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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Why Bother?
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-17-2023, 10:15 PM



It was Phyllis, her neighbor. The constantly traveling XWF superstar had asked her to water her succulents and keep her house tidy for her while she was gone. Phyllis was an older woman, retired, collecting Social Security checks and just sat home all day. She had nothing else to do, and the young blonde was always pleasant to be around. She didn't mind helping her.

Phyllis was making her daily trip to Ms. Sambuca's household to water the plants when she noticed the front door was locked. This was unusual. As far as she knew, the girl was on the road traveling for XWF, living her dreams.


"Jen?! Hello?"

She walked off the porch and to one of the windows in the front of the house. All of the windows seemed to have some sort of grease like substance on them, thus making it impossible to see inside. A bad feeling came over the older woman, and she immediately began to assume the worst. What would the girls response be if her house had been broken into and trashed while she was gone, and it was supposed to be on her watch?! She didn't want to let the girl down.

A shaky hand reached for her cell phone. She dialed the number to Jenny's house phone. She could hear the phone ringing inside the house. No answer. She worriedly called the girls cell.

It, too, rang from inside the house.

Now she was utterly confused.

Phyllis walked around to the side of the house, through the gate and past the pool. She was looking for any way to get inside, to make sure everything was alright.

WHY WAS HER CELL RINGING INSIDE THE HOUSE?! The girl didn't go anywhere without it.

In the midst of her panic, she noticed the back slider door was cracked open. She gulped so hard it actually hurt.

Knowing that there could be danger, she also knew she needed to go inside. The girl could be in there, injured or........worse.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the slider.

She pushed it open and it creaked.

The place WAS trashed.

Furniture was overturned.


She took a few steps and noticed the hardwood floor littered with shards of broken glass. It was literally covering the entire floor. The big glass table she had in her dining room was smashed, but only in the middle, as if someone took a large object to it.

There was too much had to be from......somewhere else.

There was blood all over the walls, and pieces of newspaper that had been clearly ripped pinned through the drywall. She could make out a couple of words.








She didn't know what it all meant. Someone had been here. Someone had been here and had not been in a very good mood.

She noticed something out of the corner of her eye. She looked up.

Cats hung from the ceiling fans in various stages of dismemberment. There were parrot wings that looked as though they had been ripped off sitting on the kitchen counter....the bodies nowhere to be seen. She was horrified. Was this some sort of satanic ritual? Who could have been here?! And she lived across the street, surely she would have noticed SOMEONE here?

There was a burning smell coming from upstairs. Smoke filled the entire top floor, and the smoke detectors had their normally wired nine volt batteries out, and hanging. Everything in Phyllis told her not to go up those stairs. To call the police and wait outside for them. That this was a situation that wouldn't benefit her to investigate further. She was about to leave when she hear what sounded like a girl laughing.

"Jen?" she said louder.

No answer. Phyllis slowly moved towards the stairs. This terrible feeling in her chest was overwhelming.

The smoke was coming from the master bedroom.

"JEN?! Are you in there?"

There were polaroid pictures on the floor leading to the bedroom. All face down.

In purple writing, appearing to be thick sharpie, they said various things like





She picked one up, the edges were charred. She flipped it over to see a blonde man with shoulder length hair. He had some scruff. He was holding up some sort of gold belt?

None of this made any sense.

There was a crash from inside the room. Phyllis noticed the door to the bedroom was cracked open a bit. She swore it was closed tight when she last looked!

She put her hand on the door knob, and pushed it open, choking from the smoke billowing from the room.

In the center of the room, through burning, teary eyes, she noticed a garbage can sitting in the center of the room. It was on fire.

Sticking out of the top of the can was a pile of these same polaroid's. Many of the ones at the top were black and bent, covered in ash.

A small spiral notebook sat on the table by the window. It appeared to have been thrown there hastily. On the table, there were bloody finger prints.

A page was ripped out of the book.

Curiously, she walked over and picked up the piece of looseleaf that sat on the table. It covered front and back, and was written in purple ink.


FEBRUARY 18th, 2023

9:30 PM PST

“When the going gets tough, Chris Page gets going.

Sounds cliche, right? Like some tired line delivered by an even more tired actor in some movie someone saw once and then forgot about or written on one of those insufferable motivation posters you always see in the guidance counselor's office before they fill you with more useless life advice. We’ve seen this script before. It’s nothing new. Chris Page will come out and tell us how good he is, about all of his accomplishments around the wrestling universe, about how he is the wrestling messiah and nobody is as good as him. But I implore you to think about it, when is the last time Chris Page has been in the Universal Title picture? When is the last time that Chris Page has been anything but hot air? He loves to talk, loves to brag to the world about the harem of mid-carders he put together who look up to him like a deity. He loves to come out and complain (really, its his MO) about how terrible the XWF is and how bad the roster has gotten and how stupid the booking is……but the only one who looks stupid in all of this? Chris Page.

God I hate his stupid fucking face and his smug for someone who has done nothing since anyone remembers demeanor.

I have my fair share of problems and ailments. I have had the lion's share of disappointment here, but I have also had my fair share of glory. I have made myself a top contender on this roster. I have battled through the muck and came out on the green grass. I have made MYSELF relevant. The problem with Chris Page? He needs someone else to make him the same. Why do you think he puts together the CCPE and it's all nobodies? Every week there seems to be a new face shouting out those four letters on social media, but it never ends up meaning anything. Chris Page NEEDS to feel like he is in control, like he is Scar and they are the hyenas, like he’s the king and they are his peasants. They put in the grunt work and he sits back with his feet up, soaking in all of the praise.

But who is praising him?

For someone who wants to be a rebel so badly, who wants to break the chains of XWF tyranny, who wants to stick a pie in the face of management, he is just as much of a bitch to booking as any of the rest of us. Holding a belt he doesn’t want that HAS to be defended every week—well that pretty much puts him square under the thumb of Theo Pryce and the administration he is trying to destroy, doesn’t it?

Pretty fucking stupid if you ask me. “

“Chris Page never asked me to be in CCPE. I know why, even though he will never admit it. He never asked me to be in CCPE because I would outshine him. Chris Page NEEDS his minions, his subservients, his jobbers. Everyone would be talking about me. I would be in all the headlines. Vaughn is good, obviously, but he stays in the shadows. He isn’t loud and boisterous. Mac Bane is good in SCW but been reduced to filler talent here. The rest? Just a big pile of meh. I would be the best he has ever had. With his leadership and direction, I would be on top of the wrestling world in a very short time. Nobody else on this roster gets treated the way I do. I break the rules, I get punished. I follow the rules, they change them. No matter what I do, what title I hold or don't, no matter who I face, I am the most polarizing name on this roster and if CCPE truly cared about being anything else than a molded clone of XWF hierarchy, he would reach that hand out to me. I don’t have any love lost for the administration here, and they sure as shit don’t like me, either. I have a gripe list 10 pages long. They screwed me out of the X-Treme title, not because Jason Cashe is better than me–because, let’s be honest, if I had another shot at him I would expose him for the fraud he is–but because they KNOW how much of a threat to their circle jerk I am. They had to get that belt off of me however possible. They knew that when Raion Kido actually grew a nutsack and cashed in his briefcase, I would cash in on him. The thought of me at Universal Champion? Theo already gets acid reflux, he doesn’t need diaherra too. I got too close, and every time I get to close to greatness here they have to shut it down. They protect their people, and I’ve never been one. Never will be.

Chris Page needs to feel like a boss, to have power and authority he will never have in XWF. He needs to cut off his nose to spite his face. Chris Page is self-destructive and I think I know where it stems from!

I just figured it out!



Of me? No way, he is way too narcissistic for that.

Chris Page feeds off everyone else. He is a leech who feeds off the blood, sweat and tears of everyone who puts their heart and soul into this. He will tell us until the cows come how bad the roster is, but the moment a REAL threat steps up, Chris Page ducks out. When he can’t be the best by default, he goes on hiatus, waits until the roster shits itself again, comes back and tells us all how good he is and how bad the roster is. An APEX predator is only as dangerous as his surroundings, and right now he is trying to be a tiger in a room full of house cats. His antics don’t scream confident legend, they cry desperate poser. He is the TV Champion because he’s marginally better than Ned Kaye, and he is walking around like he just cured cancer.

God he sucks so bad.

So where does Page get off acting this way? Well, he learned from his idol, his mentor, the one he wants SO badly to be.

Theo Pryce.

The man he comes on camera and tries to convince us is his enemy. The man he has recently went to "war" with. The man he constantly berates and talks down to. The man he........emulates?

He watches Theo Pryce. He watches how Theo plays the good guy role and then shoves that knife into your back, all while being diplomatic. He watches as Theo uses and manipulates. He watches how Theo puts together a group of protected "stars". He watches as Theo Pryce gets one up on him every opportunity that is presented. He wants it, craves it. It eats him. Chris Page doesn't want to be Television Champion but he sure as hell loves telling us that, doesn't he? I bet that belt has more lipstick marks on it than the starting quarterback on prom night. It's the closest he will ever get to glory here while staying at arms reach........

A company he doesn't like but has no qualms showing up every week because Daddy Theo tells him to.

If Chris Page was the rebel he claims to be, if he could do whatever he wants with no consequence, he wouldn't show up here week after week defending a belt he doesn't care about. He would tell Theo to piss off, take the XWF TV Title and hold it hostage. He doesn't do that, does he? No, he allows himself to be booked every week, he keeps coming back to feed on the talent he deems below him, and lets Theo wear the Burger King crown while Page becomes just another number in their book. Every time Theo schools him, he learns something new, and then goes off the apply it in some other fed and pretends its a new idea. XWF is not a democracy, its an autocracy, and Chris Page tries to run his other "companies" with an iron fist. He probably puts on a pair of women's panties and a tie he stole from Theo's dressing room and dances around in front of the mirror like that guy from Silence of the Lambs.........

I talked to some people in WGWF.....lets just say there is about as much faith in his leadership there as........

I'll save that one. God forbid I upset the Lord of Wrestling too badly. 


Chris Page will NEVER be Theo Pryce. He will continue to be just another one of us. Theo's puppets. Slave to an administration that doesn't want progress, they want obedience. Chris Page looks like he is wearing a shit-resistant suit right now because there isn't anyone on this roster who poses a real threat that they would ever let him get close to. Do you think they want someone who talks about them the way he does as XWF Universal Champ? Or to even get within sniffing distance of Raion Kido? Chris Page has the talent to hold every belt in this company, two fold. But he can't, because 'dems the rules. Rules that he, like everyone else, has to follow.

After they screwed me at Anarchy, I made my decision. I went after Noah with that chair. I PURPOSELY gave up my chance to be crowned QUEEN of the XWF by getting myself DQ'd. Page would jump at the opportunity if they asked him, hell he might even cry with joy. I chose to break away, do my own thing, and this is my punishment. Page thinks he is being rewarded.

A cornered animal is much more dangerous.

I simply don't care anymore, and that makes me even more volatile.

So maybe Chris Page will stop talking and show us his words aren't as empty as his eyes.


Maybe, just maybe, he will stop being Theo's bitch one day and actually do something for wrestling. I won't hold my breath, however, because the moment another Robert Main or Jim Caedus comes along he is going to take one of those long vacations he's become known for until the big bad monsters are gone.

I am going to wake up Chris Page, take his head out of Theo's ass, and show him that his biggest mistake was sleeping on me. He could have had all of this.......instead.....he's left with the shattered remains of what could have been."

She set the letter down when she heard a noise from the corner of the room. She turned, squinting through the smoke with a cough.

Jenny stood in the corner of the room next to the open closet door. Her eyes were huge, and jet black. No pupils, just black circles.

She stared at her elderly neighbor for a full minute, then, she blinked.

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[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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Why Bother? - by Jenny Myst - 02-17-2023, 10:15 PM

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