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Chris Page Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-08-2022, 02:36 AM

It all boils down to this.

The 2022 Cannabis Cup is on our horizon and everyone has something to fight for. For some it’s about respect, the thrill of victory, winning major championships or retaining them, or being the final talent standing within a tournament of athletes from all over the spectrum. For me, none of those things fuel the fire that’s burning within the pit of my stomach. Initially when I put into motion this plan for a Supershow I hadn’t had the intention of competing on the very platform that I worked tirelessly on behind the scenes to put forth for the masses… and then an opportunity presented itself. The words dream match are seemingly nonexistent when you’ve been in this industry for over thirty years and have done battle with just about everyone with significance within our business, but every once and a while something presents itself that not even I can say no to.

Enter Corey Black.

There is a short list of talent that grabs my attention and there’s no denying that Corey checks those boxes. He landed on my radar almost a year ago; now it comes full circle.


July 7, 2022
The Venue at The Velvet Rabbit.
Manhattan, New York
1:00 P.M.

Featuring: Denzel Porter

The scene fades into the Venue at The Velvet Rabbit.

[Image: fb-production-site.png]

In the background we see Lion’s Guard employees finishing the lighting setup amongst other things while our attention is drawn to the ring itself. The black canvassing displaying a grey C.C.P.E. logo, green ring ropes with black turnbuckle pads displaying the “This is Awesome” TIA logo on them. We also find the leading journalist in our industry, Denzel Porter, he is sitting next to the Face of Professional Wrestling, Chris Page.

DENZEL PORTER: It’s hard to believe just how far these shows have come in such a short period.

Super shows are slowly starting to become the norm if you as a talent have any interest in proving your merit outside of the organizations they are usually attached to. It’s a platform for anyone to display their craft in a larger setting in front of more eyes that might not normally know your names.

CHRIS PAGE: What started with Tara’s Cruise evolved into the DPI and now it evolves once more with the Cannabis Cup. All credit for what these shows have become rests with you and Tara because those shows were, and are the measuring sticks, at least in my eyes.

Chris and Denzel sit in director-style chairs as they observe all the hard work being put in by the production team.

DENZEL PORTER: I can’t speak for Tara but thank you for the kind words.

CHRIS PAGE: Ya know Denzel, part of why I asked you to stop by today outside of discussing what is on deck for the weekend is to see if you think it would be a good idea for you, Tara, and myself to sit down and maybe talk about working collectively on these things in the future.

Chris continues.

CHRIS PAGE: Think about it for a second. There are four quarters to the year and between the three of us, and if we can find one more person to partner up with we could create a Supershow every quarter. You can’t tell me we wouldn’t be printing money.

DENZEL PORTER: That sounds like an incredible idea and I certainly think it’s worth the conversation.

CHRIS PAGE: There’s no denying the levels of success the TFCC has and the DPI. It will only intensify with the Cup.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about the show. A lot is riding on things going off without a hitch. We are sold-out for every session, with 5,000 fans per generating over six million in ticket sales alone. Thirty-two names from all over the world participating in a tournament in which only one will survive.

Championships are going to be on the line.

The special attractions are synonymous.

This is what professional wrestling is supposed to be about. Fuck the politics, fuck the bullshit, show up, go balls out, and let the cards fall where they may.

DENZEL PORTER: You are turning into quite the entrepreneur, aren’t you Mr. Page?

There’s a smirk from Chris as he answers.

CHRIS PAGE: It seems like everything I touch turns into money. I think this can turn into one hell of a lucrative deal for all of us, but we can talk more about that after we get through the formality.

Chris glances off-camera as he asks.

CHRIS PAGE: Are we ready?

Chris nods as he directs his attention back toward Denzel.

DENZEL PORTER: Time to go to work.

A nod from Chris as Denzel straightens his tie while shifting his attention toward the camera which zooms in on Mr. Porter as he is counted down.

DENZEL PORTER: Ladies and Gentleman as you see I am Denzel Porter. Today I am coming to you live from the Venue at the Velvet Rabbit where later on this month the first of what could be a yearly tradition is being born with the CCPE 2022 Cannabis Cup Supershow that is being spearheaded by my guest today. He’s a man I’ve had many conversations with and a name that transcends the world of professional wrestling; he is “Chronic” Chris Page.

The camera pans back revealing Chris seated beside Denzel as Mr. Porter shifts his attention toward Chris Page.

CHRIS PAGE: You sure know how to introduce someone.

DENZEL PORTER: It’s not every day that I am sitting with what most consider wrestling royalty.

Chris bursts into laughter under his breath before he responds.

CHRIS PAGE: I can’t believe you said that with a straight face.

Chris states.

CHRIS PAGE: I acknowledge that I’m on a different level than most, but royalty might be a stretch.

DENZEL PORTER: You have been on quite the roll throughout 2022 by traveling all over and putting on some of the best matches seen thus far, so why the Cannabis Cup? What made you think about organizing an event of this magnitude?

CHRIS PAGE: It’s not a big secrete that I have cut back on bookings while starting wined down my in-ring career. I’ve seen the huge financial successes of Tara’s Cruise and your very own DPI event. This seems like the next logical step in putting on an event that exceeds the expectations of everyone involved. I not only have thirty-two talented men and women from all over the world taking part in a colossal tournament but we’ve also got several Championship matches including the XWF Universal Championship, CULT’s Classic Title, PWV’s World TItle, 5BW’s World TItle, the Splat Multiversal Title to even big money attractions such as James Raven versus Peter Vaughn, Bam Miller and Larry Tact, War Games, Deathmatches, oh my!

DENZEL PORTER: You left no stone unturned when you booked this one, that’s for sure.

CHRIS PAGE: No doubt… I’m also proud of some of the tag action that is being represented. The Swallowing versus CCPE’s J Mont and Elijah Martin to the one-night return of the Glorious New Breed taking on Koji and Minoru.

From top to bottom I couldn’t be more proud to have put forth what I feel is one of the strongest programs to ever see the light of day. I find it nothing short of hysterical that so many people have such a problem with me or CCPE yet you’re taking part in MY event? Interesting, don’t you think?

CHRIS PAGE: The partnerships that I’ve been able to make with TIA Promotions, Kayfabe Airlines, Lion’s Guard Entertainment, and the Velvet Rabbit Manhattan. Everyone that has stepped up has done so in such a huge way that I think the bar is being set for what’s next in the evolution of the supershows.

Denzel nods his head forward as he follows up.

DENZEL PORTER: You aren’t any stranger to stepping onto the main stage with these events; you headlined Day two and Day three of the DPI back in February, and you will be taking center stage again on Day three of the Cannabis Cup.

It’s Chris who responds by nodding his head forward.

DENZEL PORTER: It’s you and Corey Black for the first time one-on-one.

CHRIS PAGE: Correct.

DENZEL PORTER: How did this come about?

CHRIS PAGE: When originally putting this card together I wasn’t planning on taking part because I have been in the ring with just about every one of merit… except for Mr. Black. He’s a name that has been built up by his reputation within the business. We’ve never squared off in singles but I know that he is a Deathmatch-style of Wrestler.

There’s a pause from Chris before he continues.

CHRIS PAGE: The overture was made to see if there was any interest, there was, and alas here we are.

DENZEL PORTER: You mentioned his reputation of being a Deathmatch-style wrestler, is that maybe why your paths haven’t crossed until now?

CHRIS PAGE: It’s not a huge secrete that I am more of a traditionalist when it comes to what I do within the confines of that ring; so it’s one thing to push yourself against what was an unknown, it’s something completely different to willingly put yourself in their wheelhouse. Now, I do want to point out that since this match was announced, Corey hasn’t done a damn thing but run his mouth while I on the other hand not only showed up in Action Wrestling; I eliminated Corey from the Havoc Rumble and for months did nothing but leave this cuck laying time after time after time to Evolution 5 where no doubt will be a point of content with Mr. Black because Team Action defeated Team CCPE… but he’ll negate that HE didn’t pin me, I wasn’t defeated at all, and he was left lying in a bed of barbed wire by my hands.

There’s a pause from Chris before he continues.

CHRIS PAGE: Something I want to point out before we go any further is how Corey Black doesn’t do a lot of venturing outside of his comfort zone, and usually if anyone goes to see him they come out on a losing end of the equation. Well, we aren’t in his backyard anymore. We are standing on a stage much greater than any organization, and it’s safe to say his a hell of a lot more vulnerable without safety nets in place. Something else that I feel is detrimental within all of this is how Corey Black is resting on his past versus getting prepared for his future.

Denzel chimes in.

DENZEL PORTER: Can you elaborate on that for me?

CHRIS PAGE: Sure, what I saying is that look at what he’s done since this match has been announced. He’s had a total of like five matches in four months versus yours truly who has spent the last four months training, getting my body put to par by competing with CULT Wrestling; winning a Bring your Weapons Battle Royale featuring at the time top champions from different federations; Jonny C was the IIW World Champ, Vhodka Black was the last PWE World Champ, and Dickie Watson was the only Fight NYC Empire Champion, and yet I am the man left standing.

Chris speaks with sheer malice in the tone of his voice.

CHRIS PAGE: I was involved in a Flaming Tables match where I severely burned my right arm and shoulder, No Holds Barred matches in IWF going unbeaten. I say all of that to say I have taken this a hell of a lot more seriously than Corey Black has taken me. He’s underestimating me, he’s under the impression that the table is set for him to show up and annihilate me; even though I’ve gone to his turf and left him laying every time we were in the same fucking place he has refused to give me any type of credit; as a matter of fact, he stopped calling my name on Twitter because each time he did I buried him harder than Matt Knox is going to do when they meet on neutral ground; I fucking HATE Knox, so imagine having to spit out his name here and now… but it doesn’t make the words any less true.

DENZEL PORTER: With all the hardcore style of wrestling you’ve been doing over the last several months, do you think it’s going to be enough to get yourself; more importantly your body prepared for the levels of violence that could be unleashed?

CHRIS PAGE: Denzel, I’d be lying to you if I sat here and said I knew a damn thing about being in a deathmatch… but what I do know a whole hell of a lot about is throwing down and fighting. To me, this isn’t anything more than a glorified Street Fight where all bets are off. They say there’s a first time for everything, right? Let’s cross Chris Page competing in a Deathmatch off the bucket list, but let’s do it with a win at the expense of the Queen of the Deathmatch.

There’s a pause from Chris as he thinks about the choice of words before he states.

CHRIS PAGE: I have done everything that I can do to fully prepare for what is going to be standing in front of me, but I go back to the same question, what has he done to prepare for me? Does he think he can show up like a knight riding in on a white horse and coast his way to victory? What the fuck does he think this is, Action Wrestling? Nah, this is the real world and now we are playing by a completely different set of rules, my rules.

It never ceases to amaze me when people don’t give you the credit that you deserve. I don’t have to be a garbage wrestler to beat a garbage wrestler but I’d be lying my ass off if I didn’t say that not only have I put my body through more pain and suffering all for the sake of you, Corey… but what about me? Outside of taking on all comers I’ve been doing some homework of my own and I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve that I’ll be more than ready to drop on you when the time is right. The last thing this is going to be is a walk in the goddamn park, buttercup.

I’m coming for blood.

I’m coming for vengeance.

I’m coming to leave no shadow of a doubt that when compared to Chris Page I am and always will be simply BETTER than you.

CHRIS PAGE: Over the last several months I’ve gotten to know more about Corey than even he is aware. He does an awful lot of talking from a distance but doesn’t ever seem to be around when I am around. Don’t you find that a little convenient? Look at the build to Evolution 5, the mother fucker showed up when he THOUGHT we weren’t going to be around.

Denzel chimes in.

DENZEL PORTER: It’s starting to sound like this is a bit more personal on your side of this equation.

CHRIS PAGE: Your damn right it’s personal. Nothing aggravates me more than complacency within this business. Corey Black hasn’t done a damn thing to earn the level of respect most people give him. He’s not a second coming, he’s certainly not a king, and he damn sure has put himself in a very dangerous position opposite a more dangerous opponent than he’s willing to give credit to.

Chris then seriously states.

CHRIS PAGE: I have outworked everyone in this industry, I’ve earned the respect of my peers and promotors alike while that piece of shit sits back and doesn’t have to do anything at all? Nah, that dog doesn’t hunt. The day he does anything of merit outside of his stomping grounds is the day that I might give him a sliver of respect. I guarantee that if I didn’t contact him he wouldn’t even fucking be here. The level of laziness for a reputation that hasn’t been proven to me says a lot more about him than I ever could.

Nothing but overblown hype is all I see when I look at you. Your team carried you to victory at Evolution because YOU weren’t capable. Your owner protected you and your team because I asked for an elimination match, now I wonder why that is? Don’t worry about answering it, anyone with half a brain can answer it for you. Contrary to popular belief I don’t hate you, man. That requires me to care about your existence when truth be told you haven’t given me any reason to do that. What I am going to do is expose your flaws and send you back to that watering hole you love to represent with a little less respect from the eyes of the wrestling world. When I’m done wearing your ass out on every floor of the Velvet Rabbit you’re going to question if you’ll ever branch out again.

Don’t worry.

I’ve already taken the liberty of getting you set up in the basement in Pandora’s Box.

You’ll know it when you see the gimp suit.

I bet you don’t even know what Pandora’s Box is, or the reference I’m making. Think about it.

DENZEL PORTER: Given the nature of the match itself, as you touched on earlier, it’s a completely different animal. Anything goes, it’s all legal. What can we expect out of you?

CHRIS PAGE: The first answer that comes to mind is survival. I fully accept that people are going to look at me as the underdog coming into this war that’s going to unfold. I have prided myself on being able to adapt to just about any situation, this isn’t any different. All bets are off; if I want to bring out some barbed wire, so be it! If I want to bring out light tubes and glass panes, LET’S GO!

Chris exclaims catching Denzel off guard as he jumps.

CHRIS PAGE: What about explosives, Denzel? Who do you think wants to see body parts blown off bodies? Fuck it, I’m in. The better question is what am I not going to bring to this party? If I want to light him up light a human torch there’s NOTHING to stop me… the same can be said for him.

All I want is for you to show up.

I’ve carried better guys to brighter spotlights than you, Mr. Black.

I am openly stepping into your world while you refuse to step into mine, ironic, don’t you think? And you are allegedly one of the best in the business? Excuse me as I channel my inner Doctor Evil by saying… Rrrriiiiiiigggghhhhhtttt.

CHRIS PAGE: I am smart enough to understand that I am walking into arguably the most unpredictable environment against a man that’s made a career out of exploiting others. I fully plan on showing up, showing out, and by hook or crook I am leaving with my arm raised in victory. I plan on losing a lot of blood, I plan on being put through hell, and the last thing I want to do is piss in Corey’s cornflakes but everyone he’s beaten… so have I, and I didn’t need garbage wrestling to do it.

DENZEL PORTER: Is there anything you want to say before we close this out?

Chris thinks for a moment as he gathers his thoughts before he responds.

CHRIS PAGE: The word dangerous doesn’t describe what I am going to be walking into. The danger doesn’t come from Corey; let’s face it, a scrub is a scrub. The environment is what makes it a pick em’. I fully plan on taking this war to a level that will be uncomfortable for most to watch…

Chris shifts his attention off Denzel and directly into the camera.

CHRIS PAGE: I implore you if you are planning on attending or watching from home that you take your children and remove them from the room because I am going to go medieval on Corey Black’s ass! There’s not a chance in hell that I leave this in any other way than by losing a lot of blood, body bruised, never being the same again… but what makes it worth it is being able to say that I have defeated another Hardcore Icon, that I’ve dethroned the Queen of Extreme, and that I will be leaving with another notch on my belt.

Chris then states.

CHRIS PAGE: Corey, make your peace with God because your soul belongs to me.


Corey, please do not confuse this situation that you’ve found yourself in. You aren’t going to have Spencer or CJ carrying your dusty old ass to a victory, you aren’t going to have a company looking out for your best interest, and you sure as hell aren’t going to have any excuses to fall back on when I show up at the Cup and walk all over you within your structure, within your limitations, and in your wheelhouse. I have made a career lowering my standards to compete against some of the “best” in the world while they refuse to up themselves to mine. I have tunnel vision on the task at hand as I stand up for talents that have been robbed not only by you but by the company that you represent. James Raven, Dickie Watson, Matt Knox… three names that you hang your hat on all mered within the controversy.

There’s nothing controversial about the ass whipping that I am going to give you.

There’s nothing controversial about the level of violence and brutality that I am going to bring you.

There’s nothing controversial about leaving you an embarrassed shell of a man that’s going to tuck his tail and run back to the pastures he grazes where the lips of a roster are firmly on your ass cheeks. This is what I’ve been waiting for, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to disappoint. So come on, big guy. Bring me your worst, and I’ll persevere as I’ve done for over thirty years. I have a funny way of delivering within these big match environments. If you don’t believe me just watch how a kingdom is going to crumble.

To close this thing out there’s only one way.

When it comes to Corey Black this is who he wants you to see.

[Image: CZdhKzGp_400x400.jpg]

But to anyone with half a brain, this is what WE see.

[Image: 1bae3c71-3076-420a-b532-fe100051a9d0_text.gif]

Prove me wrong.

I don’t think you can.

This is what it boils down to, the Face of Professional Wrestling is coming to the Cannabis Cup to defend his crown against a self-proclaimed King that didn’t get the job done in AW and isn’t going to get it done at the Cup. Good luck bitch, you’ll need it. Now, this is where I wait until those final hours for you to break your silence, seems to be the normal when dealing with you for someone that is allegedly a King only a bitch waits to put work in, especially when you've had six months to get it done. Your ass belongs to Chris Page, and I'll see you at the Cannabis Cup.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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Let's get crazy. - by Chris Page - 07-08-2022, 02:36 AM

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