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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » March Madness IV - RP Board 2022
There can be only one
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Thunder Knuckles™ Offline
A No Good Bastard

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-25-2022, 09:55 PM

There Can Be Only One

The scene starts with TK in Marty's body watching the long jump competition with Jimmy. Marty's brother, Bobert, is also standing on the other side of TK.

What should I do?

You've been training for a year, Marty you know what to do.

TK was clearly talking to Jimmy but Bobert can't see Jimmy. TK looks over at Bobert.

Will you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to strategize here.

Marty! Watch your mouth!

TK uncontrollably apologizes. Jimmy's laughing at the situation.

I'm sorry, Bobert...

You showed him, TK.

Jimmy thinks it's absolutely amazing to hear TK say that he's sorry so much. TK turns his attention from Bobert.

It's alright, Marty. I know you're ready to compete. I'm going to go get some popcorn your event is up next.

Robert walks away hoping that competition doesn't end up going to his brother's head. TK turns to look back at Jimmy, who still has a smile on his face from TK apologizing.

Well, mother fucker? What's the plan? Wipe that goddamn smile off your face too!

Jimmy is now trying to conceal his smile.

The only thing you can do, Thunder Knuckles. You have to take Bobby Bobby Kurgan's head or he'll take yours. It's the only way you can go back to your body.

TK isn't amused by this and you can see it on Marty's face as well. The Special Olympics announcer cuts in.

Ladies and gentlemen, our next event is about to take place! Please focus your attention on the center of the field. Sword fighting, it's coming up next!

Did you hear that?

Yeah, how the fuck couldn't I? We're next...

TK looks across the field to see Bobby Kurgan, who's as docile as a lamb.

How can he be so goddamn calm?

It's Bobby, man, he's always calm.

TK looks over at Jimmy blankly.

Until he's fucking not! He's the epitome of goddamn violence!


Jimmy trying to change the subject.

Did you see the sword Marty has been training with?


Oh, walk over here then.

The two men walk over to the rack of swords.

Which one is it?

It's that one.

Jimmy points at a Katana.

Dooooope. A ninja sword!

Jimmy corrects TK.

It's a Japanese Katana. It's lightweight and extremely sharp.

Shut the fuck up, Jimmy! You're such a goddamn nerd.

That wasn't very nice

Jimmy says this knowing full well what will happen. That's when the words Jimmy has been waiting years to hear happen.

I'm sorry, Jimmy.

Jimmy's smile enrages TK because he knows he was just tricked. TK takes a swipe at Jimmy, it goes right threw him.

You're so fucking lucky!

Yeah, I'm probably going to pay for that later but in case you die... I had to hear it just once.

TK nods his head because he knows that to be true.

Fair enough, fair enough. What's Bobby wielding there are tons of these swords?

Don't worry about which word he's using.

No, mother fucker, which one is he using? It's important to know what you're going up against. Isn't that what you're always going on and on about?

Jimmy, disgruntled, shows TK the sword Bobby Kurgan is going to be using by pointing at it. Once he does TK's eyes bulge out of Marty's head.


Jimmy trying to get TK to chill out.

You're yelling, calm down.

Of fucking course I'm yelling! Calm down, calm down, yeah right. That thing looks heavy as shit!

I'm sure it is. It's not the size of the sword that-

That's what small dicked mother fuckers say, Jimmy!

You're just going to have to be faster than him. That's all.

This is horse shit.

TK tries to pick up the sword Bobby Kurgan will be using but Marty's body is too weak to lift it.

Holy fuck...

TK is struggling to try to lift the huge sword.

Holy fuck...

TK gives up because he can't lift it.

What kind of goddamn sword is this?

Just take a deep breath, man. It's called a Great Sword.

TK does as Jimmy asks and shakes off his nerves.

How long do we have?

As soon as TK finishes his sentence the announcer chimes in.

Ladies and gentlemen, It's time for the sword fighting competition! Athletes prepare yourselves!

Jimmy nervously answers TK.

Looks like now. You better grab your sword.

TK shakes his head no.

You really don't have a choice. Unless...

TK jumps all over the phrase "Unless".

Unless what?

Unless you want to be stuck in Marty's body until he dies.

TK thinks about it for a second.

What are you doing?

I'm fucking thinking about it!

Jimmy instantly goes into full-on hype mode trying to rally TK.

GRAB YOUR SWORD! YOU'RE THUNDER KNUCKLES! Not one person in the world thinks you can defeat Bobby Kurgan but I DO!

TK nods his head in compliance.

You're right, Jimmy! I'm goddamn Thunder Knuckles! Former two-time Television Champion not some shit stain who can't get the fucking job done!

That's right! Now cut off Bobby Kurgan's damn head!


TK grabs his sword and heads to the center of the field as Bobby Kurgan slowly approaches the sword rack. TK makes it to the center of the field where he looks around and hears everyone cheering. Bobby Kurgan grabs his two-handed Great Sword with one hand, dragging the ground by his side, as he slowly meanders to the center of the field. Once both men are in the center of the field a whistle blows. TK pulls up his Katana like a baseball bat. Bobby Kurgan is still just standing there drooling on himself with his Great Sword dug into the ground where it stopped. TK shrugs and takes a swipe from the left and reflexively Bobby Kurgan blocks with swiftness. TK is in awe of how fast the big man is. Bobby Kurgan swings the Great Sword once again looking to cut TK into two. TK quickly jumps back just barely missing getting cut by the mighty swipe. TK rushes in but is met with a punch to the face knocking him flat on his ass. Bobby Kurgan raises his Great Sword over his head to deal a final blow aiming for TK's neck. TK sees this and quickly rolls out of the way as Bobby Kurgan's blade plunges into the earth. TK gets to his feet and swings his Katana but Kurgan blocks it again, this time sending dirt flying into the air. The crowd is loving this they chanting both Marty and Kurgan's names. TK is on more of offensive now swing this Katand high left, low right, swinging in the middle, all blocked by Kurgan's Great Sword. Kurgan throws a big boot to TK's chest knocking him on the ground once again. This time TK is ready for that kind of action. TK predicts that Bobby Kurgan would once again raise his Great Sword up high going for his neck. TK sneers at Bobby Kurgan grabs some dirt from the ground and yells out.

Pocket sand, mother fucker!

Bobby Kurgan screams out due to the dirt in his eyes. TK jumps up and goes for a death blow at the neck of Bobby Kurgan. Even though blinded Bobby Kurgan parried swiftly. TK can't believe it. Bobby Kugan continues to fight with dirt in his eyes, trying to shake it off, lunges forward trying to drive his Great Sword into the chest of TK. TK dodges the move kicking Bobby Kurgan square in the ass. Bobby Kurgan turns back around and nods at TK as if to say "good job". TK nods back to show respect to Bobby Kurgan. Kurgan swings his Great Sword at TK's knees, TK jumps over this move hitting Bobby Kurgan on the top of the head with the butt of the Katana's hilt. This staggers Kurgan but not for long. Kurgan again swings in the middle of TK's body. TK moves to his left ducking under the blade, ending up behind Bobby Kurgan, and slashes the back of Kurgan's right leg. This action ends up dropping Kurgan to one knee. Without hesitation, TK spins swinging his Katana catching the back of Kurgan's neck slicing all the way through. The blade is so sharp that Bobby Kurgan's head doesn't fall off his shoulders for three-point four seconds. As soon as Bobby Kurgan's head hit the ground the crowd is appalled. People are screaming wondering why this was even an event at the Special Olympics. Suddenly dark clouds begin swirling above the outdoor venue, thunder is roaring, and lighting strikes TK. Marty's body starts shining a blue light, then white, repeating over and over until TK is shot back to his own sleeping body in the year 2099. Almost as soon as TK enters his body he wakes up in a cold sweat and screams out.


Jimmy is right by TK's side as he wakes up. Jimmy softly places his hand on TK's shoulder to comfort him.

He's not here.

What the fuck do you mean he's not here.

When you decapitated Bobby Kurgan it killed-

TK cuts off Jimmy with tears in his eyes. Jimmy bows his head in condolence.

No, it cant be!

Jimmy raises his head back up looking TK dead in his eyes.

I told you, Thunder Knuckles. There can only be one.

The song "Memories" by Maroon 5 begins to play as the credits roll.

[Image: frnyKt7.png]


TK is still standing next to the posters of the final four in his tailor-made Tom Ford all-black suit. He seems in the zone and ready to go.

Radion, I hope you got your bitch womb ready cause this baby is about to be fire. I'm about to show all of you that there's more than one way to skin a goddamn cat. This mother fucker seems to think that because his opponents talk about him that he's viewed as some strong dude or some shit.

TK rolls his eyes.

Nothing can be farther from the goddamn truth. When your reputation in that ring is strong your opponents will seldom fucking challenge you.

TK nods his head because he knows he's telling the young talent the truth.

When you're weak, like Kid-o is, the attacks come from all fucking sides, like piranha to dead meat. Yet another damn difference between us. 'Ol Thunder Knuckles knows that true power lies in the ability to control your emotions. I've proven that Radion isn't capable of doing that, and thus, is unfit to be King. In just one match, with yours truly, he has shown more emotion than he has in his entire career. I'm certainly glad he knows he's swinging up when he's swinging at me. The thing is, this dude might be six foot but he's still only hitting me in the fucking knees. For a guy who says that shit doesn't bother him Radion sure fucking cried about it a goddamn bunch. You can't have it both ways, Kid-o. If that's what Shoguns do, thank fucking God, I'm looking to be King.

TK adjusts his triple folded pocket square. This is a signal to Todd in the truck to put up another graphic. This time it's of a Saint Seiya character crying with the words "None of that bothers me.", followed by the words, "Continues to cry about it."

[Image: 20220324_220737.gif]

I firmly believe in the ruling class seeing as I fucking rule. So, let me help guide this young talent. When you let someone control your emotions, they become your master. I'm so glad I can dictate your pace. The way I see it, there are only three kinds of people in this world. Bad ones, ones that follow their King, and ones that need protection. It's obvious you're the second option. I do need loyal subjects, after all.

TK winks into the camera for Raion.

Since we're on the subject and how Kid-o will become one of mine after the March Madness Finals. I feel that it's important for me to teach him. Directing your opponents with bait, stimulating their anger, and toying with their pride are all ways to disrupt their plans. This allows you to control them at your wish, just like I did you. You are more focused on the fact that 'Ol Thunder Knuckles made you look so foolish that it's all you can talk about. That is why I'm done with you.

TK flicks his hand, as if to say, move along peasant.

Before we go on any farther, as King, 'Ol Thunder Knuckles will be just like he is in the ring. That's right, mother fuckers, adaptable. Every good ruler has to be fluid. Standing in one place like a wall, against the tide of change, will slowly erode you into the sands of the beaches. I will also instill all my values in XWF. They'll be shining beacons of what you can accomplish here. Giving my people, the roster, the fans, and even management something to inspire to be.

TK nonchalantly brushes the dirt off his shoulders with an arrogant twinkle in his eye.

Pay attention fuck-wits because here's something none of you thought to do. What the fuck will you do as King? For 'Ol Thunder Knuckles that's easy. A King knows that an isolated kingdom is a vulnerable one. That's why once BOB's army is rebuilt. We will make alliances with other companies. The fortress we call XWF can quickly become a prison when you're surrounded by enemies.

TK narrows his eyes, judging those who don't believe him.

That's easier said than done. To gain true allies you have to be diplomatic and explain that our causes will benefit theirs. Goodwill is as thin as a communion wafer. However, mutual interest, now that's as thick as Charlie's ex-wife.

TK's toothy grin is showing until it's wiped off his face. He just began thinking about what he got to do next.

That brings us to my Bastardly Brother, Bobby Bourbon.

TK pauses for a second then cracks his neck.

Alright, as King you have to be aware of ANYONE who hypes you. That's right, Bobby, even you, my man. This is often a tactic to fucking disarm you. When the time comes I will deliver a Thunder Strike without any goddamn hesitation before it's too late to act. I'm entering the final four with boldness because entering timid. Nah, timid will only be met with some fucking strong opposition in the ring against Bobby Bourbon.

TK's eyes are like daggers staring into the camera. He's remaining calm but you can see the intensity behind his eyes.

Bobby my best advice to you is to surrender, don't allow yourself to be crushed because of honor. Next year, I'll sit in your corner and watch you take my place as King. There is no doubt in my goddamn mind that you desire to become King. Hell, I'd even say you deserve it, but, deserving it and beating your boy are two different fucking things.

With laser focus, he continues.

So, look no further your next king is here, going against my brother Bob, and I got a damn golden spear. 'Ol Thunder Knuckles got the fire so hot, that'll melt the wax in your ear. From this point on, things won't be the same. The roster will get spooked when they hear my name. Shit, I started out all about XBUX when I came in "the game". Then I caught traction and along came the fucking fame. From electric cages to singles competition, I'll beat them all, like a war of attrition.

TK gives his patent-pending jerking-off hand gesture.

For all the real ones that have been fucking with me since 19, my rookie day. Look at me now I want all the smoke, blow it my way. Bring me some real shit starters because I'll turn their punk asses into martyrs. I'm coming for Bobby harder than ever because I got a style that is a lot more clever. I'm about to show that I'm just a little bit better. Even Bobby's been saying that I possess something special. That's why my name as King is going to live on forever. With my finesse, I belong with the absolute best, hit the rest with a pop quiz, put them to the goddamn test. I must confess, on March 27th Bobby will be taking a rest.

TK takes both of his hands, puts them together, and simulates that they are a pillow, closes his eyes as he lays his head on the "pillow".

With all that said, when I walk out of the March Madness Finals as King and command respect with goddamn my awe-inspiring displays of fucking violence. I will have a coronation LIVE on Saturday Night Savage. Where I will be knighting Bobby Bourbon as my Minister of War.

TK pauses yet again for a moment placing his index finger on his chin.

I feel like I'm forgetting something...

Suddenly TK remembers and chuckles to himself.

Oh, yeah! Jenny Myst, L-O-L, I'm so very fucking glad you described me as Elvis. I mean, shit, you're definitely not becoming royalty but at least you know who's the fuc-King! I'd make you a royal concubine but I'm afraid of the itch I'd get from you won't be cured by a cream. That's not talking "ish" on Jenny Myst, that's speaking fact. You'll figure it out one day. You're dismissed.

TK's cocky grin is the last thing you see before the scene fades to a promotional hype video from Bastard Net. The video shows Connor Macleod saying, " There can only be one" as Queen's "Princes of the Universe" plays. This fades to a Bastard vs. Bastard screen before showing clips of both TK and Bobby Bourbon. The Battle of the Bastards! A match unrivaled at March Madness. Prepare yourselves for the carnage! Bastard versus Bastard!

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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[-] The following 8 users Like Thunder Knuckles™'s post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-26-2022), Atticus Gold (03-26-2022), Charlie Nickles (03-26-2022), Mark Flynn (03-25-2022), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (03-25-2022), Raion Kido (03-26-2022), Theo Pryce (03-26-2022), Vita Frickin Valenteen (03-26-2022)

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There can be only one - by Thunder Knuckles™ - 03-25-2022, 09:55 PM

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