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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Stalemate (Twisted Angel #2)
Author Message
Christine Nash Offline
The Twisted Angel!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-06-2013, 09:29 AM

Funny what happens when you reflect on your life, the things you remember. The things that trigger certain memories. The Memories that flood back almost as if you are watching a movie. She could still see everything as if it was yesterday. The day she tested Matt and he didn’t stop her. He said he was protecting her. But all it did was make things worse before it got better.

Christine had ended up back on the roof. She had her ipod on listening to a song as she closed her eyes and remembered that day she tested Matt. The Day he didn’t stop her from leaving and her heart broke thinking he didn’t give a damn. The day her trainer started to date her… and a few days later… dump her. She sat there and relived that moment.


Christine walks to the door of SP's room.

Christine: If I am not back in 30 mins... you might have to send a search party.

He walks over to the door as she starts to head out.

Skullduggery: Just tell him you have been cheating on him.

Christine: But I haven't.

Skullduggery: But Ward don't know that! Just becareful... you know he will talk you into staying.

Christine: I know. I will hold my guns. Just feel bad for him.

Skulldugery: Don't!

Christine: I promise to becareful.

She smiles at him and then walks down the hall to the elevator and goes down one flight and down the hall to her room. She opens the door and walks in. Matt was still asleep. She walks into the bedroom and starts to pack her stuff up and then heads to the bathroom and packs that too. She takes a deep breathe knowing that she still has to talk to him.

Christine: I think I have everything.

By this time Matt had woke up and snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

Matt: Morning. What are you doing baby?

Christine takes a deep breathe.

Christine: We need to talk.

Matt: Ok... this don't sound good.

Christine: We need to go sit down.

Matt: Then this is definitely bad news.

Christine: Please don't make this harder than it is.

Matt walks into the other room.

Matt: Let me guess... your leaving.

Christine: Matt....

Matt: No... no... I know... so who is coming between us this time? You father... your brother... who?

Christine: Matt...

Matt sees the bags.

Matt: So you really are leaving.

Christine: Yes I am leaving. Will you please listen to me?

Matt: I thought you cared.

Christine: I do... But I have to do this. I have to find me. I have to have breathing room.

Matt: You have found someone else haven't you.

Christine: I am staying with a friend... that is all. Please don't make this harder than it already is. I really want to keep you as a friend. Please Matt. And you can keep the room.

She walks over and grabs her stuff and over to the door. She has tears in her eyes as she looks back one last time at Matt before walking out. She shuts the door and starts to walk away. She is still upset, but tries to keep her composer. She heads to the elevator and goes up one floor. She walks down the hall and to Skull's room. She knocks on the door and he lets her in.

Christine: It's done.

She drops the bags and sits down and curls up and lets it all out.

End memory.

Christine: Why? Why didn’t you follow me? Why didn’t you stop me? You said you cared and loved me but you didn’t stop me. When you left me… I tried to stop you. Why couldn’t you stop me? It could have been so different.

She sighs as she hums to the song.

Christine: Flash forward to right before we joined XWF… when we were in UWR. We were married as head everything going for us until the boss decides he wanted a new fucking post and picks me. Tries to get me to leave you. Tries to get me to give up on our family. When I was held against my will for a month… a whole month Matt… I was told how you wouldn’t want me. How used I was and that you would throw me away. So when I get released… what did you do? Exactly what he said. When I needed you most.. You threw me away. Fucking Micah was more important to you. Running off with a bitch was more important. I begged you not to go… and you did. I guess the thrill with her and not worrying about anything was more important.

She looks down.

Christine: Matt… You left me wanting to end it all… end my life all because you couldn’t handle what Vince Chaos did to me. All the hell I went thru, I had to face alone. I had my brother and sister there… yes… But the one I needed the most, turned on me… left me on my own to fend for myself and try to make sense of it all. You hurt me… you hurt me all because of what I did in USW. I guess they are right when they say payback is a bitch. I got it 10 forward. But of course… this wasn’t the first time I was screwed… Think back to Fwar. You came to me cause everyone rejected you. You just got my hopes up to crush them when you came home with a wife and new twins.

She had tears in her eyes.

Christine: My life… it has been nothing but heartbreak. One after another heartbreak. From being left at the alter by Levi… to having my ass kicked and beaten by Skull. Every guy I ever meet… uses me until they get what they want… and then throws me away. So you tell me… what do I have to look forward to. What do I have to hang on with? Nothing. Now I get to face you and your partner Death Merchant in a tag match with Alexandra. I know she will bring her A game cause she knows how much heartbreak I have had and she has been there. She has just as much if not more. She knows what it is like to have someone say they care and will be there until the end and well just takes off when the going gets rough or they can’t or won’t comment.

She wipes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

Christine: You wonder why the Angel wants to destroy you. You wonder why she don’t trust men… think about it. You say we are a couple… but there is still one you haven’t worked it out with and she don’t forgive and she don’t forget. You have a lot of work to do… you have a lot to prove. You have a fate Matt that I can’t stop. You have a date with the Angel and not a good one. So you and your partner beware… The Twisted Angel will come out to play and trust me… she won’t play nice. This is your warning from me. I don’t have her out right now… so right now Matt, your hearing me. Your hearing Christine. I have done a lot of thinking… I have run thru more memories than I can count. I have had more emotions that anyone can imagine.

She looks down again.

Christine: I don’t know what will happen in this match. I don’t know what will happen after the match. All I know… it is time to face the piper and she ain’t a happy one. I will wish you luck… cause trust me… you both will need it. Welcome to the Stalemate!

She gets up and walks away.

1 team win

DTA - Don't Trust Anyone!!!

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Andrew Morrison (08-06-2013), DeathMerchant (08-06-2013), MattWard (08-06-2013)

Messages In This Thread
Stalemate (Twisted Angel #2) - by Christine Nash - 08-06-2013, 09:29 AM

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