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Execute Operation Gemini (Minx & Mystica reply)
Author Message
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-30-2013, 12:25 PM

**Meanwhile back with Alexandra**

Alexandra got her things together and began to head out of the arena. Something didn't feel right. Had Minx been captured? Did Eli and them find her out? She was concerned, she knew Minx wanted to get back to the park. Was it that park... it couldn't be.. could it? She made her way out to her bike and headed towards the amusement park. Hopefully she would find answers there. Pulling up, she looked at the rickety gate and pushed it open. She hopped off her bike and walked it inside, hiding it just within some bushes, where no one would be able to see it.


Alexandra felt something cut her leg. Looking down she saw a piece of metal jutting out of the ground. Damn that Hurricane Katrina. This place used to be beautiful. She remembered coming here a lot.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck."

[Image: tumblr_inline_mfjbn74Mww1rxb8do.gif]

Alexandra made her way to one of the only stone buildings left standing and climbed onto the porch to see if she could see Minx.


She called out into the park.


No answer. God this place was creepy, as cold and still as death. All it needed was a few Zombies and it would be an amazing set for any Zombie film.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Execute Operation Gemini (Minx & Mystica reply) - by AlexandraCallaway - 08-30-2013, 12:25 PM

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