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CLETUS Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

10-28-2022, 09:26 AM

The Appalachian Mansquatch
[Image: CLETUS.jpg]

Wrestler's Real Name: Unknown

Wrestler Age/Date of Birth: October 31st, 1973

Height: 6"8

Weight: 215 lbs

Hometown: Slap Mountain

Alignment (Face? Heel? Antihero?): Heel

Pic Base: Angry Hairy Mountain Man

Backstory/Important Character Details: Slap Mountain, a mysterious and secluded community located somewhere in rural Appalachia, has been the subject of countless urban legends told all throughout the American midwest. One such legend is that of the Mansquatch: a vicious, raging hairy monster that brutalizes anything and everything in its path. Many hikers have horror stories of encountering the Mansquatch and being on the receiving end of one of its fabled slaps, with the bright red imprint of a huge meaty hand across their face to prove it.

One day, so the legend goes, a young lad was exploring the woods on his own, far deeper than his mother ever permitted him to go. And it was then he stumbled into the path of Mansquatch. With ease, the beast picked him up and slammed him into the earth with all the force and fury of a thousands cans of PBR being cracked open at once.

The child was alive, however, and instead of crying or screaming in unspeakable agony, he instead gawked in amazement at the feat.

"Wow, Mister!" the boy gleefuly said, his posture utterly ruined by a tragic case of sudden-onset scoliosis. "You some kinda wrestler??"

The creature, instead of violently assaulting the boy again, raised an eyebrow at both his hardiness AND his question. He had never been asked such a thing before. Pondering for a moment, the beast parted its lips and responded to the child....

"WHAT THE FUCK IS A WRESTLER" the Mansquatch replied, eloquently.

A few days later, a professional wrestler now currently known as CLETUS made his in-ring debut.

Strengths: Overwhelming strength, undying ferocity, unbreakable will

Weaknesses: Uncontrollable temper, lack of finesse, doesn't actually know the rules of wrestling all that well

Entrance Theme Music (Provide YouTube link as well as name and version): 'Gone Guru' by Lifeseeker 

Ring Entrance (PLEASE write one out for use in match/show writing): The short, bassy dual riffs of 'Gone Guru' begin to echo across the arena: a signal for impending doom.

dun dun. dun dun. dun. dun dun. dun dun. dun.


No sign of CLETUS, anywhere. Had he missed his cue? Did he get lost in the arena?


No. He has no sense of sportsmanship, no personal rules. You can't expect him to come running down the ramp, it could be from anywhere in the arena.


Where is he!? Where will he come from this time!? WHERE!?!


As the song kicks into full gear, from wherever direction, CLETUS comes sprinting. If it's through the crowd, he bowls over anyone dumb enough to be in his way like a bulldozer. If it's down the ramp, cameramen need to scramble to get out of his way. He barrels his way into the ring, shaking the ropes like a madman and screaming expletives at the crowd, his opponent, the ref, the ring crew, and anyone else he can see.

In-Ring Style (Technician? High Flyer?): Monster

10 or More Standard Moves: Slaps, Forearms, Powerslam, Spear, Running Spinebuster, Samoan Drop, Short Arm Clothesline, Big Boot, DDT, Corner Stomps, Cannonball

Trademark Move Name(s): Appalachia Driver, My Jumping Move
Appalachia Driver: Delayed Death Valley Driver where he walks around the ring to show off his strength before doing it.
My Jumping Move: Turnbuckle Flying Forearm. Doesn't often connect.

Finishing Move Name(s): Midwestern Kiss, Scoliosis Machine
Midwestern Kiss: One single, really hard slap, followed by a big Pop-Up Powerbomb
Scoliosis Machine: A Torture Rack, with lots of jumping and stomping down on one knee to drive shoulders into his opponent's back.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Running Spinbuster through a table or door on the turnbuckle. Appalachia Driver on top of a table. Picking up a ladder and just swinging it like a club at a motherfucker.

Additional Notes (What are some things that they would ALWAYS do? Or would NEVER do?): CLETUS loves two things in this world: Violence and Money. He will gladly accept pay to attack anyone, regardless of alignment. He's very easy to anger though, and quick to turn on any benefactor who pisses him off too much.

He will never tap to a submission hold, but isn't very good at breaking out of them. He will always lose in such a situation by knockout instead of submission.

Think of Mister Torque from the Borderlands games when you imagine what he sounds like in promos.
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CLETUS - by CLETUS - 10-28-2022, 09:26 AM

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