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XWF Presents: Relentless - Night 1
Author Message
Bulk Logan Offline
Active in XWF

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Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

09-24-2023, 06:25 PM

Scene opens with a close-up shot of Bulk Logan's face.

His eyes sparkle with excitement.

The slight grin on his face only reflected the triumphant spirit that was so familiar to his Bulkamaniac's.

"Oh yeah, brothers and sisters, the fire of Bulkamania is burning brighter than ever, dudes!"

The camera begins to zoom out, revealing a pretty nurse standing next to Bulk’s hospital bed, checking his vitals. His grin widens as his eyes conspicuously drift down from her face to her chest.

The nurse sighs and continues her duties.

"Now, I know the Bulkster looks a little down, but I'm not out, dude! Just a little hiccup on the road to glory! This... (gestures to his back) is nothing but a pit stop. Nothing keeps the Bulkster down, (eying the nurse) ain't that right, sweet cheeks!"

Bulk winks at the nurse who in turn rolls her eyes, clearly unamused.

"Listen, dudes, I know y'all saw the LEG DROP OF GLOOOOM that sent Dolly packing to Dreamland. But well, looks like it sent me to this bed... temporarily!"

The nurse finishes checking his vitals and starts to move away. Bulk’s eyes follow her as he continues talking, occasionally losing his train of thought.

Now, that Ronnie's... (he's distracted again as the nurse bends over to pick something up) ... Uh... What was I saying? ... Oh yeah! The fact that the greatest WPW All-Time Television Champion in history just returned to the sport at the biggest show in XWF history, in front of 800 billion souls, and earned himself a shot at the XWF Television Champion, The Holy Diver himself, Ronnie James Dio! Listen, brother, the Bulkster thinks you're a rockin' dude, brother, but you're standing on the tracks and a train full of screaming Bulkamanic's are blazing through, dude!"

Bulk's eyes widen as the nurse's skirt slightly rides up, revealing a glimpse of her deep purple thong.

"And, uh... when... uh... the Bulkster steps back in the ring, um, brother, you better believe it's gonna be a, uh... showstopper, a real... uh, a real blockbuster, dude! The Bulkster's gonna be better than TV when I win the TV title, dudes! The Bulksters gonna go Hollywood, Triple A blockbuster, brother!" 

He winks at the nurse as she exits the room. Bulk then turns back to the camera with a grin.

"And to all my Bulkamaniac's out there, don't you worry your pretty little heads. The doctors fast tracked me through surgery and they say I'll be back on my feet and dropping legs by the next edition of Weekend Warfare, so long as I say my prayers and take my vitamins, brother! And Dio, brother, I hope you’re ready, ‘cause everything I do from here out is just appetizers for the main course, dude... I'm coming for that TV title, brother!"

He attempts a playful flex, but winces slightly. Nonetheless, he forces a hearty laugh.

"And you'd better be counting down the days, brother, because it's gonna be a reeeeal slobberknocker, where the LEG DROP OF GLOOOOM will reign supreme over all of Television once again, brother! So, whatcha gonna do, Dio, when Bulkamania and the heaviest leg in all of wrestling runs wild on you?"

He gives the camera a thumbs up as he shifts uncomfortably in the bed.

Fade to— [Image: ezgif-3-c51c355fe9.gif]
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RE: XWF Presents: Relentless - Night 1 - by Bulk Logan - 09-24-2023, 06:25 PM

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