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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Madness Results
Madness #8
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-21-2022, 11:33 AM


09 - 19 - 2022

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- vs -

- vs -

The Green Knight
- vs -
The Red Knight
- vs -
The Brown Knight
- vs -
The Golden Knight
- vs -
The Blue Knight
- vs -
The White Knight
- vs -
The Pink Knight
- vs -
The Orange Knight
- vs -
The Purple Knight
- vs -
The Black Knight

The Medieval Melee!

The knights will be in their armor and engage in jousting, swordfighting, and hand to hand combat until one stands tall above the rest to claim the Lord of Violence Award!

And will the area be booby trapped? OF COURSE IT WILL!

- vs -

- vs -
- vs -

- vs -

- vs -

- vs -
For the Gemini Titles!

- vs -
For the IDL Championship!

Hello hello! Marv Smegma here… word on the street is that no one knows where Vita Valenteen is! With her supposed to be in tonight’s big Medieval Melee, the powers that be are scrambling for a replacement! Also, people are swearing up and down that the upcoming Relentless Walk of Fame match is going to determine the next contender for the IDL Championship, first in line to face either Elijah Copeland or Lexi Gold! Don’t forget to check with me, Marv Smegma, for all your backstage news and gossip… call me NOW! $2.99 for the first minute, 99 cents each additional minute!!!


bX3 defeated The Disintigrators Via Roll-Up
(Match Time 4:47)

Dick Powers def. Johnny Miami Via Holding the Tights (Match Time 3:29)

Pre-Show Main Event:

Pebbles def. Mini Morbid Via Count Out (Match Time 8:53) - Mini Morbid retains the Minis Championship


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Before the cameras go live in the arena, “The Abominable” Holden Ross is shown entering the arena with a smirk curling his lips. He eyes the camera and gives it a nod.

Holden: When you think of Violence in this industry, I am one of the first people to come to mind. I don't fight for belts. I fight for blood and money. And tonight, I will be slingin my own brand of UltraViolence in the Madness Melee. The good guy, the knight in shining armor, always wins in the end. But this ain't some bedtime fairy tale. This is a fight for the title of 'Lord of Violence' and couldn't be a more fitting title for me.

Holden checks his phone, briefly, before turning his attention back to the camera.

Holden: And if I get the opportunity, I'll behead lil Johnny like he was Henry the Eighth and you all can thank me later. Now, get that thing outta my face.

He palms the lens and when he removes it we get a shot of him walking away. The back of his hoodie has an image of Mickey Mouse, tatted and pierced, with the barrel of a revolver in his mouth. Written below Mickey are the words "No Lives Matter."

Bath! Welcome to another hard-hitting episode of XWF MADNESS! We are on another leg of our Prime Meridien Tour, here in the incredibile city of Toulouse, France. Bath, what do you think of France?

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Ooo la la, Jacuinde! This place is amazing. From the food, the wine, and the women! But all that combined can’t compare with the action we are bringing you here tonight on Madness! The Delta Division is on FIRE right now!

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It certainly is, and we’re starting off there tonight! Last Madness, Hitmaker-Yamazaki Enterprises knocked off the X-Treme Alliance of Darren Dangerous, Barney Green, and Micheal Graves… meanwhile, Team KTFO, the former Gemini Champs, took out Mad Rhymes and Li’l Juicy. Tonight, they’re facing off… and I mean right now!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
I can’t wait to watch Hitmaker get humiliated out there… it’s one of my very favorite pastimes! Let’s gooooooooo!

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Hide Yamazaki bursts through the curtains, swinging his chains and forcing out a sadistic-sounding laugh. On either side of him are Ximena Asensio and Claire Rogers, the two women known as Bitches Got To Learn.

The music plays and “Wild Card” Matt Kayden walks out with his partners Kai Morgan and Oliver Peters as smoke effects fill the arena with white mist.

The KTFO teammates cockily head to the ring with smug looks on their faces, exchanging a threeway fist bump on the way down the ramp. The three men ooze confidence from every pore as they arrive at ringside and pose for the London crowd.

As they get into the ring, they play a little game of rock paper scissor to determine who goes in first…


The match doesn’t go far before devolving into a full-on brawl between all six competitors. Hide Yamazaki is a force to be reckoned with as he flings Matt Kayden all over the ring while Xim and Claire are only about 50/50 successful against Morgan and Peters.

After Morgan and Peters manage to double team Ximena long enough to hit the ABSOLUTELY STAY FUCKED on her, they dump Claire through the ropes to the floor and take Yamazaki down to his knees with a three on one assault.

Hide starts to make a comeback at one point, but then the lights go out!

When they come on, the Abominable Holden Ross is in the ring, choke slamming the life out of Yamazaki!

With Hide down, Ross leaves the ring laughing… but the official has no choice but to call the match off due to interference and give the disqualification victory to HYE!

Team KTFO are absolutely losing their minds arguing with the official but it’s to no avail, and eventually they simply leave the area as Claire, Xim, and Johnny Hitmaker tend to Hide.

(Match Time: 4:21)

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
What the Hell just happened? Team KTFO had nothing to do with that interference, Jacuinde! Why were they disqualified? They just got robbed in plain sight! Call interpol!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
The rules are the rules, Bath. Hide Yamazaki got assaulted, it obviously wasn’t fair to HYE! I don’t blame Team KTFO for it, but interference is interference…

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
What a load of CRAP! You know better than that, Jacuinde!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
It’s not my call, Bath! General Manager Keali’i is the authority here, not me!  I’m just here to call the matches… like this next one, a rematch from last Madness’ pre-show. Cheyenne Fier made short work of Jamaican Jimmy before the cameras were rolling… now after we check on the back, let’s see if she can do it again under the bright lights!!

[Image: cGInlPs.png]

"Hey, have you seen my shadow?"

Cashe asks as a camera cuts backstage where he has stopped a random production crew member who looks beyond puzzled.

Jason Cashe: "It's about yay big.."

Actually giving a size reference, Cashe puts his hand about the same height as he is. Still, the crew member looks at him very confused.

Production Staff: "No.. I can't say that I have.."

Looking around, the Crew Member has a slight hope that this was a prank. Like a camera crew would bust out and he was important enough to be on an episode of Prank'd. He wasn't. Nobody knew his name.

Jason Cashe: "Okay.. Thanks…"

Starting to walk off, Cashe stops and adds.

Jason Cashe: "If you see it? Find me or Josslynn okay? Do NOT bother Theo with this.. You will probably get fired."

Cashe heads off leaving the crew member now afraid he might lose his job.

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Jamaican Jimmy PIMP walks out to the ring with a fat joint in his mouth. He puts it out on the ring steps and looks into the camera… his eyes look BAKED.

He gives a smile and a peace sign and then goes into his corner to wait.

The lights go down and then a pair of flaming pyres illuminate the entranceway.

Cheyenne Fier appears, wearing an elegant cloak and looking at her feet as she walks slowly to the ring… and then she throws the hood off of her head and pulls her head back in an otherworldly scream that echoes through the arena!

Cheyenne Fier slithers into the ring and crouches in her corner across from Jimmy, staring at him with unblinking eyes.


As soon as the bell sounds, Fier assaults Jimmy with unbridled rage. The man (allegedly) from Kingston has no answer for the sheer fury Cheyenne Fier brings to him, and he gets knocked around the ring one move after the next.

Almost as fast as it started, Fier puts things away with her JOHN CROW sunset split, and Jimmy is staring at the lights for the 1-2-3!

(Match Time: 1:27)

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Talk about short work! I think she broke the record!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
That was a dominant performance for sure, Bath! Jamaican Jimmy never even got going… this Cheyenne Fier is someone to watch!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
And she’s just my type, to boot!!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Isn’t everyone?

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]

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you’re a misogynist, you know that? Let’s just move on… we have a great triple threat match on tap right now,  and it’s got to have some IDL Title implications. Joss Spencer, Chris Mosh, Sierra Silver. ALL are top contenders. How do you pick a winner?

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Easy. I go with the hottest one! Joss Spencer all day, Jacuinde! Call me when you get sick of smelling like a trash can, Joss! Cashe doesn’t deserve you!

[Image: cGInlPs.png]

Backstage, Jacki O'Lantern is seen inside of her locker room, already dressed in her ring gear. However, she is not alone. Her horse that she will be riding in the Medieval Melee match is standing on one side of her, Kitty Paws on the other. The horse is decked out in Halloween apparel, while the cat is wearing a little squire outfit. Jacki smiled as she grabbed a comb and started to brush its mane softly, then set the comb down and looked at it, satisfied with her combing skills.

Hey bud, looks like you are nice and ready. What do you think?

The horse neighed, and she grabbed her coat and put it on. Meanwhile, Kitty McPaws licked his fur, and watched on.

That sounds like you want us to win. We got some stiff competition out there. Don't let me down, okay?

She led the horse out the door. Kitty McPaws soon followed behind as the scene fades.

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Purple and gold lights start flashing and Josslynn music hits as she walks out on stage with a smile across her face, flanked by her lover Jason Cashe. She walks with confidence down the ramp, and then as she walks up the steps, Cashe sits on the ropes to give her better ease to enter the ring.

Joss hops up and gets inside the ring. She goes to one side of the ropes and strikes a pose, and Cashe stands at ringside clapping wildly and blowing wolf whistles. If he could become a  cartoon with a long rolling tongue and bugging-out eyes, he most likely would.

“VIP” Mosh emerges from the back with his own personal group of paparazzi all around him, snapping pics. He smirks as he walks down to the ring.

The first-ever IDL Champion makes sure to soak in all the spotlight as he moves with purpose to the ring, and then finally gets into the squared circle and poses deliberately for a looooooong time to make sure the photogs get all the shots they need..

(Long live the reckless and the brave
I don't think I wanna be saved
My song has not been sung
So long live us)

As the music kicks in, Sierra bursts through the curtain with all the energy in the world and a huge smile on her face. She runs over to the edge of the stage and pointing her Minecraft diamond sword prop out into the crowd before returning to the top of ramp and striking a "supervillain" pose. She poses for a few seconds before taking a running start down the ramp, high fiving everyone she can on the way down, going around the ring and back up the other side of the ramo before stopping herself at the top, turning, and skipping down and sliding into the ring under the bottom rope.

(Breaking out of a town called Suburbia
I remember everybody always saying
"Little brat must be crazy
Never make it in our vicious little world"
Still I'm leaving)

Sierra jumps up onto the turnbuckle and points her sword into the air, repeating the process for each corner before jumping down and running laps around the ring before coming to a stop with a hop in her corner, bouncing on her toes and heels as she awaits the beginning of the match.


The three competitors start slow, circling each other, never getting too close. The stalemate is broken when Mosh and Spencer lock eyes and silently nod, then both attack Sierra Silver at the same time!

They spend the early part of the match wearing Silver down, taking turns on her just to try and one up each other with cool moves. Mosh ups the ante with a swanton bomb, which he lands awkwardly but DOES land. Joss Spencer decides she needs to outdo it and ends up splashing Silver with a lightning fast 450 splash!

The partnership dissolves then and there, though, because Spencer tries to stay on top of Silver for a pinfall, and gets a two before Chris Mosh grabs her by the back of her neck and the back of her waistband and tosses her chest first across the canvas, sending her bouncing out to the concrete floor onto her sternum.

Mosh drops onto Silver then and once again we get a count of two, but Silver kicks out at the last second!

Mosh and Silver get up, and Mosh sends Silver back down right away with a snap superkick, then smiles as he falls onto her and hooks a leg. The count gets to two, and Joss Spencer lands on the back of his head with THE FUTURE right off the top!

Spencer goes for the cover but Mosh gets his shoulder up at two!

Spencer sends Mosh to the ropes and goes for the ZODIAC KILLER! But Sierra Silver cuts her off with a GREENHEART!


Cashe tosses Silver into the guardrailing, and as Spencer and Mosh get to their feet, Mosh sends another superkick arcing her way…



Joss Spencer hooks both legs, and she gets the 1-2-3!

(Match Time: 9:22)

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Relax, Bath, she isn’t going to accept your DMs. Why were you sending them when you knew she was in the ring right in front of us anyway?

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
To show my dedication!  You wouldn’t understand, you blew it with Claire rodgers years ago because you don’t get it!

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I am HAPPILY married, don’t listen to Bath, Giselda!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Oh she listens to me. What’s next on tap, Jacuinde?

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Up next we have a Gemini Division match, pitting 2 Broke Chicks against Mad Rhymes! You know, 2BC have been really solid, they’ve got to be in line for the next title shot… but maybe that will be determined right here right after we check backstage!

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Madness cuts to the back where Myra Rivers is in a better mood, but more or less, she doesn’t seem to be too happy. She notices that the camera is on her and she cuts right to the chase.

Myra Rivers: I’m not sure how to take this match, honestly. With the huge ladder match a few days away, I know I have to be at my absolute best for that and I know that I’ve got to go into that thing with as much momentum as possible because really, that’s the match that I would need to have. It IS an awkward feeling knowing that I’m in this completely random tag team match with one of the people I am teaming with being the same person I just beat in Molly Barnes, but it is what it is honestly. I’ve been on paths that have had much harder predicaments than this. Beating Molly was progress, don’t get me wrong on that. But at the end of the day, I still feel like I’ve got more to offer than what I’ve been given. At the end of the day, Holden Ross still gets to brag about the assault from months ago that I haven’t even had a chance to resolve as of yet. I can’t say that I am the happiest camper around here right now, but hey, you just have to make the most out of the hands that you are dealt even if said hands aren’t exactly hands you want to see.

I’m not even sure what’s more awkward: the fact that I’m teaming up with people that are going to be opponents in just a few days or the people on the other side. I don’t know that much about the people we’re facing, but… oh who am I kidding?

Myra takes a pause, clearly expressing some annoyance on her face. She lets out a sigh, showing quite a bit of awkward displeasure at the task in front of her. There’s no question that a part of her wants to complain about how she might not like the booking she finds herself in tonight, but being around as long as she has in the wrestling business, she knows better and common sense prevails.

Myra Rivers: This kind of match isn’t my cup of tea. Obviously, our opponents aren’t my cup of tea themselves. But at the end of the day, business is business and what needs to get done needs to get done. What I am focused on more than anything at this point is gaining as much momentum as possible for the Walk of Fame ladder match and that’s that. If there is ONE match that can turn things around for me, or in this case, REALLY get me noticed around here, it IS a ladder match. If you know me, you know that it was a ladder match 14 and a half years ago that really made me a household name when I shocked the world and won that. Well, when I do win that in a few days, it won’t be so much of a shocker but for now? All I will say is this. We’re winning this match tonight as allies… but in a few days? Forget it! I’m not letting ANYONE get in my way!

With that being said, Myra turns and heads out of the scene to do the best that she can to focus on the upcoming match.

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The crowd lights up as the deep sound of Maxine beat boxing into a mic to the beat of “My Time is Now” fills up the air. She emerges in a tight tank top with a picture of Johnny Hitmaker’s face in a big red heart on it.

Soon after, Bobbi London emerges dressed head to toe in gold lame, and she spits some heat into a mic of her own.

“I says stop what you’s doin’
‘Cuz we’s about to ruin,
The faces of a couple broke chicks!
Me and Maxy’s been waitin’ our time,
2 Twin Sticks been skippin’ the line,
Now it’s time for them girls to hit the bricks!”

Maxine and Bobbi then walk down to the ring with quick steps, posing in the middle of the ring before heading to the corner.

Ikura ikura ikura ore no kachi wa ikura!
Run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up!
Ikura ikura ikura ore no kachi wa ikura!
Run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up!

ANARCHY's "Run It Up" comes on over the PA system as the arena lights dim down, bringing all attention to the lighting on and around the stage. Everyone’s attention is on the entrance curtain when, all of a sudden, an air horn like the one heard from a fire engine BLASTS through the arena. From the side of the stage, a tricked out RV painted white with neon blue accents rolls up. As the opening refrain with Skits Vicious begins, theside door flies open and out comes the 2 Broke Chicks. In name only, of course! There’s some visible laughs of amusement as Jane then turns towards the stage and tries to look serious as she approaches the ramp. On the opposite side of the mood spectrum, Chiaki Sanada gives their ride an adoring pat before scurrying to catch up with her tag team partner.

As the two make their way down the ramp, Jane’s attempt to stay serious is all but lost once Chiaki moves in front of her, just goofing off and throwing random signs at the camera in sync with their music. As the chorus plays, Chiaki starts singing along. The strength of the duo finally breaks into laughter at the little one’s antics and the pair continue towards the ring. Once they reach ringside, Jane comes in behind Chiaki and lifts the crazy little Joshi up onto her shoulders. She makes a lap around the ring itself while Chiaki’s waving her arms from side to side over her head, trying to get the fans to join in. They do, for the most part. Chiaki hops off of Jane’s shoulders and onto the apron. She’s back to throwing thuggish little hand signals as Jane climbs onto the apron. Jane climbs into the ring and stands behind Chiaki who is still doing her thing as they both throw up their actual, personal team gesture. Chiaki finally gets into the ring and the two of them move to their corner, removing their entrance gear and getting in a bit of last minute extra stretching as they get ready for their match.


Chi Chi gets worked over by both Maxine and Bobbi London, as each member of Mad Rhymes takes a turn hitting big impact moves before tagging the other in.

This strategy effectively makes it two on one for the first part of the match as Sanada can do nothing except try to survive big move after big move. A running splash from London gets a two. A gorilla press slam from Maxine gets a two. A jumping leg drop from London? Two.
Running powerslam from Maxine? You guessed it - two.

Jane Harper eventually can’t take it anymore and rushes the ring after London drops Chi Chi with a huge samoan drop. Harper puts the knuckles to London but Maxine nearly decapitates her with a running lariat, then she and Bobbi double team Chi Chi with a tandem spinebuster!

Chiaki is able to break loose from London after Bobbi misses with a senton, and she even knocks Maxine off the apron with a big drop kick before smashing London with the BOOMSHAKALAK! She gets only a two count though as London still has enough left in the tank to throw her smaller opponent off of her.

Sanada finds herself on defense again after that, once again weathering the storm as Maxine and Bobbi take turns on her. A big boot from Maxine leads to Bobbi coming into the ring and missing with a huge cannonball in the corner though, and Sanada makes the hot tag!

Jane Harper cleans house, knocking both London and Maxine for a loop just with her pent up frustration at spending so much time on the apron.

Maxine ends up catching Harper as she goes for a cross body, planting Jane with a twisting powerslam that nearly nets a three count. London comes back in after a tag and flings Harper into her own corner where Chi Chi slaps her on the back for a blind tag.

Bobbi London yanks Harper into a powerbomb and holds her down, but the ref doesn’t count anything due to Harper no longer being the legal participant… and Sanada comes off the top rope with a sunset flip, and she scores the 1-2-3!

(Match Time: 14:39)

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Another W on the books for 2BC! Bath, what did you think?!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
I think Maxine is a terrifying woman. I can’t WAIT for her to finally get her mitts on Johnny Hitmaker! It’ll be like the pawn shop scene in Pulp Fiction!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
OKAY! WOW! Let’s not say stuff like that while we’re LIVE on the air, okay Bath? Jiminy Cricket we are gonna hear about that one…

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Don’t be such a pansy!

[Image: cGInlPs.png]

Backstage, we see Molly Barnes. Marv Smegma is attempting to interview her, but the Salford Supernova is a blubbering mess. Her eyes are red, and her nose is runny. Slightly sobbing, she picks yet another tissue from the box of Kleenex she's carring in her hands and use it to blow her nose so loudly she could've joined Colonel Hathis' Jungle March. Marv puts the microphone to her mouth, but Molly just shakes her head and with a stutter, a cough and heave, finaly adresses the crowd. Somewhat.

"Th- this has been the worst week of my life! God Bless the Queen, innit? Poor woman! It's like an old estranged nan that's suddenly no longer there and you're really sad and you wonder why you didn't make more of an effort when she was still around, innit?

Not knowing what to do with the used tissue, she stuffs it in Marv's breast pocket, who pulls up his nose.

And now I have to go out here and wrestle!? Like, work? This was supposed to be a proper Bank Holiday, Vinnie Lane! I could barely get down my daily portion of beans on toast this morning, now I have to face the fucking Bing Bongs and some other dude? It's bonkers, innit? But fine, I'll do me bit. I'll put on a show that'd have made Her Royal Majesty Queen Elisabeth the Second proud! And here I was hoping I'd get to marry Prince Harry one day and get to call her 'nan'.

Me nan always used to say the Queen was the heart and soul of old Blighty, innit. But just because she's gone doesn't mean it doesn't live on! I'll treasure the memory of her forever. So I'm just gonna go out there, put me bravest face on, and think of what Bob Marley said. Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing... is gonna be ALRITE!"

Molly picked another tissue, wiped away a few more tears, and blew her nose again. Marv had already ran away, so she shrugged and tossed it on the catering table next to the finger sandwiches.

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
I’m stoked for the next Delta match, that’s all!!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
At least you know when it’s time for a segue… the Delta Division is up next, with Da Bing Bong Twinzz trying their luck again after recruiting Li’l Juicy to be a third… but they are up against a TOUGH crowd in Molly barnes, Doc Docherty, and Myra Rivers!

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[Image: LeXvgvT.png]

First, Molly Barnes comes down the ramp, slapping hands with the ringside fans.

Then, Chris ‘Doc’ Docherty walks to the ring as his music plays, taping his wrists as he walks with purpose and focus.

Finally, Myra Rivers emerges and she struts to the ring with a look of confidence on her face. She meets her two partners in the ring and gives each a high five before the three of them go to their corner and talk strategy.

Unlike their opponents, these three all come out onto the ramp together! Li’l Juicy seems AMPED to have the Bongerz ask him to squad up, and he even got some gear that matches theirs.

Da Twinzz don’t seem as thrilled, but considering they were looking for a new third in an attempt to get back into the Trios Tournament, they are walking to the ring and letting Juicy act out.

They get to the ring and Juicy stays in, ready to start things off.


From the gun, Juicy is actually pretty impressive as he holds his own against Molly Barnes. He’s able to keep her on her heels and even scores a nearfall after a falcon arrow!

Once Docherty gets the tag though, he grinds Juicy into the mat with submission holds and limbwork.

Da Twinzz attack Docherty two on one and beat him down for a bit while the ref tries to clear them out, and it seems to annoy Juicy who apparently wants to win cleanly.

After Da Twinzz leave the ring Juicy actually lets Docherty tag back out to Barnes, and this time Barnes is able to put her skills on display, nearly keeping Juicy down for the count after a BARNESTORMER, but once again Da Twinzz interfere and break it up!

Myra Rivers ends up in the ring after that, and in a surprising turn of events Li’l Juicy flips out on Da Bing Bong Twinzz when they try to trip Rivers up while she runs the ropes. He lays into them verbally… and they flip him off and leave!

With no one to tag out to and having spent the entirety of the match in the ring, Juicy is nowhere near a match for the fresh and talented Myra Rivers.

Rivers shows off her athleticism for a few minutes and then puts Juicy away with the REBEL BOMB for a 1-2-3!

(Match Time: 6:11)

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Myra Rivers is a smart woman! She saw the opening and she took it, scoring the win for her team! Good work, Myra, you’ve got my vote for smartest broad on the roster!

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BROAD? Bath, please…

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
What? The MILF of Madness got it done with brains, brawn and beauty! And now we’re all set for the biggest mess of the show… the Medieval Melee!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Yes indeed, this might be the biggest and best Lord of Violence Division match of all time, Bath! The knights have been assigned their colors, and now it’s time for them to perform for this red hot crowd… right after another jump to the back!

[Image: cGInlPs.png]

"Baby! Baby!"

Jason Cashe is jogging as he catches up to Josslynn Spencer. In her ring gear, she had a match tonight. With headphones in, she couldn't hear Cashe calling out to her.

Jason Cashe: "Josslynn! YOOOO!"

He yells. She turns, pulling an ear bud from her ear, she nods and greets him with eye contact. Kissing her on the cheek where one of her piercings are, Cashe looks around.

Jason Cashe: "Have you seen it?"

Josslynn Spencer: "Seen what?"

Jason Cashe: "My Shadow! I told you I was looking for it!"

Josslynn Spencer: "You were serious?"

Cashe stood struck with an offended jaw drop.

Josslynn Spencer: "Who loses a Shadow?"

She turns to the wall where her shadow was but..

Josslynn Spencer: "What the hell? Where is your shadow?!"

Jason Cashe: "I told you! I lost it!"

His hands flop up and drop as if someone was finally believing him.

Josslynn Spencer: "That's.. Can you reattach it?"

Jason Cashe: "Peter Pan did so.. I'd hope so!"

She was amazed and in shock. How does someone lose their shadow?

Josslynn Spencer: "I've heard of keys being lost. Smiles even but your Shadow?!"

Jason Cashe: "I know!"

He leans in as his eyes look around. There was a paranoia about him as he whispers to her.

Jason Cashe: "Remember how I been seeing that Shadow person?"

She gives him a look. She doesn't remember.

Jason Cashe: "You 'member! I told you!"

Scoffing, he was very insulted right now. Seeing him frustrated, Josslynn gave in a bit and played along.

Josslynn Spencer: "Suuuure! Yeah, I remember!"

She didn't really though.

Josslynn Spencer: "What about him? Is the shadow person male? Can shadows have a gender?"

Jason Cashe: "This voodoo witch lady told me that Shadows are connected to our Souls. Mine is missing!"

He wasn't buggin but he was getting there.

Jason Cashe: "Peter Pan sewed his back on.. I don't know how to sow!"

Josslynn pulled him in, hugging him as he buried his face into her hug.

Josslynn Spencer: "Do you want a Kiss? It cheered Peter Pan up!"

Jason Cashe: "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.."

The scene fades as they kiss in the hallways of the Place Du Capitule backstage area at Madness.[/color]

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First Event
[Image: swordfighting.jpg]

The Orange Knight
- vs -
The Blue Knight

Homer had trouble gripping his sword from the start. Rigor Mortis must have been setting in? Jacki showed no sympathy as she swiped at the side of his knee and he dropped to it! She then quickly slashed at his wrist, lopping it off entirely as his blade fell with it. Jacki then shoved her boot into his chest sending Homer hard, back first, into the ground. She then towered over him and drove the pointed end of her blade into into his neck and he quickly yielded.

The Red Knight
- vs -
The Brown Knight

Darren snarled as he gripped his heavy blade tight in both hands. Gravy did the same, though his blade was much less intimidating than Darren's. AS the fight started, Darren pushed in hard with heavy wide swings that Micheal struggled to dodge and deflect with his little shield. Darren laughed and taunted Gravy as he smashed that little shield into splinters! Gravy was on the run and Darren gave chase. At one point, Micheal began arguing with someone that wasn't there. That led to him shouting that he wasn't a pussy before charging head first into Darren and bullying him out of bounds while taking quite a few slashes and stabs in the process.

The White Knight
- vs -
The Green Knight

Barney doesn't seem interested in the contest, but uses the opportunity to try and pitch his BarnCoin investment scheme to Oliver Taylor. Barney goes through the ins and outs of BarnCoin, but somehow leaves Oliver with more questions than he had going into the conversation. Fortunately for everyone, one of the fans brought a sign that read: "Tell me about BarnCoin" AND Barney saw it, which meant that he immediately went over to the stands and tried to make a sale, thus walking out of bounds.


The Pink Knight

The Flesh-COLORED Knight
- vs -
The Purple Knight

Thrax had brought his own tools, and was trying to decide between the flaming broadsword of Hell, or the Rapier of Souls. Dick Powers had brought his own tool as well. Thrax, upon seeing Dick wield his dick, chose to go with the heavier weapon. The contest began, and Dick came in hard and heavy! Thrax was overcome and drowning. He needed to think fast! That's when he produced a picture of LSM's crusty calloused feet and unpainted face that clearly shows two eyes that are far too far apart thanks to the recycled genes of dear daddy. Dicks dick instantly went limp and Thrax exploded into a leaping swing of his flaming broadsword of Hell, but while Dick may have been disarmed, he still had stamina for days and was able to narrowly dodge the life threatening blow with only the tiniest of nicks to the tip of Dick's dick.

The Black Knight
- vs -
The Golden Knight

The fight was epic and powerful! Holden Ross had the strength of The Kergan and he used it to swing heavy and deadly blows that proved to keep Hide Yamazaki on the defense as he looked for an opening to exploit. Eventually Hide would find his opening and lunge towards Holden with a slick thrust aimed at his abdomen, but Holden was able to deflect the blow and swung back with a downward slice aimed at Hide's shoulder! Hide blocked the blow, but the force of Holden's blade dropped him to his knees! Hide struggled against Holden's blade and looked as though he was making progress towards a vertical base, but Holden kicked the shit out of Hide's chest, knocking him to the dirt and keeping his there with a pointed sword to his neck. Hide was left with no option but to yield.




Second Event
[Image: Jousting.jpg]

The Orange Knight
- vs -
The Black Knight

The Black Knight was mighty intimidating in his ebony armor perched atop his pitch black steed. Jacki's orange Krylon armor didn't compare. The contest began, and the two wrestlers galloped towards one another with their lances aimed. Neither landed a significant blow. The second pass proved more eventful as Jacki landed a solid shot to The Black Knight's chest, but it did little more than score her a second point. Points weren't the name of the game though, eliminating competition for the Lord Of Violence was, and The Black Knight knew that well, as did Jacki. As the knights lined up for the third and final pass, you could feel something in the atmosphere change. Jacki and Holden were off, The Black and Orange Knights leaning in close and riding hard. In the center they met with dueling blows! The Black Knights lance drove hard into Jacki's chest, as did her's to him, but it was her's that exploded into a million splinters as his caved in her chest plate and knocked her from her horse!

The Orange Knight
The Red Knight
- vs -
The Golden Knight

Hide let out a fierce war cry as he pounded the hilt of his lance into the dirt from his trusty steed. Darren on the other hand looked more than a little uncomfortable atop a horse. As the contest began, the two men began galloping towards each other, Hide with victory in sight, and Darren with deadly intent! As the collid in the center Hide's lace caught Darren center chest and slid in to a right perfect uppercut that sent him flipping face first into the dirt! As Hide celebrated his victory in jousting, Darren chased after his horse, blaming it for what just happened, which ended with him getting mule kicked about ten times harder than Goldberg kicked Bret. Darren's eyes went dead, but he didn't leave his feet. Running on instinct alone, Darren clumsily wondered off of the battlefield, presumably looking for something to f*** judging by how touchy he was being with himself.

The Brown Knight
- vs -
The Green Knight

Much like Darren Dangerous before him, Graves was very uneasy on the horse from the start. The horse didn't seem to care for him much either. To the horse's credit, it seemed to sense that it had one of the worst human beings on the planet perched on it's back, and didn't seem to enjoy the idea. Or maybe it was just the smell that was getting to the horse. It took everything that the animal handlers had to keep Gravy's horse calm, until... Oh finally! Barney finished pitching BarnCoin to his horse and finally climbs onto it's back. Barney must have worked some sort of side deal here, because his horse is decked out in advertisements for both BarnCoin and BarnBus. Hmm, I didn't know that second one was actually a thing! On the first pass, Barney and Graves both made contact. Barney's lance grazed Gravy's shoulder, barely making contact. Graves on the other hand landed a direct hit to Barn's chest, BUT Gravy's spear instantly warped like it was made out of silicone or something! Gravy was throwing a fit with the officials and demanding a real lance from atop his horse! He was denied as this was a safety precaution that Vincent Lance apparently took to keep Micheal from going ham in these games... Or to screw with him, who knows!? Second pass is much like the first, except Barney doesn't even hit a grazing blow as he's distracted by his BarnCoin stock alerts. Gravy was in the lead on points, but didn't seem too thrilled with the restraints on the damage he could do with a rubber/silicone tipped lance. Third and final pass. Everyone wondered what was going on in Gravy's mind as he galloped towards Barn with his lance rested on his shoulder, but as the two drew near, Graves plan became evident when he swung the big rubber whip-like lance, catching Barn center chest and flinging him from his horse! Barn hit the ground hard and Gravy celebrated leaving it hard to believe that these two are allies. Thankfully, Barn seemed fine. He had taken much worse spills than that in his career, but what wasn't fine was his cell phone, which now had a blank, black, shattered screen! Barn shoved the medical personal out of his way and ran off, presumably to find an alternative way to keep track of his stocks!

The White Knight
- vs -
The Purple Knight

Thrax fucking showed up and showed out! He's decked in a stone like deep purple armor that glows a red Hellish energy from the spaces between plates. His lance, was constructed from 100 demon horns that had been ground to dust, mixed with steel and forged in the fires of Hell itself. His steed was a deep dark evil black and left flaming hoof prints wherever he stamped. Unfortunately, Oliver Taylor's crippling fear of heights would prevent him from mounting his steed, and this contest would never take place.

JACKI O'LANTERN (Unable to continue / Injury)

BARNEY GREEN (Ran off to check crypto / DQ'ed)

OLIVER TAYLOR (Refused to climb on horse due to crippling fear of heights / DQ'ed!)

DARREN DANGEROUS (Knocked out so hard that he's sleepwalking and is working on the instinct to f*** instead of fight / DQ'ed)

Final Event
[Image: battleroyle.jpg]

Elimination Battle Royale

It was a free for all with no hold barred, or weapons for that matter! Micheal Graves and Hide Yamazaki were quick to resume their recent rivalry by slugging it out in a heavy handed punch out that saw the two tough brawlers clobbering the hell out of each other.

Meanwhile Thrax found himself getting absolutely manhandled by Holden Ross and his heavy clotheslines, in which he seems to know a million, and Thrax was feeling every variation!

Graves managed the gain an advantage in his brawl with Hide YamaZaki with a dirty thumb to the eye (seriously, Gravy doesn't bath, so imagine the sting the germs alone!) followed by a kick to the groin! Gravy then steps in with a big clothesline to put Hide on his back! Gravy celebrated the successful combination only to find himself half conscious and on his back from a even bigger clothesline from Holden Ross! 

Holden then turned his attention over to hide, seeing him as the biggest active threat. He peeled him off the ground, but Hide tried to break free of Holden's grip by firing an elbow to the midsection. Holden wasn't stunned for a moment and fired back with 5 crushing forearms across hides back! He then hoisted Hide up to his feet and set up a Pumphandle, but Thrax saved him by hammering Holden's back with repeated strikes from one of the broke lances!

Holden dropped Hide and staggered forward, but the blows weren't doing as much damage as you'd expect, and he proved it when he spun around and grabbed Thrax out of nowhere, planting him with an H-Bomb and followed it up with a pinfall!

When Holden returned to his feet, he was met by Hide, who cut him down to size with a well timed chop block! Hide continued to work the leg and keep Holden at a disadvantage, but eventually Graves would come back into the match and screw up everything by insisting on brawling with Hide, leaving Holden Ross plenty of time to recover.

Hide would eventually get the better of the veteran grappler after stunning him with a series of chain assisted punches and then hitting a modified "THE HIEROPHANT" when he lept off of the stands with the King Kong Knee Drop! Graves was out cold when Hide covered him for the three!

Holden Ross snatched Hide off of Graves and slammed him back the ground with a Full Nelson Driver! The ambush attack left Hide stunned and open to a pinfall, but Holden had other things in mind as he yanked Hide back to his feet and right into a short arm clothesline that he quickly followed up with the H-Bomb! Holden looked intense as he made the cover! 1! 2!! 3!!!

Holden stood up to celebrate when he noticed a lone figure walking towards him on the battlefield. Holding her ribs and walking with a slight limp, Jacki O'Lantern bravely returns to finish the fight, but with her being eliminated earlier due to injury, there is uncertainty if she'll even be allowed to compete. Everyone looked to Graves for answers since he was apparently somewhat in charge of what takes place in these Lord of Violence matches.

Motionless and still laying in the exact spot Hide left him in, Graves appeared to be dead.

Until he raised his thumb in DISAPPROVAL.

The audience jeered and threw rotten fruit onto the battlefield, but it wouldn't change a thing.

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
That was INCREDIBLE! The carnage! The heroism! All hail the Abominable Holden Ross, the TRUE Lord of Violence!!

[Image: cycg0Ub.jpg]

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Bath I don’t know about you, but after that much intensity I’m looking forward to a standard rules one on one match!!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Nothing standard about Darcy and the Time Lizard! These two are a pair of HARD hitters… I bet they’ll even get the Death Matchers cheering them on!

[Image: 3CHaawp.png]
[Image: e65R8Dc.png]

The lights go out in the arena. The screen starts to slowly flicker, as a music box is heard throughout the arena. The lightning then cracks across the screen, the music box is seen on the screen cracked in half. Artemis begins playing, as Green and Yellow spotlights are shone on the middle of the stage. A man in a long trench coat comes out first, stepping through the spotlight. He moves over to the left, as Darcy is seen stepping out into the light, looking out at the fans smiling a bit. She then poses as her father claps. The lights come on, and Darcy begins her walk down the ramp. She grips the chain around her neck, then looks out at the fans scoffing at them, as she passes them up. The music starts to pick up, as Darcy makes it to the bottom.

Darcy then looks into the ring, before she moves over to the stairs she slaps the mat, then turns towards the stairs with her father still in tow. She climbs up onto the apron looking out, then her father holds the ropes open for her, she climbs through them. She then flexes for the fans once more as her father looks over at the ring announcer.

Ring Announcer: accompanied by Ciaran Page, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 126 lbs. She is Darcy Graves!

Darcy then turns around smiling at the person. She backs into a corner sitting down as her father moves to that corner to stand with her. She then passes him the chain, then stands up, lifting herself on the ropes, watching for her opponent.

The lights go out and soon, a blinding white light showers the audience. Two hooded figures come out. They both stand side by side, a large snake coiled over their shoulder. The lights go out once more before the dark, technical music kicks in.

"And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green
And was the holy lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen"

Dampshaw slowly comes out, standing between the two hooded figures, the snake now resting on all three shoulders. Reginald begins laughing and then commands the two figures to return to the back. Dampshaw then shoots his eyes back to the ring and begins walking down the ramp. He notices the camera and stares directly into it as he is walking.

Announcer: From Ryde, Isle of Wight, England, weighing in at 225 lbs, he is He is "The Time Lizard".....REEEEEGGGGINNNNNALLLD DAAAAMMMMMPPPSSSHAAAWWW III!

"Bring me my Bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold
Bring me my Chariot of fire"

Reginald slowly enters the ring and walks over to a turnbuckle. He climbs onto it and closes his eyes with his arms outstretched. He looks back at the camera, laughs and yells:

Reginald Dampshaw III: Behold! The Time Lizard!


Dampshaw sneers and meets Graves in the middle of the ring at the bell, extending his hand for a handshake. Graves nods and takes his hand, and she must have had a sixth sense about it or something because when he tries to pull her in for a short-arm clothesline, she ducks under and pulls him to the mat with a waistlock suplex!

Dampshaw gets free quickly though and skips the pleasantries altogether with a forearm shot right across Graves’ cheekbone. The tough as nails woman doesn’t go down, though, and instead the two exchange stiff shot after stiff shot, feeding elbows and forearms into one another while the hype crowd cheers.

Dampshaw decides to put a stop to the fisticuffs and buries a knee lift into Graves’ midsection, which gives him the opportunity to take over with some nice double underhook takedowns. He applies a neck wrench and a seated abdominal stretch, trying to wear Darcy Graves down further.

Graves hangs in there and eventually reverses a whip to the ropes, opening a chance for her to land her WALKING THE DEAD knee strike! Dampshaw is down, but only for a two count before he gets a shoulder off the canvas.

Graves hangs onto the advantage for a bit longer but that changes after another reversal, this time when Dampshaw lands on his feet after a suplex attempt and brings Graves down with a hangman’s neckbreaker. This leads to a GOLDEN BUSTER from Dampshaw, but Graves kicks out at two! Dampshaw is shocked!

Dampshaw argues with the official and it gives Graves time to recover. Graves scoops Dampshaw from behind and hits a burning hammer on him, then heads to the top rope!


But Dampshaw moves!!!

Darcy Graves hits the mat nearly headfirst, and Dampshaw pounces, locking in a Dragon Sleeper and then proceeding to drive his elbow into Graves’ head over and over again until her limbs go limp. He calls it CRACKING THE THRONE, and it gives him the win after the ref checks and sees Graves is unresponsive!

(Match Time: 8:04)

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Solid win for the time Lizard! I really like this guy, Jacuinde! He reminds me of me!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
What!? You know what, never mind… I’m being told we need to go backstage!

[Image: cGInlPs.png]

Backstage, Lexi Gold is seen inside of her locker room preparing for her huge title match in the main event against Elijah Copeland. She is already in her ring gear with her foot on a chair, lacing up her boot. Once she finishes, she stands up straight and looks at the wall, reflecting on not only her career on the Madness brand, but her journey in the title picture. Obviously, she was nervous heading into the match itself, but also ready to prove she was more than deserving to be in this position. Elijah is seen walking down the hallway wearing his ring gear along with the title on his shoulder. He was near the door and wanted to talk with her about the match. But Elijah wasn't sure what to say or what to do. He takes a moment and breathes in before knocking on the door three times.


Elijah Copeland: Lexi, it’s me, Elijah. Can I come in? I wanted to talk to you about our match.

She turns around and is surprised to see him standing there, but also became curious as well as she walked over to him and crossed her arms as their eyes met.

Lexi Gold: Hey champ. Are you ready to blow the roof off the arena with our match tonight? It's going to be huge. 

Elijah gets a smile on his face as he looks at his friend. Elijah and Lexi have been friends since Project: Honors.

Elijah Copeland: You know it, Lexi. You and I have lots of history. I knew you and I would be friends since Project: Honors. Now we get the chance to have the biggest match in XWF Madness history.

Lexi Gold: You are right, we do have history. I'm not going to lie, I was surprised just as much as anyone when this match was first announced, but my friend, it's going to such an honor to share that ring out there with you in what I considered another dream match that I've been wanting to have with you and luckily for us, we don't have to wait long. I hope you have prepared for what I'm about to bring tonight.

She nodded her head and glanced over at his belt with a smile. Elijah looks at her and nodes to what she’s saying. Elijah has always considered Lexi is one of his good friends and someone he knows he can talk to without being judged.

Elijah Copeland: The honor is all mine, Lexi. You know I love you as a friend and someone I can talk to when I have problems. I know you’re more than ready for this match and so I am. But you know me Lexi and know what I can do in that ring. I know what you can do in that ring as well. But Lexi, I want you to know something, okay? I want you to know that I’m going to do whatever it takes to keep this belt. You’ve seen what I’ll do to keep this belt. Unlike Chris, I don’t need to lie to you. Chris…well, he’s nothing but a blowhole.

He snickered a bit and pats his belt while keeping his eyes on Lexi.

Elijah Copeland: But I think you already know that, right?

Lexi Gold: I'm fully aware. I know there are some people, including Mosh, that want to see my failures continue, but luckily I don't care what he has to say or what he thinks about me. I'm going to show you and the world why underestimating me is a huge mistake. Aside from that, I'm glad we can have this kind of talk and still have respect for one another. It's rare to see that nowadays.

Elijah Copeland: That’s the fire I like to see, Lexi. But you should know that I wouldn’t underestimate you like Mosh. Unlike Mosh, I know what kind of fight you’re going to bring. You? You’re talent has fuck in that ring and I know that better then anyone. I know you cause you and I’ve been friends for a long time.

He moves towards her a bit and begins to walk around to really get a good look at his competition. But it was more out of respect than anything.

Elijah Copeland: I hope you don’t underestimate me, Lexi. Mosh did and so many others. But we all know what happened to them, right? Lexi, as your friend, you’re not going to beat me for this title. This title? Will stay on my shoulder until I feel like I don’t want it anymore. In that ring, I’m ruthless and If I have to cheat to beat you, so be it. Just remember, it’s all business. Outside of that arena, I’ll still be your friend and will always love you as my friend. So, don’t take it personally.

She placed a hand on her hips and looked around the room, collecting her thoughts before making eye contact with him again. Her expression grew serious.

Lexi Gold: The love is mutual, however what I don't agree on is the fact that you believe you will retain. As much as I've enjoyed your title reign, it needs a new owner to take over and show everyone that I'm capable of leading this brand. Good luck out there.

She extended her hand out to him. He gives a smile and grabs her hand and pulls her close to him. Their body touch and he nodes.

Elijah Copeland: We shall see, Lexi. Good luck out there and remember, I’m the champion and I have the champions advantage. So…keep that in mind.

He moves back as they continue to shake each other's hand.

Elijah Copeland: Let the best warrior win. Remember this final saying, Lexi, I don’t know the meaning of surrender.

He moves back as their hand is unlocked. He turns his back and walks out of her locker room and heads out of the door. Lexi watches him leave before grabbing a bottle of water and takes a sip as the scene fades.

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Lexi and Elijah are going to have a classic IDL Title match later on tonight… but before we see them, we’ve got a Gemini Titls match! Themis Palaestra got knocked out of the Delta Division standings by Jess Anderson and Summer Page, shocking the world… and that brings us here tonight!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
The Privileged Elite made a statement in the ring when they took out the Themises… this title match was EARNED the old fashioned way for sure!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
One hundred percent true, Bath! Let’s see if the Privileged Elite can make lightning strike twice!

[Image: Kbn0svN.png]
[Image: JaY83Vm.png]

As golden glitter rains down from the arena ceiling, “Spoiled” Summer Page and her partner “The” Jessica Anderson emerge from the entranceway and strut their stuff down to the ring.

Their hot looks and confident attitudes get a great reaction from the crowd,

The pair of divas arrive at the ring and pose for the crowd in suggestive positions, then head to their corner and wait for the champions to arrive.

The Themis sisters slowly enter the area as perfumed air is pumped into the stands. They saunter down to the ring, waving to Atara in her balcony seat above..

Desdemona and Agrippina hold hands as they head up the ring steps and enter the ring, smiling to the crowd who are clearly in their corner.

Aggy and Des hold their Gemini rings up in the air as they stand in the middle of the ring, then they head to a corner and get ready to go.


As you can imagine, this matchup comes with a LOT of sassy smack talk. All four women start off jawing at each other right in the middle of the ring before the official forces Desdemona Themis and Jess Anderson to exit.

Agrippina Themis and Summer Page then put on an athletic showcase, demonstrating each woman’s gymnastic and acrobatic skills as well as their flexibility and balance. Neither girl can seemingly gain a significant advantage as each throw or hold is quickly reversed and re-reversed.

Des Themis cracks Summer Page in the back of the head as she hits the ropes near her corner, and it escapes the eyes of the referee. Page ends up stumbling into a high knee from Aggy and then a DDT, and Jess Anderson tries to rush the ring to help just to get cut off by the ref.

Des and Aggy double team Summer Page then, hitting her with a double vertical suplex before switching places without a tag. The official assumes the tag happened anyway, and Desdemona is allowed to work a deep chinlock on Summer Page far across the ring from the Privileged Elite’s corner.

Summer catches a break when she’s able to squirm free from another suplex, and she sends her into her own partner with a shot to the back, causing Des to fall off the apron. Page sprints across the ring and makes the hot tag to Jess Anderson, who then lets out a huge burst of primal energy, knocking Agrippina down repeatedly with shoulder tackles.

Jess doesn’t stay in long, but she does give Summer Page time to get her bearings back. Jess grabs a facelock on Aggy and pulls her backward to tag Summer back in, and then Page spends several minutes just dominating Agrippina with numerous suplexes before tagging out again and letting Jess Anderson have some fun with strikes.

This is when Osra Themis jogs down to the ring to some wolf whistles and cheers of her own. Seemingly intending to cheer her sisters on, she hangs out on the floor clapping and slapping the apron near the Themis corner, and it gets under the skin of the Privileged Elite.

Summer Page tries to enter the ring to shout at Osira but the official cuts her off. As the ref is looking away, Jess Anderson decides to lean over the ropes to talk some smack of her own to Osira Themis… and Osira blasts her across the face with a roll of… drachmae!

The coins spill all over the apron and the floor but the referee sees none of it. Jess Anderson is rocked and out on her feet, then gets cleaned up by the JUDGMENT OF PARIS from Agrippina!

Summer Page tries to break up the pin, but Desdemona cuts her off - and Themis Palaestra scores the 1-2-3!

(Match Time: 11:53)

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Oh wow! That match might have ended very differently if not for Osira Themis!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Might!? The Privileged Elite were dominating the champions, Jacuinde!  The Themises just proved why they have the titles… because they’re SMART!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Bath, they cheated!!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Which is SMART!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Well I can only hope the next match will have a more definitive result… it’s time for the main event! The IDL Champion, Elijah Copeland, possibly the most impressive performer on the Green Brand thus far, is defending against a red hot Lexi Gold… Bath, these guys are friends! Does that come into play?

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
There are no friends when the bell rings, Jacuinde. Elijah Copeland is a champion. His priority is remaining a champion. His friendship stops when he steps into the squared circle!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
You might be right… let’s go to the ring and find out!

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[Image: K8wAzPP.png]
[Image: vlDwR0F.png]

“5 out of 6” by Dessa plays and Lexi Gold appears from behind the curtain to a chorus of cheers from the crowd. She slowly makes her way down the ramp and gazes out on the jam packed arena before she runs toward the fans at ringside and claps their hands.

The Golden Goddess then makes her way up the steps and goes through the bottom rope before she makes her way toward the center for a pose. She then settles into her own corner and waits for the match to begin.

The camera pans around the ship’s deck and the Madness ring. Just then there was black, gold, and white flickering as "Breaking Through" by the Wreckage hits the speakers in the arena.

♪ Sever every tie
Untangle every lie
Your words don't mean anything anymore, no
Never satisfied ♪

Just then Elijah Copeland is seen coming through the curtains as the fans begin booing. Copeland has the XWF Madness IDL Championship around his waist. He is seen wearing a black muscle shirt with "The Copeland Era" written on the front, black and gold trunks with Copeland written on the back in gold, black knee pads, black and gold boots, white wrapped up hand on his left hand, black wrist tape on his left, black dog tag with "Elijah Copeland" written in it, and a black sweatband up his arms with "Copeland" written in gold. He puts his wrist together and gets a huge smirk on his face.

♪ But I won't compromise myself for you
Anymore anymore, no
You're so complicated
I'm so over it ♪

He starts walking down the ramp as the fans continue to shower  boos. Copeland stops and looks at the crowd and gives off a slight smirk and laughs at their misfortunes. He bad mouths the fans before getting down to the ringside and stopping on the ringside mat. He walks towards the steel steps and breathes in.

♪ Don't tell me everything is all right
(I know you know)
Don't tell me how to live my life
I'm breaking through tonight ♪

Elijah slaps the steps a few times before walking up them. He walks alongside the edge of the ring. He enters it and walks towards the turnbuckle.

♪ You can crash and burn this time
As I leave it all behind
These scars won't breathe anymore anymore, no
Sounds like goodbye ♪

He looks at the fans as he slowly takes off his shirt and throws it to the outside. He points at the fans before getting down and moves to the corner. He then removes the title around his waist and hands it off to the official.


Lexi and Elijah show some mutual respect to start, which might seem odd coming from a scoundrel like Copeland. He even left his buddies in the back and vowed to go this defense completely by the book, one on one, out of respect for Lexi Gold.

They start with a lock up and trade off showing some catch-as-catch-can skills. Neither really presses any sort of advantage to begin with, it seems mostly for show to demonstrate to each other what they are capable of.

Things change when Copeland decides it’s time to start wearing Lexi down. Recognizing her speed and agility, Copeland works to keep Gold grounded. He keeps her on the mat with a ridiculous variety of painful holds - indian deathlocks, stretch mufflers, spinning toe holds, and even locks in a Rings of Saturn at one point.

When Copeland raises Lexi into a surfboard stretch he actually nearly pins himself, not realizing his shoulders are on the mat as he works on Lexi. Upon hearing the ref slapping the mat, he lets go in a panic, and his momentary shouting match with the ref gives Lexi time to catch Copeland with a MEANS TO AN END! Copeland’s head bounces off the mat and he barely escapes before a three count!

Lexi is able to parlay the surprise big move into several minutes of dominance over the champion. She uses her strong legs to keep Elijah reeling, sending him to the mat repeatedly with kicks and ranas, then scoring another nearfall with a sunset flip bomb, but Copeland keeps getting a shoulder off the mat at the last second possible.

Following up, Lexi is even able to land her devastating STRIKING GOLD step-up axe kick, but Copeland is near the ropes and gets his boot across the bottom rope right before the count of three. Lexi can’t believe it, but she drags Copeeland to the middle of the ring and tries to pin him again. Unfortunately for her, Copeland kicks out!

Gold wants to keep the momentum on her side, and she rushes in for another big move… but Copeland appears to send a strike into her throat! Lexi is stunned as Copeland slips her into a pumphandle, dropping her with a MONEY MAKER!

Copeland can’t capitalize after the huge finisher, and the two are left laying next to one another breathing deep while the official goes into a ten count.

Copeland and Gold get back to their feet around the same time, but Copeland strikes first with a big kick to the midsection… PHILLY SPECIAL! Copeland hits the brainbuster DDT on Gold and covers - AND LEXI KICKS OUT AT TWO!

The crowd can’t believe it, and neither can Elijah Copeland. Lexi Gold just kicked out of what everyone considered a sure thing, and Copeland is visibly confused as to where to go next. He tries to go for another Philly Special, but Lexi thinks quick and rolls him up with an inside cradle, scoring a two count!

Copeland gets angry and lets it get the best of him, and he ends up getting tripped up with a drop toe hold, followed by the FOOL’S GOLD!

Lexi knows it’s her moment, and she drags Copeland up and lifts him to the top of the near corner, sitting him on the top buckle. She climbs up behind him and gives the signal for her POETIC JUSTICE finisher! But Copeland drives an elbow into her face, and he turns around to hook her up…



Lexi is out cold when Copeland stretches across her and hooks a leg for the 1-2-3!

(Match Time: 13:18)

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
I wouldn’t go that far, Bath, I am a deeply religious man… but Elijah Copeland definitely proved why he is at the top of the food chain on Madness. No help, no KTFO. No anything except his own body, his own brain, and the wherewithal to get the job done when the chips were down!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
Elijah Copeland is going to be champion forever. Bet on it!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Forever is a long time… and speaking of time, we are all out of it! That’s everything for Madness! From France, for Jacuinde and Bath, goodnight everyone! See you somewhere else soon!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Madness #8 - by "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 09-21-2022, 11:33 AM

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