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Just paying a visit (RP #2)
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Shawn Steele Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

08-18-2013, 01:48 PM

|-| Nowhere to run? Nowhere to hide? It really doesn’t seem as if Shawn Steele is interested in running, or hiding, from anyone. Let alone from the man that he’s been chasing since the day he spoke his first word to the X-treme Wrestling Federation audience. And, based on the actions of members of The Connection, past or present, it doesn’t appear that Shawn Steele is that hard to find. But if we’re on the topic of running, and hiding, and apparently we are, let’s take a look at Andrew Morrison, “The Tornado”. When last we saw Mr. Morrison, he was standing in front of the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas. A bit odd, if you ask me. Is this the location of his Steel Cage Match on the MEGA Madness broadcast? No, that massive event is taking place at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. So just why this location for Andrew Morrison? Maybe the man, who hasn’t been seen in two weeks, decided to go home and 'collect his thoughts’. This would explain his presence in his hometown, but the Toyota Center? This much remains a mystery. But if you want a real mystery, the question at hand is... why is Shawn Steele not arriving in Ohio but instead ........ |-|

[ .. Static .. ]
[ .. Fade up XWF logo .. ]
[ .. Fade out .. ]

[Image: 2pyw0v9.jpg]

As the scene slowly begins fading back up, we find ourselves in busy airport. But this is not just any airport, filled not just with random strangers. No. The imposing form of Shawn Steele is not a hard one to spot among the masses, especially in his black tanktop shirt, his tattoos almost flashing against his skin. And no, this airport is not in Cleveland, Ohio. This is the George Bush Intercontinental Airport. In Houston, Texas. What, exactly, is Shawn Steele doing in Houston, you ask? Why this is a very good question. A question that Shawn Steele himself is more than happy to provide an answer to.

[Image: otk8dl.jpg]

Shawn Steele: Do you actually have to fly into this place every time you come home, Andrew? No wonder you’re so angry. This place is a fucking shit hole. Under normal circumstances, I would never step foot in this place. But I saw what you had to say and .. well that just won’t do Andrew. Since you think I’m looking for someplace to hide, I figured what better way to show you just how wrong you are, than to find you myself. So I hopped right on the first plane out, against doctor’s orders, I’ll add, and straight to Houston. It was a long trip, and Jesus was my head pounding the entire way. But I get the feeling it’ll be worth it. I just hope you’re home. See you see, Stormy.

Smirking, Steele walks past the camera which turns to watch as he walks through the airport, the camera again catching the ‘Punisher’ style skull logo on the back of his shirt before the scene slowly begins fading back out.

[ .. Fade out .. ]
[ .. Fade up XWF logo .. ]
[ .. Fade out .. ]

As the scene fades back up, we’re again seeing the image of the skull on the back of Shawn Steele’s shirt, this time it’s only a fleeting glance as he climbs into the back of a yellow taxi cab with a Texas license plate, one of over a dozen that are lined up outside of the very same George Bush Intercontinental Airport. The cab idles for a few moments before the right turn signal suddenly begins flashing. After waiting for a quick break in traffic the cab quickly pulls out, a puff of exhaust shooting from the tailpipe as the cab accelerates into the flow of traffic, the scene again fading away.

[ .. Fade out .. ]
[ .. Fade up XWF logo .. ]
[ .. Fade out .. ]

As the scene returns to life and begins fading back up, we’re suddenly inside of the same cab that we watched pull away from the airport moments again. The camera pans to the left to see Shawn Steele sitting in the back, cell phone to his ear.

Shawn Steele: Yes .... That’s right .... Morrison yes .... Andrew Taylor .... Yes ma’am .... Me? .... Oh, just a friend. From high school. Looking to surprise my old buddy Andy. (Laughing playfully) Yes ma’am, I’m sure he’ll be more than pleased to see me .... (Quickly pulling a small notepad from his left jeans pocket, and somehow a pen, he begins jotting down an address.) Thank you very much .... Have a nice day .... Goodbye.

Pulling the phone from his ear, Shawn quickly presses a button on the device before shoving it into the right pocket of his jeans, setting the pad and pen beside him on the seat.

Shawn Steele: As it turns out, Andrew Morrison isn’t a difficult guy to find either. Or maybe it’s more accurate to say that people in Houston are really, really stupid. Is it just Houston? I get the feeling that it’s most Texans that are idiots. No wonder this state made it legal to execute it’s mentally criminals. Having the intelligence of a nine year old is probably the fucking high bar in this place. Jesus Christ Morrison, how can you stand coming back here. This isn’t he wild west you imbeciles. I’ve been here an hour .. maybe two hours. And already Andrew, I can tell I’m going to be doing you a favor come Monday night. When they lock the door on that Steel Cage .. when they lock two bulls into their ring, I’m going to make you see the error of your ways. Because after the beating that I put on you in Cleveland, your life is going to flash before your eyes. And then .. and perhaps only then, will you come to realize what a pathetic horseshit town Houston is. Maybe then you’ll finally stop coming back here. Not that you’re going to have anything to come back to anyway ..... Driver .. I’d like to get my friend a gift, is there a Walmart around here?

Cab Driver: I’m pretty sure there’s a Walmart everywhere, Sir. But yes, it’s about ten minutes away.

Shawn Steele: Excellent. It’ll be worth your while Mr......

Cab Driver: Smith, Sir. But you can call me John.

Shawn stares blankly for a moment at the man we now know as John Smith, but then shakes his head as the scene slowly fades away.

[ .. Fade out .. ]
[ .. Fade up XWF logo .. ]
[ .. Fade out .. ]

Fading back up from blackness, we find Shawn Steele being accompanied by John Smith as they’re just entering a Walmart SuperCenter. Both men breathe a sign of relief as the blast of cool air hits them as they escape the Texas heat. That sign of relief is quickly gone, however, as a look of complete and utter horror appears on the faces of both men. It’s as if they’ve walked into the most terrifying scene either man has ever witnessed. Slowly both men turn their heads from left to right, whatever it is that they’re witnessing is appearing to get worse and worse as their expressions turn more and more horrified. At one point Steele looks like he’s beginning to dry heave before finally collecting himself, putting his hand on John Smith’s shoulder.

[Image: 24llurr.jpg]

Shawn Steele: What in the hell is wrong with the people in this state?!

John “Cab Driver" Smith: Don’t look at me man! I just moved here last month. Let’s just get whatever it is that you’re wanting to get your friend and get the hell out of here. Seriously, these people scare me.

Nodding his head quickly in agreement, Shawn does his best to avoid getting anywhere near these Texans as he and John Smith begin to make their way into the deeper parts of the store, the scene slowly fading away.

[ .. Fade out .. ]
[ .. Fade up XWF logo .. ]
[ .. Fade out .. ]

As the scene fades back up one more time, we’re agree finding our focus on Shawn Steele, this time he’s seated behind the wheel of the yellow cab, the actual driver, whom we now know as John Smith, is no where to be found. Throwing a quick glance over his left shoulder, Shawn changes lanes before he begins speaking.

Shawn Steele: I almost feel bad, honestly. Not that I stole John’s cab when he went to the bathroom. No. I feel a bit bad about leaving him there. Did you see those people? Holy shit Morrison. Why the hell do you ever come back to this place? I’m beginning to think I really will be doing you a favor. There’s nothing left for you here, Andrew. And the sooner you come to this realization, the sooner you’ll see your career take off. The sooner you put this hell hole behind you, the sooner you’ll find XWF gold around your waist. But you’re too fucking stupid to see it. The first time I saw you in action Morrison .. from that first moment, I knew you were good. Real good. But you were busy with losers like Swift Ion and Jonathon Thomas Cross. You were too caught up in your own head to ever be a threat to guys like John Madison. But I saw the promise. That promise that you have to be a vicious force in this company.

Grabbing the notepad that he had previously written an address down on, Steele quickly looks it over, his eyes darting between the paper and the road a few times before he tosses it down again, both hands returning to the wheel of the cab.

Shawn Steele: I’ve been waiting for this match. I’ve been waiting since the moment I signed my name on that X-treme Wrestling Federation contract. Andrew Morrison and I .. we’re a lot alike really. We’re both warriors. Men who are seeking out .. on a mission, really, to find the next challenge. Always looking for a war. And I know that once we stepped foot into that ring and stood face-to-face, all hell was going to break loose. But, thanks to Swift Ion .. X Ion .. whatever that jackass is going by these days, that encounter that we both professed wanting never came to be. Andrew Morrison and I never got that chance to go to war. We never got that chance to stand face-to-face .. toe-to-toe, and see who the better man was. But still .. still I thought we had a mutual respect for each other. I thought we even had an understanding. An understanding the we both stood for the same things. That we both wanted to step into the ring with the best. The very best. The best that the X-treme Championship Wrestling Federation has to offer. The very best in this industry. But now .. now I realize just how wrong I was about Andrew Morrison I was. How wrong I was all along.

The yellow cab slowly pulls to a stop, the camera panning away from Shawn in the driver’s seat to get a glimpse of the red light where he’s stopped, continuing to to the right to show a family in a mini van also stopped at the light. A mother and father sit in the front, while in the back sits a young child, wearing a black and blue XWF t-shirt. The child suddenly starts screaming in the back seat and pointing into the cab, causing his mother to turn in the passenger’s seat and begin yelling at the boy just as the light turns green and Steele pulls away.

Shawn Steele: Andrew Morrison isn’t a man of honor. Andrew Morrison isn’t looking to prove himself against the best in this company. Against the VERY best in this industry. Andrew Morrison doesn’t want to be tested. Andrew Morrison doesn’t want to go to war inside of that ring. Andrew Morrison .. is a COWARD! You hear me Morrison? You’re a fucking coward. Instead of facing me one-on-one .. like a real man would, you took the coward’s way out and joined The Connection. You wanna talk about a failure? THAT, was a failure. The Connection will go down as the biggest failure in X-treme Wrestling Federation history. My god did that faction flame out. But that was your choice Andrew. Your decision to join with The Connection and attack me .. ME, like a pack of fucking hyaenas! Like a god damn coward. You’re a fraud, Morrison.

The cab begins to slow to a stop again, Steele this thing hitting the turn signal before making a right turn, pulling into a residential area.

Shawn Steele: I’ve seen people saying that Andrew Morrison and I are in the middle of some kind of rivalry based purely on our hatred for one another. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I can’t speak for Andrew, obviously, but for me, that’s just not the case at all. I have no hatred for Andrew Morrison. None. Andrew Aldway? John Austin? Sure. I have hate for those two pieces of shit. Unabashed hatred. And in due time, John Austin will suffer the very same fate that Andrew Aldway is facing right now. He’ll know what it feels like to never know if you’ll walk again. To know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that your life has changed. That you’ll never be the same again. But that’s not the same case when it comes to Andrew Morrison. No. There’s no hate there, Andrew. But what is there .. what is there is disappointment. I’m disappointed in you Andrew. You’re not the man I thought you were. But maybe .. maybe I’m not completely wrong about you. Maybe the warrior that I thought you were .. maybe that man still exists. And if he does, then I’m going to help you rediscover who you are.

Shawn goes silent for a few moments as he slowly looks from left to right as he moves slowly through the residential area, reading the addresses on the homes and mailboxes. Finally apparently finding the address he was looking for, Shawn pulls the cab up along the curb before stopping, turning off the engine, sitting silent for a moment longer.

Shawn Steele: You said .. when that cage door closes, I’m going to be stepping into my own personal hell. That the man who steps into that cage is not the same man that I stepped into the ring with all those months ago. Let me ask you a question, Andrew. Do you think that I’m the same man that you faced in that Battle Royal? Think back. Think back to that Monday night on Madness when I made my XWF debut. Remember that man. Do you think that that man was capable of destroying Andrew Aldway? Because I will admit to you right now Andrew. That man .. that man was incapable of even defeating Andrew Aldway. That man that you were in the ring with .. that man was a disgrace. He’s not who I was and he’s damn sure not who I am today. And I’m going to show you just what a true Hell is. But what I’m about to do .. what I’m about to do Morrison, is for your own good. I’m doing you a favor. Because you can’t become the man that I know you’re capable of being without .. without suffering. You can’t be truly capable of bringing Hell upon others until it’s been brought upon you. So this is my gift to you, Andrew. My gift of unleashing the man you can be.

Opening the door and stepping out of the cab, Steele stretches slightly before rolling his shoulders. Shutting the door he turns and walks slowly to the trunk of the cab, the camera doing the same on the opposite side of the cab. Steele unlocks the trunk and it pops open, blocking our view of him as he begins speaking again.

Shawn Steele: You can call yourself a storm at every turn. Call yourself a “tornado”. A force of nature. A destroyer. The sealer of fates. You can even tell the world how you’re about to unleash carnage. But I know the truth Andrew. I know that right now .. right now you’re not capable of being any of those things. That’s why I’m here, Andrew. To help you. You can’t be anything like you proclaim yourself to be until you know that every time you step into that ring .. that you have nothing left to lose. A man .. Andrew, with nothing left to lose .. a man who has lost everything, is a very dangerous man. This is why I’m dangerous. I have no fear. Nothing on this earth can hurt me. But you Andrew .. you have that fear in your heart. And that’s your weakness. And I’m here to exploit your weakness. But I’m doing it for your own good. To set you free. Free from fear. Free from the fear that is holding you back. It’s going to hurt .. at first. But in the long run, it’ll be the greatest thing that ever happened to you. You’re welcome, Andrew. You’re welcome...

Slamming the trunk back down, Shawn turns to face the home that he previously pulled the cab to a stop to in front of. He squats down to pick up whatever he pulled from the trunk and set on the ground as the camera slowly moves around the back of the car. As Shawn stands again, the camera gets another good closeup shot of the 'Punisher’ style skull that adorns the back of his shirt. Slowly the skull becomes smaller as Shawn steps up onto the sidewalk and begins walking across the yard towards the home. As he continues moving farther and farther away from the now stationary camera, what he took out of the trunk of the cab becomes evident. The scene slowly begins to fade out as Shawn Steele moves towards the home, carrying two red cans of gasoline.

[ .. Fade out .. ]
[ .. Fade up XWF logo .. ]
[ .. Static .. ]

[Image: euegoy.jpg]
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Just paying a visit (RP #2) - by Shawn Steele - 08-18-2013, 01:48 PM

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