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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » XWF War Games 2022
War, Death and Deja Vu
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Jason Cashe Offline
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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2022, 02:52 AM

They say Love is a Battlefield so what better way to prepare for War than to experience something you love while also having the risk of injury and/or death being present?

"Jason.." Her voice whispers. You could only see her with the gleam of the moon that came in through the window. She was wearing a bra but you couldn't be sure if she had anything else on. "Jason.. Wake up.." Again, her voice purrs softly.

"Hmmm.. Mmmm…" Cashe groans as his head turns from one side of his face to the other on the pillow.

"Wake up my love!"

As his eyes open, the barrel of a revolver is staring back at him. The tattoos on Josslynn's fingers come into focus as Cashe blinks out the sleepy blur in his vision. His eyes adjusting to the darkness as he looks into his girlfriend's eyes looking for answers. "Hey, where'd you get the heater?"

"Found it." She pulls back the hammer and the sound of it clicking fills the room. Out from his side view, he sees movement in the room with them. His head turns to see a shadowy figure standing just outside of a corner filled with darkness. Again, like before, the figure wore a long coat and top hat. Also familiar was that the figure had no features to speak of, it was literally just a shadow person. Josslynn slaps his left cheek with the nozzle of the gun. "Over here buddy! All eyes on me.."

"Yeah, wanna tell me why you've got the gun in my face?" Logical response. Could argue that it should have been asked initially. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Wrong? Not that I'm aware of, why? Do we need to revisit the Confessional?"

That was a nice memory. It brought a smile to Cashe's face even with the gun still pressed to his face. He joked that she might kill him one day so in a weird sense of comfort, he was ready for it. "I could go for a blessing.." His hands found the outside of her thighs, her skin had a touch of cool to it that warmed as his hands slid over it.

"So, I have a question I want to ask." Biting her bottom lip, she looked like she held some concern with asking. "And how you answer determines if I shoot you in the face or not."

"Seems fair.." Cashe gave her a grin but he was adding humor to mask a 'what the fuck' eeriness growing within him. "What's the question?"

"Well.." Her eyes drift around and she just goes for it. As she asks though, the gun is flung around which adds an 'oops' waiting to happen vibe to the situation. "Will you meet my Parents?"

The look on her face was full of worried anticipation. The look on Cashe's face was more of a 'you srrious' kind of expression. "Parents?" He scoffs. "That's the question?"

"I'm going to need a Yes or No.." Her hands grip the gun tighter as she extends her aim at his face. "What'll it be my love?"

"Naaah" He laughs. "I'm good!" Obviously joking as he gives her legs a squeeze. The flash of the gunshot filled the room with a spark of light..


"Are we finished with replacement players now?"

I didn't want to do this too quickly with all the changes taking place. I mean, what if John Blade showed up and replaced Elijah Martin? I'd most definitely not want to miss out on THAT!

So who do we got now? We have changes on TWO teams in the lineup. Chris Page and Dick Powers join Sudden Death. Bourbon and Page on the same team is weird for me, I don't like it.

Can't forget about Thad Duke making his return, he will probably call XWF home for a cheap pop or two. I'll get to him in a bit. Truthfully, I'll probably not cover every single person booked in this one night War Games Gauntlet.

Six teams vying to be the last team under the cage. When you think about it, since the dawn of War Game matches, most of the time, you would see ONE War Games match and that was enough for everyone involved. The participants would be war stricken, bloodshed, bruises forming and pride being laid on the line but here, we have TWO matches to try and win.

So who takes it? WarMasters? Maybe Viewer DESECRATION Advised? Two teams very capable of winning their matches. I know LSM and I are probably overdue for a match but this event could give people a preview. That's what I like about this, if anything.

What happens when I get to line up across from the War Criminal, Calypso, even our newly minted XWF World Champion, Raion Kido? What happens if Material Girl, Thad Duke finds himself standing across from me? Most might say I would lose, to any of those mentioned.. If there is a guarantee then why even bother? That isn't the fight game, that isn't the setting for war because in war, you are pit against those who can rise but can also fall in the line of battle.

So is this that? Can I help do what nobody except Ned Kaye, Ring Master and Mac Bane believe we can do? Win. Maybe there is a guarantee, maybe the whole world is scripted and some kid is rich in another dimension because he designed an AI system called Earth and we're all playing out our lives based on his design. Maybe not but it's a fun thought while on weed..

Speaking of weed, I seen Jenny Myst place words about me. A few did but Jenny seems to have some extra feelings about me. Honestly, I had to go back to even realize that she was who showed up in that match with Centurion. Hell, take a rock and throw it to find a handful of hoes that look JUST like her.

I know, I know, she beat Bourbon recently. Any Given Sunday right? She wanted to say my name and it has her looking like a Sundae to me..

Time for dessert!

My munchies are up after the weed gets exhaled but the Games of War are the preferred high so she can roll herself up so I can take flight off her clouded dreams of winning this match or getting past the team I'm on!

She wants to speak on MY sense of humor? Lift nuts, Drop nuts in her mouth so she can be the toilet where my humor fills the bowl. The question then becomes, does it overflow or flush. Does she spit or swallow? Another conversation entirely ain't it?"


"Wake up my love!"

Gasping awake, Cashe found the barrel of a revolver staring back at him. The tattoos on Josslynn's fingers come into focus as Cashe blinks out the sleepy blur in his vision.

"What's going on?" His voice has a groan to it. It all seemed familiar. His eyes adjusting to the darkness as he looks into his girlfriend's eyes looking for answers. "Have we done this before?"

"A gun?" Josslynn asks. "No, we played with knives that one time.." It was weird, don't ask. She pulls back the hammer and the sound of it clicking fills the room. As if he knew what came next, Cashe snaps to the right and sees the shadowy figure standing just outside of a corner filled with darkness. Again, like before, the figure wore a long coat and top hat.

"No features.." His whisper confused Josslynn as she turned to see what he was looking at. By that time, the shadow person was gone. Slapping his left cheek with the nozzle of the gun.

"Over here buddy! All eyes on me.." Josslynn demands his attention.

"You had a question didn't you?"

"What? You've been acting real strange since those Midgets jumped you.. Do we need to Conf–"

"Confess like at the Confessional?" It was still a nice memory. Still bringing a smile to his face. He joked that she might kill him one day so in a weird sense of comfort, he was ready for it. Plus this was hella eerie. "I could go for a blessing.." He laughed as if he was remembering having said that very thing before. "I'm feeling some Deja Vu right now.."

His hands found the outside of her thighs, her skin had a touch of cool to it that warmed as his hands slid over it.

"So, I do have a question.." Biting her bottom lip, she looked like she held some concern with asking. "And how you answer determines if I shoot you in the face or not."

"Sounds about right.." Cashe gave her a grin but he was adding humor to mask a 'what the fuck' because he had this conversation already, eerie in a different way this time. "Is it about your Parents?"

He could see the look of shock stricken over her face. Her extended arms still clenching the gun, lowered some. "Ho- How did you know?"

"I don't know.. I feel like we've done this before.." The feeling was overwhelming, it gave him the chills. "You want me to meet them right?"

"... Yes.." Her whispered response screamed with her own eerie feeling. "Will you? I don't want to go by myself.."

Regardless of the weird vibes of it all, he was clear about his feelings for her. Long stretch of uncertainty with others in the past but with Josslynn, it was as easy as breathing. He slapped the outside of her legs. "I'd love t–"

The slap made her jump. The room filled with a loud bang and a flash of light.


"Chris Page is a whole new excitement for me! What happens if I come into a ring with him? He has sent goons, Elijah, Bam, even Peter Vaughn has come to fight a fight that he should have been more a part of. It was HIM I disrespected most when I turned down the begging offer to join CCPE. Now, do I have to worry about Mac Bane being a member? The answer is no. People have asked how Kido will interact with me, with Ned but how will CCPE who are not on the same side as Chris Page interact with their 'fearless' leader?

I drew a whole CAAAWK on your Mascot. I beat depression into that man. His confidence has fallen apart just as his relationship has. He has taken breaks to recover but I just used him to draw a dick, I drew the dick on PAGE'S contract offer. On HIS brand.. Yet I've not seen him do shit about it. Luckily for him, he will have two of the bigger sum bitches on this card on the same team. Unfortunately for him, I am a big fan of Hide and Go Seek..

That is the ONE thing I get to hope for, truly desire heading into this event. Not to win, we want to win the lottery and play the 'what if' game about what we would do if we won but most don't even purchase tickets or lose all hope of winning after a few failed outings.

People want the easy route and this match has rolled out the red carpet for a chance to win the lottery. To not just win but come face to face with people like Thad, Page, those that might not be available or around to have a match with outside of this Event. Those that are too busy promoting themselves or brands they are managing to compete without it benefitting them the most in the booking.

In truth, I've lost a few big fights. Maybe I don't deserve the opportunities to face them or haven't earned it yet. Who I have lost too tells me that the credit of my defeat is in the rise of competition. Mark Flynn at the Cannabis Cup, Nickles on Savage, TK back at Fire & Ice. That's good company and even better lessons to take moving forward. I might catch an L but there is not a Man, Woman, Legend, Goat, Lion, or Insert singular name or nickname that I won't slap in the face to ignite some fun!

I want to whoop someone's ass or get my ass whipped but rest assured..

The ONLY time I look to finish last is if I'm fucking so if any of you believe that myself or this Notorious Alliance is here for first or final shortcomings than you best look down and check your laces because you're clearly tripping. Stumbling forward and bet I won't catch you with an uppercut that leaves you nodding in agreement before I place teeth to your throat and pull out a new gasp to your oxygen intake..

Let's go to War, shall we?"


"Wake up my lo-!"

He shot up out of a deep sleep gasping air.

BANG! The gun went off..



"Wake up my Lo–"

He shot up out of a deep sleep, slapping the gun out of his face as he gasps to take in a lungful of air. Now he knew some shit was off. There was a warming itch under his left eye. Josslynn seemed taken by surprise. "Are you ok?!" She asked.

"No more guns.." Cashe was breathing hard. He had been through this and shot a stare towards the doorway where he knew the shadow figure had been everytime. It waved at him which caused Cashe to suck air into a pausing hold on his breathing.

"Baby.. Hey!" Josslynn says as she grabs his face and turns it to face her own. "Are you alright? You scared me!"

"Scared you?! You shot me! A few times!" He added as if Josslynn would have experienced this dreadful feeling of Groundhog's Day.

"I didn't shoot you.." She lifts the gun, looking down at it, certain she hadn't fired it. "See? I just found it.."

"Nevermind that.. Look towards the door." He was trying to keep his voice quiet so only she could hear him. Her head turns and stares in the direction Cashe was referring to. "Do you see it?"

"See what?" She couldn't see it. "Did you see someone?" She begins to lift off of Cashe's lap; he stops her by grabbing her at her hips.

"It's nothing. Forget it. Bad dream.." He said, trying to ease her excitement. It was as if almost getting caught in someone else's home made it more of a thrill. Maybe it was. "Ask me what you wanted to ask me.."

"Huh? How did you know I had a question?" Her curiosity peaked.

"Next you will somehow bring up the Confessional. That we need to go again." Shrugging, he adds. "Which, as I said before, I could go for a blessing!"

His hands again found the outside of her thighs, her skin had a familiar touch of cool to it that warmed as his hands glided over them. She moved his hands and again grabbed the gun. Pointing it into his face where it had been before.

Biting her bottom lip, she looked like she held some concern with asking. "How you answer determines if.."

"You shoot me in the face or not, I know, not fun either fyi.. Just ask the question will ya?" He was a bit snotty about it but he was sure that acing this would fix whatever time loop he was stuck in.

"Well.." Her eyes drift around and she just goes for it. As she asks though, the gun is flung around which adds an 'oops' waiting to happen vibe to the situation. "Will you meet my Parents?" The look on her face was full of worried anticipation as she adds. "I don't want to go alone but I'm going to need a Yes or No now.."[/i][/color] Her hands grip the gun tight as she extends her aim and presses the nozzle to his nose. "What'll it be my love?"

"After that, will you Marry me?"

BANG! The gun went off as Josslynn gasped from his response.



"Aaaggghh!" Cashe jolts awake, his arms extended, his hands swinging about, trying to shove away a gun or a girlfriend this time. Neither were found as he opened his eyes to the Sun peeking through the curtains.

Grabbing his phone to check the time, it was 2 in the afternoon. He notices someone called him and left a message. Putting it on speaker as he gets out of bed, he wondered where Josslynn had gone. The message played. It was Ned Kaye.

"Hey Jason, tomorrow, you'll be ready? Call me back."

End of Messages. The phone speaks to him, he hits 7 to delete and hangs up the call.

"Let the Games begin.."

[Image: z9f1KQC.jpeg]
[Image: OZdvB4F.png] x1 
[Image: l6KRzu8.png] x1 w/Kido Raion
[Image: jtHw5j1.png] x1
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[-] The following 6 users Like Jason Cashe's post:
Dolly Waters (07-30-2022), Raion Kido (07-30-2022), Ring Master (07-30-2022), The Blue Tango (07-30-2022), Theo Pryce (07-30-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-30-2022)

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War, Death and Deja Vu - by Jason Cashe - 07-30-2022, 02:52 AM

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