sat in her room crying as she looked at herself disgustingly in the full length mirror in her room. She was ashamed that she wasn’t strong enough to fight off what had happened to her. Sean had knocked on her door a few times in an attempt to see if she was okay, but she couldn’t think of who disgusted her more, Terry for his violent act, or Sean for sitting and doing nothing while it happened. She thought about going down to the kitchen and grabbing a knife from one of the drawers and paying a visit to Terry’s home, and often fantasized about first killing his father and mother for breeding and creating such a worthless pile of shit, and then making her way to his room and burying the knife deep into his chest cavity and watch him bleed out. But she didn’t, even back then she was smart and knew that it wouldn’t have taken a lot for police to gather up enough evidence pin pointing her as a suspect. No she had to be smart about it, and she was. She would have to wait almost sixteen years to seek her revenge until the police would no longer suspect her. That is why she never went to the police about the rape that occurred, they say patience is a virtue and no truer words were ever spoken.
“Ms. Wild he will see you now.”
A woman’s voice said from across the room breaking he from her childhood memory. Sin looked across the lobby at the red haired woman sitting behind the counter as she pointed towards a door behind her. Sin flashed a fake smile and stood up from her chair making her way towards the door. She extended her arm out and grabbed the cold metal knob and turned in pushing the door open.
“Well, well, well, if it isn‘t Xtreme Wrestling Federations greatest Sin. What do I owe the pleasure?”
A voice said before Sin could even step foot into the room. She shut the door behind her and looked in the direction of Theo Pryce who sat behind a huge wooden desk shuffling through a mound of paperwork. He sat the paperwork down and stood up from his leather chair adjusting his tie as he stepped out from around the desk and made his way towards Sin extending his hand for a handshake, but found his attempt effortless as Sin walked passed him and towards the huge window overlooking the city below them.
SINCERE LEE WILD: “So is what they say about you true Theo?”
Theo Pryce lowered his hand and turned around looking at Sin’s gorgeous body as the sun beaming through the window lit up her perfectly tanned skin.
THEO PRYCE: “If what you heard is that I have more money than god himself and that I always get what I want, then yes, what you have heard about me is true.”
Theo Pryce laughed to himself as he made his way over to his desk and poured a glass of 1902 Highland Park Reserve scotch into a glass. It was one of the finest and rarest scotch’s that could be found and said a lot about who Theo Pryce really was. Sin turned her attention away from the window and back at Theo Pryce who held a glass up in an attempt to offer Sin some of the finest scotch in the world, but she declined.
SINCERE LEE WILD: “No, that you were handed everything you have by your father after he died?”
Theo Pryce took a sip of the scotch he had poured and placed the glass on his desk, the smile his face wore quickly faded.
THEO PRYCE: “It‘s no secret that is how I gained control of Pryce Industries, its public knowledge that anyone can acquire online, but I don’t think you came all the way here to discuss my business Sin.”
Sin made her way over to the large bookshelf behind Theo’s desk, some of the books were indeed vintage and collectibles that others would kill to have. Sin pulled one from off the bookshelf and thumbed through it, it’s rarity and worth never once crossing her mind as she could have possibly damaged the pages.
SINCERE LEE WILD: “Actually your resources are a subject for another time, I‘m actually here for only one reason and that‘s to know if you are ready for our match at Warfare.”
Theo made his way over to Sin and pulled the fragile book from her hand and placed it back on the shelf.
THEO PRYCE: “I know what your thinking Sin. Theo Pryce the business man who joined wrestling to full fill some wild child hood memory of being a wrestler. I get it, you‘re worried that I don‘t have what it takes to compete in the ring….”
Sin through up her finger interrupting Theo. He paused surprised because it wasn’t too often that someone had the audacity to cut him off.
SINCERE LEE WILD: “On the contrary Theo, it‘s not you I‘m worried about. I don‘t walk into matches blind, I do my homework and I know you are quite capable of taking care of yourself in the ring. What I‘m worried about is the Congregation?”
Theo laughed sitting on the edge of his desk.
THEO PRYCE: “You mean Eli James and his cult of misfits, who I understand you were once a member of? Why on god‘s green earth would I be worried about a group of degenerate half breeds like them?”
Sin laughed mocking the inexperience Theo.
SINCERE LEE WILD: “Look I understand you are knew to this business, but it‘s not all cut and dry like some of the business propositions you make on a daily basis. They are a serious threat to our match, and I wouldn‘t put anything past them at Warfare, you have to remember Eli thinks I betrayed him and could seek revenge on me by interfering with our match, and on top of that our opponents have John Austin another radical cult leader who seems to question Eli and the Congregations way‘s something he doesn‘t take too lightly. I‘m just saying it wouldn‘t hurt to take some extra precautions and maybe use some of that money and power of yours to heighten security around the ring during our match. We have to remember what‘s on the line, an opportunity for the Trio‘s titles.”
THEO PRYCE: “I can without question make sure we have a little extra security that night, but what I don‘t understand is why do you care about the Trio‘s titles so much? By what I have heard you aren‘t really a team player, kind of a solo act who just likes to hurt and maim your opposition.”
SINCERE LEE WILD: “Let‘s just call it job security. I have a lot of unfinished business with Eli, The Congregations and others within the Xtreme Wrestling Federation, and without results you are a liability whose contract can be voided at any moment. I haven‘t held a title since joining the XWF two years ago, and sooner or later even though I have more wins than losses in the company they are just going to realize I‘m no good for business.”
THEO PRYCE: “So let me get this straight, you don‘t want to win the Trio Titles to become champion, but just for job security purposes. I heard you were a horse of a different color and I can see that those rumors are true. But maybe you aren‘t the only one who is concerned Sin?”
SINCERE LEE WILD: “And what is it that concerns you Pryce?”
THEO PRYCE: “Well lets discuss your incident earlier this week shall we Sin. Liz Hathaway and the little beating you gave her at the arena.”
SINCERE LEE WILD: “What about it?”
THEO PRYCE: “Well a little birdie told me that you couldn‘t remember any of it, that you totally blacked out before going into a fit of rage. Is that going to be a problem?”
SINCERE LEE WILD: “You truly do have eyes and ears everywhere Pryce don‘t you.”
THEO PRYCE: “Indeed I do Sin, but back to my original question, is your little blackout‘s going to be a problem in our match?”
SINCERE LEE WILD: “I wouldn‘t think so, and if it does happen again, then I would only imagine it will help us and Liz Hathaway can attest to that, but I believe it was a one time thing, I have been under a lot of pressure lately and that little bimbo struck a nerve at the wrong time.”
Sin plopped down in the leather seat where Theo Pryce ran his empire and kicked her feet up on his desk making herself comfortable. Theo smirked taking another sip of his expensive scotch.
SINCERE LEE WILD: “The only thing I‘m really worried about in our match is Olive Pendershore, and that‘s only because I don‘t know much about her. She doesn‘t seem to care what people think of her which is a good thing in the ring, but her inexperience and lack of motivation for this match kind of worries me.”
Theo shook his head agreeing as he set the glass back down next to him.
THEO PRYCE: “And our opponents what do you think of them?”
SINCERE LEE WILD: “Oh, The Family?”
She let out a sarcastic chuckle.
SINCERE LEE WILD: “Are you kidding me, why on earth would I worry about them. John Austin is just another Eli James. I watched his and Andrew Morrison‘s promo‘s earlier this week, they seem like a joke. He claims to be in touch with Satan, blah, blah, blah, the same thing other wrestlers have used in the past in a feeble attempt to scare their opponents. He thinks he knows all about me, but after the remarks he made it just goes to show he knows absolutely nothing about me. Another false profit as the tabloids would call him. They call themselves the family, but if there is anything I have learned over the years, it‘s that family isn‘t all its cracked up to be and they will screw you faster than anyone else.”
THEO PRYCE: “And what about Andrew Morrison and Christine Nash what are your opinions of them?”
SINCERE LEE WILD: “Well luckily for us they seem even more weak and incompetent than Austin. Andrew Morrison is so over whelmed with things that in his promo he said he couldn’t wait to meet us in the ring at Madness, when we are clearly competing against him at Warfare. This just goes to show me that his head isn’t where it’s suppose to be right now and that could possibly help us out in the ring. And as far as Christina Nash no one has heard or seen her since they announced our match at Warfare. Honestly I’m not worried at all about The Family I truly think we ha……”
“Jesus fucking Christ Theo have you looked over this proposal yet its absolutely ridiculous, it looks like it was typed up by a…….”
The interrupting voice stopped dead in their sentence as both Sin and Theo looked towards his office door which echoed throughout the office as it closed. Erica Rayner his manager and the right hand of his glorious empire stood in the middle of the office holding a blue folder containing Pryce Industry business opportunities.
ERICA RAYNER: “I‘m sorry Theo I had no idea you were in a meeting, I can come back another time.”
Erica said glaring jealously at Sin who still had her feet kicked up on Theo’s desk.
SINCERE LEE WILD: “Don‘t worry about it sugar, I was just leaving anyway, I think me and Mr. Pryce are all done here, aren‘t we gorgeous?”
Sin said removing her feet from the desk and standing up smiling at Theo. Erica continued to glare at Sin as she made her way towards her in an attempt to exit the office. Just as she Sin approached Erica she stopped and leaned in whispering in her ear, but loud enough to where Theo could hear it.
SINCERE LEE WILD: “Mmmmm, I don‘t know how you do it sweetie.”
ERICA RAYNER: “Do what?”
Erica asked angrily.
SINCERE LEE WILD: “Work around that fine ass man all day and keep your hands to yourself.”
Sin looked back at Theo and playfully winked as she smacked Erica on the ass and made her way out of the office.
ERICA RAYNER: “What the hell was that all about Theo?”
Erica asked as she made her way over to the desk and angrily slammed the folder down. Theo stood up from his desk and smiled once again adjusting his tie.
THEO PRYCE: “I don‘t know, but I want you to get me whatever information on her as you can, and have someone follow her from now on. I want to know everything about XWF‘s greatest Sin.”