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Joined: Mon Apr 01 2019
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Hates Given: 2
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03-17-2023, 01:05 PM
It was another banner week for Sidney Grey. In spite of the best efforts of Centurion to derail the debut of the ‘Pride of Anarchy’ Sid and Gina Van Zyl had managed to come out victorious in their first tag team outing. Though Sid was ecstatic, Gina had seemed less than thrilled about the pairing. Something that Sid had remained oddly aloof over. From there, it had been on to Weekend Warfare and the Elite Eight match up against Jay Omega that would send the winner to the Final Four. Against all odds Sid had managed to emerge victorious, despite a bit of trickery with the referee.
Now it was on to the next round and Sid was surely going to be put to the test in a way that few on the XWF roster had found themselves.
“Gina! It’s me, it’s Sidney.” Sid said, speaking into her phone as she soaked her feet in the pool. “You probably aren’t getting my messages because you have one of those shitty Windows phones. Anyway, when you get this, give me a call. Maybe you can come by and we can make fun of the dumb look on Centurion’s face every time we outsmart him!” Sid started to hang up, then paused to add a personal touch to her message, sending a goodbye in their shared Afrikaans language; “Lief vir jou, mis jou, totsiens Liewe!” Sid blew a kiss, with an audible smack into the phone and hung up.
Sid sighed, kicking her feet in the water for a few moments, then took up her phone again to call Gina back again, as if she’d just thought of something else to tell her.
Before she could complete her call, the hands of her Executive Assistant, Dani Chow folded around hers. Dani’s voice was soft and soothing, in spite of its broken nature. “Miss Grey, I think you call enough already. Gina Van Zyl not want to be friend with you.”
Sid glared at Dani, her own eyes narrowing to deadly slits. “Gina and I bonded on Anarchy. All of that fighting is water under the bridge.”
Dani smirked. “To be fair, it mainly you attack her, over and over.”
Sid waved off Dani’s totally accurate assessment. “Gina and I are from the same country, that was just two South African girls getting to know one another.”
“You knock her unconscious after punch her in face with Vinnie Lane ring.”
Sid chuckled. “She probably doesn’t even remember that.”
“You call her girlfriend pig and post Gina face on milk carton all over social media.”
Sid’s laughter turned to an uncomfortable smile. “That was a joke…it’s not like that hurt her.”
Dani added, “You bash her head in with helmet during LFL game.”
“FINE!” Sid threw up her hands. “But…NOW we are friends! She and I are going to celebrate all of my recent success…together! You wait.”
Dani sighed. “Miss Grey…you leave her over 25 message and she still not call back.”
Sid considered Dani’s words as she slowly lowered a pair of large black shades over her eyes. Finally, she gave a dismissive wave. “What do you know? Your best friend runs on batteries, smells like fish, and lives inside your nightstand!”
Dani sat quietly, then glanced at her employer, allowing herself a slight sniffle. “That was very hurtful, Miss Grey. Feel better now?”
“Much better, Dear.” She answered. “Now, fetch me a drink. CHOP CHOP little fishy or no new batteries for you!”
As Dani nodded, wiping at her eyes as she trotted off towards the outdoor bar, Sid dialed Gina again and was sent right to voicemail. “Gina, please call me back. I think I made the little Asian girl cry. It was hilarious!” Sid ended the call and leaned back, feeling the crushing weight of her loneliness, in spite of being on top of the world.
![[Image: 8BYv3EL.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/8BYv3EL.jpg)
“Sidney, you’re in a position to make a bit of history in just under two weeks.” The Producer stated. “The possibility of three matches with two title implications hanging in the balance. Can you tell us about how excited you are?”
Sid, who had sat absently watching her phone, put it down with a sigh. “Yes…history. I’m very excited.”
“You’re up against Ned Kaye for a chance to advance to the finals in the King…” They paused, to correct. “…I’m sorry, possibly the Queen of the XWF.”
“Yes, isn’t that something.” She answered, absently.
Sid seemed less than enthused and the Producer gave voice to it. “You don’t sound very excited.”
Sid leaned back in her seat. “Look, I am excited. I have done something extraordinary in my time in the XWF. I have achieved more than a great many in such a short span of time. I’ve defied the odds and now I’m a champion and I’m in a tournament against the three remaining very best the XWF has to offer. After I beat Kaye, I’ll go on to beat up Peter Vaughn or…sadly…Noah Jackson.” Sid glanced down at her phone, then gave a shrug of her shoulders. “It would be nice to celebrate it with someone…anyone.”
“So, no congratulations from your daughter?” They asked.
Sid seemed uncomfortable, adjusting herself in her seat as she answered. “No…my daughter is apparently under the thrall of Sarah Lacklan and can’t be bothered to check in on me.” Sid smirked, callously. “Maybe Sarah is poisoning my child against me all because of jealousy. Here I am, still in March Madness, while she lost to Dragon Ball Kido after all that shit she talked.” Sid chuckled, “I suppose that’s pretty goddamn embarrassing. I wonder what the subjects of House Lacklan will have to say now?”
“No doubt, they will watch your match with Ned Kaye with keen interest.”
Sid raised her eyebrow. “Why?”
The Producer explained, “Well, Sarah is out, and Ned defeated Angelica Vaughn, Sarah’s sister. You're the closest thing left to a Lacklan. That would kinda make you their favorite, given your familial connection. You would have quite the wave of support.” They paused, “At least, as much support as Angelica got.”
Somewhere off in the distance chants of ‘NED! NED! NED!’ could still be heard alongside the shattering of Angie Vaughn’s heart.
“Well now, wouldn’t that be something.” Sid wasn’t at all thrilled with the prospect of being lumped in as another ‘Lacklan girl’ but there were certain perks that came with the association, perks Sid fully intended to exploit for her own selfish gain.
“That kinda casts this match with Ned in a different light, doesn’t it?”
Sid’s entire demeanor seemed to change as she laced her fingers together. “Well, I suppose it does…a little, doesn’t it? I mean, Mackenzie had to be crushed after Ned beat the woman that she considers to be something of a sister…and to me…like a…a….” Sid struggled to spit out the words, they tasted like ashes in her mouth, but she pushed through it. “…a daughter.” Sid has to pause to keep from vomiting, covering it all with a forlorn sigh. “What kind of a mother would I be if I didn’t address it?”
Sid’s smile was far from pleasant. It was filled with the promise of much scheming and conniving on her part, and none of it would bode well for anyone involved.
Sidney pulled up her leg with a barely audible gasp as she felt something brush up against her. She peered down at the cat staring back up at her, resisting the urge to hiss at it.
“Oh, don’t mind Ser Bobby!” Angelica Vaughn said, sitting down a glass in front of Sid. “Just being a curious little kitty! If you’re lucky, he’ll give you a tiny lick on the leg!”
Sid did the best she could to contain her loathing as she picked up the glass and suddenly noticed how warm it was. She looked inside, then back to Angie. “Angelica, what is this?”
Angie smiled brightly. “It’s warm milkies, Meemaw! Good for old bones and your beauty sleep! Do you want a shot of brandy in it?”
One of Sid’s eyes twitched as she struggled not to snap at the leggy blonde. She was beginning to wonder if any of this was even worth it. “Dear…my bones are not old.”
“MY BONES ARE FINE!” Sid snapped, then paused when she saw Angie recoil. “Sorry…it’s fine, everything is fine. Just have a seat.” Angie sat down, putting her fidgeting hands nervously in her lap. Sid sighed, then took a tiny sip of the milk. The smile that broke out across Angie’s face could have lit up the entire state of Maine.
![[Image: tumblr_inline_p835p9tLxa1r23xvu_540.gif]](https://66.media.tumblr.com/0c15c2c3ab1f6100dd56407ac02cc54b/tumblr_inline_p835p9tLxa1r23xvu_540.gif)
Angie patted her hands together, quietly. “Congratulations on making it to the Final Four!” She gave a slight sigh. “I would have liked to have been there with you, and Sar-Sar, OBVS, but we are both really happy that you made it.”
“Really?” Sid asked, absently nudging the glass of milk away from her. “I could have sworn differently, especially after the way Sarah attacked me after my match with Dolly Waters.” Sid sighed, embellishing the moment she had bated Sarah into lashing out. “I think she actually tried to injure me.”
“No!” Angie was quick to answer. “Never! She loves her Mumsie-in-Law!” Angie’s hands began to fiddle in her lap again.
Sid had planted enough seeds and knew better than to press Angie further. She decided to get to the heart of the matter. “Angelica, I know that you were disappointed with how your match turned out with Ned, especially since you were so close to winning. It could have gone either way, but since it didn’t…” Sid couldn’t help but to smile to herself as she was reminded of the way Angie’s ‘hometown’ fans had turned on her in support of Ned. It had really done a number on the young girl, so much so that she had airlifted her residence right out of the state. That was hilarious, but she straightened, fixing the young woman with her gaze. “…I would like to know that I have your support when I meet him in the Final Four.” Sid shrugged, “Maybe even a bit of advice, as it concerns-”
“DUHBS AND OBVS! LIKE TOBVS!” Angie exclaimed. “You don’t ever have to ask! I’m more than ready to talk to you about how to beat Ned-“
“No, Dear.” Sid stopped her. “I said you were close, but you didn’t win. We don’t need a repeat of that disaster.”
Angie’s expression faltered. “Oh, geez-louise, well-“
“Advice about Mackenzie, Dear.” Sid sat forward, doing her best to connect with the confused young girl. “Look, I know how close you two are and I’d really appreciate it if you…put in a kind word and maybe do what you can to help me make things okay again.”
Angie stood up, staring at Sid with great purpose.
Sid’s eyes grew wide. “What’s happening?”
Angie pointed at her. “Meemaw.”
“…don’t call me that…” Sid answered in a voice that was almost too small to hear.
“We are going to seal this with a hug!” Angie exclaimed from the depths of her being.
“…oh god…”
Angie rushed over and wrapped her arms around Sid, squeezing her in a tight embrace that nearly made her eyes bulge out of their sockets. Angie whispered in Sid’s ear. “…I’ll help you two reconcile, Meemaw… Thankies ever so much for trusting me with this!” Sid groaned and Angie leaned in closer. “…and I’ll tell you how to beat Ned too…”
Sid had to struggle to respond in the girl’s powerful embrace. “…thanks…”
![[Image: 8BYv3EL.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/8BYv3EL.jpg)
“Sidney, you seem much more chipper now.” The Producer stated. “I take it that things are looking up?”
Sid couldn’t hide the smile that tugged up at the corners of her mouth. “Things couldn’t be better! The air is fresh, the birds are chirping, and you’re looking at the next King of the XWF! What could be better?”
“King?” The Producer asked. “Why not Queen?”
Sid gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “All of the other female competitors are out of the tournament and trust me, none of the others who remain are thinking that it’s anything other than King of the XWF.” Sid paused. “Well, except Noah. I’m sure he’s thinking of calling it the Cunt of the XWF, but on principle, I cannot in good conscious allow that to happen.”
“Obviously, that would be incredibly offensive.”
Sid snorted. “I don’t give a fuck about offending anyone! If Noah wants to call it that, it means he won! No, Noah is not going to win and neither will Peter, because whomever wins between the two of them isn’t going to beat me!”
“I like the confidence! So, is it fair to say that Angie Vaughn gave you the Cliff’s notes to beating Ned?”
Sid stared, stone-faced into the camera. “The only thing I want Angelica to give me is the number to a good dry cleaner! There is so much fucking cat hair on my blouse that it looks like a goddamn sweater now!” Sid shook her head, wagging her finger. “I got to the Final Four all on my own and I don’t need anyone’s advice or help to win it all!”
![[Image: m7SKVeZ.gif]](https://i.imgur.com/m7SKVeZ.gif)
Just look at us! Who would of thought it? Certainly not me…
Well, no that’s actually not true, at least where it concerns yours, truly! I always knew that I would be right here. Maybe I guessed wrong about who’d have the privilege of losing to me, but I never really gave it that much thought. Sure, a lot of other guys and gals spent time working on their brackets, trying to prepare for whomever they thought would be the one to stand in their way. So I hear, I was never a name that came up, even once. I know a lot of people would be crushed by that, but not me…I revel in it.
I’m the fly in the ointment, the bitch playing spoiler, and the outsider overstepping their bounds! Yet, let’s be honest, I am really none of those things. I am simply, one of the four best wrestlers left in this prestigious tournament. Like it or not, I got here on my own steam and now I’m the one random factor that you three swinging dicks have to try to solve.
I know…I know, I have to get through Ned Kaye first…and I will.
That’s not a diss Ned, I know how good you are. I know how focused and determined ‘The Notorious One’ can be. You spent a LOT of fucking time telling us all about that and how those who lack it are destined to lose. I’d be hard pressed to tell you that you were wrong. You had a tough road to get here and maybe it was all about coming full circle from where you started in The XWF…but…focus and drive will only get you so far. In fact…it will certainly get you to the Final Four, but no further, I’m afraid.
I’m not a tiny cog in a larger machine like Buster, I’m not some nice girl who sees the world through rose colored glasses, and I’m not someone with a God complex…
Okay…maybe with the lower-case ‘g’ but I earned it.
The point is, you won’t be getting inside my head by telling me anything about myself that I don’t already know. I’m a bitch, I’m a terrible mother, I’m an attention whore on a reality show that no one watches. I’ve heard all of that, and yet here I stand…a heartbeat away from the same prize as you, Ned. The same prize as Peter Vaughn and the same prize as Noah Jackson.
I never had a doubt in my mind about where I would be at this point in the tournament. I didn’t come into March Madness with the same amount of baggage as the rest of you…the same need to add to your lengthy histories as bad asses in one of the most competitive companies on the planet. No, if anything, the only thing I carried with me was the apparent stigma of being a member of Anarchy. Dolly said it and then Jay turned around and said it too; ‘Anarchy is the B show.’ Now, I am really hoping that none of you are stupid enough to say something like that. I mean, how embarrassing it must be for them to have lost to me?
Sadly, two more of you are going to find out about how much that sucks in the finals.
This is not me crowing about ‘fighting from underneath’ and winning one for the little guys, because it’s gonna be an extra hard pass on all that nonsense! It’s about this; the thing that Dumb-Dumb Dolly and Smoked-Out Jay didn’t get about all of this; it didn’t matter where you came from, only where you were going. Running me down as ‘the shits’ only meant that you beat someone that had no reason being there in the first place. I have never had that view of any of them, and certainly not of any of you. The three of you got here by beating some of the very best in the world…so I don’t want to hear anymore bullshit about fixes, cakewalks, or rigged this or that!
Gentlemen…we are all in No Fucking Excuses Mode right now and when you lose, it wasn’t because Theo Price did this or SAGA did that…and Christ on a Goddamn cracker, it will NEVER be because I was chasing after Sarah Lacklan! When you fuckers lose to me…and you will lose…it will be because I am the best! No, not the best on Anarchy, not the best on Madness, and not the best on Warfare. No, I’m the best in the XWF…and that will make me…The King of the World!
![[Image: FrdScVqXsAEssmz?format=jpg&name=medium]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FrdScVqXsAEssmz?format=jpg&name=medium)