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Your Newest "Local Talent"
Author Message
Cage Coleman Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-18-2022, 01:22 PM

An ecstatic Cage Coleman bursts through the doors of XWF Headquarters with some sort of official documentation in hand. He skips past the well maintained Saturday Savage and Wednesday Night Warfare sections to the more obscure, rundown part of the building. This was Vinne Lane's neck of the woods, where Anarchy truly earned it's name.

Coleman squeezed past two homeless men fighting over a half-eaten, and most likely moldy, hamburger, too excited to care about the blood(or maybe ketchup?) that splattered onto his suit as he walked by.

"Hi, can I help you?" the receptionist asked, paying no mind to the bickering bums as if it were a daily occurrence.

"As a matter of fact you can!" a jubilant Cage exclaimed. "I'm here to sign up for the Local Talent Battle Royal!"

The woman looked Coleman up and down, knowing damn well a former XWF Champion of ANY kind didn't qualify as 'local talent.'

"I'm sorry, sir," she began with a frown. "But you don't fit the criteria to be in this match."

Cage didn't bat an eye, extending his arm and presenting the woman with the paper he brought with him. "As a matter of fact, I actually DO................"

The receptionist, annoyed that Coleman was delaying her cigarette break, rolled her eyes and began reading the document.

"That little paper states that, as of five minutes ago, I am officially billed from...................... wherever XWF Headquarters are located!" he proudly declared. "Signed, and notarized, by the Karen Hunt! She's a GM, you know."

The receptionist let out a massive sigh. "You can't be serious.........."

"You know, that's exactly how SHE responded, too!" Cage pointed out. "But I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told her......................... yes."

"You haven't competed in over a month, and THIS is how you want to return to television?!"

Without hesitation, a ridiculous Coleman merely whispered, "Yes," with his eyes closed.

"You're a former Champion..........."


"..........and runner up in last year's TV Title Contendership Tournment................"


".................are you sure this is the route you want your career to take?................."

"Yes." Cage's final 'yes' was barely audible.

"Alright then," she gave in, making note in a book, since Vinnie Lane's too cheap to afford a computer(or even a typewriter for that matter!) "I've got your name down, anything else?" She prayed there wasn't.

"Nope," Coleman responded, causing her to reach for her purse and pull out a pack of American Spirits. "That'll do." Cage couldn't even tell her 'bye' before she was already out the door. Luckily for the wrestler, Steve Sayors(who had been hiding behind a plant, eavesdropping) is right there to greet him with a camera crew.

"You heard it here, folks! Cage Coleman has officially entered the Local Talent Battle Royal!" he announced before turning his attention toward the entrant. "Cage, how do you think you stack up with the other competition? People are already saying that you entered this match for an easy win!"

Coleman was a little confused how that could be, as the only people who knew about this up to that point was himself, Sayors, the receptionist, Karen Hunt, and the cameramen. Oh, and the homeless guys, but they'd already stabbed each other well before Cage made his intentions known.

"Well, Steve, I think I stack up pretty well," Coleman began. "Local Talent isn't the same as no talent, it just means that particular wrestler happens to hail from wherever that show is taking place! Peter Vaughn is Local Talent in Dallas, as is Sarah Lacklan in Maine!!! And if we ever visited wherever 'Unknown' is, Alias would be a local talent THERE, too!"

"Are you comparing Herschel Kiss to the Universal Champion?!"

"Absolutely! Herschel Kiss is one of the biggest men I've ever seen step into a ring!"

"Did you mean greatest BIG men?" Sayors wondered.

"No, I didn't!" Coleman laughed before talking himself up. "The fact of the matter is, Steve, XWF Headquarters is my new hometown and there ain't NOTHIN' anybody can do about it! Just like there's nothin' anybody can do to keep me from winning the whole enchilada Thursday Night!"

"Well, based on the amount of sign-ups so far, I wouldn't call it an enchilada," Sayors pointed out. "More like a quesadilla............. and not even the whole thing; just a couple shreds of cheese!"

"What difference does it make?!" Coleman blurted out with a sudden change of tone. "It doesn't matter if I'm holding a Championship, or competing against a bunch of no names, the same amount of people will be speaking mine: zero! So I might as well go out there, pick up the easy victory, and use that momentum to propel me forward...................."

Cage turns his focus directly towards the viewers at home.

"Don't forget, I still have a Tag Team Title shot in my back pocket that I have EVERY intention of using! When, where, and with who is all yet to be determined but, when it is, you'll have no other choice but to tune in to me! Because you'll WANT to see my opponents, and you'll WANT to see my partner, meaning that, by proxy, you want to see ME, too......................"

Cage Coleman pushes his way past Sayors, out of view.

"Well, folks, whether of not you want to see him, Cage Coleman will be at Anarchy this Thursday night!"

Fade to black.
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Your Newest "Local Talent" - by Cage Coleman - 04-18-2022, 01:22 PM

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