"Venom" Xavier Lux
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Traditionalists (has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)
(Where is my roster page?)
Joined: Mon Nov 29 2021
Posts: 45
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X-Bux: ✘50,000
04-29-2022, 09:19 PM
Xavier looks at his wavy reflection in the water and struggles to recognize the man he sees there. It’s been a while since we have heard from the man with venom in his veins, even if we just saw him in action two weeks ago against the King of XWF, Bobby Bourbon. He put up a helluva of match that showed once again he belongs here, but even though his actions continue to ‘make waves’, his words haven’t hit the ‘airwaves’ in over the month. Last time we saw him, he had a personal breakthrough of sorts, separating his TPW self from his XWF self and choosing XWF to be his one and only home. The change in attitude and demeanor did not pay dividends right away as his match with Bourbon ended up being a no contest. But at least he did not lose, and that is what is in his mind now, as he begins talking to his reflection.
I finally stopped the bleeding.
Sure, I didn’t win my match, but I didn’t lose either.
I went toe to toe with the new king of XWF and survived.
Where is my t-shirt?
Maybe survived is not the right word, it goes down as double count out, draw, no contest, whatever, the point is, “the KANG” couldn’t beat me.
And now I am kicking myself for not entering the March Madness tournament because, who knows how I would have done. Could have been one and done, could have gone all the way. We’ll never know.
I really need to get out of my own way and just let myself go in XWF.
Maybe now is the time.
The past is the past though, what’s done is done and I must now focus on the future. But before I do, just want to repeat that I have stopped the bleeding. Losing three hard fought matches hurts, but I know I gave those three opponents everything I had and so I feel no shame. But now that I stopped the bleeding, now it is time to try to earn my first W in months and to earn it, I must beat not one but two opponents: Alex Minett Vega Yin… Um, alright… and Jenny Myst.
Xavier pauses, as if expecting his reflection to react or make a comment, but it just stares back at him puzzled.
The Queen of XWF?
Self-proclaimed? Or was the crown put on her like the crown was put on Bobby Bourbon? Who knows, who cares? If I have to go through royalty again, I will.
She has been here for quite a few years now, since 2016 and was one of the longest, if not THE longest reigning Shooting Star champion, whatever that is. I don’t see it listed as one of the current titles, maybe she was so damn good they retired it huh? She made LSM tap out on national television too, something she feels very proud of, but I honestly don’t even know what “LSM” stands for, but if she is highlighting her/him, they must be, or must have been a big star in XWF and the match itself must have been important. Even though she’s been in XWF for a few years, it appears she has recently returned to action and has won most of her matches very convincingly. Me on the other hand, after the first two gimmies, it’s been an uphill struggle. So she appears to be a worthy opponent, but I’m not quite sure where to put her as far as ranks go for my opponents so far, but if XWF has thought me anything is that you can’t judge any single book by its cover. Jenny Myst might be small in stature and look like she doesn’t have much muscle in her, but she is fierce, she is tough, and she is wicked. She gave Raidon a run for his money at the last Savage from what I saw on the highlights, which prompted me to go check out one of her promos just to see where her mind is at these days. Something she said to Kiddo grabbed my attention: she said he was desperate, desperate for a win. She loves “playing” against desperate opponents, the look in their eyes when she rips everything away from them is her favorite.
Interesting she would feel that way. You know why?
Again no answer.
Because I am desperate. Granted, not as desperate when I was on a 3-match losing skid, but still desperate enough for any type of win, against whoever, regardless of how I get it. The truth is I have never felt more like a nobody in all of my career. I know what I have done in the past, I am damn proud of what I have done, but here in XWF it has meant nothing. All of the big stars could give a shit about me or who I am or what I did. If I don’t build a good portfolio in XWF, I am nothing to them. I mean, in all honestly, fuck what they think really. I don’t know why I even let these thoughts cross my mind, but desperation would make you think about every single thing, listen to every word, and all of that combined will make you doubt yourself. So yes, I am desperate, very desperate, come play with me Jenny. See if you can rip whatever little I have left in me. Bobby Bourbon couldn’t do it, could you?
Voice: Hey mate, you alright there, eh?
Xavier looks up from his reflection, towards where the voice is coming from, a man wearing a fluorescent vest, a Mountie type hat and a nametag that reads “Bret Daniels, Athabasca River Tour Guide. He rides a blue canoe, making his way towards Xavier, looking at his surroundings remembering now where he is: The Athabasa River in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He had decided to get to Alberta two nights early, so he could spend a day exploring the town since he has never been to Canada before. He really needed to clear his mind so he thought a nice, outdoorsy type of adventure would help him get a clear mind. Clearly it was working up until the moment he got lost in thought with his own reflection. He sits on a canoe himself, a red one, with the oars sitting on his lap. He wears khaki shorts, a blue “CCPE” tank-top and shades on his shaved head. He looks at the tour guide but doesn’t answer.
Tour Guide: Eh buddy? Can you hear me? Are you O-K?
Xavier answers the guide, without really looking at him, more concerned with taking in his surroundings, as if not remembering how he got to this place… and it is a gorgeous location with great weather despite being April in Canada. Tall mountains full of dark green trees, a river that is very wide with calm and clean waters, you saw how good his reflection looked.
Xavier: Um, hey, yeah, yeah, fine why?
Tour Guide: Um, well, because you stayed behind. Everyone has made it back to the shore, where we sat up camp and as I was doing a headcount, I realize I was missing one of my sheep.
Xavier: Sheep?
Tour Guide: Eh, you know, you guys are my heard… Like the children’s story, one sheep was missing so the boy left the herd to go look for the missing sheep? Never heard of that story?
Xavier: Not really, no.
Tour Guide: My Mom use to read it to me all the time as a kid. Any who, how about we make our way over to the camp? The guys have already started cooking some of the fish we caught. Did you happen to catch any?
The guide points at the inside of Xavier’s canoe. Xavier looks down and to his surprise he sees a bucket with about 5 fishes in them. His fishing rod is tucked neatly inside the canoe.
Xavier: Looks like I caught 5.
Tour Guide: What? Really! Nice haul my friend! Well let’s go then, before it gets dark.
The guide pulls out his oars and turns himself around like a pro, and begins to make his way back to the camp which we can’t really see from here. Xavier begins to row right behind him, but his mind begins to drift back to his upcoming match and his other opponent, the girl with the really long, but short name at the same time. He stops rowing briefly, pulling out his cellphone and hitting up the XWF website. He goes to the roster page and looks for her, he finds her and clicks on her profile photo.
Jesus, you’re just a sweet little kid.
He puts his cell phone away and begins rowing again, catching up to the guide.
From what I read on Alex’s profile, she was a UK national gymnast as a kid, but either she got hurt, didn’t do well or something happened that derailed that dream. How messed up must have things gotten that you had to turn away from your dream as a possible Olympian, and instead set your eyes on wrestling. I mean, I can’t imagine your parents being too happy. I mean you didn’t go for amateur wrestling where you can still compete in the Olympics, nah, you turned to pro-wrestling and at such a young age too. But here you are Alex, in XWF, after five long years, looking to make a name for yourself like I am. What happened in those five years I wonder? What kept you from XWF? What kept you from wrestling? Was it doubt? Fear? Regret? Maybe mommy and daddy finally breaking through your little head and getting you to return home an give up this foolish dream of becoming a wrestler? Well, whatever it was, I am glad you got past it and are back. This shows me that this is where you belong, and what you really want. In you first match back you beat a giant too, that’s no easy feat and sure, you lost your second match against Vita but it was still a hard fought match. I know you wanted to win, I know you wanted to prove that your win against the giant wasn’t a fluke. I can relate little one, I can. My two victories aren’t taken seriously by anyone in the roster, and since then I’ve been looking to prove that I can win more than hand-me-down-wins. I’ve come close a few times, but nothing yet and so here we are, facing each other, hoping that one of us can prove we are for real. I embrace that challenge Alex, and I’m very much looking forward to it.
They arrive at the shore of the campground where they are both greeted by another guide and some of the other tourists, none of them appear to be XWF roster members, so Xavier is indeed hanging out solo. I guess since The Exiles dissolved, he really hasn’t had anyone to hang out with. I mean sure he is part of CCPE, but since lately he hasn’t been able to buy a win, he has kept himself away from those guys... And it’s not like he is friends with any of them really, specially the members of Genesis, he can’t stand those pricks. Chris Page is a business partner, a good one, and he’s great for advice in the business. Peter Vaughn is the only one that comes close to being called a ‘friend’ but really, he’s more of an acquaintance that has his back and Xavier his. His thought is interrupted by a nice brunette who takes away his bucket of fish.
Woman: You mind if I take these to get them cooking?
He nods but doesn’t answer, she smiles in a flirting manner and then walks away. Xavier watches her intently as the guides walk away talking about what’s planned for the night. Another tourist walks up, blocking Xavier's line of sight, and hands Xavier a beer. Xavier takes it and looks at the label.
Xavier: Labatt Blue?
Man: Hey, when in Rome right?
Xavier: Yeah, I guess so.
They toast, knocking the bottom of the beers against each other and gulp down about half.
Man: Not bad right?
Xavier: Not at all, I mean it’s no Dos Equis.
Man: Guinness for me, but I hear ya. You gonna come join the campfire? Plenty more Canadian brewskies where that came from.
Xavier: Yeah I’ll be over there in a minute, just gotta take a leak.
Man: Great, name is Tom by the way.
Xavier: Cool Tom, I’m Xavier.
They knock beers again and finish them off before parting ways. He really doesn’t need to go, he just doesn’t like awkward conversations with strangers and so he makes his way towards the woods. As he does, he gets a notification on his phone that reminds him about his three-way match again. Something about making sure he gets to the arena by a certain time, or whatever. He’s not thinking about that, but instead, his two opponents.
Thinking about what I have learned about you two recently, I guess in a way, that is what makes Alex and Jenny similar. The two of them are the little women that could or can; taking on bigger opponents and defeating them to prove to the world that size means nothing. That no matter how big an opponent is, when they are down on the mat, everyone is the same size. I guess in a way, I am a welcome change for the two of you. I’m only six feet and change, barely over two hundred pounds and since this is a three way, maybe you two are even considering teaming up against me to get me out of the way and then fight each other for the win. Well, I know I am no vampire, and I know I’m no lion, the two opponents you recently fell to, but I am, indeed, something else. Something you haven’t seen or fought before.
Usually after saying something like that, I would add that I am that venom that will poison you, etc., etc., etc. But lately my venom hasn’t been enough to keep anyone down. So, let’s just skip that for now, and I will just say that we all need this win, whether is to redeem ourselves Alex, whether we pretend we don’t care about winning Jenny… Or because simply, we are desperate and will try to win by any means necessary.
Xavier’s phone goes off again, he looks down to see what the notification is this time, and it’s actually a text from someone named Marcus. It reads…
TPW has fallen, never got my chance to make my return. Will go back to retirement, but first, we should talk, specially about your father.
Well there is a piece of baggage Xavier did not want to bring here to this promotion, well two, his father and Marcus. But if he wants closure, real closure, he's going to have to deal with it.
Xavier: But not now, after Savage.
He doesn't answer the text and leaves it unopened, putting the phone away he turns around and decides to go get himself some more of that Labatt Blue. A lot more.
0-4 in PPVs
0-3 in Title Shots
Before XWF:
3x NLW World Heavyweight Champion
1x OCW World Heavyweight Champion
2x GCWA Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion
2x NLW Path of Destiny Champion
1x OCW Paradigm Champion
NLW Hall of Fame