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The Outcome? 2 Worthless Entities Lose to an Injured Man. (RP 1)
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#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick Offline
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(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

08-17-2013, 01:01 PM

Act 1: The Only Outcome Worth Betting On

Our scene opens to a picture of a scene all to familiar to one John Austin, Luca Arzegotti pinning both him and CM Punk at once to win the Wild Card that in essence gave him his match at Leap of Faith against John Madison on a silver platter. The camera zooms out to show that Luca is indeed holding the picture, remaining seated while making sure the cast on his ankle is clearly visible.

"Hey Johnny boy, you remember this little affair? I bet it's still stuck inside your mind to this day, festering and manifesting itself as the most disappointing thing of your entire career, sans being involved in the monumental waste of time known as the Connection. I bet right now, that you're smiling to yourself, thinking about how fucking clever you are about telling the story of my match with you as if there was ever a single, solitary, hint of doubt that I would walk out of that match with anything other than that Wild Card. You didn't believe it then, you don't believe it now, no one did does or will ever believe that. So, instead of really trying to give the (or singular, Death Merchant) a history lesson about us, I'll just correct the utter bullshit that you spewed in an attempt to do the same. This is going to take a while.

First things first, I challenged you? No no, Heyman thought you were just the rookie that he needed to bring me down to the level of being able to lose a match to CM Punk and the Senator. So he in all his infinite wisdom decided to team us up, and if the Senator no showed like he did, it would turn into a triple threat match between yourself, myself, and CM Punk, who's now and forever will be winless against me. Where in that thought process by Heyman, did I challenge you? I would never challenge you on my own accord, because I always forget you exist.

I think that there should be more reference to me doing things that people remember, like winning in the Chamber, beating everyone in my path until Leap of Faith. Past that, I still really haven't had a truly legitimate loss. Satty got pinned, and I took a dive after getting hit with a cattle prod. Meanwhile, John Austin is over there, stuck in the little slice of Hell called the Monday Night Madness Midcard. Beating a prestigious list of wrestlers like the who gives a fuck brothers, the big guy who no one gives a fuck about, and the rookie who ended up winning the Rumble. What was that guy's name again? That's how the rest of us see your biggest 'accomplishments.' Not just the Circle and I, but Heyman, The Brotherhood, and even your favorite little Brit and head of your short lived stable, Ricky Desmond. Remember how he called that man you beat one of the worst guys in the company? That's going to do wonders for your self esteem, huh? Even worse, he lost to that man and proved that you're all so weak willed that you followed a fucking moron.

Don't you for a fucking second go on a spiel about what was destined, because it just makes you look even worse. Come on, you were destined for the greatness that I achieved? That makes you even worse than I say you are, but you weren't saying that to be self deprecating, you were trying to look good, weren't you? Fucking pathetic.

Does it matter which Austin I face? You all fucking suck.

Lastly for our friend Austin, I offer this little hint of advice. Reverse the roles, this is the biggest night of your career, I mean you get to face me and lose again! This is a simple day at the office for me, I've beaten much more intimidating figures than you or the hired heavy (mentally light) Death Merchant. Speaking of which, what did he have to say about me again?

Well, he first decides that it would be the smartest thing ever to say that Elisha is taking mankind back to the stone age. No cunt, it's big, moronic apes like yourself that does that just fine. Saying something Elisha does as an insult when you do it yourself without the slightest fucking hint of self deprecation is hypocrisy at its finest, but you're too stupid to see that, aren't you? Now now, where's my explanation for this opinion (fact)? Oh right, if Death Merchant doesn't need any, and I'm exponentially better than Death Merchant's best, than people need to give me reasoning for my opinions.

Wow, he's another of those purists who 'don't do it for the money.' I bet if the price was right for this fucking lug, he would walk out and we would never hear from his prehistoric ass again. Now that I think about it, I should find that price, just so I never have to see him on my TV screen again. It would definitely be the smart thing to do, then again, I am dealing with the fucking moron known as Death Merchant. You know, the guy who let the only good thing his shitty stable had going for it, Alexandra Callaway slip through his fucking fingers. Brilliant choice, .

For those at home, let's note once more that Callaway was in a title match on Warfare, Has another one on the next Warfare, and on top of it has ANOTHER title shot on the winner of Satty/Nightmare (Satty).

How many title shots has Death Merchant had? None.

How many title shots will Death Merchant ever have? None.

How many titles will Death merchant win in his run? None.

It's actually kinda funny just how jealous and stupid you felt, seeing Ally just shoot outward and surpass everything her former leader ever accomplished or ever will accomplish in just a short time after ditching his dead weight off the side of the road like a fucking unwanted child in a state that doesn't have a safe haven law. Bravo, you really are fucking brilliant. I bet after seeing that happen, everyone else in your fucking group is so thrilled to play second fiddle to you. Fuck, you went and lost to her and everything.

And yet you're going to beat me? Keep dreaming.

And once again, I have to point out that Death Merchant calling ANYONE one or two dimensional in their in ring patterns is like the pot calling the kettle black. The moronic brawler who not even seconds before talked about wanting to beat us down and take care of us. Allow me to tell you and everyone else just what will happen.

You'll attempt your shitty little attack that gets countered faster than a Swift Ion argument. We counter it and proceed to beat you down because you don't know how to react to a switch in what you plan. Then, we pin you and win the match, forcing you to cry harder than Gilmour.




And remember, I don't have to prove shit to you. I'm injured and competing, I'm expected to lose, so you really aren't going to prove a single thing to anyone by beating an already injured Luca Arzegotti.

You two on the other hand, will be humiliated if (when) Elisha and I beat you senseless and get the win.

You might even wish for death.

Care to get some out of your own personal stock, Merchant?"

[Image: giphy.gif]
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The Outcome? 2 Worthless Entities Lose to an Injured Man. (RP 1) - by #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 08-17-2013, 01:01 PM

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