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Here We Go Again?
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HGH Offline
Active in XWF

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08-02-2023, 07:44 PM

As the scene opens we see a podium set up in the center of the room. The light dim and a spotlight shines on the podium. He then see HGH walk to the podium flanked by four masked figures. HGH adjusts his microphone and pulls sheets of paper from his inside jacket pocket.

"Ladies and gentleman, we are gathered here today to first and foremost praise me for yet another victory on John Black last Anarchy. I did what I set out to do and that was put John Black out of his miserable existence. Now that we have established that I am just that much better. Let us move on, as I looked at the card for this show I wondered. Would this be the show or the time that HGH would get his long awaited one on one rematch with good ol' EDWARD for MY Anarchy championship. However, do you think that is what I saw? Nope, it sure wasn't! What I saw, was Chelsea 'Imma Choke' Leclair versus Molly 'I can't win a match' Barnes for the right to be called the number one contender to MY belt. Now, I know some of you are wondering. HGH aren't you even the slightest bit pissed off that you've been overlooked for a one on one rematch yet again? My answer to that would be a no brainer. Of course it pissed me off, it did I was red in the face, but lets look at the facts shall we. EDWARD defends his title against people he knows he can beat. Good on ya pal. I'd do the same thing too if I were you. However, I am not you! So honestly, I wish the best of luck to the choke artist and the can't get a win hobo. Who knows, maybe, just MAYBE, one of those two nitwits can pull off an upset. Just know this! No matter who wins that match and challenges EDWARD and IF and I do mean IF they mangage to beat EDWARD for my belt. Well, that's where I'll be waiting. Biding my time, until what is rightfully mine comes back to ME!"

"Now, then, moving on, next on the docket for HGH is non other than this new comer Roger. HGH puts his head down and starts shaking his head as he lets out a sigh. No one seems to know anything about ol' Rog . I, I, I can call you Rog, right? Of course I can, do you honestly think I give a shinning rats ass about Roger? You guess it! I sure don't. Like good on ya lad for winning your debut. That was cute, and who did you beat? Oh, that's right a nobody. So you won a battle of the nobodies. All jokes aside, Roger you looked very technically sound in your last match. You looked like a fine youngish up and coming talent. You did good kid, real good."

HGH looks up from his paper after his last bit. He looks disgusted as he looks at the masked figures behind hm.

"Who the FUCK wrote this shit? Seriously, come on who wrote it?" HGH looks behind him waiting for one of the masked figures to speak up, neither of them moved a muscle."Was it you?" HGH points to one of the figures. As he points, the figure shakes there head, answering him with a NO.

After getting his answer he crumbles up the rest of his papers, then looks back at the camera.

"Whoever wrote that, obviously doesn't know who the hell I AM! With that said we are going to do this my way. Roger, Roger, Roger. what have you gotten yourself into lad? Now, I know you must be thinking that just because your kind of new around here, that maybe I'll just let you slide right on through. Give you a sign of good faith for you to realize your dream of being a professional wrestler, and maybe just maybe one day seeing your friend again."

HGH clears his throat and signals for something to drink. One of the masked figures brings forward a glass of water.

"You see, Roger, that simply will not happen. When you step into the ring with me Roger you won't stand a snowball's chance in hell of beating me. So sure, ride your high horse, coming off of your first win on Anarchy, but make no mistake about it Roger. Come Thursday, when you step into the ring with me, i will torture you, I will inflict so much pain that your brittle body won't be able to handle the abuse. I will take great pleasure in systematically ripping you limb from limb, beating you from pillar to post all god damned match long. If you thought this was a game, my friend you are sadly mistaken and I am damn sure not the one you want to play games with. I have beaten way better than you, have stood toe to toe with way bigger stars than you. The biggest difference between you and I though. The biggest difference is that I will do whatever it takes to win this match. This, this business that we do. It's not a game to me, it's my life. So whatever it is you do, come Thursday, you had better bring your very best that you can muster. For I, I am bringing the flames of Hell with me, I am not and I will not be made to look a fool against the likes of you. You are nothing more than a whinny, puny, pathetic waste of a human being and I will show you Thursday, that you have absolutely no business stepping in the ring with me."

"What you will witness Thursday, is a poor judgement call on the management staff for you Roger. Your sacrifice is accepted."

HGH grins.

"Show me whats beyond my eyes!"

  The scene fades black.
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Here We Go Again? - by HGH - 08-02-2023, 07:44 PM

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