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XWF Presents: BACK... to RELENTLESS! Night 2
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-24-2022, 05:49 PM




Match #1

- vs -

2015 Hill Valley Town Square Race

This match will start in a ring placed in the middle of town square however in order to win the race you must complete a lap around the town square, finishing in front of the Clock Tower. There are NO COUNTOUTS.

Savage Rules

Match #2

- vs -

Alternate 1985 Hill Valley Town Square Brawl

This match will NOT take place in a ring but rather in the town square in 1985 Alternate Hill Valley. This is an Xtreme Rules match.

The special enforcers will be a motorcycle gang that rides around the square making sure competitors do not leave the designated area. Enforcers will also have weapons which can be used on the competitors at any time.

One Pinfall

Savage Rules

Match #3

- vs -

Save The Clock Tower Match

This match will begin inside a ring placed in the middle of the Hill Valley Time Square in prime timeline 1955.

When the buzzer goes off competitors will be notified they have 10 minutes  to ascend the clock tower and hook up a power cable coming from the ground. Time it right and not only do you win the match but Marty travels to 1985 thus saving the world. Time it wrong and you will get electrocuted and probably die.

1 RP Unlimited Words

Match #4

- vs -

"Blast From The Past" Brawl - Match will take place inside the Blast From The Past store in downtown Hill Valley circa 2015.

One Pinfall

Special Guest Referee - Flea as Douglas J. Needles

Warfare Rules

Mid Show Concert Johnny B. Goode will be performed by...

Music to be performed in the ball room of the Biff Towers Casino

Match # 5

- vs -
- vs -
- vs -


This match takes place on the rooftop of Biff Towers.

There are TWO ways to win this match:
The Easy Way - Pinfall
The Hard Way - Knock your opponent out for a 10 count using one of the weapons found on the roof.

Special Guest Referee - Thomas F. Wilson as 1985 Alternate Timeline Biff Tannen
Special Enforcers - Billy Zane, Casey Siemaszko and Jay Cohen (Biff's enforcers from the movies duh)

Warfare Rules
Each Wrestler MUST declare in Their FIRST RP whether they plan to win the EASY way or HARD way.

OOC: PPV Rules Varies By Match which are listed within each match box You must post 1 cold open RP before the soft deadline of FRIDAY, 09-16-2022 at 11:59pm board time
Hard deadline for Savage will be FRIDAY, 09-23-2022 at 11:59pm board time. Good luck!

Relentless, Day 2, opens after their preview trailer to an ominous scene. LAPD and LAFD are on the scene. There are several members of the security team and several members of the talent relations staff on the ground in various states of consciousness, being checked on by EMT's. A car in the parking lot is on fire, and the flames can be seen for a mile. The late stragglers getting into the event are coughing from the smoke blowing in the breeze. LAFD is working to extinguish, but it appears to have been set from some sort of potassium and magnesium blend that was found inside the car.

HHL Ladies and Gentleman we bring you to Hollywood Studios in the City of Angels for Night 2 of BACK TO RELENTLESS, and we regret to inform you that there has been some sort of accident. There is a fire raging in the parking lot and several members of the XWF training and security staff have been attacked by an unknown assailant. We will provide you with more details as they come.

Next to several of the men were nickels strewn about. Many of them had injuries that were conducive to being hit with a sack of coin. Vinnie Lane is knelt down next to Steve Sayors, who was bleeding from his head.

"Damnit. I am not going to have this tonight! After last time, no way Jose!"

He looks at another member of the security staff who isn't hurt. "Go find Charlie, tell him to come to my office!"

HHL: Welcome back from commercial. We have been told that Steve Sayors is being taken to Cedars-Sinai for further evaluation and testing. We will update you as we have more information. In the meantime  we are ready for our first match of Night 2 of Back to Relentless. This match between Geri Vayden and former Xtreme Champ Marf will start inside that right there in the middle of town square however in order to win the match you must do a lap around the town square using a hoverboard. And not the lame hoverboards you get with the wheels in the center I'm talking about an actual hoverboard that floats on air. Theo had his friends at DARPA make a few for us.

Pip: You think they will let me take one home?

HHL: If those armed guards over by the hoverboards are any indication that's a big No there Pipper.

The opening guitar riff of "The Deathsurround" by The Butcher Babies hits the air waves as Geri Vayden makes her way out of the Cafe 80's, which is one of those nostalgia places but not done very well. Vayden ignores the fans who are lined up along the makeshift entry way and instead just climbs into the ring and awaits her opponent.

Lights in the Sky hits as the fans begin to boo. Marf steps out of the Texaco station and immediately looking around at the audience and shaking his head in disgust. He marches to the ring while the crowd continues to boo and insult him. Marf rolls into the ring and goes to a corner, climbing up and then flipping off the crowd for more heat.

Match #1

- vs -

2015 Hill Valley Town Square Race

This match will start in a ring placed in the middle of town square however in order to win the race you must complete a lap around the town square, finishing in front of the Clock Tower. There are NO COUNTOUTS.

Savage Rules

The camera cuts to a shot of Geri Vayden and Marf standing in the middle of the supposed 'Hill Valley' town square. A big billboard off to the side notates the year, '2015'. Marf and Geri Vayden look like their usual selves, although perhaps a bit younger. The two wrestlers are standing just a few feet apart from each other with a referee between them.

HHL: "Geri Vayen and Marf have some history between them, so it's not surprise they're squashing the beef on night 2 of Relentless this year!"

PC: "Geri and Marf are BOTH former Left Hand allies. They used to work together to do evil deeds, but now they've grown apart- and that blood they used to drink together has turned bad!"

HHL: "I'm not sure there's any love lost between these two anymore!"

The referee looks to be explaining the unique rules of this match, but neither wrestler really seems to understand. The referee is pointing out the route for the lap, pointing out various potholes to avoid, before finally finishing off by pointing to the big clock tower. Marf seems to be paying some attention, but Geri Vayden is too busy texting something to someone on her 2015 iphone.

HHL: "So this match is going to be a good one. A Hill Valley Town Square Race, which means you can only win by completing a lap around the town square and finishing in front of the clock tower!"

PC: "Can they pin each other?"

HHL: "No!"

PC: "Are there submissions?"

HHL: "No!"

PC: "So are they even going to fight, or are they just racing each other?"

HHL: "I think we have our answer!"

Before the referee can even finish explaining the rules of this wild match, Geri Vayden backhand slaps Marf so hard he damn near falls to his knees! The camera zooms in on Marf's face and we can see that he already has a huge mark....of a left hand across his cheek! Geri quickly follows up with a spinning kick to the jaw that sends Marf falling to the ground. The referee has to call for the bell, and now this match is officially underway! Seeing that Marf is laying on the ground, Geri Vayden starts trying to get a headstart on her lap!

PC: "Geri Vayden struck first, and she struck fast!"

HHL: "She didn't need to listen to the rules, I'm sure she already knows them!"

Just then Geri Vayden seems to make a wrong turn, running AWAY from the clock tower instead of towards it! As Geri pushes the pedal to the medal with a lap in the wrong direction, Marf has now come back to a standing position, albeit with a scratch on his chin and a mark on his cheek. He looks mighty pissed off about how this one has started.

HHL: "It looks like Geri is over halfway done with her lap!"

PC: "But she's running the wrong way on the wrong route, Heather! I don't think she listened to the instructions!"

Marf looks around his immediate surroundings before finding a baseball bat laying inside an empty trash can. Geri Vayden finally runs a full circle, and is now jogging back to her starting position with a big smug look on her face, as if she just won the match. She starts taunting Marf as she walks towards the referee, waiting for her hand to be raised.

PC: "She thinks she won! But she ran the wrong lap!"

That's when Marf, with a sick smile on his face, grabs the baseball bat out of the trash can- and CRACKS IT IN TWO ON VAYDEN'S SKULL!


PC: "That's going to leave a bruise!"

Geri immediately collapses to the ground after the home-run shot that broke the bat, but Marf's not done yet. The psychotic madman leaps onto Geri Vayden with the busted half of his baseball bat, and while gripping it by the handle, and he starts dragging the splintered wood all over Geri's forehead, drawing blood and screams from his former ally!

HHL: "That's a lot of blood!"

PC: "This is getting brutal!"

After a dozen or so splinters break off into Geri's pale flesh, Marf cracks a big smile before picking Geri up by her hair. The referee tells Marf to stop, that he just has to run a lap to win this match, but to Marf this is about so much more than just winning a match. Marf looks to the camera and winks before he hits The Sway (canadian destroyer piledriver) on Geri Vayden! The ref is freaking out about her health now, and he throws a big X into the air with his arms!

PC: "Marf has this match in hand!"

HHL: "But he has to remember to actually run the lap- and go the right direction while he does it!"

Geri Vayden, now unconscious and bleeding even more, is lifted up by Marf before being dropped into the empty trashcan facefirst! Marf claps his hands together and smiles before he walks off, slowly but surely making a casual lap around the town square, ending right in front of the clock tower.

Winner by casual stroll - Marf

[Image: FKwLfuP.png]

WGWF makes it's return after a 5 year hiatus this Monday 9-26. Tune in for their return show "BRAWL"!!!

HHL: And we are back for another match this one features Michael Graves taking on recent Xtreme Champion Latina Submission Machina in a 1985 Alternate Time Line Hill Valley Town Square brawl.

Pip: Why is it so damn loud?

HHL: That would be the motor cycle gang that is acting as the enforcers slash lumberjacks for this match. There they are coming into the square now, about 2 dozen of them will ride around the perimeter to keep both contestants confined within the designated space.

Pip: What happens if they try and leave that space?

HHL: They get run over I guess.

As soon as LSM's theme music hits the speakers the crowd starts cheering for their favorita luchadora. As the bass bumps the crowd chants along to the slightly modified music. A spectacle of green and red pyrotechnics shoot up twenty five feet in the air from their base on the makeshift entrance platform. A complimentary arrangement of pyro shoots up through the four pillars erected to help signify the perimeter of the fighting area.


A green, a red, and a white spotlight shine down from Biff Casino Tower, randomly perusing through the rambunctious crowd as they await LSM. After a few seconds all three of the spotlights are directed towards the entry way.

Who's this?

Latina Submission Machina pops out onto the illuminated entrance alongside an additional burst of multicolor fireworks.


The luchadora bounces around just outside the entry way. LSM starts walking down towards the fighting square amidst thunderous applause. The multicolored spotlights follow LSM every step of the way. The former champion briefly pauses to give out a few high fives and to take a few courtesy photos with the front-row fans.

When she finally hits the town square Latina Submission Machina she starts pumping up the crowd to cheer louder. The luchadora heads to the corner as instructed and begins reveling in the applause of her fans as she blows many kisses out to the crowd.


[Image: 200w.gif?cid=82a1493bsto855k9tk0ve81r3e5...w.gif&ct=g]

Green and purple lasers!




[Image: onkgw3.gif]

Gravy charges onto of the entry way which doubles as the entrance of Biff Casino Towers. He actually gets a pop! It's quickly drowned out by the boos!

With a confident swagger brought to you by BarnCoin, Micheal heads down towards the town square flipping off fans, grabbing his junk and all together being a terrible person. Gravy rolls into the ring and postures for the crowd showing them just how fucking cool he is now!

Gravy leans into his "corner" chewing gum with a sinister grin. He just can't wait for this to begin!

Match #2

- vs -

Alternate 1985 Hill Valley Town Square Brawl

This match will NOT take place in a ring but rather in the town square in 1985 Alternate Hill Valley. This is an Xtreme Rules match.

The special enforcers will be a motorcycle gang that rides around the square making sure competitors do not leave the designated area. Enforcers will also have weapons which can be used on the competitors at any time.

One Pinfall

Savage Rules


The Latina Submission Machina rushes at Micheal Graves, but the Dark Warrior catches her with a spinning backfist! The señorita is stunned, and Graves capitalizes with a series of haymaker punches that double her over! Graves picks Machina up and brings her down with a Fall Away Slam!

HHL: Micheal Graves with a fine start, denying the Latina Submission Machina her speed!

Pip: No jumping for the Mexican Jumping Bean!

HHL: Don’t start with that thing, Píp! Besides, she’s a submission specialist!

Graves approaches the Latina Submission Machina for the cover, but she catches him in a roll-up, which transitions quickly into a rear naked choke!

HHL: See what I was telling you? The Latina Submission Machina knows her stuff on the mat!

Pip: Graves probably likes it. He’ll be calling her mamacita in a few!

HHL: Will you stop!?

Whether Micheal Graves likes being choked or not, however, will remain a mystery, as a desperate round of back elbows make the Ciudad Juárez native break the hold! Both wrestlers scramble to their feet and this time Graves seizes the initiative. He breaks into a run and goes for a clothesline… NO! The Latina Submission Machina ducks and the Dark Warrior hits nothing but air! He barely has time to turn around before he’s rocked by a roundhouse courtesy of the Mexican wrestler! Graves drops down to the lawn of the square, and LSM goes for the cover!



NO! The Dark Warrior kicks out!

HHL: Brave effort by Latina Submission Machina, but Graves is a veteran. He won’t go down just like that!

Pip: Unless it’s on-


LSM decides for a high impact move! She makes her way to the roof of one of the several cars parked in the square, and leaps for a frog splash… RIGHT INTO MICHEAL GRAVES’ LIFTED KNEES! The submissionist wrestler rolls off Graves, clutching her abdomen in pain in the lawn of the square! The Dark Warrior wastes no time in forcing the Machina to her feet, and bringing her down with a pulling piledriver into a barrel! The barrel topples over with LSM still in it, so Graves drags her out to make the cover!



NO! LSM gets her shoulder up!

HHL: Graves bringing in the pressure, but the Latina Submission Machina is one brave chica!

Pip: There’s not much bravery will do for you when you take that amount of punishment!

Graves lifts up LSM in a fireman’s carry, and carries her into the square sidewalk. He’s going for the Grave Digger (Death Valley Driver)... NO! Machina with a Headscissors takedown! Down goes Graves and she gets just the right amount of time for a breather! Graves is back on his feet but the luchadora is ready… She catches him with a Spinning Gut Kick, and as Graves is rocked, she gets behind him and locks in a Crossface Chickenwing!

HHL: The Latina Submission Machina is staying alive! Had Graves hit the Grave Digger this would have very likely been over!

Pip: Good for Graves, though - he gets choked out again!

Graves struggles to break free, but LSM has her hold locked in tight! LSM tries to bring him down, but Graves will not budge! He drags LSM with him into the motorcycle club lumberjacks, and one of them blasts the Mexican Wrestler from behind with a forearm to the back of her head! LSM has to drop Micheal Graves, and as she recovers, the biker that attacked her removes his helmet... 



Pip: Sometimes family love is tough love!

The Nickleman lays into LSM, but at this point she's had enough, and delivers some punches of her own! She sends Nickles back to his bike and turns around - only to be laid out cold by a Brogue Kick from the Dark Warrior!


Pip: This one's gotta be over!

Graves goes for the cover!





NO! LSM kicks out at the very last second!


HHL: Because she's a literal Machina, Pip!

Graves cannot believe it! He means to put this to an end, and so he forces LSM to her feet one more time... BUT SHE'S FIGHTING BACK! A body jab that rocks the Dark Warrior! A straight jab that gets him seeing stars! And another! LSM now moves into a clinch and starts blasting Graves on the side of his head! She lands a knee to his stomach, then brings him down with a DDT into the sidewalk! The Latina Submission Machina backs up as Graves begins to get on his feet once more... and she comes charging at him!

HHL: ¡SÚPER PATADA! Beautiful hit right on the Dark Warrior's chin!

Pip: Legs like that, I'd want to get hit too!

Graves drops like a bad habit, and LSM goes for the cover!






HHL: Even with Charlie Nickles on Graves' side, the Latina Submission Machina is determined to make a comeback!

Pip: Valiant as she may be, Graves still did a number on her, so needs to finish him soon!

It looks like LSM has heard Pip as she approaches the downed Graves and grabs at his ankle! She's attempting to put in the Machina Lock! But Graves shifts his body to a face up position, and pushes the Machina away! Machina stumbles back for just enough time for Graves to get on his feet. Machina comes charging back... NO! GRAVES WITH THE BLOOD MIST SPIT!

Pip: Call Graves Supa Hot, 'cause he dropped that fire!

HHL: Not good for the Machina!

Graves charges in as the Mexican wrestler is rubbing her eyes, and brings her down to the concrete with a Neckbreaker! Graves with the cover!





TH-NO! Machina kicks out!

HHL: Amazing resilience by the Latina Submission Machina!


Graves has had enough, and he yanks the Machina off the floor. He lifts her over his shoulders and, approaching one of the cars in the square, he prepares to hit the Graves Consequences...



LSM struggles to break free from the crucifix position, and reverses into a counter DDT! Graves drops face first into the car hood, and both wrestlers go down!

HHL: What a match, ladies and gentlemen! This is a fight almost to the death!

Pip: How much more can either of these two take!?

Neither Graves nor LSM seem to be showing signs of life, so the referee has to start a ten count!












At this point, LSM starts picking herself off the floor...


Graves begins to stir as well...


And both wrestlers are fully up once more! Graves goes on the offense once more and approaches LSM, but she goes for a shin kick that keeps him at bay! But Graves insists and goes for a back elbow! LSM is caught and Graves again begins with the haymakers! LSM is in trouble!

HHL: LSM has trouble in a straight-up fight!

Pip: Graves has to demolish her already!

Graves has LSM cornered and prepares to land his Spinning Backfist... NO! LSM with a single leg takedown! Down goes the Dark Warrior and LSM attempts a Japanese Necktie! She's got his head in a vicegrip and is trying to hook his leg!

HHL: And now she's got the upper hand! This may just be over!

Pip: This is Graves we're talking about, Heather, it's never going to be over!

Both competitors jockey for position on the floor but neither is able to get an advantage, and soon they're both back on their feet! This time Machina seizes the initiative and launches into a dropkick! Graves goes down and LSM attempts to capitalize, but Graves pushes her away one more time! LSM staggers back and Graves again charges and hits LSM with a wicked clothesline that looks like it takes as much out of Michael Graves as it does his intended target.

HHL: I don't know how this can possibly go on. Both competitors look completely gassed.

The ref looks down at both opponents and starts another ten count.








Graves starts stirring...


Now LSM starts getting to her feet...



Graves gets to his feet first. He stumbles over to LSM. He reaches down and grabs a chunk of her hair and then rams his knee into the side of her face with everything he has causing LSM to basically go limp.

HHL: That might be all she wrote. LSM looks completely out of it now.

Graves grabs LSM by the head and places it between his thighs. He signals that his patented finisher is coming next.

With everything he has Michael Graves lifts LSM up over his shoulders, arms outstretched and with what little strength he has left falls forward smashing LSM onto the mat. Graves rolls over and manages to get just enough of his arm draped over LSM's chest for the ref to count...






Winner - Michael Graves

HHL: What an absolutely incredible match. If that is what we get for the second match of the night I can't wait for what the rest of the card has in store for us. LSM and Michael Graves left it all out there.

Goth can be seen in his locker room, taping his fists as he prepares himself for his title match, he notices the camera crew and nods to them to come in.

Goth:[Welcome to my realm, I know it isn’t much to behold for the naked eye. But then again, what else do I need that would only distract me from my task at hand??? The spoils of hard labor will come when you are old and retired for good. It’s now time for me to ensure the pleasures of life to come later tonight. When I have beaten three other individuals and take home the gold./color]

He snarls at the camera for a moment or two as he closes his eyes and remains silent for a while.

Goth:I do hope that all of you can maintain your composure and not shower me with deniels and accusations, but instead acknowledge me for who the fuck I truly am… Your King…. The King of Kings….. Now be gone

Goth gestures to the camera to leave him as he mentally prepares for his match

[red]HHL: And now we are ready for match number 3 of the night. Former XWF Xtreme Champion Bam Miller will be taking on The People's G.O.A.T., XWF Legend James Raven in a Save The Clock Tower Match.

Pip: What the hell does that even mean Heather?

HHL: Well I was about to explain it Pip. Basically the competitors will wrestle in the ring right over there set up directly in front of the clock tower. A buzzer will go off at some point signifying that the wrestlers have 10 minutes to ascend the inside of the clock tower and then hook up a power cable from the roof of the tower that reaches the street level. If they time it correctly with when the lightning strikes the electricity will travel down the wire to that other wire spanning the road down there. Do that and Marty gets to travel back home to 1985. Time it wrong and you likely get electrocuted and possibly die.

Pip: Heavy.

HHL: Indeed Pip. Indeed.

The sound of a motorcycle is heard as it rolls into Time Square with Bam Miller on it. He points around to all the fans before riding down to and then around the ring. He parks his bike and high fives a fan in the front row, then gets a Miller Lite beer tossed to him. He walks up the Steele steps, and walks slowly into the middle of the ring. He opens the can up and as soon as the can touches his lips pyro goes off behind him. As the pyro stops Bam Miller walks over to the corner to wait for the match to start.

The entire area slowly fades to black as the audience excitedly awaits the entrance of "The Peoples GOAT". The drum beat and guitar solo start and a series of white and blue spotlights come up and pan the crowd. Mike Shinodas voice is heard on the speakers singing.

“Now here we go for the hundredth time, hand grenade pins in every line, throw ‘em up and let something shine, going out of my fucking mind… filthy mouth, no excuse, find a new place to hang this noose, string me up from atop these roofs, high and tight so I wont get loose.”

By now the fans are going wild and cheering as the spotlights slowly make their way to the entrance of the Clock Tower which is doubling as the entry way for this match.

“Truth is you can stop and stare, rub myself out and no one cares, dug the trench out and lay down there with a shovel up, out of reach somewhere… yeah, someone pouring in, make it a dirt glass floor again, say your prayers and stomp it out when they bring that chorus in.”

The spotlights come together as one, and the fog fills the top of the entrance until the downbeat hits and a major blue and silver pyrotechnic display goes off and the rest of the area lights turn up to full. When the smoke clears James Raven is seen on top of the entry, his hands thrown up over his head and a huge smile on his face.

“I BLEED IT OUT!!! Diggin’ deeper just to throw it away, I BLEED IT OUT!!!”

James makes his way down to the ring, high fiving fans and posing for pictures with several of them until he reaches the base of the ramp. Then, he pauses for a few seconds and sprints for the ring, diving in under the bottom rope and sliding in to the center of the mat on his hands and knees. He poses for a second, then gets up and runs for the turnbuckle, climbing up and posing yet again for the fans before doing a 360 degree spin off and doing the same on the opposite turnbuckle. As his music fades out he stretches in his corner, and then waits for either his opponents entrance or the starting bell.

Match #3

- vs -

Save The Clock Tower Match

This match will begin inside a ring placed in the middle of the Hill Valley Time Square in prime timeline 1955.

When the buzzer goes off competitors will be notified they have 10 minutes  to ascend the clock tower and hook up a power cable coming from the ground. Time it right and not only do you win the match but Marty travels to 1985 thus saving the world. Time it wrong and you will get electrocuted and probably die.

1 RP Unlimited Words

[Image: l8FOek8.jpg]

The bell sounds and immediately Bam Miller attacks Raven from behind! The crowd gathered outside the clocktower boo intently as Bam drives Raven back into a neutral corner where he starts unloading with shoulder blocks to the midsection.

HHL: There aren’t any rules in this one hence no referee, the only way to win is to get to the top of the tower when prompted within 10 minutes.

Pip: We don’t know when that horn will go off but I can only imagine the level of violence we might be getting ready to see.

Miller decks Raven with a right hand before firing him across the ring into the opposite buckles. Miller charges in after Raven where he eats a reverse elbow rocking him back out toward the center of the ring. Raven comes out from the corner blocking a right hand from Miller and counters with a right, followed by a second, then a third before Miller cuts him off with a thumb to the eye!

Bam takes Raven and hurls him out to the floor through the ropes.

Miller drops down to the mat rolling out after Raven where he starts putting the boots on him as the crowd around him boos intently. Miller tosses the apron of the ring back pulling out a steel chair! Raven can be seen getting back to his feet with his back against a ring post! Miller swings for the fences only to see James drop out of the way causing Miller to crack the steel post with the steel chair!

Raven latches on to a back waist lock before delivering a Release German Suplex on the padding surrounding the ring!

HHL: It didn’t take long for this one to spill out to the floor, and considering what all has transpired between these two over the last several weeks spanning multiple companies I can see why.

Pip: Bam labels himself as a Top Guy Slayer, it doesn’t get any bigger than the Goat.

The crowd pops for Raven as he gets back to his feet. He picks Bam up off the floor and hurls him back into the ring. Raven slides into the ring after him where he takes a mount position and starts hammering down with a series of right hands! Raven lands five or six before getting back up to his feet where he snatches Bam up by the head. Raven lands a swinging neckbreaker on Miller before getting back to his feet where he runs toward the rope delivering a Springboard Raven-Sault crashing down on top of Miller to another ovation from the crowd. Raven gets to both knees before stepping up to his feet. He calls for the Flight of the Raven getting a huge reaction from the crowd.

Raven waits as Bam pushes himself up off the mat, and as he reaches his feet Raven looks for an RKO, Bam counters by shoving Raven forward sending James bouncing off the ropes and into a scoop up by Miller who lands a Sitout Tombstone spiking the Goat into the canvass silencing the crowd! Bam rolls out to the floor retrieving the chair. He rolls back into the ring as we see Raven pushing himself up to all fours for Bam to waffle across the back with the chair driving Raven back down to the mat. Miller starts landing chair shot after chair shot!

HHL: Bam Miller is opening up on Raven!

Bam opens the chair and sets it up in the center of the ring before picking Raven up off the mat where he looks for an Irish Whip, Raven manages to counter and sends Bam bouncing off the far side and into a drop toe hold sending Bam smacking face-first off the steel chair! The crowd pops huge for Raven as he begins working his way back up to his feet where his eyes fixate on the steel chair. The crowd erupts as Raven snatches the chair and folds it up taking it in his hands. Bam Miller is stirring as he shakes the cobwebs loose. Miller starts working his way back up to a vertical base where Raven tattoo’s him in the skull with a vicious chair shot that dents the chair while the momentum of the shot sends Miller through the ropes spilling out to the floor! Raven hoists up the chair with one hand garnering a massive reception from the crowd while Bam Miller has been busted wide open. Raven tosses the chair to the mat while walking toward the ropes. He steps through them and drops down to the floor. Raven picks Bam up and lands a European Uppercut that rocks Miller, he lands a second sending Bam back against the ring post. Raven looks to hit the F.Y.S. but it’s Miller who evades and Raven superkicks the ring post!

A bloody Miller quickly takes Raven up across his shoulders in a Fireman’s Carry before delivering a Death Valley Driver on the padding covering the asphalt!

Pip: Bam Miller might have just broken Raven’s neck!

Bam tosses the apron back pulling out a Table to a pop from the crowd! Bam Miller starts setting up the Table on the padding surrounding the ring. Miller picks Raven up where he drives him head first into the top of a table! He drives him head first a second time and then a third before rolling Raven onto the top of the table. Bam quickly climbs up on the ring apron! He runs the apron leaping off with a Senton Bomb crashing down on top of Raven drving him through the table!

HHL: I don’t think I’ve ever seen this vindictive side of Bam Miller! He’s putting it all on the line.

Bam rolls out of the ruble of the table and starts getting back to his feet. He wipes the blood away from his face and picks up Raven from the debris of the table before hurling him back into the ring. Miller reaches under the ring pulling out a Aluminum Trash Can, he throws it over the top rope and into the ring. Miller climbs up on the apron and starts to scale the nearest set of buckles up to the top rope. Miller leaps off the top rope with a Flying Elbow Drop into the sternum of Raven!

Bam Miller gets tback to his feet where he picks up the trash can.

He wedges it into the a neutral corner before turning his attention back toward Raven. Miller picks Raven up off the mat where he backs him up into the opposite corner before looking to send Raven across the ring, Raven counters and Bam is sent crashing into the wedged trash can! Miller staggers out from the croner clutching at his back where he walks into a T-Bone Suplex from Raven!

Pip: Raven comes back with another counter!

Raven gets to his feet where he takes the trash can from the corner. Bam is starting to get to his feet where Raven puts the Trash Can over his head before hitting the FYS superkick into the side of the can smashing it into the face of Bam Miller sending Bam crumbling to the mat. Raven pulls him out of the trashcan. Raven picks Miller up off the mat where he drives him back into a neutral corner, Raven fires Miller across the ring crashing into the buckles. Raven charges in after him where he delivers a running step up knee to the jaw of Miller where he follows up with a running bulldog from the corner driving Miller face first into the aluminum trashcasn flattening it!

HHL: Raven flattened the trashcan under the face of Miller!

James Raven doesn’t waist any time as he starts getting back to his feet where he signals for the Flight of the Raven! The crowd that’s gathered pop for Raven as he sets up Miller and sizes him up as he starts to push himself up and out of a pool of his blood. Bam starts getting back up to his feet where Raven looks to hit the Flight of the Raven! Bam pushes Raven off and into the ropes, Raven bounces off the near side where he swings with a lariat, Miller ducks at the last possible second! Raven spins around where Bam kicks the right knee out from under Raven dropping the Goat to one knee! Miller bounces off the far side looking for a V-Trigger knee strike! Raven sees it coming and ducks!

Miller spins around where Raven lands a Samoan Drop!

Raven starts working his way back to his feet while Bam Miller rolls out to the floor under the bottom rope. Raven sees Miller out on the floor, he makes his way over to the ropes where he looks to slingshot himself over the top rope where he crashes down upon Miller with a cross body block taking them both down to the floor! Raven takes a mount position and starts hammering down with right hands to open wound of Miller! He lands six or seven shots before stepping back up to his feet.

Raven yanks Miller up off the padding on the floor!

He takes him and looks to drive him face first off the ring post! Miller puts on the breaks and counters by driving James Raven face first off the ring post! Raven drops down to one knee on the floor while we see Miller reach under the ring where he retrieves his trusty brick!


HHL: I don’t fight, I don’t argue… I just hit that bitch with a brick.

The crowd boos Bam as he holds up the brick for all to see. James Raven starts to work his way back up to a vertical base when we hear the LOUD BUZZER going off and a 10:00 clock start to tick away on the Clock Tower!

HHL: There is the buzzer! Bam or Raven have ten minutes to get to the top of the clock tower!

The crowd roars as the clock starts to tick down as Bam sees what’s up before turning his attention back toward Raven where he blasts him in the back of the head shattering the brick across his skull! Raven face plants on the floor!

Pip: That might have been a knock-out shot by Bam Miller to Raven!

Bam looks down at the motionless Raven and then up at the clocktower.

Bam Miller climbs over the barrier that surrounds the ring and starts to make a run toward the tower through the sea of people gathered around the ring. The clock ticks down to the eight minute mark before Bam reaches the steps of the Clock Tower with no Raven in sight.

HHL: Bam Miller is going to do it, he’s going to beat James Raven!

Miller swings the doors open entering the clock tower at the six minute mark. He starts climbing the staircase heading to the top floor of the Clock Tower.

Pip: Miller is closing in on the top of the clocktower! He just has to hook up that electrical cord.

Bam Miller infact reaches the top of the clocktower without a soul in sight as his eyes see the electrical cord that he has to hook up. Bam makes a play for cord when suddenly the glass from the clocktower shatters into pieces with James Raven riding a Hoverboard!

HHL: RAVEN and how the hell did he get one of those?

James Raven leaps off the Hoverboard with a FLIGHT OF THE RAVEN on Bam Miller!

HHL: Holy shit!! Bam is now dangling off the edge of the ledge as Raven reaches down and grabs hold of both cords before looking down at Bam who is holding onto the ledge for dear life.

James Raven smashes the two ends of the cable together milliseconds before the lighting strikes!

[Image: ezgif-3-42587b0fcb.gif]

But the 1.21 Gigawatts fail to make it to Marty and the Delorean!

PIP: "Well that was a let down!"

Suddenly a pirate broadcast forces its signal over the XWF's and we see seconds of footage from somewhere else!

[Image: victor-frankenstein-electricity.gif]
A figure suspended by chains as lightening courses around them through the spider's web of metal.

HHL: "What in the world is THAT!?!"

The signal quickly statics out!

PIP: "I... I have no idea what that was. I'll just assume Todd accidentally streamed some horror movie over the Pay Per View feed. We really need to start checking credentials before be hire these guys!"

HHL: "Regardless, it looks like that still counts! We have a winner!"

Winner - James Raven

Suddenly the signal is overtaken once more, with a tight shot of Tommy Slavino standing in the night air!

HHL: "What is HE doing here!?"

[Image: Tommy.jpg]

"There will be no time traveling. There will be no saving the world, not tonight, not ever again. You all thought that it was over! You all thought that it was safe to enter the ring once more."

"You've laughed at the fat clowns that pervert the very meaning of BOB, and everything has become one big joke. So much so, that only a few weeks ago, someone in XWF management had the gaul to hire some second rate dollar store knock off and even allowed her to allude to actually being my Jessica!"


"That can't be her, because I've invested all of my resources and all of the resources of BOB that were still available to me, into gathering her remains, and searching out a way to bring her back to us;"

"And as of tonight, thanks to the valiant efforts of James Raven, I have."

"You heard me right, XWF... SHE'S ALIVE!"

HHL: "He can't be serious!?"

PIP: "I don't know, stranger things have happened in the XWF!"

Suddenly a commotion can be heard from off camera. The shot swings frantically to catch whatever the source of the disturbance is. A giant shadowy female frame towers over the DeLorean, smashing the hell out of it with crushing forearms driven down onto the cab!

HHL: "Whatever THAT is, it's NOT Miss Fury!"

PIP: "Uh, you never know, maybe she's been working out!?"

The passenger door flies open and the stunt driver bails out of the car, making a mad dash to get away as the giant figure flips the car onto its side and continues to rage out.

Oh no! The figure takes notice of the camera and zeros in on him quick, he tries to run to safety, but never turns around in fear of losing the shot, and while he may have lost more than that when the figure swatted him out of the way like he was a fly, he did catch one Hell of a close up on his attacker as Tommy continues to scream over the footage.

[Image: Franken-Fury.jpg]


HHL: "Well, that was certainly an unexpected conclusion to that match."

HHL: "You do realize what this means, don't you?"

HHL: "Vinnie and Theo are going to have their hands full cleaning up whatever messes that monster leaves in her wake?"

PIP: "Well, yeah, probably, but I was hinting more along the lines of there now being TWO MISS FURY'S in the XWF! Do you think that green monster really was her, and if so, what is that viXen woman really up to?"

HHL: "I don't have any answers for any of that, but what I do have is a SuperCon Championship match, and it's coming up NEXT!"

HHL: Three down and two to go. Next up is the Supercontinental Title match between champion Peter Vaughn and challenger Ned Kaye. This match is will take place within the confines of "Blast From The Past" a store with many historical relics from the 70's, 80's and 90's. Anything inside the store can be used though I doubt the owner would approve. And to make it even more interesting Douglas J. Needles, or just "Needles" to his friends will be the special guest referee for this match.

Pip: I have to say Heather that Needles guy looks really familiar but I just can't put my finger on it.

HHL: You a fan of rock music Pip?

Pip: I'm more of a classical fan myself with a smattering of gangster rap when I want a change of pace.

The entire store goes black as the song begins. Slowly, the various old screens inside the store begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the store's entrance. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The door frame then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye. He stops for a moment, calming himself down. He lifts an arm, as he is showered with cheers likely coming from the audience which is surely somewhere close by. With a single smile, he drops his arm and steps inside the store.

The lights in the store go out, causing the usual hysteria from the crowd probably. After a few seconds, Peter Vaughn's face appears in the store's window darkly smirking down at Ned Kaye.

"This Time... It's Different."

After a few moments of Vaughn looking through the window he enters the store, Supercontinental Title draped over his shoulder. Vaughn hands the title over to the special guest ref Needles before leaning against the counter with a smug look on his face.

HHL: A championship match inside what is essentially a cramped antique store… the XWF continues to push the boundary with new kinds of matches coming in by the week!

Pip: How the Hell are they even supposed to move in there? This cramped up place looks like they can barely even fit both of their wingspans in at the same time!

HHL: When there’s a will, there’s a way, as they say…

In the absence of a proper ring bell, Ned Kaye takes a look at the door that has a bell over it that goes off whenever it’s opened, and takes it upon himself to act accordingly by opening it.


Trying to hide the smile on his face, Ned quickly locks in as he and Vaughn circle around the front room of the store. The shopkeeper quickly sees the chaos about to unfold and quickly dips out of the room for the time being as Needles has a comically large grin on his face, seeing what’s about to unfold.

And - the - two - LOCK UP! They’re vying for positioning as best as they can, even with the limited space afforded to them within the store. Ned uses his superior size and strength to his advantage, gritting his teeth as he manages to push Vaughn over to the display window.

Pip: So… would this count as a rope break? Can there even BE rope breaks in this match?

HHL: I guess we’re about to find out…

Vaughn is doing his best to keep Ned from advancing his position to get to another grapple, but Ned is far too skilled a technical wrestler with his size to keep Vaughn from slipping out of things - the result is a forced stalemate that sees the two of them quietly talking trash to each other that the camera can’t hear.

[Image: EJ_kX1_XUAIHIPD.jpg]

Special Referee Douglas J. Needles finally gets involved, coming into the tight grapple to give his own set of instructions.

Needles: Hey, listen guys, how about either one of you two hits the Hell out of the other guy, or we break this up and try again, yeah? Or are ya chicken?

The two competitors finally pay attention to him, and they slowly work to unravel themselves. Ned finally lets go, keeping his eyes on Vaughn and slowly backing up as the latter drops his arms to his sides… ONLY FOR VAUGHN TO COME ROARING BACK AS HE GRABS AN NES COPY OF JAWS TO CLOCK NED ON THE FOREHEAD WITH IT! Needles whoops and hollers at the display as Ned has to cover up from the gash appearing on his forehead!

HHL: Eight-bit pandemonium is raining down here in Blast from the Past! Ned’s going to have to adjust to the fact that there’s weapons anywhere and everywhere you can look in there!

Pip: Please, you think he can do that? Look at how Vaughn roped him in and handled him there in a bad spot like that!

HHL: I think Ned’s a lot smarter than you give him credit for, considering what he’s actually known for… but Vaughn’s desire to keep his title is going to have to match up against it here.

Vaughn keeps up his momentum, hitting Ned with a strong boot to the gut to double him over, before grabbing him by his soccer mom haircut and bashing him into the display window of the store! Ned bounces off of it with a sickening thud as he staggers back from the impact, allowing Vaughn to run and hop off the wall in order to hit Ned with a HURRICANRANA!

Ned goes flying practically halfway across the store! A Berenstain Bears lunchbox falls onto his gut, almost bouncing off as Vaughn chuckles at the sight, trying to grab the challenger up by the hair again. But Ned roars back to life! He delivers one - two - three sharp elbows to Vaughn and forces him to double over at it all! He follows it up by grabbing the Berenstain Bears lunchbox and flings it at Vaughn while in the air -


HHL: And that’s the ingenuity of Ned Kaye at work that Vaughn has to look out for in this match! There’s few who’re smarter than him!

Pip: Ah, lucky shot! Vaughn’ll be back up before you know it, trust and believe me.

Needles actively winces at the shot, shaking out that feeling as Ned tries to score a quick victory with a pinfall attempt on Vaughn!




Ned shows no hesitation after Vaughn kicks out, grabbing him by the neck and the raised shoulder to forcibly bring him into a sitting position! He grabs the other arm now and yanks back on both of them, turning the kickout into a seated Surfboard Stretch! He’s yanking and pulling back on those limbs, and Vaughn lets out a yelp as he bears the pain with an agonized expression!

HHL: Commonly just a transition move, but Ned Kaye is making dangerously good work of that Surfboard Stretch here! Targeting the arms and shoulders of Vaughn here - he’s going to have to move quickly here if he doesn’t want any lasting damage done to his arms here!

Pip: C’mon, Vaughn! Fight out of this!

Needles gets down onto his knees to check the hold, and at the same time he talks to Vaughn as he does so, giving a concerned look while showing off his buck teeth…

Needles: Hey, c’mon man, this ain’t so bad! You got a match to win, don’t be chicken and tap out now!

Vaughn is practically seething as he looks at Needles with all the contempt he can muster, keeping himself going out of pure spite! Vaughn manages to plant his feet and tries to gather his strength, trying to rise onto both feet and handle the pressure! Ned keeps the hold maintained, still digging his knee into Vaughn’s back as they rise, but Vaughn stomps on Ned’s stationary foot to break that up as Ned winces! Vaughn now tries to capitalize with a VICTORY ROLL! Needles counts!



Ned kicks out with his feet as he does, trying to send Vaughn face-first into the nearby counter!

OH! But Vaughn smoothly vaults over the counter, back behind the register now as he grabs the first thing that sticks out to him - none other than a large, white and blue SOUP TUREEN!

[Image: s-l400.jpg]




HHL: Both of these men are trying everything to outsmart the other! Two of the XWF’s greatest minds are going to war with weapons to try and take the other out first, and so far, Peter Vaughn has drawn first blood!

Pip: Exactly like I told you, Heather! Vaughn came bouncing back like it’s nothing else! Can Ned even see right now?

Ned staggers to his feet, trying to blink out the blood seeping into his eyes, but it’s no use! He weakly tries to punch Vaughn, who easily manages to sidestep it, before looking to Needles and chuckling as he points at Ned, as if to say “Get a load of this guy…”


HHL: He might not have been able to see there, but he could sure well hear Vaughn chuckling!

Pip: Shit, they’re going back and forth at this rate…

Vaughn tries to come to as Ned takes this time to wipe the blood out of his eyes! He only has a few moments of proper vision, but it’s more than enough for him to take his next weapon of choice - none other than a lava lamp! Vaughn is on his knees as Ned swings -


MORE GLASS FLIES EVERYWHERE, ALONG NOW WITH THE CONTENTS OF THE LAVA LAMP! Water, mineral oil, wax - it all gets everywhere along the floor as now Vaughn starts to show his own bleeding cut!

Needles: Sheesh, man, why do you guys gotta be so messy while you’re doing this? I gotta be walking along here - I can’t worry about no glass!

Ned gives a deadpanned look at him, as if to say “Just shut up and count” as he hops onto Vaughn for the pin attempt!




HHL: Peter Vaughn showing some indomitable spirit here as he’s trying everything just to keep his title around his waist!

Pip: Really starts to make you wonder what Ned’s gotta do at this rate to win. I mean, how many weapons have they thrown at each other now?

HHL: Your guess is as good as mine, quite frankly…

Ned manages to stagger to his feet, realizing he needs to set up for the end. He nearly slips and slides on the spilled oil of the lava lamp, before reaching out and grabbing a 1982 Perrier water bottle! He opens the contents, letting them freely spill out onto his face and mouth, trying to rehydrate and wash away the blood on his face!

Ned manages to wash away most of the blood, allowing him to see properly once more. And right on time too as he sees Vaughn getting to his feet! Ned lunges in, looking for the Notorious Knee -

BUT VAUGHN SIDESTEPS THE ATTEMPT! He snakes behind Ned, grabbing him by the wrist and trying to pull him around for his own Ripcord DDT, the Key Holder! He gets Ned around -


Pip: SHIT, did you hear that, Heather?!

HHL: I think everyone down the entire city block could have heard that one…

Ned Kaye dug down deep and had enough quick thinking and reflexes to bitch-slap Vaughn’s attempt at the Key Holder and stagger him! He blinks several times, trying to get feeling back into his body as Ned follows it up! Forearm, forearm, forearm, forearm! He’s trying to batter Vaughn and get him set up, but every strike he delivers just gets him more and more fired up! Ned tries for one more forearm -



Pip: Holy fu- How in the blue Hell did Vaughn manage to pull that off in here?! This has GOT to be it!

HHL: You might be right…





Pip: I don’t believe this shit - it’s like NEITHER of them can just lose! C’mon Vaughn, FINISH THIS!

Ned managed to kick out with enough force that he rolled onto his stomach, but Vaughn is still in disbelief! He checks with Needles, yelling about how that was three!

Needles: Hey, don’t you yell at me, I know how to count! I passed grade school! …Didn’t get much further than that, but THAT’S NOT THE POINT!

Vaughn waves off Needles, before turning back to the downed Ned Kaye. Looking to add insult to injury, he takes Ned by the hair and proceeds to start dragging his face through the shards of glass! Insult to Injury! Vaughn barks trash talk at Ned, a mixture of blood and saliva spitting out of his mouth onto Ned as he speaks with venom!

HHL: Vaughn can’t quite put this away either, and I think it’s starting to get to him a little. We may be closer than we think to seeing the end of this match…

Pip: It’s gonna come down to who can hit their big move first - and in that case, my money is on Vaughn!

Vaughn pulls Ned up by the hair one more time, forcing him on his knees while looking him in the eye and he SCREAMS IN HIS FACE!






HHL: Even sneak attacks aren’t working to seal the deal for either man anymore!

Both men quickly get back up to their feet as Vaughn tries to lunge in to finish things, but NED IS FASTER ON THE DRAW!




HHL: What the HELL? What is Bam Miller doing here?

Peter Vaughn reaches upwards and grabs the ref by the waist distracting him from what's unfolding a few feet away. Ned looks down at what's going on completely unaware that Bam Miller is sneaking up behind him...


Pip: Looks like Ned Kaye’s flight plan just got CANCELED!

[red]HHL: That son of a bitch. Bam Miller just lost a match to James Raven and now he's out here ruining Ned Kaye's chance for a title victory.

Bam ducks and covers behind the counter just as Vaughn releases his grip on the ref. Peter Vaughn then wipes his own blood off his forehead, knowing he’s going to need one last move to end this once and for all while Ned’s still on the counter! He gets a running head start, and hops up onto the counter in one jump to grab onto Ned!







HHL: Peter Vaughn with the help of Bam Miller has just cheated his way to a successful title defense. Peter Vaughn is still your XWF Supercontinental Champion at the end of the day.

Pip: I don’t think he’s ever gonna lose that belt at this rate…

HHL: Not if he keeps playing by his own rules.

Winner and STILL Supercontinental Champion - Peter Vaughn!

HHL: What a fantastic match there by Peter Vaughn and Ned Kaye, a match that could have main evented any of these 3 nights of Relentless but before we get to tonight's main event a special live musical performance by Michael J Fox and The Starlighters!

The scene fades into the ballroom of Biff Towers Hotel and Casino where we see Michael J Fox step up onto the stage already filled with the members of The Starlighters. Marvin Berry hands Michael a shiny red guitar.

HHL: Wow. Just wow. That really takes me back. A big thank you to Michael J Fox and The Starlighters. We will be right back after a word from our sponsors.

[Image: JOBbCEd.png]

[red]HHL: Ladies and Gentlemen it is time for the Main Event of Night 2! An Xtreme Title match that takes place on the rooftop of Biff Tower and Casino with Alternate 1985 Biff Tannen as the special guest ref. Not only that though Biff's crew will serve as the special enforcers for this match. Competitors can win one of two ways, the easy way which is a simple 3 count or the hard way which involves using one of the many weapons found on the rooftop and then knocking your opponent out for a full 10 count. Let's get to the intros.

The honeyed rasp of Atara's voice blares over the facility's PA in unison with those words appearing on the multitude of screens and displays littering the arena.


The crowd pops and gets to their feet shouting in near total unison a single word.


Lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt. Strutting with purpose Atara emerges from the entry way taking spot centerstage. Posing for the camera, a wink and kiss is given to the viewers at home.

Grunge walking to the fighting area she stops to pose again for her adoring public. Hand on her hip, the Grecian moves to the middle of the roof to blows a final kiss to the camera.

The words fade as we hear the Church bells cling before the guitar riff starts playing along with the choir singing. The music builds up to where finally Corey Taylor can be heard. Goth only walks out after Corey Taylor can be heard screaming the words: “I’m finally holding on to letting go!!” As explosions go off on the side of the entrance stage. Goth stares at the crowd as his fiancé Melissa emerges behind him.

Goth lifts his head upwards to the sky while extending his arms, a smirk emerges upon his face as he listens to the mixed reactions. After a few seconds he looks back ahead of him towards the fighting area where one of his opponents Atara is standing. Goth walks slowly towards the fighting area before eventually making his way over towards Atara and the referee.

Ring Master is the 3rd competitor in this match to make his way out from the entrance which he does as soon as "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit starts really bumping.

HHL: And here comes the current XTREME CHAMPION...Big Preesh.

Big Preesh struts to the center of the roof his hands up in the air in time with the music. He holds out the Xtreme Championship in front of him and yelling how he's the best Xtreme Champion of all time. When he gets to the center of the roof he punches a random pane of glass that was set up for using in the match and then shouts "YEAH BITCH!" with his arms raised before waiting for the bell to ring.

HHL: And that's everyone. Who do you think is walking away from this match with the title Pip?

[white]Pip: The same guy who walked in with it and any other answer is just wrong.

HHL: Well ok then. And now stepping into the spotlight followed by his thugs is none other than tonight's special guest ref 1985 Alternate Timeline Biff Tannen.

Weapons litter the ground as each fighter takes to a corner of the roof. Biff's goons make their way to Big Preesh to take away his title who reluctantly hands it off after much bickering. Biff stands in the center, each competitor forming a diamond around them. Biff takes a long drag of his cigar as he adjust his hair and slowly walks in a circle as his goons ham it up in the background with the Xtreme Championship.

"Alright buttheads. I want a good clean fight."

Biff stops short, his foot hitting a baseball bat which he kicks towards Ring Master with a finger gun. Ring Master takes the bat in his hands and tightens his grip.

"Obey my words at all times! If I tell you to stop, you stop, I tell you to keep going... You keep going. I tell you to come back to my room."

Biff looks at Atara with a skeezy smirk and gives a wink.

"You get the picture."

Atara rolls her eyes with a sigh, probably making a mental note to kick the shit out of Biff later.

"Alright!" He chomps down on his cigar and adjusts his robe before clapping his hands. "Let's party!"

Billy Zane, who should be above this, lifts a cowbell in the air and rattles it signifying the start of the match.

HHL: "And we are underway! Ring Master has a weapon already but are the other three going to scramble for tools or just get to it?"

PC: "Smart move, Ring Master stays in his corner and does his best Wendy Torrence impression while the others fight."

And Ring Master doesn't do that, instead he rushes Big Preesh with the bat and takes a mighty swing at Big Preesh's big breadbasket but Preesh absorbs the blow like the gelatinous cube of fried meat that he is. Preesh grunts and stumbles back a few steps and Ring Master grabs at Ring Master, wrapping a giant palm around the nape of RM's neck and goes for a headbutt but Ring Master manages to get the bat up just in the knick of time and the champ butts the bat instead and fumbles over covering his forehead. Meanwhile, Goth has descended upon Mrs Raven with a lariat which is barely dodged and Atty counters with a drop toe hold which knocks Goth to the ground, with a growl Goth spins around and boots Atara in the head with a nasty boot. Raven covers her head as she retreats to her feet; Goth, almost primal, crawls to his feet, his fingertips touch a chain which he grabs and wraps around his fist as he approaches Atara. Aphrodite Incarnate gets herself ready, her heel hitting something which she grabs quickly to protect herself unknowingly grabbing a thin magazine which she rolls up with a sigh.

PC: "Oooph, Atty drew the short straw."

HHL: "Wait... Why does that look familiar?"

Biff laughs with his cronies watching Atty hold the magazine like a dagger before he realizes just what she's holding. Biff pats himself down and his face drops.

HHL: "Oh shit! It's the Sports Almanac!"

"Son of a bitch! You! Freak! Kick her ass!"

Biff points wildly at Goth to attack who just gives Biff a side-eye before throwing a heavy right at Atara who ducks and smacks Goth with the Almanac to very little effect, Atty gives a smile before Goth knocks the wind out of her with a solid gut punch and following up with a brutal knee to the face. Goth then whips the chain from his fist and whips it at Atty but Atara blocks the blow with the Almanac which coils around the magazine; Goth whips his hand back and the Almanac goes sailing through the air and off the side of the roof, Biff screaming "NOOO" as it flies into the air.

Goth reels his arm back and throws his arm forward and whips at Atara who ducks under the attack and rushes in close to and tackles Goth to the ground; Atara lays in on Goth, throwing lefts and rights but Goth manages to counter with a haymaker of his own and the two fall apart once again. Goth begins to stand to his feet but is knocked back down as Big Preesh flies onto the scene being thrown with raw power from Ring Master!

Preesh crashes onto Goth who gasps from the massive amount of weight atop him and Ring Master focuses on Atara. RM rushes Atty who at the moment is probably getting sick of large man attacking her. Ring Master grabs Atara in a bear hug and lifts her off her feet and begins to squeeze the life out of her. As bones begin to crack Atty musters up the strength and to try and break free to no avail but manages to chomp down on RM's nose who screams in agony and releases his grasp. Atara drops to her feet as blood drips from Ring Master's nose; RM quickly gets a choke on Atara going for a DDT but Atty slips out of the hold and gets to the back of Ring Master who throws an elbow back but misses and Atara capitalises with...

HHL: "Birth of Venus!"

And transitions into a pin attempt! Biff saunters over with a huff.



Goth breaks the count with a sharp boot! And goes to strike Atara but Big Preesh, white knighting, stops Goth's arm and in return Goth kicks the wind out of Preesh who deflates and Goth lifts all 650 pounds of Big Preesh high into the air into a powerbomb!

PC: "Holy shit!"

And the fans watching the screens from inside the casino gasp with the strength of Goth who struggles as he holds Preesh aloft aiming towards the wall lining the rooftop before throwing Big Preesh down!

And missing the wall!

Big Preesh goes sailing over the edge as the champ hollers in fear which fades slowly as he falls further and further. Goth falls down to the ground, a mix of shock and exhaustion as Atara and Ring Master stop their fighting and just stare at Goth. The cigar falls out of Biff's mouth.

HHL: "... Hol-ee shit."


As Pip mourns the Cinderella of XWF, the gears turn in Goth's head as he looks around before clocking his fingers at Biff who seems confused before clocking on.

"You're right!"


HHL: "Wait no! Biff is counting this!?"


Atara and Ring Master are stunned; unsure of what to do.


HHL: "We're gonna have a new champ! And there's not a damn thing anybody can do about it!"


PC: "TAKE ME INSTEAD, GOD! TAKE MEEEEEEeee-heeee-eeeee!!!"


Goth stands to his feet, a wicked smile curling on his face as he peaks over the edge.


And the smile fades as Goth sees no body nor blood splat.


Instead the blue trail of a DeLorean flying into the night.


As the word falls from Biff's mouth, his glorious head of hair wisps away into a balding combover. He looks around confused, his
eyes looking towards the large neon sign which held his name and now reads...


And with a kick the door flies open showing Big Preesh smoking a cuban in an immaculate white suit and fur coat. The fucking universe pops!


HHL: "Wait, this isn't how time travel works in Back to the Future!"

PC: "Heather! I will cut you!"

Goth, Atara and Ring Master stare at Big Preesh who stands there like a king in the light of the doorway before it swings shut and he removes his coat, ready to fight again.

Ring Master elbows Atara away and and rushes Big Preesh who is ready, but not that ready as RM knocks the fuck out of Preesh with...

HHL: "The Ringer!!!"

The running headbutt drops the champ immediately and Ring Master grabs Preesh be the collar and belt and power lifts over his head! Posing for the cameras with a large smile as he beings to get his reps in before throwing him back down with...


The vertical powerslam knocks Preesh out clean and Biff gives a thumbs up as he begins to count again.


Goth rushes in and moves to Preesh but Ring Master stops his approach as the two massive hunks of muscle lock up into a test of strength.


Atara slides past the two and gets to Preesh and begins to heft him up.


But Big Preesh appears too large for even Atara!


Ring Master loses concentration seeing Atty begin to pick Preesh up and Goth takes advantage with a brutal kick to the midsection before dropping Ring Master.


The DDT is executed perfectly and Ring Master goes down with a thump as Atara lifts Preesh into a sitting position to stop Biff's count who gives an impressed look before facing towards Ring Master and starting to count again.


Atara sighs as she looks up at Goth who stands between her and RM. Atty goes into a sprint and leaps for a running knee but Goth side steps and grabs Atara's throat in mid-air before throwing her back down with a chokeslam; Atty growls in pain as her spine meets stone.


Goth grabs a handful of Atara's hair and drags her towards the large neon sign and takes her up a level.


Goth lifts Atara into a powerbomb and aims towards the street!


HHL: "No Goth don't!"

As the crowd inside panic; Atty comes alive! And throws forearm after forearm into Goth!


Goth drops Atara holding his face and Atara thurst kicks, Goth's back hitting the sign which sparks and teeters.


Atara's eyes dart between Goth and the sign and Atty sprints.


The running knee, like a sniper, takes Goth's head and he falls back along with the neon sign!


As Big Preesh stirs and gets to his feet properly, Ring Master begins to crawl away. Preesh turns around to see his name in lights coming closer and closer towards him as the signage crushes him, Goth falling with the sign, his spine crashing down on the twisted metal as the sign explodes into sparks.

Biff and his crew shield themselves and look on in awe. Atara huffs looking down on the carnage and sees Ring Master turning around cradling his bloodied head. Biff looks between the two before counting again.


Atara jumps down onto the wreckage as Goth weakly throws a hand to stop Atty as she moves past him.


Ring Master gets to his knees and his arm reaches for a steel chair laid on the ground. Raven rushes Ring Master who strikes wildly with the chair hitting Atara's arm and knocking her aside. Ring Master drunkenly stands using the chair as a crutch as Mrs Raven circles him, cradling her arm.


Ring Master throws the chair towards Atara who rolls out of the way and clasps her hand around a beer bottle and as she gets to her feet smashes it aside Ring Master's temple which shatters into an explosion of glass as RM stumbles to the side, his hand loosening as the chair drops.


Atara drops the neck of the bottle and kicks Ring Master's head dropping him to the ground!


Atara drops to the ground, crading her arm.


Atara looks around, the roar of the crowd bursting through the roof as she raises her arm!


She begins to get to her feet slowly and a smile lights up her face.


And Goth from nowhere blindsides Atty! A full body tackle knocking her back down!

HHL: "Goth is back up! How in the fuck!?"


Goth's eyes widen as he hears Biff who points to Big Preesh under the sign.

PC: "Biff's counting Preesh out! Not Goth!"

Goth shocked turns around right back into Atara's knee!





With a thunderous applause Atara covers her mouth as the cronies approach Atara Raven with the Xtreme Championship and Biff raises her hand.

"Great job, tuts."

And gives a slap to Atara's ass whose smile disappears as she turns around and knocks the fuck out of Biff with a single hard punch to the face.

PC: "Ouch! He's gonna be feeling that one for a while."

HHL: "Screw Biff! Atara Raven is our NEW XTREME CHAMPION! Atty won! ATTY SMASH!!!"

And the scene slowly begins to fade as Atara's theme plays on a shot of her holding the title high into the air.

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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[-] The following 13 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
"Venom" Xavier Lux (09-25-2022), (Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (09-25-2022), Atara Raven (09-24-2022), BIG PREESH (09-24-2022), Dolly Waters (09-24-2022), ElijahMartin (09-25-2022), Finn Kühn (09-24-2022), Jonathan Barrows (09-24-2022), Marf (09-24-2022), Ned Kaye (09-24-2022), Raion Kido (09-24-2022), Ring Master (09-24-2022), Theo Pryce (09-24-2022)

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XWF Presents: BACK... to RELENTLESS! Night 2 - by Atticus Gold - 09-24-2022, 05:49 PM

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