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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Hit me, Reggie. FUCKING HIT ME!
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Charlie Nickles Online
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-08-2022, 10:58 PM

A video package rolls across the screen, accompanied by perfectly fitting music.

You piece of shit…

We see a still frame of Reggie Estrada standing with his former daughter, Miranda Estrada.

Anger inside builds within my body
Why you hate me?
What have I done?
You tried to hit me!

We see a few clips of a contract signing between Reggie Estrada and Charlie Nickles from years ago on Savage. We see Charlie jawing incessantly at Reggie from across the table until Reggie can’t take it anymore. Of course, the contract signing soon devolves into a fit of violence.

Scream at me again, if you like?
Throw your hate at me, with all your might
Hit me 'cause I'm strange, hit me
Tell me I'm a pussy and you're harder than me

We see a variety of clips from a deathmatch showing Charlie and Reggie smashing each other over the head with glass light tubes. The ring is a bloody mess.

What's with you boy? Think hard
A tattooed body to hide who you are
Scared to be honest, be yourself
A cowardly man

Charlie has now taken a clear advantage in the fight against Reggie. Charlie lifts Reggie Estrada up into the air before bringing him down on a pile of glass shards with a Steubenville Screwdriver.

I don't run around trying to be
What's not within me
Look into my eyes, I am free
You're just a wanna be

The video package ends with a clip of a bloody Charlie Nickles pinning a lifeless Reggie Estrada for that sweet 1-2-3 on the 8/29/2020 edition of Saturday Night Savage.

Fade to black.

Do it, Reggie. Fucking do it.

Tell me I'm a pussy and you're harder than me.

We fade into a shot of Charlie Nickles smoking a big fat blunt while posted up against a faded concrete wall. The TV champion has his Goldi strapped around his waist and a mean look glued onto his face. A poster highlighting the next Saturday Night Savage card is plastered to the wall just up and to the left of our ‘beloved’ champion. Charlie inhales a relatively large hit from the blunt before slowly exhaling a huge cloud straight into the camera.

I wish you would.

Shit, Reggie, I wish you’d do something to make this match feel like a big fucking deal! You know I’ve been beating dudes like Centurion, Elijah Martin, and Raion Kido for this belt. I’ve been turning ‘legends’ and ‘stars’ into battered femboys on live TV. I’ve been putting down bitches like Ruby, Besty Granger, and Micheal Graves left and right. I just set em’ up and I knock em’ down, time and time again. It’s like fucking clockwork by now. Every two weeks another name steps up to the plate, and every two weeks another body joins the pile.

What the fuck do you think you have that the rest of those big names didn’t have? What sets you apart from every other motherfucker I’ve mauled? I know it’s not a god damned daughter named Miranda, that’s for sure, because I stripped you of those parental rights after I beat your ass during our LAST meeting on Savage! Sure, Miranda wasn’t “really” your daughter because you’re a nutless cuckold, but the fact remains that it was THE NICKLEMAN that ripped her from your arms after YOU signed the match stipulation!

I took your child from you, or at least the child you had poured your heart and soul into raising. And what the fuck did you do about it, Reggie? NOT SHIT, as far as I can tell. You’ve had months, nay, YEARS to get back at cha’ boi for humiliating you on live television. But did you do it? Nah, you didn’t have the guts. You just sat there and took it before slinking off into the shadows with your tail between your legs. All those shitty prison tatts on your body can’t hide your yellow belly, you stupid son of a bitch!

Charlie ashes his blunt onto the floor while shaking his head with derision at the camera.

You really are a stupid son of a bitch, you know that, Reggie? It’s like, Jesus Christ, you don’t even know the basic fundamentals of professional wrestling! You’re supposed to act like you think you’re going to win your matches when you get on the mic, it’s how we sell tickets and get our names out there! All of your matches, no matter the odds, are YOURS for the taking! Or at least, that’s what you’re supposed to tell all those smart marks out there in the stands!

Seriously: what the fuck is wrong with you, Reggie? Are you trying to be the least respected wrestler on the roster, or is that just a natural byproduct of your crippling depression? It seems like ever since The Nickleman revoked your parental rights over Miranda you’ve turned into a whining, sobbing little bitch. You’re constantly telling people you suck and that you’re going to lose. I mean, YOU’RE NOT WRONG! But Jesus Chist Reggie, get a God damned grip before I grip my louisville slugger and make it so you really never win another match again!

Charlie Nickles chuckles to himself before he takes another drag from the marijuana cigarillo. Like a real pro, Charlie doesn’t cough at all when he exhales the big puffy cloud of smoke.

You might be responsible for two of the worst X-treme champion runs of all time. I mean holy shit, you spent both your reigns barely kicking out of pins while telling everybody you didn’t deserve the belt! What kind of champion do you think you were, Reggie Estrada? The public consensus is that your championship reigns SUCKED, and fuck, I bet your self-depreciating ass would be the first to agree!

So how in the hell could I ever let the TV championship fall into your hands? I have too much respect for this belt and this division to let someone as sheepish and unconfident as you represent the brand. The TV division is all about fucking bitches up, it’s not about fucking up and bitching!

Charlie shakes his head in disappointment while he smokes his bleezy down to a stub.

I didn’t call you out for this match because I thought you deserved a shot at my belt. Shit, everyone who deserved a shot at my belt has already had it and failed. That’s not what this is about. That’s not why I told that bitch Karen Hunt to make you my next victim.

This is about making you pay, Reggie. Just like last time we met in that squared circle.

See Reggie I don’t like you, and I certainly don’t respect you. I never have and I never will. I physically can not bring myself to respect you, no matter what you do in that ring, because it’s what you say on the microphone that makes you the ultimate bitch. If you spent less time whining about how fucking shitty you are, maybe this wouldn’t be happening to you. If you didn’t waste so much XWF TV time verbally castrating yourself, maybe you wouldn’t have drawn the ire of our TV champion.

But alas, if Reggie Estrada had balls he’d still be a father. Instead, he’s just going to be another shrieking bitch with The Nickleman’s hands around her throat!

Nickles struggles to hit his quickly diminishing blunt, but he does manage to get a good enough flow going to exhale some solid smoke.

Do you remember our glass light tube death match, Reggie? I remember it.

Did you have fun during our match, Reggie? I know I did.

Let’s do it again, amigo. But this time, a woman who is a whole lot more important than your little Miranda is going to be on the line. You better bring all you got to this deathmatch, Reggie, because it just might be your last.

Charlie gives a sick grin to the camera as he holds what little is left of his blunt up to his lips for a final inhalation.

Prepare to get smoked, you sad little clown.

Charlie breathes in the last of his bud before softly exhaling it straight to camera. The metal music fades out as Charlie’s scheduled shoot comes to its end.

Hey, you can’t smoke in here!

We pan out to a wide shot of Charlie Nickles standing in front of an unmanned camera in the XWF backstage area. We also see a short asian woman in a black XWF production polo and khakis walking up to The Nickleman while holding a clipboard.

Oh yeah? Who’s going to stop me?

The Nickleman sneers at the woman daring to intrude upon him.

It’s a fire hazard!

A fire hazard, eh? How funny…

Charlie finishes his smoke up before putting it out by rubbing the remnants across Reggie’s name on the poster, blackening his name with ash. Charlie then threw the rest of his blunt roach on the ground as he turned to look at the XWF production manager.

No one said anything when that no-named son of a bitch set me on fire inside the ring. Where the fuck were you then?

Charlie reached up and pulled the collar of his shirt down to reveal the third degree burn marks still seared into his flesh from his last Warfare appearance. The level of green and yellow fluid on the wounds could indicate infection, but it’s equally possible that Charlie ate a hot dog with condiments while shirtless and just hasn’t bothered to bathe since. The woman looks completely horrified. She brings her hand up to cover her mouth before turning and running away. Similar green and yellow fluids begin to seep through the gaps between the woman’s fingers as she continues to press her hand over her vomit-filled mouth.

Oh what’s the matter, you’ve never watched a Freddy Krueger movie before?

Charlie snickered to himself as the production associate ran out of the scene. Charlie let go of his shirt collar and began walking in the opposite direction with a big fat smile on his face.

Then, Charlie’s cell phone rings. We hear his ringtone play out loud, for an extended amount of time, as Charlie tries to rifle through his pockets in search of the phone. ‘I’m A Barbie Girl’ by Aqua plays for an uncomfortable amount of time before Charlie is able to fish his phone out of his pocket. Nickles accepts the call without even looking at the caller ID.

Yeah, who the fuck is this and what the fuck do you want?

Nickles continues to walk in silence as he listens to the voice on the other end of the line.

Nah, you’re shitting me…

Charlie’s facial features contort to display his confusion.

Emily or Tyler?

Charlie stops walking as he awaits the response to his question. The response seems to go on for a lot longer than necessary, as evidenced by the growing look of frustration stretching across Charlie’s face.

Where are they now?

Charlie nods along as he listens to his mysterious caller.

Okay, okay. Fuck, that’s awful, but it’s good to be in the loop. Lord knows that bitch Connie would never clue me in for things like this. Say, she hasn’t been bringing any other men over recently, has she?

Nickles cringes as he receives his answer.

Fuck…I hate that. Hey Cheddar Al, do me a favor? Next time that fucking prick leaves her place, be waiting in the backseat of his car for him. On that ride home, give him the ol’ Madison Dyson treatment. Aight? Can you do that for me, Cheddar Al?

The Nickleman grins from ear to ear as his mysterious caller tells him exactly what he wants to hear.

Good, good. That’s exactly what I pay you for, Al! Just make sure you keep living beneath that old bridge in the neighborhood park, it’s a great spot for keeping an eye on Connie and my little brats. Keep me updated, and I’ll keep making sure that you keep having plenty of methamphetamines to smoke.

Charlie sighs and rolls his eyes as the caller on the other end of the line berates him.

Ok ok, you shoot it up for the stronger high, I got it Cheddar Al. You do whatever the fuck you want to do with the meth I’m hooking you up with, I don’t give a shit dude! Just cool your jets and make sure you murder that motherfucker sticking it to the single mother of my children!

Charlie waits in silence as the caller continues to talk. Then, Nickles cuts him off.

Look Cheddar, I don’t give a shit about what the bugs trapped under your skin are telling you. The bugs under my skin keep telling me that Goldi isn’t real, but do you think I listen to them?! Fuck no! Those are just side-effects, man! And yeah I’m coming back to Steubenville, Cheddar, I mean no shit I’m coming back! Tyler is my favorite child, if he’s in the hospital I’m going to need to check up on him. I am sure he’ll love to see his daddy. And I’ll make sure I have your next pack when I’m rolling into the Stu’, trust the big chief on this one, Al.

Nickles abruptly ends the call before tucking his cellphone back into his pocket. He looks down at the championship belt hanging around his waist and caresses it’s gold softly as he speaks to it.

Looks like we’re going on a little trip back to my old stomping grounds, Goldi. I bet Tyler and Emily are going to be so excited to meet their new step-mom!

The screen fades to black for good as Charlie Nickles cackles maniacally offscreen.

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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Hit me, Reggie. FUCKING HIT ME! - by Charlie Nickles - 04-08-2022, 10:58 PM

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