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ANARCHY: Micro RP Show Alex Kincaid
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03-24-2022, 01:58 PM


In-Ring Name:
Alex Kincaid

Wrestler's Real Name:
Alexander Michael Kincaid

New to XWF or a returning roster member?:

Wrestler Date of Birth:
January 14th, 1987



Bearing, Alberta

Determined, if a little grim family man and self appointed guardian of the pro wrestling business. Can rub his coworkers the wrong way sometimes with how firm his opinions are...but he'll also be the first guy to have your back if you need help against a less savory wrestler.

Looks Description:
Messy brown hair, with a well maintained beard. Wears a single strip of black "war paint" under his left eye during matches. Black, pink and white wrestling trunks. Matching kneepads. Black boots and wrist tape.

Scottish-Canadian? Ask him and he'll tell you he's a mutt.

Pic Base, if any:
Bearded Henry Cavill

1. Surprising Agility: Kincaid's not a small man. He's over six feet. He's over two hundred pounds. Yet, he is shocking athletic when pushed. Many a times an opponent has thought he was finished off only for him to explode off the canvas with a flying dropkick or a sudden arm drag to regain the advantage. And hey, that's to say nothing of some of the more high flying bits of offense he has.

2. The Managers: One of the unique things about Kincaid is that he comes to ringside with two ringside managers. His wife, Alyssa Kincaid, is your typical girl next door supporter who's always trying to push him to do the right thing. When he's in a tough spot she's the one pounding on the apron and screaming for him to get back in the fight. He'll catch her looking worried about him, or afraid for him, and just the sight of her worried face will be enough to get him fired up and make him fight his way back into the match. On the other side is the devious Amelia Terrance. His newest business manager is the more tactical element of the team. She'll remind him when he's close enough to the ropes to grab him, or yell when an opponent is charging in...or even occasionally offer a way to cheat that might tempt him to take the easy way out.

3. Experienced Wrestler: He's been around the block. When he's calm, he rarely makes a stupid mistake. He's not a guy who wastes time arguing with the ref when an opponent pulls some sneaky garbage. He's not a guy who blindly chases an opponent out of the ring only to get stomped on when he reenters. He knows the game. He knows the tricks. He's played many of them himself.

1. Ego: Yeah, remember how I said when's he's calm he doesn't make stupid mistakes? That's because it is very, VERY easy to get under his skin. He just can't accept that he can't fight people on their own ground sometimes. Strikers can goad him into trading shots. Submission wrestlers who make him look silly on the mat can goad him into trading holds. High flyers can make him try to outpace them. He has a deep seeded need to prove he's the BEST at all times, but nobody is the best at everything.

2. Left Knee: Kincaid's got a long term left knee injury as a result of a botched dive to the outside where he smashed into the barricade. It's not an injury he can keep quiet. Since he's been around a while, it was one of the first really viral independent wrestling injuries to hit the internet. Very few people aren't aware of this big old vulnerability. It's Shawn Michaels back. Its Steve Austins neck. It's one of the things that comes to mind straight away when you think of Alex Kincaid.

3. The Managers: Oh hey! Here they are again. The problem with having them at ringside is that Kincaid truly cares about the both of them. The issue with that is that he'll do anything to protect them. Less savoury opponents can target the two women, and Kincaid will drop everything to protect them. This can lead him into scenarios that can get him easily picked off.

Entrance Theme Music:
"Feel the Same" by Battle Tapes

Special Entrance (if any):

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Fishermans Suplex
Belly to Belly Suplex

Trademark Move(s):
1. The Northstar Press

2. The Snapsmack

3. The Shatterstar

1. Shooting Star Press

2. Running Enzuigiri

3. Butterfly Suplex lift into Double Knee Chestbreaker

Finishing Move(s):

1. The Infinite Crash

2. The Bear Trap

1. Firemans Carry Michinoku Driver

2. Single Leg Boston Crab

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:
1. Bear Trap with a Chair: Kincaid will wrap his opponents knee up in a steel chair, then put on his half crab. With his opponents leg being wrenched against the chair, the damage is HIGHLY increased.

Additional notes:

A quick CAW picture to let you know how he looks in videogame.

[Image: FOpYQTLX0AQNGPX?format=jpg&name=4096x4096]

Messages In This Thread
Alex Kincaid - by Kincaid - 03-24-2022, 01:58 PM

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