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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Elisha's Not Happy
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Elisha Offline
Don't go down to the woods tonight.

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09-18-2013, 10:07 AM

It's the day of Eli's special day. It's been quite busy around the town with those involved preparing themselves for the event. A box sits by Elisha's cave with his name on it. Someone must have left it in the night. He awakens from a light sleep ready to get some breakfast, and finds the beautifully wrapped present. He looks around to see if anyone is near and finds no one in sight. No noise, at least nothing out of the ordinary. He starts to unwrap the present and a odd smile comes across his face. He hurries back in his cave with pure excitement, like a boy just unwrapping a present at Christmas time. He walks over to his Lacey doll with a big grin.

"Mommymommymommymommymommy. Mommy! Mom! Present. P-Present for me! L-L-L-Look.

Lacey doesn't speak. Elisha's so preoccupied with the present and that he hasn't paid much attention to Lacey since he awoke from his sleep. He sees his doll has be ripped a little, possibly in the night by some sort of creature. His joyous smile and excitement changes. His smile disappears. Him holding his present high in the sky starts to be lowered. He drops the box onto the ground to reveal it's a nice suit for the wedding, but his attention is now on Lacey. He reaches down and picks her up. He tries to hold her together and she utters some words into Elisha's ear.

"Cam. Smith. Save me, son.

"Mommymommymommymommymommy. Mommy! Mom! Present. P-Present for me! L-L-L-Look.

Not realizing Lacey may just be encouraging her son to get ready for tonight's match against Cam Lang and Jason Smith, his mind goes to thinking they caused her to fall a part. Full of rage and anger, Elisha is able to speak clearly for the first time in a long time by himself.

"I. Hate. I...... HATE. Cam Lang and his e-extreme team has already begun to fall in the heap of battle. What came in as three as fallen to two. What s-s-started as a surprised storm has become n-nothing more than a few drops of r-r-rain. Cam and J-Jason will find out d-death comes quicker than e-e-expected. Raindestructionraindestruction. Redemption is near. Near.

Mommy, you will b-b-be fixed for good soon. I pr. I pr. I promise mommy. You will b-be proud. Tonight, Eli will smile. Dr. J-Jones will be glad. We smile, and they will l-leave frowning.

I will h-h-hold the tag team belt a-a-again. It will be f-for you, mommy. I will m-make you proud again. I will make E-Eli proud again. We will reign. Reignreignreign. Kingdom comes here. Revenge. Revenge. Revenge.

[Image: 2b6d4bc0-f04e-46fe-98b2-4584c5178299_zps1fa4586d.jpg]
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Elisha's Not Happy - by Elisha - 09-18-2013, 10:07 AM

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