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Execute Operation Gemini (Minx & Mystica reply)
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Minxs Offline
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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-30-2013, 01:21 PM

I nodded and jumped up, hugging the man in front of me. He stumbled slightly and placed his hands on my back.


"If Mystica ever wants a place to fight, to train and to use some of his powers. You are always welcome at the Park. Consider it my offering to the God. I know it's not much but it's the only place where two damned and cursed Demi-Gods live."

I smiled and took off down the ally, leaving Mystica there to ponder what I said.


It didn't take long before I managed to find an elderly man who was on Father's doorstep. He called me his Beloved Angel as his final breath filled my ears and I felt one lone tear drip down my cheek. He was with his beloved in the afterlife and I needed to find Ally. I managed to make it home in less time then it did to get to the arena and I froze, my eyes widening as I caught Ally's scent.



I followed her voice and her blood trail, seeing her standing on the porch of one of the restaurants.

"It's dangerous here..."

"I was looking for you."

"I was following your orders...and I had to feed...I gave him your note."

I stepped up on the first porch step, keeping just enough distance in case she reacted. Her aura, which was normally gold and black was now blood red and black...She didn't smell right...and she was sue me because I don't trust a tense elemental.

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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Execute Operation Gemini (Minx & Mystica reply) - by Minxs - 08-30-2013, 01:21 PM

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