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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Roster » XWF Roster Pages / Move Lists
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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show GORGO
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gorgo Offline
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Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

11-24-2024, 12:11 AM


[Image: pose4.png]

Wrestler's Real Name: Yelena Gorgo

Wrestler Age/Date of Birth: 04-11-1999

Height: 6 ft 1 in (185 cm)

Weight:  205 lbs (90.7 kg)

Hometown: Chișinău, Moldova

Alignment (Face? Heel? Antihero?): Heel

Pic Base: Brooke Ence (Ask for Cutouts)

Backstory/Important Character Details: Yelena is the daughter of deceased professional wrestler Niels Gram, also known as Spiral. Her brother, Nathan Gray (Jack Moreau) was also a professional wrestler. She started her fighting career in judo and is third dan black belt. Her first world championship tournament was in 2017 and ended with a bronze medal. She went on to win the gold the following year and silver in 2019. In 2020, she represented Moldova in the -78kg weight class. She won the gold. Afterward she began to prepare for the next stage of her career: pro wrestling. For a full accounting of Yelena's public information, please visit her Wikipedia page.

Yelena is the worst. She is a truly awful, reprehensible character, who walks through life mimicking everyone around her to appear "normal" but it's a parody. It's the reflection of the world that she sees. Inside, she is a vile creature who lives in a constant state of aggressive apathy and enjoys nothing more than manipulating people into making bad decisions for her amusement.

On the screen, Yelena presents herself as a plural Us, using plural pronouns to differentiate between typical Yelena and the Other Yelena who is even more unhinged.

Strengths: Powerful. Yelena has the brute strength and bodily awareness for her to stand toe-to-toe with most men.
Disciplined. Her dedication to preparation and strategy is unmatched. She thoroughly scouts every opponent and prepares for every outcome.
Relentlestness. She will never stop moving forward and she will never stop coming for you unless you put her down.

Weaknesses: Egotistical. Obviously she is the greatest living wrestler, and only second to her father when accounting for the deceased.
Inexperienced. Yelena is still very new to professional wrestling, only having her first match in July 2022. In singles matches she has shined but when it comes to multi-opponent matches or gimmick matches, she has in the past struggled to adapt. All 4 of her career singles losses came from gimmick matches.
Insane. As intelligent Yelena is, she is ultimately insane and is known to give in to her baser instincts from time to time, lashing out violently without thinking, which can at times put her into bad situations.

Entrance Theme Music (Provide YouTube link as well as name and version): Counting Bodies Like Sheep (The Gorgo Mix) by A Perfect Circle.

Ring Entrance (PLEASE write one out for use in match/show writing):

B L A C K.

A distorted march and shrill, ear-splitting violins attack the mass of attendants with visceral intent, triggering a contentious wave of hateful screams and wails. The music builds, and builds, until GORGO's voice ECHOES throughout the arena…



A Perfect Circle's COUNTING BODIES LIKE SHEEP violently assaults the listeners with its droning march as SMOKE AND RUIN crawls across the platform in strobing white light. A single spotlight shines down to center stage as Maynard begins singing the first verse.

♫ Don't fret precious, I'm here ♫
♫ Step away from the window
♫ And go… BACK TO SLEEP ♫
From below, GORGO slowly rises out of the stage surrounded in dark haze and flashing light. Blonde hair is smeared black with grease and hangs in wet tangles. Face painted black and white and marked with pagan symbology. White eyes outlined in black. Their smile, their awful smile, stretched into a hideous, crazed grin. Muscular shoulders and arms, but with feminine curves in all the right places, covered in black smeared grease paint. Their perfect, terrifying form elevates to the stage level with their shoulders heaving and body twisted into a grotesque, animalistic hunch.

They are YELENA GORGO. The Woman Who Laughs. The Mama-san. The Mad Queen.


They begin walking down the aisle but with a strange gate, more like a prowling animal, all while twisted giggles escape their mouth like a jackal's cry, causing their shoulders to hunch up and down with each hee-haw. Everyone watches their every movement. Shrieks and boos spew out of the mouths of everyone in attendance. All of them have nothing but utter contempt and disgust for Gorgo but every single one of them is standing to get a glimpse of them.

Gorgo crawls on their belly under the bottom rope and then pulls themself across the canvas to the middle of the ring. They sit up on their knees and then bend at the waist awkwardly backward, like a contortionist possessed by the devil. Then, suddenly, they lurch forward and let out a primal, howling, death metal scream with every muscle contracted and veins bulging outward through their skin as the house lights rise.

In-Ring Style (Technician? High Flyer?):

THE BEAST: Relies on size and strength to control a match from start to finish. Every hold is a vise. Every move is bone breaking.

THE TECHNICIAN: Relies on a catch-as-catch-can style of wrestling, featuring a variety of suplexes, submission holds and ground-based wrestling.

THE STRONG STYLIST: Relies on hard-hitting (often stiff) moves and sharp strikes. Whether it's punches, chops, kicks, throws or submission holds, this fighter wants to hit hard, hit fast and hurt their foes.

10 or More Standard Moves:
Basic Judo and Karate Strikes, Punches, Kicks and Blocks.
Elbow Strikes.
Oblique Kick
Running Knee to Cornered Opponent
Forearm Strike
European Uppercut
Eye Gouging
Spinning Back Fist

Every suplex known to woman
Double Underhook Powerbomb
Scoop Powerslam
STO Backbreaker
Side Slam
Drop Toe-Hold
Arm-Trap Swinging Neckbreaker
Emerald Frosion
Snake Eyes followed by Pump Kick Off Ropes

A submission threat from any position. Examples: Armbar, Rear Naked Choke, Kneebar.
Ground and Pound
Small Joint Manipulation
Bow and Arrow Hold
Boot Choke in the Corner

Description(s): Gorgo executes a Northern Lights Suplex but rather than hold for the pin, she kicks her legs over, landing her feet on either side of the opponent, and then lifts them up for a second northern lights suplex. She repeats this for a third time and holds the bridge for the pin.

Trademark Move Name(s): IPPON (Judo Throws)
Description(s): Gorgo is a blackbelt in judo and uses hard throws and slams, both offensively and defensively. In judo, an ippon is a hard throw where the opponent is driven with force and speed to the mat. Examples: Kata Guruma, Harai Goshi and Osoto Gari.

Trademark Move Name(s): SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX
Description(s): Gorgo executes a fast, brutal dragon suplex, dropping the opponent on their upper neck.

Finishing Move Name(s): DEATH CLUTCH (DESUKURATCHI デスクラッチ)
Description(s): Dragon Sleeper
Gorgo has three versions of this classic choke and neck crank for different situations.

With Body Scissors
This variant is useful against opponents significantly larger than her. She locks the opponent in an inverted face lock, then from behind wraps her legs around their waist and drags them down to the mat.

From the Camel Clutch
This variant is used against opponents around her size, up to 240 lbs. With the opponent face down on the mat, she stomps straight on their spine. When the opponent flinches, she sits down on their back, pulls their arms back over her legs like a camel clutch, but then reaches over their head and under their arm to lock in the dragon sleeper.

From the Surfboard
The most vicious version of this move is used against opponents under six feet. With the opponent on their stomach, she locks their lower legs around hers then grabs both their arms. She then falls backward, until they are vertical on their knees. From there, rather than continue to the surfboard submission, she reaches up and snakes her arm around their throat and under their arm, locking in the dragon sleeper.

Finishing Move Name(s): KICK DEMON (KIKKUDEMON キックデーモン)
Description(s): Mawashi Geri Roundhouse Kick
A kick that can come out of nowhere, this judo-style roundhouse kick is delivered to the side of the opponent’s face with the lower part of her shin and top of the foot. She can land this stationary or after springboarding off the ropes or an object.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: She doesn't have anything particular that she favors, mostly because she prefers to get her own hands dirty. Ultimately she will do anything anyone else will do but go that extra unnecessary step to go beyond simply trying to hurt someone. She wants to cause irrepealable harm every time she attacks someone—especially with a weapon.

Additional Notes (What are some things that they would ALWAYS do? Or would NEVER do?): When fighting women, she very likely will be inappropriate during the match to unsettle them. For example, using certain pinning positions. With men, she will degrade and humiliate them if given the opportunity, emotionally and/or physically. This could be as simple as talking down to them and being condescending, or going to far as to physically assert her power over weaker men. Also might do inappropriate pinning positions.

She would never want someone to interfere to help her win a match. She will push the limit to the referee five counts every time. She will use illegal attacks such as headbutts, small joint manipulation, and fishhooks.

[Image: forumsig.webp]
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GORGO - by gorgo - 11-24-2024, 12:11 AM

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