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Press Conference: Chris Page and Griffin Hawkins
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Chris Page Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-05-2023, 02:29 PM

The scene fades:

[Image: 500x500]

The Las Vegas strip has never been more alive as we’re located outside of the MGM Grand, the site of the second annual Denzel Porter Invitational Supershow which has already sold out. A monumental night of in-ring action across three days in which some of the best in the world will step under the spotlights and do what they do best. We fade inside the MGM Grand to a Press Room that’s been set up with a stage that is elevated five feet above the ground with a white-skirted table on either side of a podium. On each table sits a microphone that is positioned in front of a single chair per table. The Press Room is jam-packed as the tone in the busy room is moderately loud with members of the press talking amongst themselves when the attention of the room diverts to the stage where Denzel Porter emerges to a rousing ovation. Denzel is looking sharp as usual in a three pieces suit taking a position behind the podium.

[Image: main-qimg-d4f7a1136982bea5ae93a3ea94b46a2f-lq]

DENZEL PORTER: Welcome to the official DPI #2 Press Conference right here at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The press core starts to calm their tits as Denzel continues.

DENZEL PORTER: We here behind the DPI have booked what we feel is going to be one of, if not the strongest Supershow cards across 2023. This afternoon we are here to talk about one of the marquee attractions throughout the entire weekend; as a matter of fact, it’s going to open Day Three between two legends in the Professional Wrestling industry, both are multiple-time World Champions, multiple time Hall of Famer’s, and hands down two of the most talked about athletes on the planet. Chris Page versus Griffin Hawkins.

Camera flashes are seen while various camera sounds are heard off the main camera.

DENZEL PORTER: We are going to deep dive into what started as a mutually agreed singles match but has turned into a heated Dog Collar Match in which blood is going to be shed, but to get to the meat and potatoes of it all we need our principal parties. Ladies and Gentlemen joining us first is a man who truly needs no introduction; he is currently the XWF Television Champion, unbeaten Entity Tag Team Champion, the current Number One Contender for the Entity World Heavyweight Championship, the number one contender for Thunder Pro Wrestling’s International Championship, he runs the WGWF alongside James Raven, he hosts “Down the Rabbit Hole” with his wife Candice Wolf-Page, a former 18 Time World Heavyweight Champion, and he is the man behind CCPE… “Chronic” Chris Page.

The theme for Terminator 2 starts to play. Denzel steps to the side of the podium as he pivots his attention to just off stage and applauds as Chris Page emerges onto the stage. He’s dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt with a CCPE logo stamped on the front, and a black leather jacket. Chris doesn’t bring his Championships and walks over to Denzel shaking his good friend's hand before Mr. Porter motions for Chris to take a seat on the left side of the podium (camera right). The music of the Terminator fades out while Denzel Porter takes his spot behind the podium.

DENZEL PORTER: Mr. Page, welcome and thank you for accepting my invitation to be here today.

Chris sizes up the room while leaning forward to speak into the microphone that’s on a stand.

CHRIS PAGE: I wouldn’t pass this up because I’ve got more than a few things to say to the next man on my chopping block.

DENZEL PORTER: On that note..let’s bring out the second combatant to this match. A man who is a world-traveled athlete and frontman of the band Devilition. He is an 11 Time World Heavyweight Champion and a two-time Hall of Famer in Extreme Wrestling Corporation and Sin City Wrestling. He is the current Hardcore Champion in Coastal Empire Wrestling and the new Motor City Wrestling World Television Champion….The Jukebox Hero, Griffin Hawkins!

The sounds of “Wild Child” by W.A.S.P fills the air as Griffin Hawkins emerges from behind the door. He walks out dressed in his trademark black leather motorcycle jacket, a Judith The Butcher T-Shirt underneath, and blue ripped jeans. Like Chris, he has not brought any of his championships with him. He makes his way over to the seat opposite Chris. Even though his eyes are hidden under the black ray ban wayfarer sunglasses, he is looking in the direction of Page. Chris slides his chair back and stands up looking across the stage at Griffin Hawkins with disdain in his eyes. “Wild Child” fades out as the press core snaps off all kinds of photos. The tension between the two is heavy in the press room but cooler heads prevail between the two men as they take seats at their respective tables with Denzel at the podium between them.

DENZEL PORTER: Gentlemen, first let me thank both of you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to be here this afternoon so that we can talk about what is going to be one vicious way to kick off Day Three of this year's DPI. First things first, I’m a little confused as to what brought us here with you two. I was under the impression there was a level of respect between you.

Chris interjects.

CHRIS PAGE: Denzel, if I may?

DENZEL PORTER: By all means.

CHRIS PAGE: I won’t pretend to speak for my counterpart but part of why I’m here is because I do respect Griffin because if I didn’t he wouldn’t be sitting here today because he wouldn’t have made it out of CCPE Arena back in October, let’s be clear.

Every story has layers and this is no exception. CCPE Arena at The Velvet Rabbit Las Vegas opened its doors in late September 2022 as the host arena for the WGWF. Chris reached out to Griffin to play the venue, but there was a backstage incident that led to blows being exchanged. Why am I telling you this? Because we don’t expect you to follow along but yet you are here right now so why not explain the road that has brought these two warriors together for this one chance encounter?

It seems pretty stupid not to take advantage, right?

CHRIS PAGE: I can sit here and tell the World that I’ve been a fan of Griffin’s for the better part of a year. I’ve watched him dominate Uprising, I’ve watched him take Motor City Wrestling by storm, and I was on hand for his Sin City Wrestling Hall of Fame induction but this tracks back to that hot October night.

Chris works the room with his eyes as he continues.

CHRIS PAGE: I felt disrespected, I slapped the taste out of his mouth, and it set into motion this chain of events over the last several months. The truth of the matter is this collision course has been a long time coming; we’ve heard the whispers about this being a dream match to some. Well, the wait is about over.

DENZEL PORTER: Mr. Hawkins, would you like to respond?

GRIFFIN HAWKINS I think my astute rival summed it up pretty well. For the last few months, it’s been back and forth between us. I can honestly say this is the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Well…fun for me, but not fun for Mr.Page.

What started with a slap took a little bit of time and patience from Griffin who waited until the opportune time of CCPE vs The World to take on a disguise as a cameraman. He revealed himself during the Main Event and delivered the damnedest Superkick Chris Page has ever received and took him out of the match, and while it didn’t lead to a World victory it certainly took a heavy hitter out of the equation.

DENZEL PORTER: At CCPE vs The World on the 22nd of January Griffin shows up and gets a little bit of revenge with a Superkick that left Page out of commission. Griffin, let’s talk about that for just a moment.

GRIFFIN HAWKINS: Yes let’s talk about it. First off, hi Chris! How's your jaw?

Hawkins smiles over at Page who is seething..he seems to be muttering the words “you little bastard” under his breath as he glares at him.

GRIFFIN HAWKINS: Anyways…yeah, the Superkick heard around the world. I guess I shocked a lot of people when I made my appearance at CCPE v.s The World. Chris there talks about my body of work…how I’ve made my mark in places like Sin City Wrestling, UPRISING, Motor City Wrestling, and other organizations over the years…but you’d think he’d know by now that you do not want to make an enemy out of me. I’ve been doing this dance for a LONG time, and you’d think Chris would know by now what happens when you cross me. You’d think he’d know by now at some point you’re going to get a receipt. I don’t care if it’s in the ring, a parking lot, a gas station, a back alley, a Church, hell I’ll come to your house tonight if I have to…at one point or another, you’re gonna get payback. I’m not here to be disrespected..and I sure as hell am not going to let someone like Chris Page think he can walk all over me like that. That Superkick is a small taste of what’s to come at the Denzel Porter Invitational.

Chris starts laughing under his breath gaining the attention of Denzel Porter.

DENZEL PORTER: What’s so funny, Mr. Page?

CHRIS PAGE: Brother if I went into detail about how full of shit this kat is we’d be here all day. What Griffin did at CCPE vs The World was displayed for everyone to see just how much of a bitch he had to be just to get even. When I slapped the taste out of his mouth I did that face-to-face, and it’s truly cute to hear the confidence that is resonating in his voice when he is talking from across the stage all.

Chris then states.

CHRIS PAGE: And I mean, what was REALLY accomplished? Did it stop CCPE from dominating The World? Truthfully all it did was prologue Jason Cashe’s execution, but seeing as I got him on the 27th and this poser on the 28th I think the only the thing the only thing Mr. Hawkins has shown is that he runs like a bitch.

Griffin starts to slide his seat back but thinks better of it for the time being.

DENZEL PORTER: some circles would call this upcoming battle a Dream Match. What is the level of importance for each of you heading into the DPI?

CHRIS PAGE: I’m not trying to brag or anything but we’re not even two months into the new year and I’m sitting before you with an unblemished record. I’m actively in the ring every week putting my in-ring skills against whoever signs on the dotted line.

Chris continues.

CHRIS PAGE: For over a year I’ve punched down to make others feel good, to make them feel like they’re worth a crap while asking myself when someone will punch up to my standard. I’m not doubting the ability of Mr. Hawkins, I’m sure he’s good at what he does, but where he is failing with flying colors is not giving me the credit that’s just due. I haven’t been on top of this industry for the last two decades by chance, I am not called upon by federation upon federation to come in and save their sinking ships because their roster isn’t capable of delivering the goods to keep the masses entertained, and I don’t have to simp for things I’m attached too when everything I’m attached too is gold. As we head into the DPI I’d say it’s safe to say that this upcoming fight is high on my priority list. I’m not afraid to admit that I’ve been watching Griffin for over a year and I’m very familiar with his more recent history.

Chris leans over his table looking down at Griffin.

CHRIS PAGE: How is the Uprising World Title treating you? Oh wait, you lost it.

Chris leans back in his chair.

CHRIS PAGE: All bullshit aside, on my side of the equation I’m taking it very seriously.

GRIFFIN HAWKINS Trust me bro…there is NO ONE calling on you to save their company You talk about my attack on you being cowardly…how many people have you jumped from behind? Lots. From the sounds of it, you don’t like getting a taste of your own medicine... But I’ll give you your due…and I sincerely mean every word that comes out of my mouth. You are one of the best in the none. Not a lot of people can touch you or your resume. You built yourself an empire..and you got here with no one’s help but your own. But the glaring difference between you and me is that I do this to prove that I am the best in the world today..while you do this for notoriety. You surround yourself with glad-handing sycophants to tell you how great you are…I fight alone. You expect people to respect you….I EARN that respect from them. I’m the guy that people want to step into the ring with and test their abilities…while you’re the guy who annoys people so much that they want to step in the ring with you and shut your big fat mouth. As good as you are, your trophy case isn’t big enough to hold me.’ve beaten this guy…that guy…you’re undefeated. But nowhere on that list am I on it, because you’ve never beaten me. And trust me, it doesn’t matter if I’m holding a title or not…when my name is on the marquee, the people know that I deliver. And as for me being “scared” and running from you…

He takes off his shades and stands up in his chair.

GRIFFIN HAWKINS: Why don’t you get off your ass and step to my face-to-face and see if I’m scared of you?

Page rises slowly in his chair, looking to confront Hawkins who’s daring him to come to fight, but the representatives of the press conference keep them both back, convincing them to sit back down

DENZEL PORTER: Gentlemen please, calm down. The next question I have for you both revolves around opening up Day Three. Some people think that it’s a downgrade for each other, but the truth is Chris Page asked to open up the show. Chris, why? This could have easily been the Semi-Main Event.

CHRIS PAGE: There are so many tremendous matches scheduled to take place throughout the entire weekend, let’s be fair. When you have this many talents, and this many matches every one is looking to stand out. What I’ve learned as a competitor and as an owner over the last three decades is that every card needs a hot opening and a hot closing. I’m man enough to admit that when I heard SEB vs Warstein and Kido vs Black I kinda figured they would get the honors. To me opening up the biggest night on the card means we are the first thing everybody is going to see, and regardless if I like Grif or Griff likes me the one thing we can find common ground on is walking out there and stealing the fucking show. We will start the show, we will set the pace of the show, and we will dare anyone to follow it.

Griffin seems to be nodding his head in agreement.

GRIFFIN HAWKINS: That’s the first correct thing he’s said all night. He is right. In a match like this..most people would say it’s too big to be jerking the curtain…me and him think differently. In a match as barbaric as this…it doesn’t matter if it’s opening the show..or closing it. I have great respect for everyone else on the card, they wouldn’t be here on this show if they weren’t the best. But this a match that’s going to be ruled in brutality and unadulterated violence that’s going to make so many people turn away from the sheer horror of it all. Day 3 is going to be a night no one will forget, and definitely, a match people will be talking about the next day..and that is a guaran-fucking-tee.

Chris chimes in.

CHRIS PAGE: The only guarantee that either of us is qualified makes is that you’re going to be drinking your meals through a straw when I’m done beating you from pillar to post. You can pretend my phone doesn’t ring from organizations all over the globe, you can attempt to downplay me, and you can continue to assume that you have me figured out, but ultimately, you’ve been right where I wanted you this entire time…. Eating out of the palm of my hand. If you can sit there and honestly think for one second that you have an edge, you don’t. And yeah, you ran like a bitch at CCPE vs The World, and no I didn’t say I WAS the one chasing you; so please, do yourself a favor and stick to facts you know versus trying to take this to spinderella class. I do love my haters.

DENZEL PORTER Initially the two of you were scheduled for a standard singles match, but over the last month or so it has now become a Dog Collar Match. Both of you will have Collers around your neck connected by fifteen feet of solid steel chain. This is arguably going to be a barbaric contest. How are you both preparing for this brutal affair? Griffin, you can answer first since Mr. Page has taken it upon himself to lead most of these questions.

GRIFFIN HAWKINS: Well I’d like to address all the threats he just threw my way which sounded ooooh so scary. That sounds good and all…only problem is I’ve heard that a million times from a million different people. Chris Mosh, Summer Page, Kelly Taylor, Bianca Davis..they all said the same things he’s saying now, yet here I stand still living and breathing..still collecting gold. Better men than Chris have tried and failed. The audacity of him to think that he can eliminate me with a Dog Collar Match? There are some fires you can’t put out..and The Jukebox hero is one of them. This ain’t my first day of school...I’ve been in Dog Collar Matches, Taipei Death Matches, Cage Matches, Ladder Matches, Last Man Standing Matches..anything you think of, been there..done that. I fear no dog collar..and I sure as fuck don’t fear Chris. I prepare for this match by studying all his strengths, and weaknesses. And the minute he makes a mistake...I’m gonna be all over him like that ugly ass jacket of his. This match is going to be the most painful night of his life. I set some goals for myself for 2023. One of them is to become World Heavyweight Champion for the 12th time in my career…the other is to make Chris Page pay for his sins as I leave him a bloody mess in the middle of the ring.

Page listens to Griffin’s response.

CHRIS PAGE: First of all… My jacket is fire. Second of all with me, it’s pretty simple, and I wish I had a more drawn-out response. Griff has the best punchable face on the planet, even more so than Theo Pryce and that’s saying A LOT. I eluded to drinking his meals through a straw, what better way to help him along with that process than wrapping a chain around my fist and knocking those pearly whites down his throat? It seems like a lot of fun times for me and a lot of dental work for him. I’m looking forward to hearing him scream, shedding his blood, and making sure he wakes up on Monday morning remembering my name for the rest of his career. I’m not delusional to think that I’m not going to leave unscathed. This isn’t my first Dog Collar match and it’s probably not the last; I am prepared to leave my blood, and my sweat, and pay the price for what it means to be who I am, and why I am simply better than Griff. Much like I rattled off some names so did he, and do you know whose name is never going to be on it? Chris Page.

A small laugh escapes Griffin

GRIFFIN HAWKINS Man…you just ooze arrogance don’t you? And they say I’m cocky. If you’re trying to scare me or intimidate me…then you're doing a shit job. You’re not the first to bloody me up Chris…probably won’t be the last. See, I’ve been busted up from ear to ear. I’ve been thrown off ladders through tables, and I’ve been raked across the face with barbed wire...I even wrestled 4 matches a night with blood pouring out of my head like a faucet. So let me ask you...if you do all that…what’s gonna happen if it’s not enough to keep me down? Then what will you do? Are you gonna send your little winged monkeys after me when you realize you can’t get the job done on your own? What are you going to do then Chris? Because I’m not leaving that arena until I got your blood on my hands. I’m not leaving until I make you wish you never challenged me. If people are expecting a scientific match with headlocks and rest holds..they might as well change the channel to something else. Because this match is going to be bloody..horrific…and downright inhumane as I drag your ass around the ring on the other end of the dog collar like a piece of meat. There is nothing and nobody that’s gonna stop me from beating you this close to the edge of your life. You started all this..and now I'm gonna finish it.   

Chris immediately responds.

CHRIS PAGE: What’s stopping you?

Seemingly simultaneously Hawkins and Page throw their chairs back and both shove the podium out of the way where they go face to face. Denzel Porter quickly escapes to safety as the jawing with Page and Hawkins continues until Page pie-faces Griffin shoving him backward a few feet! Hawking immediately explodes back with a double leg takedown and into mount position as he hammers down with his right hand!

Page rolls over taking the mount position and starts driving his right hand into his forehead of Hawkins. Security quickly floods the stage and pulls Page off Hawkins while the other group snatches Griffin and they start taking them off on separate sides of the stage. Griffin breaks free, charges across the stage, and leaps over the pile of security and onto Page where he continues his assault!

Hawkins is pulled off of Page as even more security and now LVPD officers are out to help ensure this does not continue any further. The feed to the press conference is immediately killed.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
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Robert "The Omega" Main
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XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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Press Conference: Chris Page and Griffin Hawkins - by Chris Page - 02-05-2023, 02:29 PM

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