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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A different side of me.
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Cam Lang Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

08-24-2013, 08:47 PM

the following Announcement
Has been paid for by the Leaders and sponsors of

[Image: er1_zpsb7b00e15.jpg]

It's the famous setting where we've seen Lang many times, in this park on that very same bench.

[Image: Lonely%2Bman%2Bon%2BBench.jpg]

It's possible we'll have another man on the way to the ER. There's been talks within the Extreme revolution on whether we would bring in a fourth man, I can answer with a resounding YES that we aren't the only ones involved. There's a lot you all don't know about, and we'll keep it secret until we feel as it should be revealed but for now I'll tell you this isn't all the Extreme revolution has to offer.

Another thing, many of you must be wondering why are the known members of the Extreme revolution split apart outside of the XWF? We're men with different agendas, Troy is doing his own thing and is headed into my home country of Canada so he'll be in for a treat, in fact I think Liz already gave him a couple treats on their voyage there. As for LJ, he's off handling personal matters and that's his business. Many of you feel like my own partners won't be able to co-exist as they're on opposing teams, well let me tell you there's one thing we don't lack that's been looked over and that's intelligence. If they meet in the center of that ring, I don't see it being impossible that they'll come to blows, but when it's all said and done we'll still be a strong unit.

A lot of people have been asking me, Cam are you JEALOUS that you're two fellow members of the Extreme revolution are main eventing and you're not? I'm not going to lie, I was pissed at the discovering that I wasn't picked to main event War games with my two partners, however I like to think being in a match is better than being left off of the card all together. This is a start of a long journey for me, I'm going in there facing one of the great veterans of this company Peter Gilmour and his team.

But like I said, he's a VETERAN. A lot of the veterans around here like to look down at the rookies, and they do have seniority over us in this place but in the outside not so much. I'm not going to be labeled as a rookie, I'm new around here but I've done too much work in my life to be labeled a rookie. I can take out each member of that team by myself I wanted to, I'm tired of being over looked around this place.

Suddenly it starts raining and Lang puts his hand down and feels the drops of rain falling from the sky, he puts a hood over himself and doesn't seem to be fazed by
the sudden rain storm and will take out an umbrella.

[Image: alone-rain-1417068.jpg]

This is kind of ironic, I need to tell you all a battle I've experienced throughout my life.

Lang goes to his pocket and pulls out a little dime bag, it seems like it's a powdered mix and it looks familiar to one who has experienced it.

That's right, it's cocaine. This fucking substance has toyed around with me growing up, my brother got into it an---

Lang doesn't finish his sentence and definitely is fighting back the tears and decides to pulls out what looks like to be a cigarette, but we get a close up and it's actually a joint. The rain has stopped and it becomes incredibly sunny, Lang puts on a pair of sunglasses and we can see he lights it up, eventually get's it going and starts to go to town on it.

[Image: man-smoking-cigarette-sitting-bench-14201410.jpg]

There's a difference between this and that.

Lang points at the dimebag of cocaine which is on the ground and got wet by the outbreak of rain.

The bottom line, this is going to be an unpleasant experience for my 5 opponents, I'm personally guaranteeing it. Some of you don't even deserve to be in this match and I'm going to make it my goal to show your flaws to the world. I'm going to destroy and dismantle each man and when it's all said and done you'll see my team victorious, and from there we can determine who'll go on to fight Angeles. But for now...

Lang gets up and takes another puff from the joint, which is burning quite well up to this point. He kneels down to the dimebag of cocaine and takes a lighter out, he lights the bag on fire and stands back up. The sound of nature goes off again and it within seconds gets dark, Lang puts his umbrella out and we're left with a final shot of Lang walking away.
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A different side of me. - by Cam Lang - 08-24-2013, 08:47 PM

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