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Joined: Mon Apr 01 2019
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02-22-2023, 03:36 AM
![[Image: qEIb8bF.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/qEIb8bF.jpg)
Dani Chow, Sidney’s Executive Assistant, paced nervously back and forth in the waiting room of the plastic surgeon’s office. Her employer’s breast repair procedure should have been done hours ago, but there had been no update. Dani wrung her hands, unsure of what to do, until she finally saw the doctor walk in. Dani was initially relieved until the man pulled down his mask and she saw the grave look on his face. “What happen?” she asked.
He answered in a grave tone, “Can you contact Ms. Grey’s next of kin?”
Dani blinked, shock starting to overtake her. “What?”
He put his hand on her shoulder. “You should hurry, I don’t know how much longer she has.”
Her eyes welled with tears as she pulled out her phone, shaking hands scrolling for her daughter’s phone number. The phone rang and rang, for a time seeming as though no one would answer. When Kenzi Grey finally picked up, Dani’s effected speech was even more broken, only this time under the weight of fear, “Kenzi…you come. It your Mom! Hurry!”
![[Image: 8BYv3EL.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/8BYv3EL.jpg)
“Is her daughter coming?” the Producer asked from somewhere off camera.
Dani sat with her hair down, all pretenses of the dutiful Asian persona dropped. “Yeah…after she hung up on me three times.” Her shaking hands made a tent that was pressed tightly to her lips.
“Do you know what happened to Sid?”
Dani shook her head. “No one will speak to me.” She took a deep breath. “I guess this is it.”
“What will you do now?”
“Well, now that I don’t have to do that racist ass accent anymore…” Dani took a deep breath, considering her options. “…I was thinking of trying my hand on Broadway. Maybe…Miss Saigon or maybe Mulan.”
![[Image: 664ac703829eadd95a4149a8f81a6e4494b85af3.gif]](https://66.media.tumblr.com/de0283357d63ee0478af94d2d7a4810a/ca91a2fe12e6265d-e7/s540x810/664ac703829eadd95a4149a8f81a6e4494b85af3.gif)
Kenzi Grey had fumed in anger for the entire drive out to the clinic where Dani had sent her directions. She knew that this was all bullshit…right up until she’d found herself standing outside the clinic. It was only then that she began to think that this could possibly be real. After going inside, the doctor had come to take her to her mother, telling her little more than Dani had. As she was ushered into the room, she had no idea what she'd find; perhaps, her mother on life support, hooked to wires and tubes…or maybe something even worse...
“Goddamn it!” she exclaimed.
Sid looked up and smiled broadly as she sat comfortably in her bed, sipping on a frozen drink. Her chest was wrapped tight from the apparent procedure she’d had to correct her leaking boob. “Mackenzie! You came!”
“Nope!” Kenzi turned, and reached for the door handle, but found it locked. This was an obvious set-up that she had seen coming a mile away, and yet…here she was.
Sid sighed, “Mackenzie, can you just come over here and sit down?” She pointed to the chair at her bedside.
Kenzi spoke through clenched teeth. “They told me you were dying.”
Sid arched her brow as she repeated one of Sarah Lacklan’s favorite turns of phrase; “Lying makes Baby Jesus cry.” She patted the chair beside her bed. “They just said to come, because I didn’t have long…” she grinned, “…before they charged me extra for the stay.”
Kenzi considered kicking the door down, but at this point, it was far easier to just get this over with. She walked over and sat down heavily. Her brown eyes narrowing on her mother. “I hope Dolly kicks your ass, you know that?”
Sid snorted, taking a sip from her drink. “Dolly hopes that as well, but your stupid little friend can hope in one hand and shit in the other to find out which one fills up faster! She had to cheat to get past Isaiah, but now she’s up against the woman who invented cheating.” Sid took another long sip from her drink. “I said I’d teach her a lesson, and I intend to do just that!” She held out the drink to Kenzi.
Kenzi sniffed the air and her mouth dropped open. “You’re drinking, in a fucking hospital?!”
“It’s a clinic.” Sid took another sip from her straw.
Kenzi let out an exasperated sigh, snatching the drink from her mother’s hand. “Why are you doing all of this? The wrestling, the football…the…THE EVERYTHING! Are you trying to kill yourself?!”
Sid folded her arms, pinning her daughter with her gaze. “Would you care?”
Kenzi was dead silent as she glared back at her. She wanted to blurt out the obvious, since she was here, but it was far easier to just say something else. “Why should I, when you can’t even accept the people, I care about!”
Sid rubbed her temples, “We aren’t talking about Sarah! That’s not what this is about!”
“You hate that I’m not some little mini version of you! You hate that I think for myself and that I have people who actually care about me! You hate that I'm a lesbian!” She fired back, looking to start a fight now.
“You’re not a lesbian, you’re just confused!” Sid spat back, ignoring everything else that she said. “That’s what Sarah does, she confuses people and gets them into bad situations! Look no further than that little idiot, Dolly Waters! Sarah got her claws into her, started whispering sweet nothings into her ear, and now she’s…”
“DON’T YOU DARE SUGGEST THAT ANYTHING IS GOING ON BETWEEN SARAH AND DOLLY!” Kenzi screamed, jumping to her feet, her eyes blazing with anger.
Sid threw up her hands. “I didn’t say they were doing anything…yet, but…you know how those people are!”
Before Sid could answer, the door opened and the doctor stuck his head in. “Is everything okay?” He looked at Sid, then turned to Kenzi, and then at the drink in her hand. “Miss, there’s no drinking in here.”
Kenzi blinked, the rage slowly seeping out of her. She took a deep breath to calm herself, then quietly deposited the drink in doctor’s hand. “This is stupid.” She brushed past him, not even bothering to look back at her mother. “Try not to get killed in the ring this weekend…Mom.”
Sid breathed a heavy sigh, looking at the confused doctor, then at the drink in his hand. “If you’re not going to finish that, hand it over!”
![[Image: m7SKVeZ.gif]](https://i.imgur.com/m7SKVeZ.gif)
Little Miss Dolly Waters, you don’t know me. If you did, you’d probably be making better choices right now than the ones you’ve been making lately. Blindly following Sarah Lacklan around like a little lost puppy, when you should be blazing your own trail in this business. Do you think that Sarah is going to help you ‘make this your year’ in this sport without grabbing an even bigger slice of that success for herself? If you think that, you’re just a stupid little hick and you deserve all the bad things that are coming your way.
Trust me, bad things ARE coming your way this weekend!
Call me a liar if you want, but what I said was true. You were making all the right moves in the first round of March Madness, until you decided to become a curtain jerking flunky at the end! All eyes were on that main event, and that was your time to shine…but you totally fucked it up by hitching your wagon to a lame nag! Now Lacklan is a one and done in March Madness, and you are nothing but her witless side-chick, who’s about to run headlong into the most spectacular ass whipping of your young life.
Spoiler alert; it’s me!
You probably don’t believe it, since you don’t think, you just open that ivory trap of yours and just let a jumble of word vomit tumble out in the hopes that someone stupid will think they added up to something. Well Dolly, you’ll find that I’m not one to be baffled by bullshit, and I’m certainly not one to believe how much of a total ‘bad ass’ you are, just because you say it. I mean, especially when the totality of your argument is that I’m on the B show, so there’s no way that I have a chance in Hell on Warfare.
Isn’t that akin to saying that my Dad can beat up your Dad? Or is it, my brand can beat up your brand? Whoa! You got me there, Dumpling! Even told me to go do research, so I understood just how much of an uphill climb I had ahead of me.
Sarah Lacklan is all about research and numbers…blah, blah, blah! Holy shit, she has her claws deep in you, doesn’t she? But…she has her claws deep in my daughter as well, so I suppose I can’t throw stones. You know, people in glass houses and all. So, I had my assistant do research you suggested, you know…to see how inferior I am because I was lame and I went to the ‘micro-leagues.’ Dumb Dumb Dolly, do you know what they found? I’m not the only one slumming it with ‘third-rate competition’ am I?
![[Image: PFreHBA.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/PFreHBA.jpg)
What is this? Do my eyes deceive me?! Is that THE Dolly Waters getting dirty in ‘the B squad sandbox?’ No, it couldn’t be! Not only that, but actually losing matches in the ‘micro-leagues?’ Please, say it ain’t so? I can’t possibly imagine what would cause you, a world beater of such repute, to dare show her face in ‘the little leagues, where they are short on promotional material, and talent.’
I believe that’s what you said, but let’s push on past all that and focus on the why. Can you guess?
Sarah Lacklan…AGAIN!
Baby girl, she’s just got you acting all outside your nature, doesn’t she? Unfortunately, that is what she does, to the weak minded…and the weak willed. That’s you, Dolly. Weak…grasping at straws, looking for shortcuts to get where you think you should be; voodoo, back jumping, and worst of all, hitching your star to a rapidly fading one! That all smacks of desperation to me. Someone who isn’t secure enough in their abilities, so they have to prop themselves up with whatever happens to be handy.
You said that I don’t shake your confidence? Child, you don’t even have the confidence to stand on your own in this tournament, let alone inspire me to question where I decided to start my XWF career. Just know this, it wasn’t like you! Starting your career as a blue chipper and now playing second fiddle, years later and acting like a doe eyed superfan!
Dolly, whether you know it or not, you’re the one who’s in over her head. Not only because you’ve dared to underestimate me, but because you’ve puffed out your chest…just so I can cave it in. Like I’ve made a habit of teaching those on Anarchy a lesson, I am going to look forward to educating you, under those BIG BRIGHT LIGHTS you claim I’m not ready for! No more ‘curses’ and no more funny bits. It will just be me spoon feeding you every condescending word you uttered while I punish you in ways you haven’t even dreamed possible. And do you want to know what the best part of it all will be? I'm going to do it while Sarah Lacklan watches me slowly...methodically...and sadistically break her passion project of a child…just like she broke mine...