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Moonlight Stroll in Paris (Ally/Myst)
Author Message
Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-21-2013, 09:04 PM

He shifted, looking away from the river and back at Alexandra, his heart all aflutter. What this creature did to him, he thought. How could someone have such an effect upon him? The very mention of her name put his nerves on end, like a creature listening for a predator. But it was an adrenaline rush he much appreciated. He felt alive for once. The demons in his head had settled in deep, and he was at peace -- not only with himself, but with the world around him and the girl before him. Right now, his past was inconsequential. Only the now mattered.

"I do what I can," David replied honestly. "It's all I could ever ask of someone else, so why not it be asked of me? I'll always care for you, Ally."

Ally. He wasn't sure why it is he called her that. He'd never called her that. Never shortened the name the world have given her. The idea seemed so perverse; to desecrate one's full name. But he supposed he'd only been called Dave in the office. And he'd despised it. It sounded so curt and unfeeling. Nicknames. Odd.

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

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Moonlight Stroll in Paris (Ally/Myst) - by Mystica - 09-21-2013, 09:04 PM

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